
By gracewatty

687 3 0


Chapter One (Part One)
Chapter One (Part Two)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eight Teen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty Final Chapter

Chapter Thirty Eight

6 0 0
By gracewatty

Farah's POV: 

Stella shook me awake with a big smile on her face. 
"Stella it is 8 am on a Saturday morning, what are you doing?" I asked annoyed. She knows how I need my sleep. 

"Shut up, today's the day your boyfriend is landing. Sorry for thinking you wanted to look nice..." 
I instantly sprang out of bed. 

"When's their flight landing? I have to get ready." I hurried to shower change and do my hair. It took me a record breaking 45 min. It usually takes me like two hours. 
Stella is a really laid back person, but even she wanted to look good for Niall. 
I wore a studded black tank with red skinny jeans and grey vans. While Stella wore a tank top with a maroon studded cardigan, grey jeans and black converse. 
Then we headed for Arabela and Veronica's apartment. We literally had to drag Arabela to come with us. She didn't want to see Rosie and Harry together. She told me if she did she was going to be sick. 
I rolled my eyes and ignored her overdramatic rambles. She wasn't going to make me feel bad, not today. 
Once we arrived at the airport we waited for them to come through the gates. The first thing I saw was Harry's chocolate mop bobbing up and down. I smiled. 
I was slammed into by a tight hug. Eva. Then the rest of the girl's hugged me. Isabel was nowhere to be found. 
In the side of my view, I saw Zayn who was beaming. I walked up to him and hugged him tight. It felt so good to actually be with him. This time I didn't cry, but he had glassy eyes. 

"Oh my god Farah." He said muffled into my hair. 

"Missed you." I managed. Once we finally pulled apart I noticed Stella hugging Niall almost as passionately as we were. They've only known each other for 3 months, but they act like they've been together for life. It was too cute. 
My eyes wandered to Arabela who was awkwardly greeting Harry, who had his arm around Rosie's waist. 
I glanced at Zayn and back at them. 
"I'm gonna go save her." I said as I walked over to them. 

"Harry!" I said reaching for a hug. He smiled and said his hello.

"Rosie! Hi! I see you're off the crutch, that's good." She smiled her contagious smile. 

"Well, my memory is still in a wheelchair." She joked. We all chuckled. Arabela really looked like she was going to be sick. I pulled her away and into the airport bathroom. I held her hair as she puked her brains out. 

"Oh my goodness Arabela, really?" I asked. 
In between gasps she managed. 

"I told you." 
When we left the bathroom everyone was already walking toward the parking lot, protected by security. I weaved my way through the crowd of fans that gathered, some gasped in amazement at the sight of us, some scowled. 

"Zayn!" I called. He turned around and sighed a sigh of relief before grabbing my hand and pulling me close to his side. 
Finally, when we made it to the parking lot some of us went in my car while others took a cab. I tossed my keys to Stella and got into the cab with Zayn. 
He threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me even closer. 

"I love you." He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. I turned my head toward him and as he caressed my face and he kissed me gently. 

"So you know how I said I wanted to take you somewhere?" he asked. I nodded my head. 
"I know you want to go so I got us plane tickets for Italy. We leave tomorrow morning." He said. I couldn't contain my happiness. 

"This is amazing Zayn! Thanks." I raved. I engulfed him with another kiss. 
            Stella's POV: 

Niall's warm smile looked at me distracting me as I tried to drive. He kept cracking jokes and making me laugh causing me to swerve. He's too perfect. 
            "Where's Isabel and Liam?" I asked Niall as we climbed out of the car. 
            "They stayed in London for some alone time." He said putting emphasis on the word alone. I chuckled imagining some pure alone time with Niall. We'd probably spend it eating anyway. 
The sleeping arrangements were Niall, Harry, Eva and Rosie in Veronica's apartment, and Louis, Kianna, Zayn and Alia in Arabela's apartment. Things were tight but we'd make it work. I spent the day at Veronica's place that turned into a party with all the people that were there of course Niall and I got drunk, so I just slept on the floor of the living room with Niall snoring beside me. This was the life.

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