The Meet-UP.

By bubblyskittles

607 31 65

Megan never liked Will. They were technically worst enemies throughout middleschool and highschool. during th... More

The Meet-UP.
chapter 1.
chapter 2.

chapter 3.

85 6 8
By bubblyskittles

eheehheheheh! i made it this far :) hope people actually read my storryy (: i actually have a good feeling about this book, but hmm, im not quite sure. oh well! ENJOOYYYYYY, loviess <3.


ring! ring! ring! my alarm clock's ring pierced through my ears. what? alarm clock in summer!? that's stupid! in fact, it's like 7 am in the morning! that's what rebecca black does! waking up at 7 in the morning. stupid. pfft.

i smashed my alarm clock (as usual) and since it isn't a school day, im back to my confortable water bed, covered my face with my blanket, and slowly close my heavy eyelids.

 'NEW MESSAGE FROM AIDEN!' my computer screamed at me.

i sat up straight, ran like a cheetah to my laptop with my eyes wide open. i feel like i am deeply in love with this guy. every message from him makes my heart skip a beat. every sentence he tells me makes me feel like im the only girl in the world.

he is one special guy. unlike, you know.

so yeah, i opened my laptop, and he said:

 aiden: woke up yet, sleepy head? :)

me: oh god. you scared the hell out of me. it's only 7 in the morning! why are you up so early?

aiden: o pfft. i just like to bug people who don't like being up early :D i throw eggs at my neighbours sometime.

hey... that weird. that's what will would do when he lived right next to my house. i suddenly had the vision of aiden actually being will, but he's too perfect to be will. how can a douchebag like will be like aiden? i've been imagining things to much.

as usual, hours and hours passed. my head was up in the clouds, not knowing anything about the time ticking... tocking... i feel like nothing exists as long as i am talking to my aiden.

we talked about how the randomest things in the world. how the moon was there, how our moms would tickle our feet in the morning to wake us up. 

we have lots of things in common, to review our conversation. he likes what i like, his music's also my type of music (PUNK ROCK, ftw), and we're both single. 

gosh, i feel like im falling in love with him. hope he feels the same way. 

my little dreamy bubble full of aiden pop-ed as soon as i hear my ringtone ringing. it's sam, and she wanted to hang out with me.

i jumped out of my bed, went into my closet and grabbed the nearest outfit i can find and wore it as fast as i can like there's no tomorrow and rushed downstairs. i dont know. i'm really excited to see sam! 

the road to sam's house was the same familiar homey road... flower buds are still trying to open up, the trees keep getting greener and greener... and i could see uncle richard planting new sorts of flowers in his magical garden. i'd normally get lost in thoughts walking around in his astonishing garden, feeling like nothing is wrong, and everything in this world is perfect... i gave uncle richard a wave and continued on my walk to sam's house.

when i got to her door, her dog, mark, would normally bark at me, as if i'm this terrorist. but hey, i've been friends with sam for like 9 years so, i've gotten used to it. 

sam's house is like heaven. her soft, leather couch is always full of love everytime i jump on it. there are always family pictures surrounding me, everywhere i walk. her house is so welcoming and loving.

i made my way to her room. it's not that big. there's a wadrobe, a bed, and a desk in her room, and that's about it. like every normal teenager's room, i can't see the floor. there's a half-eaten sandwich along with a coke can lying there next to the macbook. dirty clothes stacked up with a few notebooks on the floor.

oh, how i love sam's room.

i jumped up on her comfy waterbed and made myself feel like i'm at home with her little snack bar in her mini-fridge. that bitch is lucky, she gets a waterbed and a fridge.

sam approached me and bitch-slapped me sarcastically.

'you pig! getchur ass off my bed and get your own food!' she giggled and hugged me. it made me spill my soda on her shirt. 'FUCK, NO! i just bought this shirt!!!!!'

'haha.' i laughed. 

sam approached her fridge and grabbed some snacks.

i giggled. 'sam, arent you going to do something about your room?'

'why? i see nothing wrong about it!'

'honey, you have a half-eaten almost-rotten sandwich on your floor.'

'shut up, faggot. you're starting to sound like my mom'

we lay down and starred at her ceiling for a while. i was DYING to tell sam about aiden, so i blurted it out.


'omgomg with who?'

'okay so you remember the social networking site that you showed me? YEAH! i met him there, and we talked like everyday. everytime he sends me a message, i feel BUTTERFLIES!!'

'oh megan you got it going onnn~'

'haha, we're hitting it off. i wonder where he lives! but i don't wanna ask just yet. i kinda wanna find out more about him. i think i really like him..'

'that's pretty awesome! "when i was thirteen, i had my first love.." '

'my gosh, sam. are you rapping justin bieber? SERIOUSLY!? and bitch, i am not thirteen'

'hah, sure you're not.'


sam's parents are really rich. they let her buy anything she wants. but in return, she's got straight A's at school. i wish i could be like her. i get mostly get B's. oh well.

i had dinner at sam's house. her family loved me, and they always make me feel welcomed. my parents dont really mind when i stay over at sam's for dinner, or even a sleep-over, so i never really had to ask. when i'm done, i helped sam's mom with the dishes and started strolling home.

i feel content, telling sam about it. she's my best friend. she has to know everything

and no she did!

so i walked home as fast as i could, logged onto my computer, and continued my talk with Aiden.


ohh noooo. i think i kinda ran out of ideas :O hope i get something in the morning <3

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