Number 9: The Genetically Mod...

By everyday_imstumblin

1.5M 61.7K 15.8K

-Completed- [Definitely not your average Werewolf story, if you expect love at first sight - please thou sha... More

Number 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part l
Chapter 15 Part ll
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part I
Chapter 21 Part ll
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Part I
Chapter 29 Part II

Chapter 26

28.5K 1.3K 376
By everyday_imstumblin

Two solid months have passed and the days have been extremely slow for Slade.

Long and torturous.

But he was the Alpha, he had to be strong and lead his pack for whatever was to come. The council and Werewolf community were on high alert, giving Slade barely any time to search for his mate.

The only comfort he had was the mark on his neck. The very symbol that connects the two, a gift from the Moon Goddess for every soulmate. Once mated nothing other than death could separate them but even so, the mark would still remain as a reminder of your mate.

Currently Slade was stationed at Wolf-Guard, also known as the main stronghold of the council community. It was a vast land that covered many acres. Well away from humans and on private lands owned by the Were-community. If there was an attack, no humans would know. It would be for the best because what is to come would only be a bloody massacre.

Sighing heavily, Slade tiredly rubbed his eyes. Surrounding him were his father, Beta and a few men who represent the council. Others were running all over the place, it was almost strange to see the council in such disarray. But then again they never had a threat that could destroy everything that they had built up since their existence. It had come to everyone's attention that Victor who stayed quiet for a few months was back and clearly planning an attack on the council.

Victor didn't bother hiding his intentions. When Slade told the council of the new breed he created, they immediately went into action. All Alpha's were contacted and informed, every pack was guarded heavily but especially Wolf-Guard.

"DAMMIT!" A large man representing the council, slammed his fist into the table and almost shattering with his force. "Where the hell in that bastard?!!" He shouted in anger.

Just like the others, everyone was looking for Victor but like a snake, he easily slips through the cracks and hides in the shadows. With every Rogue activity suddenly disappearing, no one could get even a single lead. To the Were-leaders, it was scary to think that Victor had such a control and power over the Rogues. Slade was right to get rid of Victor as soon as possible but instead allowed him to gain immense strength, not only with the Rogues but also his research that could possibly be the end for the council community.

Slade not even bothering to calm the man down, only moved his hand to touch the mating mark. He sighed in relief in feeling the mark pulse under his touch.


The most Slade could do that would give him a chance to find his mate and save the Werewolf community was to find Victor and once he does...

Slade's eyes burned like the depths of Hell.

He was going to slaughter that bitch.

The door burst open. Everyone watched as the four intimidating but wise wolves strolled in. Two of them were old but lived to see the changes of the Werewolf community, the others were Slade's age. They were placed on the council for their change of perspective in the evolving younger generation.

"So what's the sitch?" Aust, the youngest asked. His never ending mischievous smile was placed on his boyish face.

Drak slapped the pup at the back of his head with his large hand. "This isn't the time to be joking." He said with a lack of emotion. Drak was practically Aust's babysitter and kept him out of trouble. Being scolded by that giant, anyone would cower under Drak's glare – except Aust who had no sense of danger.

"Enough." Vint sent a glare at the pair. He was known as the forever-angry-Werewolf. But where everyone may show empathy or skip around a sensitive subject, Vint was the type to give it to you straight and bluntly. Though not very liked, he was the most trusted because he would never lie when asked to answer a question.

Finally there was Tiyan, the commander. A strong and worthy Werewolf to be on top. Tiyan only seeks justice and aims for peace between Wolves and Humans alike. So when threatened, Tiyan is not a Werewolf to be taken lightly.

"Alpha Slade, any progress?" Tiyan asked after sending a respectful nod to Paul, his old friend.

Leaning over the table that was littered with a mix of laptops and papers. Grids and maps were on display as well as surveillance used to track any suspicious activity. The room was practically designed as an underground surveillance room to watch the outside world.

"Afraid not." Slade shook his head, "Since all Rogue activity has stopped we cannot find Victor and those that we hunted down and captured were all..." pausing, he grimaced at the councilman.

Slade's father continued for his son, "All Rogues captured were human-less. We could not get them to talk." He concluded.

All ignored as Aust whistled in awe.

Tiyan looked to Slade, "What do you think we should do?" In time, Tiyan knew that Alpha Slade would become the new commander as he was blessed by the Moon Goddess. He was a born leader, this was the perfect time to give him experience especially since his mate was also involved.

Where any other Werewolf male would be going crazy in searching for his mate, Alpha Slade was as calmly as he could to solve both problems. It showed that he could make sacrifices. Even the most important person to him.

Green eyes darkening, Slade stared at the man.

"What can we do." His voice almost unrecognisable as Slade held in his wild emotions. "We will wait. There's no point in looking for someone who does not want to be found. What we do is wait for Victor to reveal himself and make sure that we are prepared for whatever he brings." He said through clench jaws.

Everyone was silent for a moment, thinking about Slade's words and the struggle he went through to say it.

None of them could look Slade in the eye as a sign of respect because no male could so easily give up on looking for his mate.

"Are sure you could give up on your mate?" Vint asked without an ounce of pity.

"I'M NOT GIVING UP ON HER!!" Slade roared at the man, his body shaking and already about to shift. Snapping his head to the side so he didn't have to look at the man that would only anger him. Slade angrily growled before responding.

"Nine is the strongest person I know." His body started to calm down. "She will fight this." His breathing began to even out. Slade slowly turned his head and face everyone proudly.

"She is my Queen and we will meet again." He said that last part to Vint, as if silently challenging him to disagree.

Vint backed off.

"Very well then." Tiyan spoke, breaking the tension in the room. "We will do as Alpha Slade has said." He said loudly, all Wolves heard the message loud and clear.

The room shifted with a different kind of tension as Tiyan's eyes swept the room, gazing at the Werewolves.

"We prepare for war."

Slade touched the mark once more.

Just wait a little long Nine. Soon we will see each other again.



Nine felt that she was so far gone that she thought she heard Slade's voice. Even if it was just her imagination, Nine held on tightly to the thin thread. No matter what she would not let go, would not give up even the smallest chance.

If the beast could wait nineteen years for this moment, then so could she.

She just had to be strong. Just a little longer...

"Oh, she's still there." Nine snapped her head to see Victor through the eyes of Lycarion. He was standing over the beast and staring into his eyes. It sent a chill down Nine's spine because it was almost as if Victor was staring straight at her.

Like he could see her fear.

Looking away and shutting her eyes, Nine could not look at the man's smug face. The very man who she would always fear.

Just...a little longer, Nine. 

"Could you get your mutt-ugly face out of mine." Lycarion spat in irritation. Victor visibly scowled at the heavily breathing Lycan.

Two months and the damn human would not break. No matter what torture Victor done, Number Nine was still holding on. There were many times that Lycarion was close to killing him because he would push it just a little too far. Victor had to make sure he doesn't kill his greatest creation while trying to get rid of an annoying human.

His lips curled in disgust. Guess he would have to try another way.

"Well Lycan, it seems I have to try something else."

Lycarion let out an amused smirk. Victor narrowed his eyes at the Lycan, noting mentally in the way the he was developing human emotions and expressing them visibly. Interesting.

"Having trouble getting rid of a human? Pathetic."

In the next second, Lycarion's head was snapped to the side.

His pupils contracted into deadly slits and his eyes burned red as he slowly looked back at the dead man.

"You dare punch me?!" Lycarion stood to his full height in pure rage. His body reacted with his emotions and the chains began to crack under the force of his muscles tensing. His body oozing out his lethal aura and intent.

The Rogues nearby all cowered at the threat. Their instincts begging them to escape.

But not Victor who allowed a superior smirk to grace his face.

"Have you forgotten?" The power radiating off the Lycan just brushed off on Victor, as if it was nothing but an annoyance. He lift his head in arrogance. "I'm not the same man as two months ago."

To prove his point, Victor's own body began to transform. His body reacted to the many doses of Lycan blood he injected into himself. Muscles bulged, veins surfaced to the skin as blood rushed through all parts of his body – supplying max amount of oxygen as his heart pumped deeply.

Controlling his shift, Victor stopped transforming until he was in the perfect human form.

Half human and half Lycan.

Victor thrived on the power he felt within. He already tested out his power and knew in this form he could take on an Alpha. Though he would have to keep researching in order to fulfil the transformation and become the first Werewolf-Lycan. But he was impatient and greedy. He wanted to reveal the Werewolves to the world as the superior race but first he had to get rid of the pesky mutts that oppose him.

With his red eyes gleaming with exhilaration, Victor proved to Lycarion who was still the top Alpha.

"You dare stand above me, mutt!" He spat at the Lycan. Clearing his mind, Victor could feel his body pulse as he commanded the Lycan with the help of the Alpha mark.

"Lower yourself." He commanded in all seriousness and watched with eagerness as Lycarion stiffly lowered himself whilst still holding his gaze.

No matter whether you are a Werewolf or a Lycan – you always follow the command of those stronger than you.

If it wasn't the Lycan blood within him, Victor would not been able to command the Lycan so easily.

Victor smirked.

"Lower." He said. His tone revealed his amusement at the Lycan snapping his jaws but obeyed the order. In time Lycarion would adapt to his body and overcome Victor but for now, he was in the palm of his hands.

"Now let's get down to business." He stated and towered over Lycarion to mock him. The Lycan could only snarl like an angry dog.

"Number Nine."

Nine flinched at the sound of his emotionless voice. She had hoped that Victor had forgot about her, but it was useless. Once he has his sight on someone, there was no escaping.

"It seems that you are strong enough to withstand the physical torture, but then again I did a pretty good job on training you." Laughing in sick humour. Standing to his full height, Victor's face went blank but eye betrayed his malicious intent.

"Though I never prepared you for psychological torture."

Nine froze. She immediately went to block her ears and fell to her knees.

"Did you know, if you had just listened to me like an obedient pup, then dear Dexter would not be dead." Victor snarled without mercy.

"Please don't! Please don't!" She whispered desperately.

"It was all your fault."

Rocking back and forth she thought of something else but everything was useless.

"And just like him, I'll make sure your so called pack will join him. I'm sure Lycarion wouldn't mind helping out with that."

Every word could be heard clearly.

"Oh, we would have so much fun, Nine. Just like the old times." Lycarion grinned and Nine could feel his body hum with the thought of killing.

"After I killed everyone and leave them in a bloody mess," Lycarion chuckled in amusement. "I mean, you know how messy I get when I go into a frenzy." The memory of Mason's massacred pack flashed through her closed eyes but then the image changed to show Nine's pack. Lycarion forced her to think of all her friends and family dead before her. He made her remember the smell of fresh blood, the thrill of ripping bodies apart and finally, the lifeless look in the eyes of the dead.

Lycarion made her remember.

On the outside, Victor could see the white in the Lycan's eyes fade.

"Hmph. I'll leave this to you then." He said to the Lycan who was clearly enjoying more than Victor. Because whereas Victor wanted to get rid of the human to allow the Lycan to reach his full potential for the fight against the council, Lycarion's motive was to gain his own body back.

Once the human was gone, he would be something better than a pure blood Lycan. One that could evolve as time goes on.

"Guess it's the two of us now." Lycarion said in sarcasm. Shutting his eyes, he concentrated until he fell to the depths where Nine resided in.

Limbo would be the best way to describe the emptiness. Except of course the windows that allowed Nine to see what he saw. If Lycarion remembered it corrected, the saying would go something like the eyes are the window to the soul.

Either way, there was only the two of them. As it's always been.

A Lycan and a little girl.

But now, Lycarion would make that it would only be him.   

Leisurely, the Lycan creeped behind the huddled figure. His massive figure easily towered over Nine as she held in her tears and whimpers. His eyes held no emotion as he stared down at her.

"To think I wasted my time waiting, when you were always this weak." He spat mercilessly. "Just a helpless human. No way could you overcome me."

Lycarion leaned down, his sharp teeth inches away from Nine's ear.

"You will never be strong. Fade away human, no one needs you." He whispered harshly.

Nine lifted her head from her knees.

"S-Slade does!" she hiccupped, the last of her strength shone through her clear eyes. She cupped her neck and held on to it dearly.

Laughing humourlessly, Lycarion straightened up to his full seven foot height. "The Alpha? Your mate?" he scoffed, "Did you ever thing that his life would have been much happier without you in it?"

That struck Nine, her entire being shook. A blow straight to her heart that left her breathless. Her hand slowly moving away from the mark, until her finger tips were grazing it.

Lycarion smirked. He found extreme pleasure in this form of killing. Gave him the same thrill as tearing his victim apart. 

"Let's imagine it, shall we?" the arrogance radiated of the Lycan as he spoke. "If he never met you then he probably would have gotten another mate."

Please stop.

"Then he wouldn't have to deal with all those moments you broke his tender heart." He mocked and taunted in fake sympathy.

No! Nine bit her lip hard.

"His other mate would have made him much happier. I mean, they wouldn't have a beast lurking within them that didn't have the need to kill and let's not forget the fact that you will only cause problems for you dear mate and the pack. Remember the Lycan that came to challenge you."

Nine felt herself losing energy. Felt herself fighting a little less.

"Face it Nine." Lycarion spat out her name in disgust. "Everything started with you."

Her hand dropped away from her neck. Her body sagged, no energy was left to hold up the useless attempt to hide in her fatal position.

Lycarion moved around her to face Nine head on. He revelled in the look of her lifeless eyes as she stared blankly ahead. Her soul was visibly disappearing, starting from her feet and slowly inching up.

She was at her end.

"It's okay, Nine." He said and she slowly lifted her head to look at him as he delivered the final blow.

"All will end...when you die."

That thin thread that Nine held on for so long.


And so she fell.

Sorry Slade...I wasn't...strong enough.

The Beast chuckled heartlessly and watched with amused intent as the soul...vanished.


He was finally one with his own body.

Only one soul to control the power within.

Heart pounding loudly. Body prickly with pure excitement. Eyes...untainted.

The pureblood Lycan opened his crimson, bloodlust eyes.

"Finally, it's my turn." Lycarion's lips curled.


An unexplainable sharp wave of unbearable, raw pain burned through Slade's neck. The shock so sudden, the impact left him gasping for air and body immobilising. Slade could not hear the others shout out his name as his legs gave way and collapsed to the cold hard ground.

His eyes blurred as hot tears welled up in his eyes, disfiguring his sight.

He could only concentrate on the searing pain in his neck. It felt like thousands of iron hot blades were tearing at his skin.

Clawing at his mark


And then, it all stopped.

Gulping a lung full of air, Slade's head was spinning as he tried to sit up. But hands held him down, shouting something at him but all he could think of was his mate. Something happened to Nine!

"N-Nine!" he gasped out, once again trying to sit up. "Must – find her!"

Voices finally reached his ears. "Slade! Calm down!" One said, holding down the struggling Alpha.

"I-I-I can't!" Slade forced the hands away from him and got up to unsteady feet. His gripped the closest table to steady himself but forced his legs to walk to the door.

His father, and close friends were worried about him. Clearly had no clue to what was going on.

Paul stepped in front of his son. "Slade, tell us what's going on?" he asked calmly, holding his hands out to his son.

Instead of listening, Slade kept on mumbling breathlessly, "I have to- have to find her!"

A sharp sting once again shot through his neck, making him flinch and cup the area. Slade started to panic.

"The mark!" he exclaimed, eyes wide in fright. "I-I can't feel it! I CAN'T FEEL HER!!"

A sudden thought stopped Slade from a full out panic. He grabbed the closest person to him, which just so happened to be Nolan and commanded him in an eerily low voice.

"Is the mark still there?"

Nolan's terrified eyes moved to the Alpha's neck and watched as his hand slowly moved away. Slade watched Nolan's reaction carefully. But that one look, had him shoving Nolan out of the way in search of a mirror.

Finding the closest thing to one, Slade stared into the reflection.

His skin was scorched, leaving a dreadful red burn on his neck. Any sign of Nine's mark disintegrated into nothing, leaving no trace of her existence.


His wolf reached out to the shocked human.

Is she... d-

It pained him to even complete the sentence.

I don't know.

The news had Slade shutting down. His body refusing to operate. But it was the next few words that had Slade's heart and soul shatter.

But Slade...Nine...Nine is no longer our mate.   



Must! *furiously types*

Finish! *chugs down coffee*

This BOOK!!!! *increases speed of typing only to delete it all because it was complete gibberish*

See people, this what happens when you go to fast! :D

kekek, so anyway please tell me your thoughts about this chapter! Did you feel the evilness? Should i take it a step further?! *smirks super evilly*

I would love to write another addition of Timmy 101 buuuut i'm gunna go take a nap! Byeeeeee!!! Until next timmeeeee!!!

P.S for a very good reason this book is on hold so until then! *runs away and never returns*

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