Od Im_Just_That_Awkward

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Chapter 1- My Car Broke Down
Chapter 2- Those Red Velvet Cupcakes
Chapter 3- The Noble Knight.
Chapter 4- Mr Pierce Gave Us A Quickie
Chapter 5- The Lone Stranger
Chapter 6- The Cave Has V.I.P's
Chapter 7- It's A Blushing Marathon
Chapter 8- Talk About Being Grumpy
Chapter 9- Baby's Can Erupt Into Volcanoes
Chapter 11- Alex Fights The Beasts
Chapter 12- His Heavenly Hugs
Chapter 13- The Dog Days Are Not Over
Chapter 14- This Cat Has Some Sassy Pants
Chapter 15- Day 1: Majestical Taco's
Chapter 16- Day 2: Those Perfect Eyebrows
Chapter 17- Day 3: A Night As A Sinner
Chapter 18- Day 4: Deja Vu's And Drunk Conversations
Chapter 19- Day 5: Sunscreen Lotions.
Chapter 20- Day 6: Blank Faces On Fleek
Chapter 21- Rainbow Smiles
Chapter 22- Arrow In Bear Beer
Chapter 23- A Cheesy Moon
Chapter 24- The Devil's Dollhouse
Chapter 25- Pretty Pumpkins
Chapter 26- The Scare
Chapter 27- Frost Bites.
Chapter 28- White Silk And Lace
Chapter 29- Frothy Bubbles.
Chapter 30- Stubbed Toes
Chapter 31- Crybaby and Filthy
overdue author's note.

Chapter 10- Too Many Awkward Silences

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Od Im_Just_That_Awkward

Hello Beautiful Creatures. Did you guys like the last chapter? This chapter is for all you hungry readers.  Okay so when I first started this book, I was just doing it for fun because I wasn't sure if it would be a hit or not. But now you lovely readers are beginning to change my perspective. So thank you all for being amazing people by commenting and voting. Positive comments are the best so thanks. Be aware... This chapter is pretty boring. Like honestly I feel asleep while writing this twice. Sorry.

Anyway lets start this...

Anastasia's POV

"Mom, which flowers did you want to be on the cover?" I asked her as I fiddled with my camera. Mom wanted to update the Stores websites and pamphlets. She stopped her watering for a second to think before answering me.

"Hmm the Amaryllis, the Gardenias and I think the Lotus's." She named them off. I nodded before searching for the flowers.

I looked at each flower until I stopped at the Amaryllis. I then made sure my camera was not out of focus, the lighting was perfect and I snapped the shot.

I looked at the photo I snapped and grinned. It came out perfect. I then took different angles of it so mom could have more options.

I did the same to the other flowers, each one coming out perfect and the grin got bigger. I loved photography, it just soothes me, you know?

"Honey, that looks beautiful." Becca praised me and I smiled at her shyly. Becca was probably one of the most down to earth ladies I have ever met.

She had short blonde hair that looked like it never moved, it was dead straight. Warm earthy green eyes that always shone bright. She was actually quite tall and towered over Mom and I. The twins definitely got their looks from their  Idiot of a Father, no offence to him. Bethany's father left them when she was 8, apparently he left with some young blonde haired girl that was 2 times younger than him. Yuck.

"Thank you Becca." I grinned and she carried on with her flower thingy's.

I was just about to take a couple of more shots before I hear my mom call me. "Yes?"

"Anna, you have been here since the start of day, you can go home now darling. You did a wonderful job, just upload those pics onto my lap top okay?" She quickly said and I almost didn't catch the sentence. I nodded at her and hugged her small frame.

"Do you need a ride home honey? It's almost dark." She looked outside. I knew she wanted to give me a ride but Becca and her had so much work to do around the store so I shook my head.

"Are you sure honey?" She furrowed her brows and looked worried but I laughed it off.

"I am sure mom, I'll walk quickly." I kissed her forehead and dashed out of the store before she could change my mind. The walk from the store to my house was about 35 minutes.

Lucky today wasn't cold today other wise I would have been freezing. My thin graphic shirt wouldn't of protect me. I walked in zig zags on the pavement because I was bored. I probably looked like I had escaped the Mental Institution.

After 5 minutes, I was regretting not taking up on mom's offer. It was getting darker now and the only source of lights were the dim street lights. They looked a bit crooked like it was leaning on a slant. Oh my god what if it falls on top of me?

I shook the silly thought and kept walking straight.

"I'm walking on sunshine, Woah. I'm walking on sunshine, Woah." I mumbled softly as I watched the house lights light up. I like that song it was so cute, you know?

I continued to sing until I heard foot steps. I froze for a moment before turning around. I didn't even get to scream because all I felt was an excruciating pain fill my head. God. And then blackness surrounded me just like that.

* * * *

I moaned when I felt the softness of the blankets covering me. God this was so soft. Like it was so warm too.

Ow. I moved my hand towards my head rubbing it, hoping it would lessen the pain. After a few moments the dull ache began to fade slowly. I groaned again as I clutched the blankets tighter to me. So warm. Then I froze. Holy crap I got kidnapped by someone.

I kept quiet to listen if could hear any noises before blinking my eyes open. I gasped when the light touched my eyes and shut it close for a moment before opening them again. I looked around the elegant room and gaped.

Holy crap.

Oh my lord.

Oh god.

Oh my goodness.

What the heck?

This was Mr Grumpy's room.

Did he kidnap me? But why? How could he do this to me? Oh god I got kidnapped by Mr Grumpy. My friend. Well, you kind of forced him to be your friend. Still, I can't believe he kidnapped me. Oh my god I should call the police shouldn't I? Wait. I don't have a phone. My parents. Oh god.

All these thoughts were bubbling up inside me. I began to panic for a second before managing to calm down. I slowly breathed out hoping it could calm my poor heart. That's it breathe.

I looked to my left and saw a glass of water with some painkillers. Quickly I swallowed the pills and and the water down. I sat in silence trying to think of why I was here. Did I do something? 

I looked around the room and It looked the same as it did the last time I came here. I got up slowly looking at the floor not wanting to trip over the blankets. My camera!

"Oh god, my baby." I felt my neck for the strap but there was nothing and then I looked around the room before a sigh of relief was released. There it was sitting beautifully on the table. I grinned and quickly retrieved it, holding it to my chest. Thank God Mr Grumpy didn't damage it. 

When I found his bathroom I saw a spare toothbrush laying in one of the shelves and brushed my teeth of course, like any sane person would.

The hallway was empty, I mean I know that it's just Jasper's family of four and I think Mr Grumpy living here. Why the hell do they need 15 bedrooms for five people? Oh is everyone going to have 3 rooms to themselves? Weirdo's.

But the question that lingered on my mind while I kept walking down the hallway was, Where was Mr Grumpy's family?

The curiosity was burning my insides but I kept walking until I found the stairs, finally. Then I walked to the kitchen which I remembered from the last time I was here.

The kitchen was empty and I was glad. I took a glass and poured me some Orange Juice. I know it was rude of me to help myself, but he did kidnap me. What am I going to tell my parents?

Just as I took a sip of my OJ someone cleared their throat. I was so startled that I accidentally dropped the glass that was probably worth $50, Oh god. I am so clumsy. 

I jumped away from the shattered glass and squealed when I felt someone catch me in mid air.  I felt their hard chest from behind my back. After a moment of silence, whoever it was placed me on the large Island that was situated in the middle of the kitchen. My legs dangled loosely and I hesitantly lifted my eyes up and stared into Mr Grumpy's.

I gasped before speaking. "Y-You! You kidnapped me."

He moved back and left me seated while he glared at me. "I did not!"

"Oh so how did I get here?" I squinted my eyes and waved my arms up and down looking like  jellyfish. He didn't answer he just turned around and began to walk.

"Hey Mr Grumpy. I can't get down!" I yelled at his back, the whole floor was covered with tiny pierces of glass laying every where. I heard a loud groan and saw him come and pick me up bridal style. I blushed as I looked at his blank face. He was really warm. Like hot. As in temperature. Of course. 

Did this seriously not affect him? He held me tight against him so I could feel his define chest. Must have been from all that fighting.  I mean I've never been this close to him before so this was new territory. He kept looking straight while I looked at him. I was hoping that he would show some expression. 

When he put me down on the comfy couch I began to blush. Only because he was staring at me like he could see my soul. I cleared my throat so that he could begin to talk. Woah he really didn't like to talk. 

"So are you going to explain." I motioned my hands between us after it got awkward. 

"No I don't need to explain myself." I gaped at him. God he was extra grumpy today. "Why the hell did you walk outside in the dark."

"Because. I don't need to explain myself." I used his words, I was pretty proud actually. Pat on the back for me. 

"Really?" He rolled his eyes at me and I squinted mine at him then I poked my tongue out. 

"You're really rude." I pointed out.

"I don't care." He hisses at me and I winced moving back a little. I kept staring back in his eyes which were trained on me. I fiddled my thumbs together as he analysed me. And only then did I notice that his knuckles was bruised. Did he get into another fight?

We sat in awkward silence until I saw  another figure leaning on the door frame. It was Jasper. "Hey Ana." 

"Oh my god, y-you were involved with the kidnapping as well? What? I thought we were friends." I pouted. I couldn't believe this. My two friends kidnapped me. I mean I thought if I were to be kidnapped it would be by Nikolai, who they claim is dangerous. 

Sure the guy looks and acts scary but that doesn't mean that we should judge them. I think everyone deserves a chance or so. 

"Ana, " He came towards me and tried to calm my panic state. I actually didn't even realise that I was panicking. I think that it now hit me again that I had been kidnapped. Oh my lord. I am too young. My friends kidnapped me. Oh god, my parents. Where is the police? I wish I had a phone right now. If only I took that rid-

"Hey, hey. Calm down." He said gently as he moved closer. I faintly saw Mr Grumpy in the corner of my eye staring at me blankly. "We didn't kidnap you." 

And just like that I calmed down a little bit. I looked into his eyes looking to see if he was lying but all I saw was pure honesty. 

"Okay." I breathed out. "What happen? Why did I black out?"

"Adrian would you like to explain?"Jasper looked at his friends who sat there glaring back at him.  "Okay... Well anyway Adrian here had a match last night at the Cave. Long story short after the match- which he of course won- went outside. And he saw you getting getting hit by some guy."

"Whoa." I said in disbelief. Who would just hit someone randomly?  "So what happened after?" I tucked my legs under my butt as I waited for his reply. 

"Oh you know, Adrian went all hulk on the guy. Looked like he was gonna explode." I giggled at this, I could totally imagine him as the Hulk. "Ana you should have seen the guys face after, I couldn't even tell if it was a face. And then he took you here." 

I smiled at Jasper before I drifted my eyes to Mr Grumpy who looked totally uncomfortable. "Thank you Mr Grumpy." 

He nodded back at me while his face was still blank. I didn't expect a reply but nevertheless I grinned. 

* * * * 

"Oh sweetheart, where have you been?" My mom rushed outside when she saw my face. I was just waking up the pathway when I felt my bones begin to crush. Her arms held me tighter. 

"Mom. I-I can't breath." I said and thankfully she released me. When I pulled back I felt her hands on my face checking it. I looked behind her and saw everyone; Dad, Beth, Cam, and Reece. 

"Oh you're alright." Tears pooled through her eyes and she laughed pulling me back into her. 

Then everyone else began to hug me and kiss my cheeks, the blush stayed on my cheeks permanently.  After everyone finished greeting me I remembered that Mr Grumpy was still here. I face palmed myself before turning around. 

"Mr-Adrian." His eyes landed on mine once I had called him. He was leaning against his bike looking like a total bad boy. Everyone then stilled when they saw his bad boy figure especially Dad and Reece. 

Grunting, he walked to me with of course a blank face. I expected it actually. 

"Who is this?" My mother eyed his with a grin and winked at me. I blushed under her gaze and saw that everyone's expression was different. Dad stood there tensed with a matching blank face like Mr Grumpy's. Reece was straight out glaring at Mr Grumpy. Bethany kept smirking at me. And well Cameron kept munching on his delicious Taco.

Hmm I want a Taco now. 


I wish I could marry a Taco.

But then I would eat it before we marry each other. 

But it's still yummy.

Snapping out of my mini Taco dream, I introduced a very blank Mr Grumpy to them. "This is Adrian. Adrian these are my parents Andrea and William. And I think you know my friends." 

He didn't say a word just nodded but he shook my fathers hand. Then it was awkward silence, god so many awkward silences today. 

"So how did my daughter end up with you?" Mom raised her brow at him and wiggled her wooden spoon at him which had just magically appeared in her grasp.

"I saved her." That's all it took for Mom, before she fired the question. Dear god. 

"What do you mean saved her? Did you hurt her? Are you lying? Do you take drugs? Do you drink? How old are you? Where do yo-" 

"Honey, calm down." Dad placed a hand of her arm pulling her closer to him. She looked back at me one more time before sighing. This was sooo embarrassing. Although Mr Grumpy did not look affected at all, where as I was a blazing strawberry. Do you even get blazing strawberry? 

"Sorry, what do you mean you saved her?" This time she had said it in a much calmer tone. 

"I was walking in the streets, and I saw her getting hit by a guy. I knocked him out and took her home." He bluntly said and my mother gasped clutching my dad. 

"Sweetheart is that true?" She looked at me for confirmation. Dad's eyes stayed steady on Mr Grumpy. 

"Yes mom, now stop harassing him." I pleaded quietly wanting this to be over. Oh god he probably thinks i'm a loony. Great. 

"Oh how can we ever repay you?" She cried out and Mr Grumpy looked a bit startled when she jumped on him and tackled his larger frame with a hug. I groaned out loud when I saw this. 

"Honey." My dad said before pulling her off of him. Oh god. My friends were snickering in the background. 

"Oh hush William. This lovely boy saved our daughter from being kidnapped or something even worse." She swatted dad's arm who just shook his head. 

"You don't need to repay me Mrs Wilkson." My eyebrows furrowed at this, how did he know my last name? 

"Oh you sweet boy. Are you friends with my daughter?" 

Before he could even say a word I blurted out a yes. They all looked at me with wondering eyes and I sheepishly grinned back. 

"I must get going." Mr Grumpy said to us and then my mom tackled him into another hug. Poor Mr Grumpy, he looked so awkward and patted her back then dad pulled her off him again. 

Everyone went inside so I could say goodbye to Mr Grumpy. Everyone was fine with him but Reece. Reece couldn't stop glaring at Mr Grumpy, I almost feared that he would burn a whole in Mr Grumpy's head. 

"Um sorry about my them they aren't usually like this." Lies. 

He didn't say anything he just nodded and strangled his bike. He looked straight down the street ignoring me.

"Um i'll see you around?" I suggested but I didn't think he heard me over the roar of his bike. I watched the back of his bike go down the street and sighed. 

I shook my head at him. Damn. 

"Ana, you want some Taco's?" I heard someone call out and all of a sudden I was running, faster than I have ever done. 


How was this chapter? Actually don't tell me. I promise next time it won't be so boring. Okay ATTENTION, so I am going to a beach house tomorrow so I have no clue if there is WIFI or not. SO don't be mad at me if I don't upload soon. And..... MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! LOVE YOU ALL, maybe.

Also sorry I am a ranter.. But don't you just hate it when someone's like... "It's a New Year, New Me."  Like Oh my god shut the eff up, *Rolls Eyes. Then high fives them with a chair.* 

QOTD: What 5 words would you use to describe yourself? 

Mine are Weird, Hungry, Awkward, Loud, and Exuberant. 

Don't forget to





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