Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

By blackdust

1.5M 17.6K 2.9K

Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cu... More

Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)
Chapter 1- past
Chapter 2- story
Chapter 3- hunt
chapter 4- smile
Chapter 5- game
chapter 6- deal
Chapter 7-shopping
Chapter 8- cliff
Chapter 9- wait
Chapter 10-return
Chapter 11-family
Chapter 12-time
chapter 13-sweet
Chapter 14- proposition
Chapter 15- rematch
Chapter 16-power
Chapter 18-confession
Chapter 19-reaction
Chapter 20- soccer
chapter 21-plan
chapter 22- talk
Chapter 23- sisters
Chapter 24
Chapter 25- call
chapter 26- desicion
chapter 27- back to forks
chapter 28- Charlie and Sue
Chapter 29- we are vampires
chapter 30- la push
Author's note! MUST READ!
Chapter 31- plans for the big day
Chapter 32- shopping for the big day
Chapter 33- the big day
Chapter 34- home sweet home
chapter 35
chapter 36- News
chapter 37- Baseball
Chapter 38- Max's birthday
Chapter 39- first date
Chapter 40- details
Chapter 41- First day
Chapter 42
Chapter 43- Choir
Chapter 44- Arcade
Chapter 45- Surprise
Chapter 46- note
Chapter 47- Hurt
Chapter 48- tears
Chapter 49- Gone
Chapter 50 - Comprehension
Chapter 51- Actions
Chapter 52-Fault
Chapter 53- Darkness
Chapter 54- Sense
Chapter 55- Revenge
Chapter 56- awake
Chapter 57
Chapter 58- apologies
Chapter 59- feelings
Chapter 60- Forever
Chapter 61- unexpected
Chapter 62- Answers
Chapter 63- complications
Chapter 64- Revelations
Chapter 65- Promise
Chapter 66- indecision
Chapter 67- Battle
Chapter 68- Victory
(FINAL CHAPTER) Chapter 69- Farewell

chapter 17- practice

22.6K 300 21
By blackdust

thank you for the support it means a lot! remember to vote, comment, like, fan and tweet. All rights are to Stephanie Meyer.

Chapter 17-practice

***Amelia's POV***

I woke up in my room. What happened again? Oh yeah went to the Denalis. Powers. Feel asleep when I came back. Got it. I looked around and everything was more defined. Again. Why is my eyesight getting better overnight? I stretched and got out of bed. Hey dad did you tell them my powers or did you keep to the promise? I thought. I left that to you Amelia promise kept. He said I was looking out for his thoughts I now can hear them better. Wait now I could hear his thoughts could I hear everyone else's? I can't wait to tell them! I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face. I might as well have a shower. I went into my closet and got out an outfit. I heard my door open I wonder who it is? It was Aunt Alice. She gave me a look.

"There is no way you are going to wear jeans today!" she said.

"But why?" I protested.

"You should wear a skirt or a dress!" she said.

"Tomorrow I promise I'll wear a skirt or dress tomorrow!" I said.

"Fine you have to wear one tomorrow and I'll give you a makeover." she said.

"Makeover? No way." I said.

"Remember you said that I could give you one well that is going to be tomorrow." she said. I was hoping that she wouldn't remember that.

"Okay then." I said. She gave me a smile and then left the room. Mum's right abd is a pixie. I exited my closet with my clothes and went into the bathroom. I took a shower and then got changed. I am wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt. It was kind of like a dress top because it was long. I brushed my wet hair and then went on my way to downstairs. I was just about to go down the steps but I thought I might as well dry my hair. I went back to my room and got a towel I rubbed it really hard against my head quickly as well. I took it off after a few minutes. I looked at my hair and it was completely dry. Cool. I got my brush again and brushed it. When I was finished I headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen. Mum and dad were in there.

"Good morning Amelia how was your sleep?" mum asked.

"It was good I just woke up a little confused." I said.

"I heard that." dad said with a smile on his face. I smiled back.

"I'll go get your food." mum said. She got my food off the counter and put it on the table. I sat down ready to eat. The food didn't smell as nice as it usually did but I still ate it.

"Have they guessed what my power is yet?" I asked.

"Yep. Emmett thinks it's super strength and speed. Jasper thinks it's something to do with knowing people's movements. Alice thinks it's something to do with reading my mind and seeing flashes of her future and Rose, Max and Esme are not sure what it is but they know it would be good." dad said.

"Have you given any clues?" I asked.

"We only said that you were very lucky." mum said. Come to think of it vampires don't usually get three powers. There has never been a vampire with three powers Amelia. I heard my dad think. I smiled at him and put my empty plate on the counter.

“Come to think of it I am. So where is everybody then?” I said

“In the family room let’s go.” Dad said. We left the kitchen and went into the family room. I went into the room and looked around. Again the only place I could sit was next to Max. I looked at him. He looked different, his eyes were more hazel then brown, his hair was lighter then before it had gold in it. The contours of his face were angular; he looked like he was thinking about something when he looked at him his full lips broke into a breathtaking smile. I smiled back and sat next to him.

“Hey Amelia what’s up?” he said.

“I’m excited- kind of about telling you guys my power you?” I said. Well powers would be correct.

“I’m curious what it is it could be anything!” he said.

“Okay Amelia stop stalling and tell us!” Uncle Emmett said.

“In a minute what did you guys do yesterday then?” I asked.

“Nothing important! Just tell us what you power is! It would be nice if you stop stalling!” Aunt Alice said. Well aren’t they excited?

“Okay my powers. What were they again? Oh I remember basically…” I said.

“Tell us now!” she demanded.

“Okay, okay you lot are making a really big deal about it! Okay, basically I have three powers-” I said but then I got interrupted.

“That’s impossible! You are lying!” uncle Em said.

“She not lying Emmett she is telling the truth!” mum said.

“Sorry, carry on.” He said.

“I’ve got three powers. The first one is that I could use everyone’s power against them. For instance I could read dad’s mind, see Aunt Alice’s future, feel Uncle Jasper’s emotions, I could put my hand on Reneesme's face and let her in my mind, I could be telepathic with Max and grandpa thinks that I could put mum’s shield around myself.” I said.

“That’s an awesome power!” Uncle Emmett said.

“Oh man and I thought only I could be a physic!” Aunt Alice complained.

“Wait if she could feel my emotions could she feel the emotions that I feel other people feel?” Uncle Jasper said.

“Does that mean by reading Edward’s mind she could also read ours?” Aunt Rosalie said.

“And see Alice see our future?” Grandma said.

“Could she stretch mom’s shield around more than one person?” Reneesme said. Wow they have a lot of questions! Max was the only one who was quiet.          

“Listen! I don’t know if I could do any of that. In time I would see. And I rather you ask questions after I explain the other two powers.” I said they all nodded.

“Okay the second power is that I know what people could do before they do it for instance if one of you were about to leave the room I would know that. I could also control people’s actions-” I said then I got interrupted by Uncle Jazz.

“I knew it!” he said.

“Can I finish please?” I said. He nodded. “The third power is that I’m kind of like a tracker, but better than Demetri whoever that is. When I want to find someone I don’t need their scent I would feel a pull to them.”

“Demetri is part of the Volturi he is the best vampire tracker there has ever been and you are better then him.” Uncle Jasper said. I looked closely at his face there was scars and bites all around his neck and jaw what happened to him?

“In a way I think I had the tracker power coming.” I said.

“What makes you say that?” Mum said.

“Two days before I came here the first time I was in Central America it should’ve taken me a week to get here. But I felt a pull so I came faster. But that was when I woke up before those two days I think I was unconscious. I was bitten by a vampire.” I said. I winced at the memories.

“I don’t get how you can be bitten seven times and still be part human.” Dad said.

“I’ve got a theory. I was born quarter vampire so there would be apart of me always human. I think after every bite I became more vampire e.g. faster, stronger, better senses, powers etc. I think that a vampire never sucked the life out of me because I might smell human but probably taste like a vampire.” I said. The theory sounds better then I thought.

“Interesting theory Amelia. I think I’ll discuss that with Carlisle.” Dad said. he must be at the hospital.

“It’s not fair you get all the awesome powers! Amelia can you do me a favour?” uncle Emmett said. This would be interesting.

“Depends what it is.” I said.

“Have a fight with your dad.” He said.

“No way.” I said.

“Please it would be interesting to know who would win. Because you both have the advantage to look inside each other’s mind to see what move they are going to do!” he said.

“No way I am not fighting with my dad.” I said. Come to think of it who would win? Wait I don’t even know on how to fight properly!

“You might cheat anyway by making him lose by controlling his actions.” He muttered I rolled my eyes.

“I bet you could beat the Volturi single-handedly. Well maybe with Bella’s help with the shield.” Uncle Jasper said.

“I don’t think I want to beat them they haven’t made my life hell. So I can’t randomly show up and beat them all. My mum told me that the Volturi were like vampire kings or royalty. And that they had laws and that if you broke those laws you would be on their bad side.” I said.

“That’s right they are like royalty and they do have laws. You pretty much have to follow those laws or you would have to face the consequence. Which is death. The leader is Aro. He is greedy he collects vampires with special powers. If they found out about you they would do anything to get you.” Dad explained. I nodded and let the information sink in. Note to self never go to the Volturi.

“Okay Amelia do you want to try out your powers?” mum said. I nodded.

“Me first!” Reneesme said. She got up and sat next to me. “Think of something and then put your hand on my cheek.” I nodded. Hmm… what should I think about? Oh yeah the time I beat Uncle Emmett at the game a few days ago. I put my hand on her cheek and recalled the memory. She laughed.

“What are you thinking about?” mum asked.     

“She’s remembering the time she beat Uncle Emmett at the game a few days ago.” Ness said. Everyone laughed.

“Okay! Now it’s my turn I’m going to make a decision to do something and you tell me what it is.” Aunt Alice said. I tried to concentrate on her future I saw a flash of her. She was putting make-up on somebody. I looked closely at that somebody and it was ME! Great I don’t look very happy. I tried to find something else it was her she was holding a camera she was going to take a picture of all of us.

“I saw you give me a makeover I got to say I didn’t look happy. And I saw you take a picture of all of us.” I said.

“Yes that’s right. But I’ll take it later when Carlisle’s hear as well. You could have a family picture in your scrap book.” She said. “The makeover is tomorrow don’t forget that.”

“It’ll be hard not to.” I said.

“Okay me now.” Uncle Jazz said. “Amelia how am I feeling?” I concentrated on him. He felt peaceful- a bit and a little thirsty otherwise he was calm and little bit of excited.

“You feel a little peaceful, a little thirsty, calm and a little excited.” I said.

“Okay now can you make me feel anything- happy, sad…” he said. I concentrated on him again and wanted to make him laugh. I kicked amusement in and he started to giggle and then chuckle and then burst out laughing. Everyone laughed with him. Then I decided to make him angry. He immediately stopped laughing and his eyes went black. He looks like kind of scary. So I kicked amusement back in. then I got bored and then made him normal.

“That was fun.” I said.

“Yeah I didn’t think I could giggle, chuckle and laugh at the same time.” He said.

“And now you have.” I said.

“Okay me now.” Max said. I turned around and looked at him.

“Okay how do I do the telepathic thing?” I asked.

“Like this.” he said then I heard his voice in my head. It was hey Amelia.

“Yeah that don’t help.” I said, he laughed.

“Basically think of something you want to tell me. And then you have to kind of send it my way.” He said. I nodded. I’ll say hello back. I focused on sending that his way- kind of. Hello Max. I thought. I wonder if it worked.

“Did you get it?” I asked.

“All I got was hell and then x. Try again.” He encouraged with a smile I smiled back and thought again hello Max. It felt kind of liked it worked.

“I heard it. That’s basically it you can send flashes as well. You just think of it and then send it. It becomes and second nature pretty quickly.” He said. I nodded.

“Okay me now.” Mum said. “Amelia can you feel my shield?” I focused on her and I kind of can.

“Kind of.” I said.

“Okay can you feel that you can stretch it?” she asked. I concentrated on it again and tried to put it. It moved a bit to my direction but not a lot.

“Kind of it’s a bit hard.” I said.

“I’ll make it easier for you I’ll stretch the shield around Jacob and then since it’s already stretched try to stretch it to you.” She said. I felt her shield go around Jacob. I concentrated on it again and tried to pull it my way. It was easier. I stretched it until I felt securely in it. It took a lot of effort but at least I tried.

“Am I in it?” I asked.

“Yes I can’t hear your thoughts.” dad said.

“The more you practice the easier it would become now try to stretch it over Reneesme.” Mum said. I nodded and focused again. It was harder since I wasn’t doing it around myself.

“Have I done it yet?” I asked.

“Kind of I could nearly hear her thoughts.” dad said. I nodded and concentrated some more. I felt her in the shield now. “You’ve done it I can’t hear her thoughts.” he said. I smiled.

“Now try to stretch it over Max.” mum said. I nodded and focused it was starting to get easier. I stretched it over him in half the time it took me to put it over Ness.

“I can’t hear his thoughts either.” Dad commented.

“Now try to do it over Alice and Jasper.” Mum said. They were the closet ones to me part from Ness and Max. The shield seemed stretchier so it wasn’t very hard.

“Done I think.”  I said.

“You have I can’t hear their thoughts either.” Dad said.

“Now over Emmett and Rose.” Mum said. I nodded it seemed to get easier and easier.

“Amelia you are very good at this.” mum said.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Now put it over Esme.” She said. I put it over grandma effortlessly.

“Ahh… peace and quiet.” Dad said. Everyone laughed well I don’t blame him it could be annoying hearing everyone’s thoughts all the time.

“Okay Amelia try to slowing take the shield off of them.” Mum said. I nodded and concentrated on slowly taking the shield off. I did it in a matter of minutes. When it was off everyone my head started to pound a bit.

“Amelia that was very impressive it took your mum longer to control it.” Dad said.

“Thanks but I think it was easier for me because it was easy for mum. If she just got the power it would be harder for me.” I said.

“Maybe.” He said.

“Do you want to try to take the shield off or do you want to do that tomorrow?” mum asked.

“Tomorrow I want to try controlling people.” I said eagerly.

“Okay Amie I’m going to try to do something and you have to tell me what it is.” Uncle Emmett said. Something was telling me that he was going to storm out the room.

“You are going to storm out of the room.” I said.

“That’s right what am I going to do now.” He said. Something was telling me that he was going to hold Aunt Rose in a bridal style.  

“You are going to hold Aunt Rose in a bridal style.” I said.

“Okay what am I going to do?” Aunt Alice said. She is going to… do ballet.

“Do ballet?” I said it sounded like a question.

“Yep.” She said.

“What am I going to do?” Ness asked. This was getting too easy.

“You are going to go to Jacob and lean on his chest.” I said I started to sound bored.

“Okay try to control me.” Max said.

“Okay.” I said. I’ll try to do something easy. I want him to stand up. Just then he stood up. Cool I could speak the commands. Well think.

“Did you make Max do that?” mum said.

“Yes I thought the command I wonder if could do it mentally.” I said. I concentrated on Max he started to move a bit. He moved a bit forward and was about to trip. In a way he felt like puppet and I was the puppet master. Then he twirled.

“Amelia are you doing this?” max asked.

“Yes I’m just trying it out. Do you feel in control of yourself?” I said.

“Not when you try to move me.” He said.

“Try to move by yourself.” I said.

“Okay.” He said. He tried to move his left foot. ”Okay this is hard.” He said. I smiled. He was just about to fall down. But I caught him before he could hurt himself. I set him up straight and let go of him. And then I just realized I could have controlled the fall. Oh well.

“I want to try if I could control more than one person. Can I have a volunteer?” I said.

“Me! Pick me!” Uncle Emmett said. Everyone laughed.

“Okay you then.” I said. I tried to make both of them unable to move. Like to freeze. And they did it was hard but not as hard as moving the shield. 

“I can’t move!” Uncle Emmett said.

“Me too!” Max said. Cool I did it.

“I’m going to try and do everyone.” I said. I concentrated on the whole room. Making everyone one, one by one freeze.

“I can’t move!” Aunt Alice squealed.

“No one can.” Dad said. Yes I did it! I slowly unfroze everyone.

“You are one faster learner.” Jacob said.

“Thanks Jacob.” I said.

“No prob Amie.” He said.

“How are you going to try out the tracking power?” he asked.

“Soon not today, my heading is starting to pound a bit. From all the concentrating.” I said. I put my cool finger tips on my forehead. Much better.

“Why are you putting your hands on your head?” Max asked.

“My finger tips are cold. It makes me feel better.” I said.

“Really? Let me feel.” He said. He raised his hand and put it on to of mine, I felt the same electric current pulse through us. I wonder why that happens. Beats me. “Yeah they are cold I wonder why.”

“My theory. I think it’s one of the things that are making me more vampire. Coldness. It’s a good thing that the rest of me is warm. At least that is what I think.” I said. he still had his hand on me. Then he removed it. His touch was warm. He was warmer then me maybe my whole body temperature is lower. It’s one of the things that would be a mystery.


okay i know you all are waiting for the confessions. i promise you it is the next chapter! your wait is nearly over! for the next chapter i want 8 votes and 9 comments.



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