Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff th...

By thickerthandeath

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You live alone. You have one friend. You were an outcast. According to the rest of the world, anyways. You w... More

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
***Christmas Special***
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important A/N
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Quick A/N
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Prepare for Extreme Awkwardness in 3...2...1...
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43 **Jeff's Birthday Part One**
Chapter 44 **Jeff's Birthday Part Two**

Chapter 27

2K 73 37
By thickerthandeath

You groaned and rolled out of bed, slamming your fist down on your alarm clock. The day you dreaded had arrived.

It was time to go back to school.

You threw on black skinny jeans, your favorite shirt, and a (f/c) sweater (or hoodie). You fixed your hair to look moderately presentable, sloppily putting it in your favorite hairstyle.

You trudged downstairs, yawning. You went into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and a box of (favorite cereal). You poured the cereal into the bowl, and opened the fridge for milk. There was no milk.

You facepalmed. Why didn't you check for milk? You had no clue. You closed the fridge and grabbed an apple. You hurriedly ate it, your eyes falling on Slender as he walked into the kitchen.

"Why are you in such a hurry, (y/n)?" He questioned.

"School. I have a long way to go." You mumbled.

Slender stood there, seemingly inspecting you.

You felt awkward as you could practically feel his nonexistent gaze burning into you.

"Well uh... I'm gonna go now... So I'm not late... Yeah..." You offered a half smile as you grabbed your backpack and left for school.

As you walked through the forest, you plugged earbuds into your phone, and cranked the volume up, turning on your favorite song. You thought about what school would entail.

'Bullying, obnoxious students, shitty teachers, and a bunch of homework... Great.' You thought, rolling your eyes.

Normally, you were used to it. But normally, you had Austin to lean on, and hang out with. Now, you were going alone, seeing as Austin was not around at the moment.

There was also another issue relentlessly burning itself into your thoughts. Jeff. Ever since the kiss at the lake, Jeff's been ridiculously cold. He's been constantly avoiding you, and anytime you even tried to strike up a conversation with him, he came up with some lousy excuse and left the room. Sometimes, he left without even saying a word. Only shooting you a glare, or an irritated look. It was really starting to get on your nerves now. Though you were close with BEN and Flick, Jeff managed to weasel his way in and get the closest to you, save for Austin, who you had known for such a long time. Nonetheless, you and Jeff shared a close bond. One you thought wouldn't be broken so easily.

You finally made it out of the forest, and got to the nearby bus stop. You stood, waiting for the bus to round the corner. Suddenly, you felt yourself being pushed forward aggressively, into the road. Thankfully, no car was coming.

You spun around, seeing three people you knew all too well. Your eyes fell on the 'leader' of the group, Matt. He was tall, built, and stocky. Next to him was Rachel and Eric, holding hands.

Your eyes met Eric's, and memories of the last time you two met flashed through your mind. You could tell the same was happening to him.

"You don't have your little friend here with you? Did he ditch you, too? What was his name, again?" Matt smirked, looking at you with distaste.

"I'm surprised he stuck around as long as he did. I mean, being around you? Forget that. He probably won't talk to you ever again. I can't blame him." Rachel said, her high-pitched laugh hurting your ears.

You scoffed. "First, his name is Austin. And no, he didn't ditch me. He cares about the person behind the face. Second, I can't wait to see how you handle the real world acting like that. The real world is a rough place."

Rachel scowled and stepped forward, letting go of Eric's hand. She spat at you. "And what do you have? As far as I can tell, I'm all set."

You rolled your eyes. "Right. I forgot that you relied on your parents to get you everything. It's pretty sad that they have to pay for your A's."

Rachel laughed. "Again, what do you have? And have you even seen yourself? You're a joke. And your whole fucking family is dead. They're pretty lucky, don't you think?"

You stared at Rachel. Your family was a very touchy subject. Usually, Austin would help you out, or the two of you together would occupy yourselves with something else. Now, you had to wait for the bus to come.

"Oh, you won't even respond now? I figured you wouldn't. This is how it always goes. I say something, you almost cry, and your friends stops you from crying. But he isn't here, is he? Go ahead. Cry. It'll make me happy." Rachel said.

You remained silent, just staring at the trio. Eric didn't say anything. He didn't even spare you a glance.

You turned your music all the way up and tried to ignore the looks the group was giving you. It was best not to get too involved. Especially physically involved, which you so desperately wished you could do. When you had first started killing, you were sloppy, and somehow, the cops were led to believe that it could have been a teenager that committed the crime. Because you had a 'rocky' relationship with the victims' daughter- meaning, the two of you hated each other and had gotten in a fight before- you had been lightly questioned. Of course, the cops hadn't found anything in that, and ultimately decided that no kid in your high school would be able to carry out a murder. From then on, though, you made sure that you were careful, and never again made yourself a suspect due to some stupid argument. That being said, you just sat there and took all the harassment.

You saw the bus come rolling down the street, screeching to a halt in front of you. You began to step onto the bus. Rachel shoved you to the side, and pulled Eric into the bus before you could protest.

You thought Matt had gotten on with them, while you were off to the side. You climbed up the steps, and walked down the aisle.

Matt stepped on the back of your shoes and gave you a hard shove, sending you to the floor. You face smacked against the dirty ground, and your teeth tore into the inside of your lip. You could already taste the metallic red liquid coming out of the wound.

Matt stepped over you and joined the other two, the whole group in the back laughing at what happened.

You got to your feet and slid into an empty seat, keeping your eyes trained on the environment outside. There was no way you were going to even look at Matt and the others.

Even through your blaring music, you heard the group laughing, taunting, and making them of you. A banana peel landed in the empty spot next to you in the seat. It was going to be a long ride.

*time skip*

You made it to school in one piece, thankfully.

"Longest bus ride, ever." You muttered. You opened your locker and started throwing some binders and folders into it, only keeping what you needed for first period. You really wished Austin was here to help you through this. Unfortunately, wishes don't always come true.

You slammed your locker shut and began making your way towards math.

Once in the classroom, you spotted an empty chair in the back of the room. You sat down in it with a huge sigh, letting your bag drop down onto the ground beside you.

You glanced around at the other students in the classroom, trying to decipher who to stay away from, and who isn't all that bad.

Your eyes landed on an all-too-familiar figure at the front of the class. Well, two actually. Rachel and Eric. Lucky you. And Rachel wasn't the only one in this class that would pick on you. She had her little group of weak, insecure friends, who wanted to be her friend only because of her money, and her status. Basically, they were her puppets, and she could control them every which way to get the results she desired.

The bell rang, and class began.

Halfway through the class, as the teacher was going over the syllabus, a barrage of crunched up papers were sent your way. Some hit, some landed on your desk, and some just missed entirely.

You looked over at the group of giggling girls.

'How the hell am I going to survive this?' You thought to yourself, heaving out a sigh.

The teacher, Mr. Goodwin, cleared his throat and shot a glare at Rachel and her posse. He glanced your way, and continued going over the syllabus, annoyed at the previously cackling teens.

You looked out the window, getting lost in your thoughts.

*time skip*

Finally, school let out. The bell rang out, and every student in your science class jumped to their feet, rushing out.

You gathered your things and hurriedly went to your locker.

The minute you opened the metal locker, it was slammed shut.

Matt leaned down, getting too close to your face. "Did you enjoy your first day?"

You scowled slightly, opening your locker again.

Matt, once more, slammed it shut. He took a step closer and slapped your things out of your hands. Books and other supplies fell to the ground, a cacophony of sound erupting soon afterwards.

You felt Matt's strong hands shove you backwards, into some lockers. You  collided with the cool metal, and a dull pain echoed in your head.

"Not now." You murmured, staring at Matt.

"Shut up. You think today was hard? We were only getting started." Matt snorted, slamming his hand onto the lockers, next to your face. He leaned in close once more, allowing his unpleasant breath to assault your nose.

"Rachel and a couple of others will be here soon. We have a special 'Welcome Back' thing planned for you."

You smiled arrogantly. "Lucky for me, Mr. Goodwin is right over there." You jutted your chin out, motioning towards your tall teacher standing by his classroom door.

Matt turned to look, chuckling to himself.

You hurriedly grabbed your fallen possessions, and took your chance to leave while Matt was looking at Mr. Goodwin.

Not bothering to look back, you ran right out of the school's front doors, searching for your bus. It was nowhere in sight. The buses had all left already.

"Fuck." You cursed, running along the sidewalk.

"Fuck is right." Matt chuckled, grabbing the straps of your bag and yanking you back. He put his hands on your shoulders and gripped them tightly. "You had to make things worse for yourself, didn't you?"

"Let me go." You stomped on his foot, turning around, ready to retaliate.

Matt grabbed your shirt roughly and pulled you to him. "You left the only safety you had behind. There's no Mr. Goodwin to watch over you out here."

With that, he gripped you tightly and dragged you to the park. He forced you against a tree, holding his bulky arm on your neck, pinning it between him and the sturdy trunk behind you. You struggled to breath as Matt called Rachel, telling her to meet you two at the park.

Matt smirked at you, letting his eyes roam over you. "Now that I can actually get a good look at you, not bad."

You raised an eyebrow, gritting your teeth in anger.

"I'd fuck you." He chuckled, once again looking you up and down. "No rush. We have all year. I'll have to see what you look like after today."

A sick, perverted grin stretched itself across Matt's face as he held you in place.

"Look what we have here."

Rachel's annoying, high-pitched voice cut through the air.

"Have a good day at school?" She taunted. "We made it fun, didn't we? Now that you don't have that stupid boy with you."

Her friends laughed, as if her remarks were actually funny.

"What is your problem, anyways?" You glared at Rachel, trying to contain your anger.

"You. There's nothing I hate more than poor, ugly people with no family. I believe you fall under that category." She retorted.

You rolled your eyes. "This is getting old. You're so fucking insecure, it's ridiculous. Again, thinking your better than everyone because you have money. You deserve all the STD's you're gonna get this year."

Rachel's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?" She screeched, coming up to you. Her friends stayed back, as did Eric. Eric's eyes scanned yours, and his face seemed to hold some sort of sorrow in it.

You were still being held to the tree by Matt. Suddenly, you felt a sharp, stinging pain on your cheek.

Rachel had smacked you. She did it again. And again. And again.

"Newsflash, (y/n). The world doesn't care about people like you. No one's gonna miss you. No one is going to care." Rachel said with false pity, letting her bottom lip drown in a fake frown.

She punched you in the stomach a few times. You were still standing only because Matt's arm was keeping you up.

"You picked the wrong day to run." He whispered in your ear, releasing you.

Rachel punched you in the face this time, and you fell to the ground. She kicked you in the side. Once. Twice. Five times, ten times. Her friends joined in. Matt and Eric watched.

'Keep it in, (y/n), you can't do it. You can't hurt them.' You thought to yourself, grimacing in pain. 'You have to hold back. It'll be over soon.'

"Cat got your tongue, bitch? I didn't expect you to give in so soon. You must've grown weak over the summer." Rachel said, kneeling down. She slapped you on the cheek, hard.

"S-stop." You coughed, out of breath from the hits you took. 'I'm warning you.' It took all you had to keep yourself from striking back, or getting revenge. The urge to attack was increasingly getting stronger and you longed to give Rachel what she had coming. But you wouldn't. You don't kill minors. They still had time to change. Adults didn't.

Rachel's lips pulled up into a vicious grin. "Now that would ruin your first day, wouldn't it?"

"Babe, stop." Eric said, resting a hand on Rachel's shoulder.

"Eric, we just got started." She said, irritated.

"Rach, not cool." Eric argued. He looked at you with sympathy and pity, trying to end this before it escalated further.

"For fuck's sake, you used to be totally fine with this? What the fuck happened?" Rachel argued, standing up and glaring at her boyfriend.

You slowly sat up, grimacing in pain as you let your back rest against the firm trunk of a tree. You watched Eric with curious eyes. Thankful he made it stop, but angry that he didn't prevent it from happening in the first place.

"Babe, please." Eric pleaded, taking Rachel's hand.

Rachel ripped her hand away from Eric's and stormed away, followed by her posse, who were all chatting and complimenting Rachel.

Eric sighed, glancing at you apologetically before going after Rachel. This left you and Matt.

Matt took your hair in his hands and pulled it, causing your face to be angled up at his. He stared you in the eye.

You gritted your teeth in pain.

"Not too bad... 'Till next time." He laughed and walked off, releasing your hair blatantly.

'Why the fuck do I limit myself to only killing adult criminals, again?'

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