When It All Comes Crashing Do...

By itskourtniee_

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"No, no, no! This cannot be happening!" My mother cried out. The funeral was last week, and now we are at the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

124 4 1
By itskourtniee_


Unknown POV

This is not going according to plan. Everything is going wrong. I don’t know how I’m going to fix it, but I need to figure out a way to. And I need to do so fast.

Brandon’s POV

I think I’ve fallen for Alicia already. She’s so gorgeous and she makes me smile and laugh. When I first saw her, my heart fluttered. That sounds really girly and gay, but it’s true! I think I’m in love.

When I asked her about her baby’s father, she tensed up. I could tell it was a very sensitive topic just by her body language. “I’d rather not talk about him right now.” She said in a low tone “Okay, that’s fine. No pressure!” I half laughed trying to lighten the mood.

After dinner, we went our separate ways and I drove home. When I reached the house, I walked in and said, “Ma! I’m home!” I walked over to the living room to see her and Bryson asleep on the floor where a pallet was made. I smiled and kissed her cheek before sliding Bryson out of her arms.

She woke up when I was about to walk away, “How was your date?” She yawned. “Hold on really quick while I go put my lil man in his crib.” I said before walking away. I went into my room and changed Bryson’s diaper and put him in a one zee. I covered him with his blanket and put his binky in his mouth before leaving and closing the door softly.

I walked back in the living room and saw my mom on the couch watching tv. “So, did you have fun?” She smiled at me “Yes, it was great!” I cheesed “I can tell. You haven’t been this happy since Janelle was here!” She said referring to my ex-girlfriend who passed away. “I think Alicia makes me happier. I know I just met her, but she just makes me feel so different.” I said in a daze.

“You remember when you were all sad when J passed? And I told you that all things happen for a reason?” I nodded my head yes “Maybe this is why it happened. Always remember, God works in mysterious ways!” She said before going into her room to go to sleep.

I sat there and thought about what she said for a while. Maybe she’s right. When Janelle passed, I had a really hard time focusing. I was also dealing with her parents trying to get full custody of Bryson and I couldn’t let that happen because I would never get to see him again.

They didn’t like me because I impregnated their daughter at such a young age. But I was going to take care of my responsibilities whether she was alive or not. Before going to sleep, I turned off the tv and straightened up the living room and kitchen. I went into my room and took a shower, then I started writing my graduation speech.

Sunday Morning: 11 AM

Alicia’s POV

Sandra was bugging me all night about my date. I was too tired to talk about it all, I told her that we’d go for a walk in the park today. When we met up at the park, she ambushed me with questions until I said, “Okay Sandra calm down! Just let me put Bre in this stroller and we can talk while we walk. I need to lose some of this baby weight anyway.” “Okay!” She replied.

I explained everything to her, I swear she squealed every three seconds. After I finished giving all the details about my date she said, “Oh my gosh! He seems so sweet! I need to meet him!” “Well, I guess you’ll be meeting him sooner than later!” I said “Huh?” “He’s right there coming our way with his son!” I said. I started to fix my hair and put on a little lip gloss before Sandra and I sat on a bench with Bre in her stroller in front of us.

“Hey, Alicia! Who is this?” He asked referring to Sandra. “This is my best friend Sandra, Sandra this is Brandon!” I smiled introducing the two. “Nice to meet you!” They both replied “Well, I need to get Bryson home for his nap, I’ll see y’all later.” He said before smiling and walking off.

I sighed as soon as he left. “Hello! Alicia?” Sandra said snapping me out of my daze. “Huh, oh. Sorry!” “Yeah, but um look who’s coming. It’s Daniel!” Sandra growled. “Come on. Let’s go before he gets any closer.” I said. As we began to walk away, he started jogging and caught up to us.

“Hey Alicia and Sandra.” He smiled “What do you want?” Sandra mugged him. “Damn ma, chill. I just wanted to say hello after doing my morning run.”He flexed his muscles. To say that I didn’t like it would be a complete lie, but I started thinking about how much I hated him and scoffed.

“Goodbye Daniel!” Sandra and I began to walk away as I pushed Bre in her stroller. “Is this your daughter? She’s so pretty!” He said. I ignored him and continued walking towards my car.

Daniel’s POV

“Alicia, please say something to me!” I pleaded as I grabbed her arm. “Let go of me!” She snatched her arm away from my grip.

“Please!” I begged “You want me to say something to you? Huh? Well how about this, I will not be your little hoe.” “That’s not what Kelsey said.” I replied. She scoffed and shook her head, “You’d rather listen to that scheming tramp than me? I tried to talk to you, but you decided to brush me off. So now, I don’t ever ever want to talk to again.” She started walking away.

I grabbed her arm again and pulled her towards me. “Get off of me!” She yelled as she struggled to get out of my grip. I was about to say something until someone beat me too it, “Get your hands off of my girl!” A male voice said from behind me. I turned around to see that it was the guy that she was talking to earlier.

He walked over to us and pulled her away from me. He stood in front of her and said, “What’s the problem here?” As he folded his arms over his chest. “Nothing.” I sighed as I looked over his shoulder to see Alicia behind him, looking scared out of her mind. “That’s what I thought!” He said as I walked away.

Brandon’s POV

When he walked away, I turned around to see Alicia in tears. “It’s okay baby girl, it’s okay!” I said as I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. “Hey, um Sandra. I know I don’t know you, but can you go to my car over there and check on my son? Here are the keys.” I pointed to my car and gave her my keys. “Sure!” She replied as she pushed Bre away in her stroller with her.

“What happened?” I asked as I sat on a bench and pulled Alicia into my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder before explaining to me what had just happened. “How do you know him?” I questioned her. She sighed before saying, “I guess I should tell you this, since I’m really liking you right now…” She then went on to tell me about her mom, Marcus, how she got pregnant, and why people don’t like her at school.

“I’m so sorry to hear all of that.” I said as I kissed her forehead “It’s fine. It’s just life I guess.” She said “That’s one of the things I like about you!” I smiled as I looked down at her “What?” “I like how strong you are, I didn’t know much about you until now. But even before, I could tell that you were very strong just by your demeanor.”

She smiled and kissed me for the first time. I swear I felt sparks fly, I’ve never felt this way before. I was upset when she pulled away, but I decided not to show it on my face. Instead I asked her, “Alicia? Will you be my girl?” She smiled and pulled me in for another kiss. “Does that answer your question?” She whispered against my lips. I nodded my head in a response.

“I know you don’t want to talk about this anymore.” I said as we stood up and held hands walking towards my car. “But, is that why you were so afraid of Daniel? Because you thought he’d do to you what Marcus does to your mom?” She simply nodded her head yes without saying a single word. “Well, you know I’ll always be there for you baby!” I whispered the last word in her ear making her blush.

“Yeah, I know baby!” She said mimicking me, except for the fact that she couldn’t really reach my ear. Even on her tippy toes.”You’re so short!” I laughed “Whatever!” She laughed to playfully pushing me. When we reached the car, we saw Sandra in the driver’s seat with the door open. Bre was in her stroller in front of Sandra, while Bryson was still in his car seat in the back.

“Thank you Sandy!” I said giving her a sidehug as she stepped out of the car. “No problem Brandy!” She said trying to give me a nick name as well. I shook my head laughing. “So, everything is all good?” She asked as she gave Alicia a hug. “Yup!” Alicia and I said. “Well, I’ve got to get going.” I said “Alright, see you later honey bunches.” Alicia laughed as she gave me a peck.

“That’s all I get?” I pouted. She chuckled and was kissing me until we were interrupted, “Okay lovebirds! The children are watching!” Sandra said. And sure enough, Bryson and Bre were looking at us. Alicia and I laughed before we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Sandra’s POV

When we were walking back to the car, Alicia was smiling so hard that she looked like a Cheshire cat. “So, when did you too become a thing?” I asked her. “Just now!” She replied. “I know you probably don’t want to talk about this, but were you afraid of Daniel because you thought he’d be like Marcus?” I asked her. “Yeah.” She said as she nodded her head, “But Brandon told me that he’d be there for me. I’m not really as scared now. He’s not always going to be there, but at least when he is Bre and I will be safe.” She smiled.

“He seems like a good guy. And maybe he’s the one that you were looking for, the one to be the father figure for Bre.” I told her as we reached our cars. “Well, I’ll see you ladies tomorrow.” I smiled as I kissed Bre’s cheek and gave Alicia another hug before getting in my car.

Alicia’s POV

What Sandra said really had me thinking. Maybe he is the one that’s supposed to be my daughters father…

A/N: Okay, I know this one is a tad bit shorter than usual. But it’s okay since I posted, right? Please vote, comment, and share my story. J

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