Hidden Identity

By Kboo93

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Bella Swan has been keeping a secret. She is actually Isabella Potter. the twin sister of Harry Potter. It's... More

Chapter 1: leaving
Chapter 2 : the letters
Chapter 3 :family reunion
Chapter 4: The flight
Chapter 5: Wedding at the Weasley's
Chapter 6 : Death Eaters and RAB
Chapter 7 : The locket's where abouts
Chapter 8: Break In
Chapter 9: Thinking of you
Chapter 10: Failed attemps
Chapter 11: The night 4 became 3
Chapter 12: Thoughts on the Mountain
Chapter 13: This is strange
Chapter 14: Bathilda Bagshot
Chapter 15: The golden quartet
Chapter 16: An unexpected day out
Chapter 17: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 18: Dobby's grave
Chapter 19: The other side of the story
Chapter 20: The cottage on the beach
Chapter 21: Gringotts break in
Chapter 22: Going back to Hogwarts
Chapter 23 : School Reunion
Chapter 24: Fire in the Room of Requirement
Chapter 25: Memories
Chapter 26 : Walking to our deaths
Chapter 27: Re-awakening
Chapter 28: Now or never
Chapter 29: Returning to the family
Chapter 30: The begining of the story
Chapter 31: Quiditch, Trolls, Dogs and Detention
Chapter 32: The end of the first chapter
Chapter 33 : Into the mind
Chapter 33: Into the mind
Chapter 34: The snake attack
Chapter 35: Quiditch falls and Face changing
Chapter 36: Big spiders and finding the chamber
Chapter 37: Basilisk attacks
Chapter 38: coming back to reality
Chapter 39: In the eyes of a pixie
Chapter 40: Classes
Chapter 41: Sneaking through Hogwarts
Chapter 42: Quiditch games
Chapter 43: Finding Family
Chapter 44 : Going back in time
Chapter 45: The teddy bears veiw
Chapter 46: Tri-Wizard Champions
Chapter 47: Loosing your temper
Chapter 48: The girl in the black cape
Chapter 49: Task 1
Chapter 50: The kitchen
Chapter 51: Cinderellas ball and a mermaids splash
Chapter 52: The maze
Chapter 53: The end of a chapter
Chapter 54: Arizona
Chapter 55: Returning
Chapter 56: Returning to England
Chapter 57: Anger issues
Chapter 58: Pink Troll
Chapter 59: Snake like
Chapter 60: Winter holidays
Chapter 61: New Headmisstress of Hogwarts
Chapter 62: The Ministry (Part 1)
Chapter 63: Department of Mysteries (part 2)
Chapter 64: Witch in Forks
Chapter 65: Run in with the Nomands
Chapter 66: The siblings reunite
Chapter 68: Posession
Chapter 69: Treasure in the cove
Chapter 70: Dumbledores end
Chapter 71: The worst year of all
Chapter 72: Ministry and strange visions
Chapter 73: Rons' return
Chapter 74: Captured by Snatchers
Chapter 75: Escaping on a Dragon
Chapter 76: Finding the ghost
Chapter 77: Downfall
Chapter 78: The jump off the building
Chapter 79: Meeting the Family
Chapter 80: Trip to Italy
Chapter 81: I'm Bella Freakin Potter
Chapter 82: Funerals and friendships
Chapter 83: Mr and Mrs Cullen
Chapter 84: Potters, Cullens and a former Weasley
Chapter 85: The final battle
Chapter 86: King Cross Station
Chapter 87: St Mungo's Hospital
Chapter 88: Loss
Chapter 89: One final time

Chapter 67: Lucky potion

818 15 0
By Kboo93


"No Harry. Either we both go or we find another way to do it." Bella commanded. The four of them were sat in an empty commons room.

For some reason this room always seemed to be empty whenever they were in it.

"But Bella..." He whined in response.

"Come on Harry, there is enough of that potion for the two of us. So come on, hand it over." Harry sighed and as he did he passed over a small glass container filled with a clear liquid.

"What's that?" Emmett asked as he passed it over.

"That Felix Felicis also known as the lucky potion." Bella explained to him.

"You have a lucky potion." He repeated in disbelief.

Bella nodded, "Yeah, but they're hard to come across and when you do get them they only come in small portions."

Memory Bella twisted the top of the bottle and took a small swig before carefully passing it back over to her brother.

"So, how do you feel?" Hermione asked uncertainly once they had both finished drinking.

"Good." Bella nodded.

"Great even." Harry smiled.

"Remember, Slughorn eats early then takes a walk before going back to his office" Hermione reminded them.

"Nah. I'm not going." Bella responded.

"Wait! What? Harry." She turned to face him who just stared at her expressively.

"Nah." He shook his head.

"Then where are you two going?" Hermione asked with a confused look on her face.

"Hagrids Hut." They both said in unison.

The two didn't say anything but instead just stared at the two in silence.

"I have a really good feeling about going to Hagrids. Like it's the place to be." Bella turned to Harry who nodded in agreement, "You know what I mean?"

"No" The two shook their heads.

"Well Harry does, don't ya."

"Trust us Hermione." Harry agreed, "We know what we're doing."

Then they turned and walked out the room, leaving the two of them confused and stunned.

"That potion sure made the two of you act strange." Alice pointed out.

"I wouldn't say strange; just overly confident."

Harry and Bella left the common room and carried on walking until they were outside, over the school grounds and over to where the Herbology room was. From an empty window we could see Slughorn reaching in from the outside and taking something from one of the plants.

"Hello sir." Bella greeted chirpily; startling him and causing him to jump back.

"Ahh." He yelled startled, turning to face them, "What are you doing here?"

"Could ask you the same question sir." Harry smirked.

Slughorn looked down at the leaves in his hand, "Ah well Mandrake leaves are very good for a certain potion; though of course Madam Pomphrey doesn't improve of me taking them. Anyway shouldn't the two of you be inside? It's past curfew."

Harry turned away, "Nah we're going to Hagrids."

"What? No you can't do that without supervision."

"Then come with us sir." Harry said turning around momentarily to face him as he continued to walk down the slope towards Hagrids hut.

Slughorn looked concerned for a moment but then went ahead and followed them down the hill; yelling at them both to return back to the castle.

"Shhh sir, you don't want to wake anybody up." Bella shushed at him as they neared the hut.

However inside the hut Hagrid was not, instead he was stood outside. In front of him was a giant black, flurry blob.

"Hi Hagrid!" Bella and Harry greeted as they neared.

The moment they got close enough we could make out that the black, flurry blob was in fact not a black, flurry blob but instead a huge spider lying motionless on the floor; its knees high up above its head. It looked much like the one from second year.

Slughorn ran down the hill shortly afterward and went to stand by Hagrid.

"Blimey, you killed it?" He said in shock as he stared at the giant insect.

"That is really creepy." Rose shuddered.

"Really, I think it's cool." Emmett smirked and slowly walked to the dead creature.

"Don't you dare touch that Emmett McCartney!" Rosalie shrieked.

"Calm down Rosey I can't touch it; look" He swung his arm down towards it but instead his arm went right through.

"God no." Hagrid murmured, "He was my friend."

"Oh." Slughorn mumbled quietly.

"Yeah, natural causes" He said sobbing slightly, "He's been mine ever since he was small enough to fit in my hand. People always seemed to be scared of him; I don't know why, maybe it as his size."

"And the pinchers." Harry said taking both his index fingers and moving them in a pinching movement beside his mouth. Beside him Bella nodded her head and pursed her lips in agreement.

"Well what about a service." He asked uncertainly.

Hagrid just nodded his head, to sad to answer.

"How can he be so sad? It's an insect not a pet." Rose squealed, "It's gross."

"It may be gross to us but to him it was family." Esme told her.

"What was his name?" Slughorn asked Hagrid.

"Aragog." He sobbed. Meanwhile Harry reached over and patter the lower part of Hagrids arm.

"Farwell Aragog, king of the arachnids. You were faithful to those who knew you and though your body will decay your spirit will still linger; never to be forgotten. Farwell."

"That was great." Hagrid sobbed.

"Do you mind?" He asked taking a step forward with a small glass flask in his hand. Hagrid nodded.

"It's just that they're really had to come by."

Slughorn knelt beside the dead spider and placed the glass flask under one of his abnormally sharp teeth; a purple substance dropped from it and into the bottle.

"How about you to go and have a drink inside?" Bella suggested, shrugging her shoulders in one big motion.

Slughorn looked over at Hagrid as if waiting for an answer and when Hagrid agreed the four of them walked into the hut.

Bella walking with a skip and her arms swinging behind her. Both of them with a distant look on their faces.

"You two our acting so drunk." Emmett laughed.

"Hay blame the potion and not me." Bella told him.

"You never actually ever said what you were doing with Slughorn. What did Dumbledore want? What were you trying to do?" Edward asked her.

"Well Slughorn taught Tom when he was younger and they were quite close, Dumbledore had a memory from him about him telling Tom about forbidden spells except the memory had been changed. The real memory was about Horcruxes and Dumbledore wanted to use us to find a way to get the real memory off of him. Therefor we could find out exactly what he told him and what he knows so we could find what he did."

"Why did you have to do it?"

"Because Dumbledore knew that he would be drawn to us as we were 'famous'" She replied quoting the words with her fingers.

"And did you do it?" I asked.

"Maybe. But you'll have to find that out yourself."

The four of them went inside and as Harry and Bella sat in the corner the two men sat at the table, they're glasses filled with Fire whiskey.

Time passed and eventually, after a song, Hagrid became so drunk that he passed out. However Slughorn had yet to realise that he was asleep and therefor carried on to talk about his pet fish.

"Then one day I came down stairs to find him gone, just disappeared. Floating on top was a lily petal." Slughorn turned to face Harry and Bella who were now looking more serious, "And as I watched the petal sunk and as it reached the bottom it transformed into a new fish. It was from your mother, on the day that she..."

He looked down.

"I know what you want but I can't help you."

"Do you know how we survived professor? Because she sacrificed her life for us. Her love was more powerful than anything else." Harry said sternly.

"Don't let that be in vain." Bella finished softly.

Slughorn sighed, "I don't want you to think any different of me. Even then he was very persuasive." And even though his voice sounded unsure he took his wand and positioned it to his head. Taking the memory and placing it in a clear glass bottle, slowly handing it over to Bella.

"Thank you professor." She thanked with big eyes.

The two of them stood up, "We should get going." Harry said and then they left the hut; quietly closing the door in effort of not waking Hagrid.

Once they got outside they broke into a run.

"Wait should we cover ourselves?" Bella asked, stopping.

"I can't I didn't bring my cloak."

"Wait." Bella closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment before vanishing from eyes view. Grabbing onto Harry's out stretched hand, he also vanished and then the two carried on running again until they got back into the building.

"Should we go to Dumbledore now or should we wait till morning?" Harry asked uncertainly.

"This is about Voldemort, he'll want to know right away.

They made their way towards Dumbledore's spiral staircase, now visible.

As they approached, the star well opened and they both went inside. At the top Dumbledore was waiting for them.

"We did it professor!" Bella yelled as they neared him, "We got the memory"

"That is great. Well done." He smiled, His wide eyes gleaming over his half-moon spectacles.

Harry passed the small glass tube over to Dumbledore he took it greatfully.

"Come in."

He headed straight over to the pensive in which he kept in the corner of the room. Smiling, he took the cap off the bottle and poured the cloudy liquid into the clear water of the pensive.

"Are you ready to find out the truth of Voldemort's past." He asked them both.

Bella and Harry nodded before answering, "Yes"

At once, they all through their head into the water being transported into the memory. And as they so did we. The eight of us of us, plus memory Bella, Dumbledore and Harry leapt into the memory.

In the room was a young boy (Maybe 14) and behind him was a few others around his age too.

The rest began to leave however the main boy stayed. He had thin, pale skin and big green eyes. His hair was dark and stuck flat to his head. Hid eyes held something dark and evil though his face was smiling.

"You must get going Tom, you don't want detention." Slughorn smiled at the boy.

"Yes, I just wanted to ask you something sir."

"Go ahead."

"Well you see I was in the library the other day when I came across a book and I came across the term Horcruxes." His voice was calm and unemotional; as though he had done this a dozen times.

Slughorn froze on the spot, "That was some dark stuff you were reading about Tom. Stay away from that."

"But sir, what is a horcrux?" He asked questionably.

Slughorn turned to face him, His face forehead was creased with worried lines and his mouth was pulled down into a frown.

"A- a horcrux is when somebody splits their soul and transports it into another object. This then means that this person in un-killable unless the horcrux is destroyed."

"And say if somebody wanted to make one, how would they do that?"

"How am I to know Tom? Do I look like a murderer?" He yelled.

"No, of course not." Tom apologized.

Slughorn calmed and proceeded to talk, "One would have to do something horrible. Such as take another life in order to save their own."

"Do they only do one? Say if they wanted to make... say seven."

"SEVEN!" He yelped, "Wouldn't' splitting your soul into one be bad enough, never mind seven."

"Oh." Tom gasped.

"I think it's time for you to leave." Slughorn told him coldly.

Tom nodded and turned round, slowly making his way to the door with his head down; however as he walked by I could see the smirk on his face.

We all shot backwards, landing gracefully on the ground; except for memory Bella and Harry you fell backwards onto the floor. By the time they had gotten back up, Dumbledore was already sat behind his desk.

"So..." Bella drawed out as they walked over to him.

"So it is what I feared. Voldemort did make horcruxes as I had previously thought but now I know how many he has made."

"How many! He didn't just make one, or two..."

"He made seven."

"Seven." Esme gasped, "Doesn't that mean he had to kill seven people and lose seven parts of his soul."

"Yep" Bella nodded.

"So how do we find them? How do we destroy them? Destroy him." Harry asked urgently.

"Well two have already been found and destroyed and those are laid out in front of you." He gestured to the two objects in front of him. One was a small golden ring with plenty of scratches and tears. The other was a blackish/brown diary with the pages turned and a name scribbled in black ink on the front. It was Tom Riddles diary.

"Wait." Harry called, inspecting the book, "Isn't this..."

"Tom Riddles diary. Yes indeed it is."

"And... and the ring." Harry asked again.

"Well the ring I came across myself. You see the ring contains a curse to anyone who tries it on. And that is how I got this." Dumbledore motioned to his dead and blackened hand.

"God! How did I not notice that?" Rose gasped as she stared at his blackened hand.

"Isn't there a..." Bella got cut off.

"Sadly no, there is no cure. However my hand is not the purpose of this conversation."

"Anyhow I think I have found another Horcrux." Dumbledore started calmly.

"Really. Where!" The two said together.

"Well that has yet to be confirmed but when I have all the information I will come to you." Dumbledore said, "Now if I was you I would head back to your dorms. Get some sleep."

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