Beyond the Boundary (Mikaela...

By alice_hyakuya

231K 5.8K 2.7K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Extra Chapter ( Wolf and Sheep)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

10.2K 233 84
By alice_hyakuya

As soon as they emerge from the water, Ferid grabs her hand and pulls her out of the water "let's go (First Name)-chan...we need to go!!". Her eyes widen, as she tries to reach for Mika's hand, they disappeared.

~Time Skip~

Ferid throws her on the floor, she quickly stands up and walk away, saying "I'm going back to do your plan alone..". Ferid pins her to the wall, strangling her while his signature smiles plastered on his face "I won't let you go until I kill Krul, you understand?" He lets go of her neck, she falls down, coughing then glared at him.

~Time Skip~ (again~ hahahaha)

((A/N: I'm going to twist the original plot from here. Instead of Kimizuki's sister, I'll make (First Name) the fully transformed seraph here~))

As they arrived at Nagoya, Kureto captured her, she strangles to break free. Ferid walks to her and grips her chin, making her look at his eyes "be a good girl (First Name)-chan..we're step closer to our finale~". They injecting her with something, put her in the giant metal container box surrounded with talismans. As time passes by, her body becomes hotter, her breathing becomes heavier. She heard Shinoa's and others voice but one voice that make her somehow's Mika's voice. She screamed at pain as some metal tentacles attack the people outside the box. Her head screaming to kill more and more, kill all the sinful humans. The box breaks, revealing (First Name) in her seraph form, Mika's eyes widen "(F-First Name)...". He draws his sword and ready to attack Ferid but Yu and the others stop him "you!!!! what did you do to (First Name)!?". Ferid just smiled at him "you'll see Mika-chan~". (First Name) summons the fifth trumpet and blows into it. A bellowing sound sweeps over the battlefield as the landscape changes. Spikes emerge around the angel. Ferid and Crowley watch from afar. Kureto ordered to capture her. (First Name) is chained, Mika becomes more mad and charges forward to stop them doing all this things to her but Guren stops him and fight him, Yu and Kimizuki runs to Mika to help him with Guren. When Yu can't kill him, Guren stabs Yu on the chest while crying and smiling. (First Name) is possessed by the demon of destruction, Abaddon, who was summoned by the fifth trumpet. Abaddon throws giant blobs on the ground which scatter around the battlefield. Horsemen emerge from the blobs. They kill the humans and vampires standing nearby. Abaddon roars as Shinoa says they need to escape from that location. Yoichi urges Mika to get moving, but he insists that he needs to save (First Name). Mika continue charging in to get to her. Ferid and Kureto orders their soldiers to stop Mika from coming closer to her. Mika fights all the soldiers meanwhile Krul attacks (First Name). They have a fierce battle even though (First Name) is in her seraph form, she's having a bad time fighting Krul. Krul captures her neck and push her hard on the ground, creating a crate. As Krul strangles her, she's slowly turning back to her human form "why ain't dead!? How many times should I kill you to make Mika mine!!? I'll make sure to kill you this time!!" Mika saw what Krul doing to her. He become more angrier, he start running to their direction, killing all the soldiers in his way. (First Name) tries to break free from Krul's grip. Her eyes widen as a sword was pierced on her back, she looked back to see Ferid stabbed her "you can't do that my queen" he said smirking. Crowley make (First Name) sleep and takes her away. Ferid strangles Krul and drink her blood until she was dried out. Mika tries to get her from Crowley but he failed. Mika transforms to a seraph with one wing sprouted from his back, the soldiers retreated as Mika rampages the place. The whole Shinoa's squad tries to stop Mika. Yu hugged Mika tight, stopping him from his wrath "Mika...stop.." he said while crying. Mika lost his consciousness as he turned back to his human form.

~3 Months Later~

All the Shinoa's squad was standing by the shore, waiting for Mika and Yu. Yu came out first in his casual wear followed by Mika and his son. Mika was looking down, his son does too "we need to save her from them Yu-chan..I won't let them do whatever they want to her..". Yu smiled "of course! that's our plan too! Lets do our best Mika!" Yu cheerfully said as they start planning to take her back.


Author's Note:

woot! Woot! This will be last chapter of the book one! Watch out for the book two entitled "Saving Her!" and of course it will have more feels XD maybe. Thank you for the support, reads, votes, comments and follows. Hope you enjoyed this book. I hope to see you at the book two guys!

Owari no Seraph is not mine! @ to the owner/s.

Love lots with rainbow and sparkles:
alice_hyakuya ♪♬♡

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