Our Little Boy

By izziee

414K 12.7K 1.2K

Hunter Tazer and Rain Meadows were that couple in high school that made people stop and think "Damn, are they... More

Our Little Boy - 1
Our Little Boy - 2
Our Little Boy - 3
Our Little Boy - 4
Our Little Boy - 5
Our Little Boy - 6.
Our Little Boy - 7
Our Little Boy - 8
Our Little Boy - 9
Our Little Boy - 10
Our Little Boy - 11
Our Little Boy - 12
Our Little boy - 13
Our Little Boy - 14
Our Little Boy - 16
Our Little Boy - 17
Our Little Boy - 18
Our Little Boy - 19
Our Little Boy - 20
Our Little Boy - 21
Our Little Boy- 22

Our Little Boy - 15

15.5K 504 31
By izziee

"Argh!" Rocky yelled, violently shaking JJ of him and dropping Hunter in the process. JJ flew right off his leg and to the other side of the room. I gasped as tears ran down my face. But luckily he wasn't hurt and landed on all four paws.

I gotta admit, he did look super cute. He was just this little brown furry creature with the most adorable face and even more startlingly golden eyes even though the pupils were just black slits. He had this white patch of fur over his left eye and made him look even more adorable.

But now wasn't the time to admire him. Now was the time to be scared senseless that your son had just turned into a puppy before your very eyes. Now was the time to think back at all the obvious signs that screamed "Yeah, your son is a dog"

I didn't have a clue how to feel that the child that came out of my womb was an animal. That's quiet a lot to take in. I raised a half animal and I didn't even know. Gotta give me some credit for that at least!

"What's going on?" Another voice piped up. I turned as Hunter struggled to get up and JJ was growling menacingly at Rocky.

I recognised that voice. "Ryriam?" I said as I stared at her as she walked through the door.

She still had her shaved side of hair and her crazy piercings but they weren't the only thing that looked crazy. She looked like she'd just escaped from the woods of something.

"Rain." She replied. I detected a hint of surprise on her voice. I left her and ran towards Hunter as he tried to push himself up "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "I'm fine. There's nothing that idiot could do to me to hurt me." He said shaking his head clear and then glaring over at Rocky who still hopped on one foot, holding his bleeding ankle.

"Don't just stand there! Grab her and the boy and let's go!" Rocky yelled at Ryriam and shoving on some leather black gloves. Both me and Hunter looked at JJ frantically. "No!" I yelled at him so furiously that Ryriam stopped dead in her tracks "What do you even want from him after all these years?"

Rocky's pained expression turned into a sneer and he pointed at Hunter. "This guy is one of the most powerful Alphas." Then he pointed his finger at JJ, who snarled at him and then ran and hid behind Hunter's legs. "This boy has that strong alpha bloodline that's ever been in a half-breed. We can't let the Crimson Leaf pack to carry on through him." Rocky exlained.

"So you wanna hurt my son because you and your pack are jealous?" Hunter asked, his eyes narrowed. Rocky's eyes snapped to his. "No! Not jealous! It's just that it's...unfair. See by getting rid of the half-breed, we'll destroy you slowly and consequently your pack too."

Hunter's temple throbbed as he listened to Rocky. "You are delusional if you think i'd let you come even within spitting distance of my son."

Rocky moved forward, his eyes on the cub cowering behind Hunter. "Listen, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna take your son and your mate. You will die from emotional wreck and since there is no-one left in your family to take up your Alpha duties, the Crimson Leaf pack will be without a leader and forcing them into the nearest pack. Ours. The Black Crescent. We'll be even more powerful and renown. Then we all live happily ever after

"You're sick, Rocky!" I found myself yelling. I still didn't have a clue what either of them were on about but I knew that Rocky was the bad guy here.

Rocky smiled at me weirdly. "Of course I am, honey." He replied.

Hunter looked like he'd just about has enough and he finally snapped and rushed towards Rocky at an alarming speed. But Rocky had some trick. I just knew it. He stood still as Hunter moved towards him furiously about to knock his teeth out but Rocky stayed calm. That can't be good.

"Hunter..." I warned hesitating to jump in. JJ gave out little whimpers too.

"Hunter, watch out!" I screamed as soon as I saw that flash of silver I knew it wasn't gonna be pretty.

But it was too late.

Rocky jabbed this long sharp piece of silver thing straight into Hunter's abdominal area.

Hunter doubled over and groaned as his pupils became smaller and then he dropped to his knees, blood pouring out dramatically, Rocky stood over Hunter's limp body triumphantly.

"Hunter!" I screamed again this time with tears dripping down my face like neve before. It felt like Hunter had stabbed me too. i felt all the breath on my lungs being knocked out.

Rocky Killed Hunter.

JJ was facing Hunter's back so he didn't know what had happened but he must have sensed something because he stated growling and snapping at Rocky and then moving forward on his little paws.

I didn't have the heart to even get him away. It wasn't everyday that the love of your life gets stabbed by your ex and your three year old werewolf child is witnessing this.

I couldn't do anything but watch as Hunter's body was slumped on the ground, blood pouring out onto my floor and a piece of metal sticking out of his stomach.

"Hunter!" I cried and scrabbled to get over him to make sure he was still alive but a firm hand gripped my waist and pulled me back. I stepped on her foot harshly and she let go. I ran over to Hunter, ignoring his injury because it was so sickening as all that blood gushed out.

I held his head in my lap. "Don't go, Hunter." I whispered. He gave the smallest groan ever as his eyes were still wide open. "Please." I begged him. My tears dropped on his face but he didn't move. "Rain." He mouthed ever so slowly.

"Hunter?! Get up c'mon!" I said desperatly. "Please! Baby, please don't go! I need you!" Now I know how he felt when I left him...

I tapped his cheek desperately but then his eyes started closing slowly and his honeycomb eyes lost their sparkle like a light switch went off. "No! No! Hunter, no!" I screamed.

Slower and slower...

And then -

He shut his eyes. For good.

"Hunter! Hunter! Come. Back!" I screamed shaking his head franctically and staring at his stone cold beautiful face.

"Ryriam! Get the hell off of me! Get off me!" I screamed trying my hardest to pull away from her again but she was too strong for me.

Rocky smirked and then stepped over Hunter's body and grabbed JJ by his neck and lifted him up.

JJ was having none of it and kicked and snarled viciously at Rocky. "Quit it, you!" Rocky warned him. JJ bared his teeth defiantly and clawed at Rocky's face only missing by a few inches. Rocky muttered under his breath angrily and then looked at Ryriam that was still holding me in place as I screamed and cried for all I was worth.

"Let's go." Rocky ordered.


Me and JJ got thrown at the back of some weird van with Rocky driving and some other weird dude.

Ryriam looked sadly at me and JJ as she tossed me in.

"Sorry." She mouthed. I deliberately looked away as I sat in the empty space with JJ still snarling at her.

The doors shut on us and Rocky and the other guy got in and then drove off.

I stayed focused on my son instead. I picked up his furry little body and put him on my lap and he curled up and let me pet him. "I've always wanted a pet dog." I whispered to him softly . He looked up at me with his golden eyes and his tail wagged.

"But that was very naughty of you, Jyson. You shouldn't bite people." I scolded him. His brown ears flopped down and his tail stopped wagging.

I sighed and scratched him behind ears, trying not to think about Huntetr and the fact that I wasn't ever gonna see him again.

I looked back down at JJ, "honey, turn back human? Mommy needs some cuddles right now." I said miserably. JJ looked up at me, his head tilted. The poor boy didn't even know how. I was still scared at all of this but hey that's life.

"Try, baby, please?" I begged him. He looked back at me and then sort of nodded. The he took a few steps back in the empty van space and looked at me and I saw the concentration on his face.

"You can do it, babe." I whispered. All of a sudden I heard a few sounds like broken bones. I watched as JJ stretched out and his back paws morphed into his legs and his front paws into arms and his back aligned its self properly and finally I saw his beautiful face again.

I crawled over to him and hugged him super tight. He was naked all over but I still held on to him and kissed his hair. I took off Hunter's jacket that I was still wearing and wrapped it around him. The poor boy looked exhausted.

I banged on the plastic window that separated me and the two guys upfront. "Oi, idiot!" I yelled through.

The other guy turned and looked at me, hurt. "I'm not an idiot. I was the smartest kid in kindergarten." He stated. Rocky glared at him as he gripped the wheel. "Just shut, Louis."

Then he glanced back at me. "What do you want?" He asked. "Some clothes for my son? He's gonna catch a cold."

Rocky sighed. "He can hang on for another two hours." He said. "Rocky! Remember all those times you'd do everything to make sure he didn't get sick?" I said innocently batting my eyelashes.

It worked though.

Rocky pulled up at some kids store and after a while he opened up the back doors and threw in a huge bag of clothes before slamming the door shut again.

I dressed JJ in a thick sweatshirt and jeans and then made him a little bed out of Hunter's jacket and some blankets that Rocky had the decency to even buy.

"Night mommy." JJ said sweetly as he closed his eyes. I kissed his cheek. "I love you." I said. If only I got the chance to say that again to Hunter...

The only way I got to sleep was because of the tears and headaches that I gave myself.

I woke up to Rocky shaking me awake. He already had JJ in his arms and with his free hand he pulled me up. I almost pulled away and the thought of that same hand killing the man that Ioved.

We stepped out into the blinding sunlight and in front of a huge mansion. "Rocky? What did you use to kill Hunter?" I asked, holding back more tears.

Rocky shrugged and slammed the back doors of the van.

"Silver. Super deadly to wolves. Even half-breeds."

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