The Unfortunate Tale of how I...

By Jeshhy

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A next generation harry potter fan fiction. The story of twins Evan and Elliae Thumbleton as they journey tho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

286 17 20
By Jeshhy

Dedicated to cilla848 for Kyle. Sorry for the late dedication, I don't know how I missed it.

DISCLAIMER: I own Evan, Elliae, Tristan, Abigail, Jenny, and Trevor.  Reece belongs to Stargirlx27, and Kyle belongs to cilla848. J.K Rowling owns everything else. 


I was shaking as I approached the sorting hat. The back of my neck was burning as I felt the entire schools eyes on me. Don’t trip, don’t trip, I told myself. First impressions meant everything. If I fell I’d be classed as the clumsy one for the next 7 years. Just stay quiet, sit down calmly and act relax. It’ll be fine. Oh god, no it wouldn’t. I somehow seemed to have forgotten how to walk like a normal person as I limped towards the platform. For goodness sake Elliae, pull yourself together! It’s just the most important moment of your life so far. Nothing to be afraid of.

I finally made it to the stool and slowly sat down. My body shook more than ever as the hat was placed upon my head. I bit my lip and waited.

“Hmm…perhaps…no,” The hat murmered. If hats could look thoughtful, this one sure did. “…Ravenclaw!” He boomed.

I breathed I sigh of relief. Ravenclaw was good. Better than good. My mother had been in Ravenclaw, and I just knew she’d be so proud when she found out. It was perfect.

I beamed at Evan, who was sitting over by the Griffindor table. He smiled at me supportively but I could see he was disappointed I wasn’t in Griffindor with him. I turned my head to the other side of the room to look at the Slytherin table where Toby sat. His expression was something between disgust and contempt. He shook his head and then began talking to the fair-haired boy next to him. I frowned and looked away. He couldn’t have been looking at me, I was sure of it.

Then came my next hurdle. Where to sit. I looked over the Ravenclaw table, looking for an empty spot. Everyone at the table looked friendly enough, and were all smiling at me. Seeing my indecision, a tall boy who looked to be in his 7th year suddenly stood up and beckoned me over. I gratefully rushed over and sat down.

“Tristan Flume,” He introduced himself, holding out his hand, “7th year.”

“Elliae Thumbleton,” I replied, taking his dirty hand cautiously.

He noticed my hesitation and whipped his hands on his trousers. “Sorry, had a little incident with an experimentation of my earlier.” He grinned. “Um, this is Jenny Tolipan,” He gestured to the girl on his left, “And Reece Bentley.” He pointed to the boy in front of him.

“Hey,” Jenny said with a friendly smile. Reece nodded.

A clamour sounded behind me and I turned to see a small girl on the ground hastily picking up dropped books.

“S-sorry, sorry,” She murmured, turning red as she scrambled about on the floor.

I quickly bent down and helped up gather her things. I felt bad for her, but a part of me was still relieved it wasn’t me.

“You okay?” I asked her. “I’m Elliae. Thumbleton, that is.” I said, trying to mimic the friendly demeanour of the older boy.

“A-Abigail Wagstaff,” She said as she stood up.



I smiled as I saw my sister making friends already. I was worried she’d be all alone without me, but she was doing a great job of reaching outside her comfort zone and talking to new people. She was going to be fine.

“-now let the feast begin!” The tall, thin man at the head of the hall boomed in conclusion. The laughter at the fallen girl quickly faded as lavish food appeared on the table. All at once people began to pile things onto their plates. The hardest choice was what to eat first. I settled for a piece of perfectly roasted chicken with potatoes and drowned it in the nicest looking gravy I’d ever laid eyes on. And it didn’t disappoint. I was astonished by the quality and pure taste as the first bite slid down my throat. Such flavour! I almost didn’t want to take a sip of my pumpkin juice and have the taste washed away.

Before long I was groaning from being so full. But there was still so much more to eat, I couldn’t bring myself to stop. I was going to make myself sick, but it would be worth it.

“So much to eat, so little stomach,” I heard the boy next to me sigh.

“Ugh, that’s it,” I groaned, slamming down the lamb chop on my plate. “I’m done. No more.”

“You and me both,” He said. “I’m Trevor Finnigan by the way. Three quarter blood. Me Granddad’s a muggle.”

“Evan Thumbleton. Pure blood.” I replied. “Got any other family here?”

“Just me cuz. He’s in Ravenclaw, which I reckon is rather odd as Ravenclaw’s are meant to be smart, and I’m just as smart as ‘em.”

“Sure, I believe that,” I laughed. “I gotta sister in Ravenclaw. She’s first year too.”

“Lucky girl, she’ll have ol’ Flitwick as Head of House. He was teaching when me Dad was at school, and he was old then!”

“You Irish?” I asked him.

“Nah, not meself, just most of me family. We go over there all the time, and ye kinda pick up an bit of accent off ye folks, ye know?”

It was then I noticed Albus was being rather quiet. He was looking at the table, his face a rather peculiar shade of green.

“Rose,” I said, pulling her out of her conversation with a 3rd year. “Albus doesn’t look so good.”

We looked at him when he suddenly clamped his hand over his mouth, a startled look on his face. Our expressions matched that of Albus as we exchanged glances.

“Go,” She ordered as we each hooked an arm around Albus and heaved him out of the Great Hall. We were half sprinting, half limping as we dragged him towards the nearest bathroom. We had to make it there before-

A lovely looking concoction of orange and pink splurted out of Albus’s mouth just as we entered the boys bathroom. It fell across the white tile in all directions. Almost made it.

“Argh, Al I told you not to eat too much!” Rose scolded him.

“Great. You don’t happen to know any spell to clean this up do you?” I asked Rose.

She shook her head. I groaned and went to the stall to grab a hunk of toilet paper. This was not how I imagined my first day at Hogwarts.

A casual whistling came from the door and a tall boy in Griffindor robes strode in. He took one look at Albus and the pinkish substance on the floor and shook his head.

“Always some first year who doesn’t know their limit,” He laughed. He looked at the bunched up toilet paper I was holding. “Need a hand?”

“Please,” I nodded.

He grinned and looked at Rose. She had frozen, and was staring at him like a possum caught in headlights. He coughed nervously and ran a hand through his spiky blonde hair. He awkwardly raised his wand and aimed it at the spew. The liquid contracted and shrunk and till it was so small it has disappeared.

“Well, that’s that.” He said. “Take care of him, eh?” He nodded at Albus.

Rose let out a nervous giggle, which earned an odd look from the 6th year. She then bolted out of the room.

“Strange girl,” He muttered as he entered the cubicle. 


Big thank you to Stargirlx27 and cilla848 for creating Reece and Kyle respectively. I'm sure we will see more of them in future chapters. Thanks to everyone who reads this, I hope you liked it! I'll try get the chapter up in about a week, but no promises. Please don't forget to comment telling me what you think, and voting or fanning if you really liked it. 

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