This Is War! Continued...

By SierraLocklear2

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Hey guys! Grimtales134 here with "This Is War!" Ah! All is fair in war and death. Well maybe not. I'll pick w... More

Jason Vs. Tiffany

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By SierraLocklear2

Hello! Grimtales134 here with a battle between Jason and his stalker Tiffany. Enjoy! I own nothing, but the plot and OCs.

Jason's POV

I pulled up to my old rundown house. We got out the car and walked up to my house.

"Damn. This is scary. Are you sure this is the right place?" Yami asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Come on." I said as I opened the door. It creaked open and I walked inside. I walked to a door and open it. Steps lead down to another door where light shines underneath the door. I kicked the door down.

"Tiffany! Where are you?" I yelled as I walked inside the high underground lab my parents built. I heard her giggled. I turned around and growled.

"Jason! My love. I knew you would come to me!" Tiffany said.

"Where is Sarah?" I asked and she frowns.

"It's always her. You hang around with someone else. You're my boyfriend! She's just a freak!" Tiffany yells.

"She's not a freak. You are! I will never love a crazy bitch." I said as I growled. She glares at me and held up and remote with one button on it.

"Then I'll get rid of  her. And we'll be  together forever!" Tiffany said and pressed the button. Alarms went off and a capsule came down.

"Sarah!" I yelled as I ran up to her. Sarah looks at me and bangs on the glass. I began banging on it too as a green-ish yellow had flows into the capsule. Sarah's hits got weaker as she sways. Sarah stops and slides down to the bottom of the capsule. I stars at her as she slowly moved her hand to the side of the glass. I lined mine up with hers.

"Sarah, please. Don't go! Don't leave me! I love you!" I yelled as tears ran down my face and Sarah smiles. Her eyes slowly closed and her hand stops down to the bottom of the capsule. I was one lone tear run down her cheek and drips into the floor. My heart shattered into peices and I lowered my head as my bangs covers my eyes casting a shadow over them.

"Jason? What's wrong, love? Aren't you happy that the freak is gone? We can finally be together, right?" I heard Tiffany voice call out to me. 'Don't ever call Sarah that, you damn bitch!' I thought as I stood up and slowly turn to Tiffany.

Normal POV

Jason slowly turns to Tiffany as a a dark aura surrounds Jason. Jason looks up and his eyes fades away to white. His brown hair sticks up like a fire except his bangs. Tiffany looks at Jason as Yami and his gang steps back.

"Let's free the others while Jason and Tiffany fight." Seto said and they nodded.

"I don't think Jason would hit a girl." Yami said. Then Tiffany flee pass them and slams into a wall. Jason charged at her through the wall taking Tiffany with him.

"Nevermind that. Let's go get our lovers." Yami said as they ran towards the capsules that held them. No one noticed Sarah's fingers twiched. Yami and his gang get each of their lover our of the capsule.

"Get down!" Joey yells and everyone ducks down as Tiffany crashes through a capsule. Glass went everywhere. Tiffany coughs up a little bit blood onto the  floor and looks up. Jason walks pass his friends to Tiffany. He picks her up by the neck and Tiffany struggles as her feet barely touches the floor.

"Jason, please. Don't do this. I thought you loved me. I love you and got rid of that thing. She was trying to take you away from me!" Tiffany said as she gasped when Jason tightens his grip on her throat. A capsule shattered causing everyone to duck down. Jason drops Tiffany and ducks down. Tiffany looks up only to have her head cut off. Her body drops to the floor with a thud as her head was picked up. Everyone looks up and gasps. Jason stared straight ahead at where the one capsule was. There stood Sarah with blood dripping from her hand. In the other hand was Tiffany's head.

"No one call me a freak unless you want to dig your own grave." Sarah said. Everyone stares at her. Jason gets up and walks over to Sarah. The dark aura disappears as his blue eyes appeared in his eyes.

"Do you remember me?" Jason asked. Sarah tossed the head over her shoulder and slaps Jason.

"That's for being a bastard. And this..." Sarah said as she grabs Jason's shirt collar and smashes their lips together. She pulled away.

"Is for everything else." Sarah said. Then Jason picks Sarah up by the waist and spins her around.

"I love you! I love you! I love you so damn much!" Jason said as Sarah laughs. Everyone else either smiled, laughed, or kissed. Seto had kissed Joey and blushed. Joey pulled him in for another kiss making it longer as his cheeks turns pink.

"Finally! You two got together! Most stubborn people I have ever met." Malik exclaims causing everyone to laugh. Marik grabs Malik and leans him back.

"Marik! Let m- hmfg!" Malik was cut off by Marik kissing him on the lips. Malik's face turns pink. Jason sets Sarah down and kissed her. Sarah kissed back wrapping her arms around his neck. Then a loud cracking sound above them causing everyone to jump.

"What that fuck?" Bakura exclaims as a piece of the concrete roof fell. Sarah pushed Jason away as a huge chunk of the roof fell.  Sarah's body flows and catches it. Sarah grunts and throws the chunk to the side. Sarah catches a bigger chunk and was struggling.

"Go! Get out!" Sarah yells at them. Everyone began running. Jason stayed.

"I can't leave you!"" Jason yells. Sarah looks at him then Bakura comes in and grabs Jason. Jason struggles as he was pulled out of the room.

"Sarah!" Jason yelled as he and Bakura made it outside. Jason watched as the house collapsed.

"Nooo!" Jason yells. Everyone ducks as dust covers them. The dust clears and everyone looks down as Jason stares in disbelief at the destroyed house.

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