Thrown Through Time

By fangirlsarecray

87.7K 3.3K 864

Three trios, from three generations, get swept up and all seem to end up lost in time! Harry Potter time tra... More

Lily, James, and Albus
Ginny, Ron, and Harry
James, Lily, and Sirius
Albus Dumbledore
Grimmauld Place
Back to Godric's Hollow
Number 4 Privet Drive
All Over the Place
Burned Alive
Malfoy Manor
A Short Time Captured
Leaving Shell Cottage
Life Changing
The Battle of Hogwarts
Dead or Alive
Frozen People
A Happy Ending
A Quick Promotion

The Inhabitants of Grimmauld

6.1K 220 125
By fangirlsarecray

Chapter 6

Noon, December 25th, 1995,

Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

Seven Weasleys (Charlie was in Romania and Percy is a git), Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter, had gathered in the large living room at Grimmauld Place. They were all quite distressed to see that in the group of nine facing them, there was another Ginny, Ron and Harry, and about three more of them looked a lot like Harry. On top of that, the two girls remaining looked almost identical and the last boy looked alarmingly like Sirius. One of the girls stepped forward with a big smile.

"Um, hello." she hesitated " I just wanted to say that, well, there is no easy way to say this. My name is, well you might react a little weird when I say this but you have to know I'm not who you think I am, but-"

"Get on with it!" Jamie ordered, obviously annoyed.

Luna took a deep breath and turned to her brother. Her eyes shot a stone cold glare at him.

"James, Fucking, Potter." Luna said, deathly calm. "I am at my last straw with you. I was literally just about to say my name but you just had to come in and put your nose where it doesn't belong. YOU CAN JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP AND LET ME GET ON WITH IT. I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU."

"Lily, calm down." James said softly

"NO. I WILL NOT CALM DOWN." she screamed at the other James "We are lost and helpless and all I want to do is run to my mother but, oh wait, I can't. You wanna know why? WE TIME TRAVELED AND I JUST WANTED TO TELL THEM THAT BUT YOU HAD TO INTERUPT ME, DIDN'T YOU. BOTH OF YOU."  Luna took another deep breath and turned back to the people of this time.

"I'm sorry for my outburst, but James Potter will be the death of me." she said with a calm face.

"James Potter?" Sirius said with his eyes wide

"Did you really time travel?" the Ginny of the time asked in a small voice

"Yes." her time traveling counterpart answered "Harry, Ron, and I came from 1998."

"James? James Potter?" Sirius said again

"Yes and no," Luna said "The James I was yelling at was not Prongs." Jaime opened his mouth to argue but Luna shut him up with another glare. "But he is James Potter."

"James Sirius Potter." Sirius whispered to himself "You're not Evans, are you?" he asked her. Luna shook her head.

"Do you remember?" Luna's eyes darted from the middle aged Sirius to the teenaged one, who had, surprisingly,remained silent the whole time.

"You were in Godric's Hollow that night." he muttered

"You don't remember time traveling?" Al raised his eyebrow

"Albus Severus." Sirius muttered

"What  are you muttering about, Sirius?" Molly Weasley demanded

"I know who those three are." he pointed to Luna, Jaime and Al. "That's James, Lily, and Al Potter"

"You do realise that's just going to confuse everyone, right?" the younger Sirius smirked

Older Sirius rolled his eyes. "Introduce yourselves then."

"Sirius is right," Luna started "I think the oldest should start first." Jamie started to step forward. "I meant by birth year." she offered him an apologetic smile.

The other James stepped forward. "My name is James Charlus Potter. My parents are Charlus and Dorea Potter." his eyes flicked to the older Remus and Sirius. The two stared right back.

"My names is Lily Marie Evans and my sister is Petunia, well I guess Dursley now."

"Sirius Orion Black the third." he offered no lineage like the other two did

"Harry James Potter. My parents are those two." he pointed to Lily and James.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley.I'm related to over half of you so you should know my family."

"Ginny Weasley." she didn't even bother to say her whole name. No one could blame her considering the morning she had. Ginny just hugged Harry and buried her face into his chest.

"If you wouldn't mind me asking," Hermione spoke up "but are the two of you dating?"

"More than that!" Jaime answered for them with a laugh "My names is James Sirius Potter and those two are my parents." all those who weren't time travelers just gaped at them.

"My name is Lily Luna Potter and as you can probably tell, I have a temper that rivals both my mother's and my grandmother's." she said with a laugh

"You can say that again." Fred weasley whispered to his twin, George. This earned him a smack on the back of the head from younger Ginny. The other ginny, as well as the older Ron, couldn't help but stare longingly at their brother.

"My name's Al." the last boy muttered.

"Say your full name." middle-aged Sirius ordered. "I want to know why." his face was stern and quite serious (no pun intended)

"You know why I didn't." Al shot back.

"Al, just do it." Luna rolled her eyes, with a sigh.

"Fine." Al grumbled "Albus Severus Potter." the same outbreak that happened when Al said his name to the time traveler, happened among the inhabitants of Grimmauld in 1995.

"Why?!" the younger Ron demanded "You can't tell me you agree with this!" he yelled at the older Harry.

"Well...." Harry trailed off

"You have go to be kidding me!" the younger Harry exclaimed "The guy hates me! I hate him! Why would you name your kid that?"

"He saved my life." The other Harry answered simply.

"So did Ron,but you didn't name a kid after him." said younger Harry

"What did he say when you met him? Snape I mean" George and Fred begged

"Never met the guy." Al shrugged

"Really? Why? I figured He'd be teaching at Hogwarts forever."

"Let's just say, I'm the only one who has met one of my namesakes sans time travel" Luna said quietly.

James caught on really quickly.

"But- him- you're named after padfoot!" he stuttered

Harry didn't answer but instead said to his godfather "It's good to see you again." Sirius paled even more, both of them.

"How the hell did Dumbledore die?!?!" Remus yelled

"He was poisoned by a horcrux ring and then finally killed by Snape on his orders." Ron said quietly.

Ginny got up suddenly and walked over to the twins. She pulled Fred into a big hug. The boy was a bit taken aback but returned the hug nonetheless.

"Ginny, what's wrong?" he asked her softly

"I just miss you." she sniffed. A couple more tears slipped down her face. "Both of you." she added giving George a hug too.

"Do they- does he- is he dead?" the younger Ginny stutter in a whisper

"No." Ron said quickly "We have just been away for a while."

A sudden crash was heard from the entryway. Mrs.Black started screaming profanities like there was no tomorrow.

"Ack-!" a voice exclaimed "Sorry, I- sorry. Oh! Would you shut it? Stupefy!" Nymphadora Tonks came into the doorway and was quickly disarmed by a flick of the wrist from Jamie.

"What'd you do that for?" she yelled at him. The others in the room reciprocated her outrage.

"If you think she wouldn't have shot first and asked questions later, then you are underestimating her." Jamie said, pointedly "Besides, it's not like we can really take any chances right now."

"You'd make a good Auror." Tonks realised

"If should hope so. I am one." Jamie laughed

Tonks raised her eyebrow

"You know her?" Sirius asked

"I probably know more about her than you. I know who she fancies and who she marries as well as her kid and her kid's godfather." Jamie rolled his eyes

"What are you, a seer?" Tonks said sarcastically

"Something like that." Luna snorted

"Would someone tell me what's going on?" Tonks asked, ignoring Luna.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." her cousin laughed

"Who are you?" she pointed to Jamie

"My name's James but among these people, I'm Jamie." he explained quickly "My siblings, call them Al and Luna." he gestured to each in turn

"Who are they?" Tonks pointed to the other six "And why do four of you look almost identical?"

"Well, to start with names, Sirius, James, Lily, Ron, Harry, and Ginny." Jamie pointed at them.

"Yeah I know Harry, Ginny, and Ron."

"We don't have time for this!" Al yelled suddenly. "Look, Tonks, we will have them explain it to you when we are done but for now, we don't have the time. Could you just trust us please?"

"Fine. But if you're ducking with me, you have another thing coming" she warned

"FUCK!" Luna exclaimed loudly

"What?!" Al demanded irritably



"Not you. Remus Lupin." Luna explained

"Yes?" Remus repeated

"No. Not you. Remus Bilius Lupin."

"What about him?" Al said, cutting off Remus from protesting again

"We were watching him for Teddy! Oh man he's going to kill us!" Luna said frantically

"Forget Teddy." Jamie scoffed "Victoire will kill us, revive us then kill us again. Then probably revive us once more for Bill and Fleur to murder us too."

"You do know that's her line, right?" Older Sirius raised his eyebrow

"I'm borrowing it." Jamie shrugged

"But what about Remus?" Luna pulled the conversation back on topic "What if he's in Godric's Hollow and we just left him there?"

"We have to go check." Al agreed.

After a bit of kerfuffle on who should go, the time travelers came upon agreement that all nine should go just in case they were thrown through time again. They said quick goodbyes to the resident of Grimmauld and set out into the cold street. They were all quite glad that they were all of age to make travel easy. They all apparated into the small street.

Except Al. He took it upon himself to sneak back into the house and obliviate all of them who had heard their story, he knew it might come back to them one day, like it did Sirius, but he knew it was better than nothing. He had quite a strong feeling that they would jump time again and he did not want to take that chance. He quickly followed his siblings and fellow time travelers to his house in the future. No sooner had he gotten there, Luna pounced on him.

"Where the hell were you?" she demanded

"I was never the best at apparition, Luna." he answered honestly "I had some troubles getting here and then I was in another place of the hollow." he added a fake smile to get her to believe his story.

"I'm just glad you're okay." she sighed."The other are already inside. Watch your step."

The scene changed.

The house wasn't in shambles like it had been moments ago, but all done up nicely. Luna and Al looked at each other and ran inside. Two shouts of 'Expelliarmus' disarmed them  immediately. They saw an adult Lily and James Potter with worried and confused looks on their faces. Their friends were in the corner, huddled together, wandless and worried. The older Lily and James had seemed to have a collection of them gathered in James' left hand. The only thing that seemed to be on their minds, time traveler or not, was 'Oh crap.'

(A/N: Thank you again for voting! Would one of you mind letting me know if this makes any sense? Because I got kind of confused while writing it so if you could just tell me if you understand the main plot points, that would be great! -Jul)

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