Grimms' Fairy Tales

By Rubikus

42 1 0


Snow white

42 1 0
By Rubikus

This is a story you've known for a while
But this one just a bit different
Guaranteed to make you smile
It all begins with miss Snow White
And how her step mother tried with all her might
She wanted to be the fairest of all
But Snow White always looked the best at the ball
When the queen had enough
She sent poor snow into the woods with no stuff
And a huntsman chasing after
He was weak had to obey precious master
So he did follow
That silly fellow
To take the young girls heart
To pierce her skin with a dart
But this man was much too kind
Still right in the mind
He spared snow whites life
Did not kill her with a knife
But Snow White knew she couldn't go back
She went further into the woods, what a wack!
She found a little house
No sound around, not even a mouse
She went inside to have a rest
When she entered she exclaimed 'what a mess!'
Snow White started to clean the pigsty
When in came seven dwarfs yelling 'hi!'
'Who are are you and what are you doing in our home'
One dwarf cried out horrified
'I am Snow White, why do you look like little gnome'
Snow impolitely replied
'We are the seven dwarfs' they introduced themselves
'I'm Snow White, can I live with you?'
'I will sweep your floors and dust your shelves'
'Well if you cook and clean and more..
You may, just don't be a bore'
So with the dwarfs Snow White stayed
Being their own personal maid
Tending to their every aid
Back in the castle the queen stood
Draped in a cloak and hood
In front of her magic mirror
Suddenly her anger grew clearer
Snow White was alive!
But however did she survive?
Using wicked black magic
To plan something horribly tragic
She cast a spell on a shiny red apple
Carefully placing it in her satchel
Into the woods she went
Traveling to snow whites rent
Three loud knocks on the old oak door
And Snow White answered pausing from her chore
'I'm selling apples, would you like one deary'
The disguised queen asked overly cheery
'Oh yes please' snow replied 'they look delicious'
'Most definitely child! And they're quite Nutritious'
That was all the convincing Snow White required
And she took a huge bite
Oh silly Snow White
Suddenly she felt very tired
Off to bed she went to sleep
Into a slumber so very deep
When the dwarfs came back she wouldn't awaken
It was the effect of the poison she'd taken
The dwarfs laid her on the grass
In a coffin made of glass
They did not want her beauty concealed
Even if she could not be healed
Weeks later she caught the gaze
Of a handsome prince walking in a daze
Now he was not the smartest guy
Decided to poke her in the eye
Surprisingly this did the trick
Snow White woke nice and quick
She sprung up in great fright
'Good' said the prince, 'I thought you were dead'.

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