Hey there, Dakota.

By Live2loveU

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Hey there, Dakota.

author's note.

450 18 7
By Live2loveU

Okay, so it took some thinking over (mostly while I was falling alseep last night. However, I like to believe my brain works best at three in the morning); and I actually hated the chapter I posted up. It was rushed, and not thought over. And sometimes, yes, writing leads you somewhere, but in this case, it lead me to a dead end. 

I'll hope you forgive me for the inconvience, but I'm going to start the sequel from scratch. I have a few ideads that I'm going to stream off from. I think I'll take a great deal writing/editing the chapters so it ends up being enjoyable for you, and something I can be proud of. 

There will be more character development, and plot development. 

I think it'll be fun, and I hope you guys will stick around.


xx, megan. 

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