You make me smile :)

By AnkitaGr8

3.1K 121 45

Samantha Peterson, better known as Sam, is the walking-talking example of a 'mean girl' who does what she fee... More

CHAPTER-1: Pilot
CHAPTER-2: Who said partying was fun?!
CHAPTER-3: The "hate" at first sight
CHAPTER-4: The "Deadly Confrontation"
CHAPTER-5: While she was asleep...
CHAPTER-6: The 'sweet mistake'
CHAPTER-7: Every girl doesn't fall for superman!
CHAPTER 8: The 'Nightmarish' Reality
CHAPTER-9: False Pretences
CHAPTER-10: Sleep Deprived
CHAPTER-11: Bestfriends
CHAPTER-12: The sleepover
CHAPTER-13: The Phonecall
CHAPTER-14: The unwanted help
CHAPTER-15: A crazy day
CHAPTER-16: Daddy Issues
CHAPTER-17: The love at first flight!

CHAPTER-18: The German Holiday

140 5 5
By AnkitaGr8

"Morning sunshine!" she heard a warm and comforting voice from behind her.

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked.

"About an hour. Why?" he asked, sounding amused.

"Cause the flight itself is about two hours long. That means we're almost there." she said.

"Yup!" he smiled and held her by the shoulder while resting his chin on her head.

"Alex? Why are you sniffing my hair?" she asked as she looked at him.

"Look! We've reached!" he exclaimed, quickly trying to change the topic and escape from all the awkwardness.

They got down from the private jet just to see a driver waiting at the Munich Airport to pick them up. Sam was bored of her ravishingly boring life that had her transported everywhere in private vehicles. Alex knew that something was up with her.

They got into the car. Alex was looking at Sam who was looking out the window and admiring the beauty of the place.

"How far are we from Augsburg?" she asked the driver.

"Not very far, Madam." said the driver, in a very strange accent which was very hard to catch.

"What's wrong? You've sighed all throughout the trip. And we're not even there yet." said Alex, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Alex." she said as she looked at him. He was so close to her, looking at her with his hypnotic eyes and his cute little smile that made her feel excited and comforted at the same time. His presence in itself made it hard for her to concentrate on what she was going to say.

"It''s nothing! Just a bit of a jet lag I think" she said, looking away from him.

After a long and rather silent travel in a car which could accommodate noisy wild crowds that would take the disco with them wherever they would go, the car stopped.

"Why are we stopping?" asked Sam in a rather put out tone.

"It's the car Madam. I think it needs repair." said the driver, checking the fuel tank.

"You think it needs repair? Since when do drivers think anything?" would have been her immediate reply, but she just sat there with her arms crossed waiting for the driver to get the car rolling again.

Alex was going through some magazines that were kept in the car and then he suddenly sprung from his seat. Sam got startled and started laughing.

"What are you doing all jumpy?" she said.

He just gave a shy grin and scratched the back of his head, which made Sam go cold in her toes.

"God! Why is he so gorgeous?" she thought and then began to fidget with her naturally perfect hair. She was busy thinking when Alex went out of the car. By the time she got out he had already crossed the bridge and was waving towards her from there.

"What are you doing?" Sam said angrily, but her voice didn't reach him. So she shouted even louder, yet it wasn't of much use. Then suddenly her phone began to vibrate. She took it out from the side pocket of her jeans. It was a text from Alex that read "Don't worry. Trust me. Be right back. Alex."

She hit the car door in anger, which closed with a thud. She was stranded in the middle of a forest with a million dollar non functioning car, alone. The driver had already left them to get somebody to repair the car from the city. So she sat in the car and waited, because that was all that she could do at that point of time.

She began to read the magazine that was kept on Alex's seat. She wanted to know what was Alex reading that got him so excited. Her curiosity was piqued!

She couldn't believe what she saw. The magazine was all about relationships, family ties and all that 'crappy' stuff that didn't matter to her. But as she opened the page that he was reading, she was shocked more than ever.

"Oh my God!" she thought and her eyes became so wide that they covered almost all of her face. The article read "How to be a Great Kisser?" and was full of things like, should one keep their eyes open...or closed when kissing? How would he know if she liked it etcetera.

But one thing about these weird articles is that they are hard not to read. So Sam read the whole six-page article and was craving for more. Then she called Alex who was MIA, and so was her mobile network. So she came out of the car to see if there was any network outside. She was walking in circles around the car when suddenly her phone caught a faint network. She immediately called Alex.

"Alex? Where the hell are you? How dare you just leave me behind like this?" she blurted out.

"Sam? I cant hear you! Poor network here." he said. His voice was coming muffled so Sam kept walking in the direction where she thought the network was getting better. In no time she found herself inside a dense forest with identical trees everywhere. There was no way of getting out of there unless she got lucky finding her way out.

"It's alright Samantha. You've been through worse. You can handle it." she said to herself taking two or three long, deep breaths. She kept walking and walking and circling through the same tree ten to twelve times. At last, all tired and drained out, she sat on the muddy forest floor not caring about her expensive dress.

"Sam trusted Alex, now she's lost in a forest. Alex is such an idiot, Sam is a bigger idiot!" she sang to herself, trying not to cry. She didn't cry but she was definitely more than just frightened of the voices coming from the bushes. So she sprang up and looked around her alertly.

"Sam, it's nothing. You're just freaked out." she said to herself. She heard a grumble and a roar from behind her. And froze like a statue right there. An then she ran for her life, not looking back even once. She ran and ran and ran until she bumped into a very solid structure. Her fear knew no bounds for now she screamed at the top of her voice. It was one deafening scream, a scream for life. And then, she blacked out.

"Sam! Sam! Wake up honey." she heard a smooth and deep voice. She knew it was him.

"You saved me" she smiled, her eyes closed and her head peacefully resting on his lap.

"I'll never leave you alone again Sam, ever again!" he swore and then kissed her on the forehead.

"Why had you left me anyway? Where are we? Oh no! The forest! How are we going to find our way out of here?" she said, her highly overworked mind getting back in action. She sat up and began to do what she was best at..worry.

"Come here. I know the way out." he said as he gave his hand to her for support. Actually he didn't just help her get up, he lifted her in his arms and began to walk.

"Alex, I don't think I'm that weak that I won't be able to get up on my two feet." she said, wrapping her arms around him so that she wouldn't fall, though she knew he wouldn't let her fall.

"I never said you can't. I'm just saying that I don't want you to exert yourself right now." he said as he kept walking, holding Sam close like some prized possession.

"Alex I think the limo is that way." she said as they were back on the road which she recognized immediately.

"I know, Sam." he said casually as he kept walking with her in his arms.

"I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes Samantha." he whispered in her ear.

"What are you going to get me big boy?" she said as she closed her eyes and tightened her grip on him.

He put her down and she opened her eyes. In front of her was a really old and classic vehicle. She jumped in glee and then burst out laughing.

"Wow! Alex! A moped! I love it! That's so sweet of you!." she said as she kept clapping and jumping like a baby.

"I bought these for safety sake." he said as he wrapped an old style jumbo helmet around her head and one around his own. This gesture of his & the size of the helmets made her laugh even more.

"Do you trust me?" he said getting on the old classy motorbike.

"I do. More than anything." she said as she said behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Then giddy up! This is going to be a hell of a ride!" he said as he started the engine and they headed towards Augsburg.

They were there in the beautiful city in no time. It was gorgeous with it's little shops and crowded streets. Sam was totally engrossed in the beauty of the city, gaping at everything and trying to take seep every bit of it into her. Then she looked at Alex and smiled.

"I saw the magazine you were reading." she said grinning at him as she approached him.

Alex felt really embarrassed and didn't know where to look.

Sam put her hands on his cheeks and said, "I thought, since we've both learnt a lot from that educational article, why not try it out?"

By the time Alex could gauge the meaning of Sam's words, she had already wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him.

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