I Am Gay. I Am Proud.

By AJGuyreads

3.5K 85 13

This is a compilation of stories about the teen gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transexual, and transgendered commun... More

Make It Stop
I Am Your Label, I Am Free
Legalize Gay Marriage in All Fifty States!
Since I'm Gay

I Am Gay. I Am Proud.

2.2K 29 2
By AJGuyreads

This is a compilation of stories about the teen gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transexual, and transgendered community, a group I strongly believe in and support.

Please, if you do not support the LGBT community, do NOT comment hateful things about them or my story. I will report you because I will not stand for bullying of any sort. 

These are stories about bullying, and about embracing your sexual orientation, whether you be gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgendered, transexual, etc.

People need to acknowledge how many teenagers and even adults commit suicide because of the outrageous amount of negativity and bullying they recieve for being homosexual. The hate HAS to end somewhere.

How many kids must die for you to see that? Why should kids be damned for their sexual orientation? Tell me, because I don't know.

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