The Lake

By MGStoked

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Chapter One

13 0 0
By MGStoked

The sun carried its familiar warmth across the room and found its way onto my face. I automatically knew it was 6 AM. I woke up this time every morning the same way. I stretched silently, releasing a small groan. I stood, quickly changing into jeans and a plaid shirt. I looked across the room at Drake's bed. "Drake? Could I wear your hat today?" I asked the empty room. I nodded humbly and put on his hat. I walked out the room, closing the door behind me.

I made my way downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast, plain, before walking outside to feed and turn out the horses. I rarely spoke to people, but I had nothing against the animals. So I would go about informing them about the day ahead of them. Once I was through with the horses, and with my toast may I add, I walked back into the barn. My old boots echoed through the barn like the hoofs of the horses. Sighing, I collapsed on a bed of hay. I then did what I always do, I thought. I thought about what I would be doing if Drake were here. What new remarks father might have to say about me 'slaking off' or which ones he would use again. I've always been a simple guy, but people see me differently now that Drake is no longer alive. But there is one thing that I hate and will not stand for. Pity. I don't mind people ignoring me, I just don't want the proper girls in lace and nice clothing to send me their sad smiles. I hate that. I once yelled at a girl once when she tried to 'help me'. Ever since then, no one talks to me. And that's the way I like it.

The sun seemed to have ran towards me faster than usual. I hopped up and dusted myself from the stray pieces of hay and grabbed by bookbag by the rusty barn door before I ran towards the woods. There were thorns and bugs and snakes, but we all had an understandment and we were used to each other. It was just simpler this way to get to school. It took only about five minutes to get there through the woods and I wouldn't run into anyone who would slow me down or send me dirty looks. I slowed down my sprinting to a jog, I didn't have to worry about getting to school late. I blinked my eyes, trying to clear my vision, "AHH!" I tripped, and landed with a thud. But it wasn't a root or animal that made me topple over, no i had made a clear path to make it eaiser to travel. What really set me off was the girl sitting in the woods. She had slowly just now begun to walk towards the school. I didn't know her, which is strange because here we don't get much new people. I waited until she was out of sight before I got up and finished my jog to the school.

^^ link to what Ben saw in the woods.

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