New Girl

By flowerchildDF

113K 2K 498

"You dropped this." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to look at what I dropped and realized it was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

5.8K 115 28
By flowerchildDF

The threat

I woke up earlier than usual so I got to school early. It was pouring outside so I decided to go to the library. I sat down on a chair with an empty table and took out the book that Ms. Debby assigned for the class to read, The Great Gatsby. I already read it at my old school, but it won't hurt rereading it, right? I pulled out the pencil from the book that I keep as my bookmark and placed it on the table.

"Hey," A husky voice said. I didn't have to look up to know who that was. Chris. My heart automatically skipped a beat at hearing his voice. I gave him a quick glance and went back to my book. He is the last person I wanted to talk to after yesterday. I know I shouldn't be acting like this, but it bugs me so much that he might be with another girl. "What's wrong?" He asked sitting down next to me. My heart started to pick up. I should not be having this reaction! What's wrong with me?! Stupid attachment.

"Nothing. I'm trying to read here." I said picking up the book so he could see.

"The Great Gatsby, I remember reading that book." He said. Wait, 'remember?'

"You're a senior?!" I asked shocked with my eyes wide open. He started chuckling at my reaction. "That's not funny." I said a bit too loudly.

"Shh!" The librarian had her finger on her lips. Oops. I apologized and looked back at Chris whom was giving me an amused look.

"So," I said after a while of silence. "You have a girlfriend..." I said. He stopped smiling and gave me a poker-face.

"Jealous?" He smirked causing me to get butterflies in my tummy.

"No!" I half yelled too fast. The librarian shushed us again. My cheeks started to burn up. I sighed and gave her another apology.

"I don't have one." He said answering my question while playing with my pencil.

"Really? Because I saw you pretty cozy with that girl after school yesterday." Did I say that out loud? I mentally slapped myself. I seriously need to think before speaking. I blushed feeling embarrassed. He chuckled.

"She's... from my past." He said sounding unsure. So he had something with her... The bell rang. I cleared my throat.

"Can I have my pencil back?" I asked him. He handed it to me and I placed it on the page I left off on, trying not to make a big deal of his hand touching mine.

"You use the pencil as your bookmark?" He asked chuckling. I gave a small smile shrugging.

"My bookmarks vary." I replied. He stared at me in what seemed to be curiosity, but as soon as I blinked it was gone. Now he just held a crooked grin showing off one dimple. He just has to look so damn attractive. I bit the inside of my cheek.

I put my stuff away and got up at the same time Chris did. We were just a few inches away from each other making me forgot how to breathe. We were both gazing at each other's eyes. His eyes were a dark dark brown. Almost black. They looked so intense, it was as if he could see deep into my soul. I looked away after what felt like hours and walked to my first period dazed, trying to get my heart rate back to normal. What is he doing to me?


I had a lot of catching up to do in Photography so I had to stay in class during lunch. Mr. Hunt taught me how to develop the film and print the pictures out, I just hope I'll remember all the steps when actually doing it. Once he was done explaining everything to me, I packed up my stuff and walked out to lunch.

I felt a vibrate coming from my bag. I dug through to get it, but I couldn't find it. I looked inside of it but I didn't see it anywhere; I dug in deeper and finally came across it. Not watching where I was going, I bumped into something small yet hard causing me to lose my balance. I looked up, and saw the girl Chris was with yesterday in the parking lot. Blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body, and extremely beautiful. Of course she's form his past. She's beautiful. I couldn't help, but feel insecure next to her. I groaned inwardly, already feeling myself get jealous again. I seriously have to stop this. But he's made it even more impossible after today's little run in.

"Stay away from Chris." She threatens me. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that this seemed really cliche -- and stupid.

"Seriously, you're threatening me?" I asked amused. She glares at me. Wow I must be a threat to her if she has the balls to confront me.

"I'm serious. Don't think that I didn't see you flirting with him. You know, just because everyone was talking about you your first day here, doesn't mean you're all that. The only thing those guys want from you is your cookie. You're not that pretty anyway." She said with a smirk.

"If I'm not that pretty then you have nothing to worry about." I stated and walked around her. She grabbed hold of my wrist making me turn around. I winced, the bruise that Drake gave me was still there. I looked up at the girl. What the hell is wrong with her? "Let go." I said through gritted teeth. Surprisingly, she did and I walked away once again. I could feel her eyes pointing daggers at me. Several people were staring at the scene she caused, but I ignored them. I grabbed my lunch and walked towards where Jess sat. I told her about my run in and she looked shocked.

"Do you know her?" Jessica asked smiling bemusedly.

"Nope." I said popping the 'p'.

"She must be super jealous for her to say you're not pretty." She laughed. The bell rang. "Hmmm... I wonder who she is, maybe it's the cheer-bitch... We'll figure it out later!" She said perky and cheerful. "See ya!" She said on her way to class. I smiled at her. She reminds me of an older version of my little sister, Katherine.

I went off to fourth period not being able to get Blondie and Chris out of my head; she's really pretty, I can't compete with that. Does Chris still have something going on with her? He said she was from his past. Maybe she wants to be with him again, but he doesn't want to. That doesn't make sense though, because she's really pretty, she looks like she's got it all, who wouldn't want to be with her? Or maybe they're friends with benefits?? Ugh. It makes me so... jealous. I inwardly groaned, how can I be jealous. No. I just need to forget about both of them.

If that's even possible...

I got to 6th period late, luckily though, Mr. Mango wasn't there. I sat down without saying a word to Chris. He looked at me in relief. I ignored him.

"OK class, the project I assigned a few days ago will be due tomorrow and there will be a new one assigned so don't be surprised when I hand out the instructions." Mr. Mango warned. There were a few groans from the students. "Get to work." He said and walked to his desk. I already finished the project yesterday so I have nothing to worry about.

"What did Emily tell you?" Chris asked looking at me worriedly.

"Who's Emily?" I asked with a frown. Her name sounded familiar... but I'm sure I haven't talked to or met an Emily.

"There were rumors going around that Emily bumped into you during lunch and that you two were arguing." He said. Emily... Emily... and that's when the light bulb switch went on in my head. She's the one Drake and his friends were talking about after the basketball game. She was the one that threw the after party! "Is it true?" He asked, making me snap out of it.

"What's it to you?" I asked trying to keep a hard exterior. Forget about him. Forget about him.

"So it's true." He kept pressing. I looked away rolling my eyes. Seriously, how am I supposed to forget about him when he keeps talking to me? It's your fault. You sat next to him. I gritted my teeth and huffed. In my defense, this is my seat, I was technically here first. "What did she say?" I looked up at him. Big mistake. I forgot how to breathe. My hard exterior melted away. He was so close to me and his eyes were gazing onto mine making it hard to look away. I took a deep breath and sighed trying to calm my heart down.

"She told me to stay away from you." I said. His eyes narrowed. "And that just because every guy was talking about me my first day here, doesn't mean I'm all that and that they just want my 'cookie'," I added my own quotation marks to the word making him raise his brows, "Also, that she saw me flirting with you. I think that was it." He nodded and took out his phone pressing buttons on it.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what?"

"For her." I nodded.

"It is what it is." I shrugged.

"She didn't do anything to you, right?" He asked unsure, putting his phone down. I unconsciously put a hand over my wrist. He noticed. He grabbed my hand and pulled up my coat. I was too shocked to stop him. He inhaled sharply. "She did that?" He asked through gritted teeth. I shook my head. The bruise was still there. It was barely starting to fade, but you could still see the trace of it. He caresses it gently sending me into a frenzy. "It was him." He stated solemnly. I nodded, not wanting to talk about it. He grimaced. "Did he hurt you anywhere else?" He asked. I pulled my hand away from him and shifted uncomfortably.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I told him in a quiet voice. I don't want him to know anything else about that night. He reached over and put his hand under my chin gently, making me look over at him.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?" He asked looking worried. Once again I unconsciously put a hand over my knee, where the other bruise was at. He caressed my knee making me grow dizzy. We continued staring at each their while he caresses my knee. His eyes held sorrow, worry, and... care. There wasn't an ounce of pity. His jaw was firm, making me want to run my hands over it. I felt calm. I felt...

The sound of loud laughter caused us to break out of our trance.

We stayed silent afterwards. I can't believe that just happened. What was that? I took out my phone and browsed through Facebook before going on Instagram trying to distract myself. There was nothing interesting on it. The only interesting thing was the guy that was sitting next to me.

"So... what do you usually do during the weekends?" Chris asked me.

"Nothing interesting, I mean we just moved here." I smiled. "I usually do homework, chores, read, or watch TV." He nodded.

"So you don't have any plans for this weekend?" He asked me.

"Uh, I Don't Think So." I said. My heart sped up. Why is he asking?

"Would you like to go ice skating?" He asked making me forget how to breathe. Did he just ask me out?

"I don't know how to skate." I said. He smiled showing his perfect white teeth.

"I don't either." And just like that, the bell rang. I grinned, a real genuine grin for the first time since my parents' divorce.


Picture of Emily on the side -->


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