The 99 Poem Challenge ~ Basmi...


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The 99 Poem Challenge ~ Basmith0
1 - Prose
2 - Couplet
3 - Limerick
4 - Haiku
5 - Tanka
6 - Cinquain
7 - Acrostic
8 - Refrain "I wonder why"
10 - Sonnet
11 - Clerihew
12 - Nonet

9 - Ode

89 2 5

All my being waits for that time again, that time when adrenaline is thicker than blood in my veins. That time when every sense is heightened and filled. The sight of 60 of my friends, no, my family all come together fo a common purpose. The smell of mothballs, shoe polish, and freshly cut grass. The taste of a new reed in my mouth. The touch of cold metal. The sound of our director, our leader calling us forward for the most important fourteen minutes our our lives. The stadium lights glare. Sweat drips. The crowd cheers. The drum major puts her hands up. I take a deep breath, and march.

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