A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.3M 721K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 38...

379K 14K 3.2K
By OutOfMyLimit17

Not Edited!!

Song on the side is In Case by Demi Lovato. Love this song and thought it fit. 

Happy Reading! :) 

"Wasn't part of the deal?"

The sound of the familiar voice made me freeze over Liam's bed. It was just my luck today that they would hear me say that. Turning around I came face to face with Lilly and Adam. Lilly's expression consisted of shock, confusion and anger. Beside her Liam's father just stared at me with an even expression.

"What do you mean 'wasn't part of the deal'?" Lilly asked in a steely tone.

"I...I uh-" I started but couldn't find the words to say anything. This was not how they were suppose to find out. The small amount of hope that they would understand and not be angry was fading away. The look on Lilly's face was making my heart crumble even more then it already was.

"You made a deal with my son for money?" She asked. "What kind of deal did you make?" Her voice kept getting higher and higher.

I knew I had to be honest with them right now. I was thinking of lying to not make her mad at me but before I could stop myself I heard my voice.

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I was in a really bad situation before I met Liam and when he offered me money to be his 'wife' I took it without thinking. I didn't want to hurt you guys or anyone else." I found myself rambling. I mentally slapped myself for voluntarily spilling the beans. But seeing Liam's parents staring at me like that I couldn't stop myself from finally telling them. I never was the greatest at lying and keeping things from people.

"So you were using my son for his money? Like every other whore in this town." Her words felt like she was slapping me in the face. "You lied to everyone just for some cash." My tears had stopped when I heard Lilly's voice but now they were coming back.

This was exactly what I thought would happen. I was stupid enough to believe that his family wouldn't be mad and forgive me for making this dumb deal. Now here we are inside a hospital room with Lilly's accusing eyes making me want to die right then and there.

"And to think I trusted you!" I gulped willing myself not to cry in front of her.

"Lilly I'm sorry! I-" I was interrupted by a new person clearing their throat.

"Sorry to interrupt but I am Doctor Marshall." I quickly wiped my tears away as we all turned to the doctor.

"Hello I am Adam Stanford and this is my wife Lilly. Is Liam going to be okay?" Adam spoke first. As soon as their last name was mentioned I noticed the doctors eyes get a little wide. Everyone knew who he is. In this moment I was glad they did because that meant they would do everything they could for Liam.

"It is very nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Stanford." He shook their hands before coming more into the little makeshift room. "Liam will be just fine." As soon as those words left his mouth I sagged a little against the bed.

"Right now he is in an induced coma to get the swelling in his brain to stop. There is no big damage besides his broken left arm and a few broken ribs. The coma will probably last about 3-4 days before he wakes up." He said tucking a chart under his arm.

"There is no brain damage?" Lilly asked clenching Adam's hand tightly.

"There could be a possibility that he won't remember exactly what happened during the accident but that is not very likely. He will not suffer any amnesia or impairments. He is a very lucky man especially since the car hit his side."

"Thank god." Lilly sighed leaning against her husband.

"We will be moving him into his own room in a little. Since it is 11:20 you are more then welcome to sit with him and stay in his room tonight."

"Whatever needs to be done we will pay for. I want the best for my son while he is here." Adam stated.

"Yes sir we will definitely make sure of that. For now you can rest knowing he is just fine. I will need you to come sign some papers so we can have on file you allowed us to treat him." Adam nodded as the doctor started leaving the room. "Liam is very lucky but he does have quite a bit of recovery to do, just so you are aware."

With that the doctor left the room. I looked away from Lilly to gaze down at Liam. Knowing he was going to be okay was like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I just couldn't believe this had happened. One second we were laughing and singing in the car and the next we are in the hospital.

"I'm going to go sign those papers. I'll be right back sweetie." I heard Adam say before the sound of the curtain being pulled was heard. Knowing Lilly was still in the room with me I tensed with my back still to her. I knew an onslaught of angry words were on their way at me, and I didn't blame her. Lilly was just worried about her son and finding out that our 'engagement' was fake didn't help.

"You caused this." She whispered moving to the other side of Liam.


"No. You are not allowed to call me that anymore. You are the cause of this. You are the reason Liam is laying here in this hospital bed when he could be home right now." Her voice was low and monotone. She wasn't even looking at me only at Liam.

"Why he thought of this dumb ass deal I don't know but you shouldn't have accepted. Especially just for money. You played every single one of us, having us think you were really engaged to our son. Was any of it real?" I went to go answer her question but she interrupted me.

"I don't want you near my son. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you. It is also because of you that he has stopped doing his work, making our company go down." She looked up at me. Her eyes hard and cold. "You are not allowed near my son anymore. If I see you with him I won't hesitate to put a restraining order against you."

"I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry but it was real. What I feel for Liam is real I love your son." I said gripping onto Liam hand and arm.

This can't be happening. I can't stay away from Liam he needs me right now. I can see is she angry at me but this wasn't fair.

"No you don't you are only in it for the money. Once he wakes up he will realize what a mistake he made with you." I could see tears were starting to slide down her cheeks. "I want you out of here."


"Get out! Right now! I don't want you anywhere near my son!" She started yelling. The look she sent me made me stumble back as if I had just been hit by a bus. I have never seen someone with so much hate in their eyes directed towards me. Lilly looked beyond livid.

"Lilly!" I started to say.

"Get. Out." She hissed out her eyes narrowing even more. I wanted to stay and argue but I knew it would be worthless. Lilly did not look like someone I wanted to cross at the moment. Tears burned in the back of my eyes as I looked down at Liam. Please get up Liam. Please wake up right now. I pleaded silently. "If you don't get out right now I will call security in here." Lilly threatened.

Reluctantly I slowly unlaced my fingers through Liam's and took a step back. Lilly's eyes were on me as I slowly walked around his bed to the curtain. Everything inside of me begging to stay with Liam. I wanted to be near him and make sure he was okay, I wanted to be in his room when they move him. I wanted to be there when he woke up.

Forcing myself to open the curtain and walk away I heard Lilly mutter one last time 'It is your fault' before the curtain was pulled shut in front of me. Swallowing the lump in my throat I turned to go back to my 'room' I was in before. The voice in my head was telling me to give Lilly some time and things would be okay.

As I headed back to the room I looked for Adam but didn't find him anywhere. I wanted to apologize to him but not seeing him it had to wait. Just as I reached the bed the same nurse lady came walking in.

"Is your fiancé going to be okay?" She asked moving around the small area.

"Yeah he is." I softly said wincing as I got up on the bed.

"Just stay in here and rest for a little while. We will get you moved into another room in a while. The medicine I gave you should have started kicking in so get some sleep sweetie." At the mention of the medicine I could feel myself getting tired. I briefly nodded before she left, closing the curtain behind her.

Even though I had medicine in me, my ribs twanged in pain as I shifted on the bed. All the adrenaline I was feeling before was wearing off and in it's place was tiredness. I should have been tired a while ago after the nurse gave me a shot but I guess being too worried about Liam and Lilly talking to me I was able to ignore it. Now sitting on this rather uncomfortable bed my eyes were drooping shut.

Even with my ruined clothes on I was falling asleep. The last thing I thought about before my mind completely shut off was Liam and hoping he would wake up soon.


"My mother was right this is your fault." He said his lip curling up almost in a snarl.

"What?" I croaked out.

"You put me here. If I hadn't met you I would be fine right now and I wouldn't be regretting lying to my parents. Ever since you came into my life everything has gone wrong."

I tried to grab onto his hand but he jerked it away from me. His cobalt eyes were staring at me accusingly. His entire body tilted away from me as if he couldn't get far enough away.

"You are like fire, you ruin everything you come in contact with. That is why your mother didn't want to be near you and why I don't want to either. I don't ever want to see you again. People like me don't mingle with low scum like you." He hissed out.

Tears ran down my cheeks at his harsh words. I wanted someone to pinch me and tell me this was a dream but it didn't feel like a dream. His heated look was enough to make me know otherwise. Liam was looking at me like Lilly had earlier.

"Liam-" I sobbed out.

"You don't belong here Jenna, you never did and never will. Stay away from me. Goodbye." He turned his head away from me staring at the wall. Sobs slipped passed my lips as I clenched onto the bed.

"Liam don't do this. Don't leave!" I begged trying to touched him. Right before my fingers touched him he seemed to move further away. Every time I tried he slipped further and further away from me.


I jerked up a scream caught in my dry throat. Instantly I moaned out in pain as it laced up my sides. It was just a dream. I chanted. Crap I thought I was all of this was dream. I thought I would wake up and find myself in bed beside a sleeping Liam.

Panting I glanced around my dark room, light seeping through the curtain and showing shadows moving around. I didn't know what time it was but it had to be really late. Wait! Did they move Liam?! I thought suddenly. Biting back a scream of pain I gripped my patched up side as I sat fully up and slipped off the bed.

Pushing back the curtain I squinted at the bright light around me. A few nurses walked around the ER but other then that it was quiet. I looked towards where Liam was and saw the curtain was pushed open and the bed was empty. They moved him while I was asleep? At that thought my heart sunk.

"Excuse me." I said going over to the desk in front of me. An older lady was sitting there in scrubs typing something into the computer.

"Yes?" She looked up at me.

"My name is Jenna Howard I came in a while ago with my fiancé. I must have fallen asleep when they moved him to another room. Do you know where he is?" I asked in a rush.

"What was his name?"

"Liam. Liam Stanford." At the mention of the name her eyebrows raised but in recognition but she didn't make a remark about it thankfully.

"They did move him about 3 hours ago." She said glancing down at her computer.

"What time is it?"

"It is 3 o'clock in the morning. How about you go and get some more sleep before going to find your fiancé. I presume you were in the accident as well so you need as much sleep as you can get. I can even give you more medicine for the pain." The nurse, who's name I read on her scrubs Peggy, said.

"But he needs me right now." I tried saying.

"Sweetie I know you want to be with him right now but you need to take care of yourself first. Your fiancé will understand that. You can go see him in a few more hours if you'd like but I want you to sleep a little longer." She reasoned with me. She must have noticed the indecisive look on my face. "He will still be here when you wake up."

A part of me wanted to ignore what Peggy just said and demand what room he was in so I could see him now. But the rational part of me was saying the nurse was right. Liam would still be here when I woke up. If what the doctor said was true about him being in a coma for 3-4 days I should believe it. My internal battle went on for a few minutes before I let out a sigh.

"Okay I'll go and lay down for a little bit longer." I finally said.

"I'll come by in a minute with some medicine to give you." She sent me a smile before heading in a different direction as me. I grumbled under my breath as I went back to my 'room' and waited for her. Getting annoyed with my scarf that I somehow still had on I unwrapped it and placed it on a chair beside the bed.

As I sat there waiting for the nurse I replayed everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. How come one second Liam and I can be happy singing along to a stupid Justin Bieber song, and the next be in the hospital waiting for him to wake up? I pushed back the tears that were starting to form once more. I would have thought I'd be all cried out by now but apparently not.

"Here we are. According to the chart I read on you, you have 2 bruised ribs and 1 cracked. You don't need an IV attached to you but I am going to give you some pain medication." Peggy said coming into the room. She was kind of just restating what I already knew but I didn't comment knowing she was just doing her job.

Looking away and clenching my hands into fists as she pulled my shirt up and got the needle ready. I absolutely hated needles with a passion. I tried not to let myself shake to much but didn't succeed.

"There we go." She said a second later. I hadn't even felt the needle making me breath out in relief.

"Thank you. Um do you know how much longer I have to be here?" I asked pulling my shirt back down.

"Only for a few more hours. We have to make sure the patient is fine before they can leave. I will start on your paperwork though here soon so you can be out of here in no time to see your fiancé." Smiling she turned to leave. "Let me know if you need anything sweetie."

I gently laid back down on the bed letting out my breath. I hated this. I hated hospitals anyways but I hated being down here alone when Liam was already somewhere else in the building. I felt hurt that no one came to get me when they took it. Adam and Lilly could have at least told me.

I know I lied to them and they respectfully deserve to be mad but keeping me from knowing how Liam was doing is wrong. I loved him and they had to see that. I was just hoping that by time I can go and see him Lilly will have calmed down enough to let me explain.

Although I was given medicine and physically tired I couldn't sleep. The dream I had a little bit ago fresh in my mind. All the wrong scenarios kept flashing through my head of Liam never waking up, or of him having amnesia. Even though the doctor said that it won't happen I couldn't help but still think of it. I wanted, no, I needed Liam to be okay.

As my thoughts kept going I kept coming back to Lilly's words and Liam's from my dream. This is all your fault. What if it is? What if it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't made Liam sing for me. He wouldn't have been distracted or wouldn't have slowed down so the car wouldn't have hit us. What if he is really here because I came into his life? What if everything Lilly had said was true? Was I disrupting his work? I know he has been taking more days off to be with me, especially lately because of my mother.

But what if I really was like fire, ruining everything I touch? It had to somewhat be my fault my mother left, why I had no friends, why no one would date me. Something had to be wrong with me. I have always had bad luck what if it still follows me and is now brushing off onto Liam? He did not need my bad luck.

As the hours went on the more I started to see it really was my fault. Everything in my life has been my fault. Tired of laying there I sat up thankful of the medicine so it didn't hurt. I truly wanted to believe that it wasn't my fault, or well not entirely, but I couldn't. Everywhere I go something bad happens, something out of my control. This was just another thing to prove it.

The early morning wore on and the worst I started to feel. They say that the worst thing is being alone with your thoughts. That they are like poison, leaking into everything making you believe it all. Being alone at night having a million things flashing through your mind is the worst thing. Every little thing that you have ever done, thought, seen, comes right back hitting you straight in your face. No matter what you do they just keep coming back until you really do believe what you are thinking. Whether it be that you aren't good enough, that it is your fault someone is hurt, or that you will never amount to anything. Soon you believe it and down hill it goes.

That is me right now and I know it but I can't stop. I can't stop blaming myself. Lilly's words running through my head none stop. Along with her words were kids words all through out my school years telling me I'm not good enough, and that no one will love me because my mom didn't. The thoughts consumed me until I was a pile of guilt, sadness, anger, and finally determination. Determination that I was going to fix this.

I didn't know what time it finally was before I finally had enough sitting there. I got up, grabbing my scarf and left the room. It only took me a minute to find the same nurse, Peggy. I didn't care what the time was I had to see Liam.

"Oh you are up. You were only asleep for 3 hours." Peggy said seeing my in front of the desk.

I know but I have to go see my fiancé. Can you please tell me what room he is in?" I asked well more like pleaded.

"Okay sweetie I will. But after you see him I need you to come back down here so I can discharge you and tell you what medicine you have to be taking." I nodded quickly just wanting the room number. "He is on floor 5, room 243." She send me a knowing smile before I said a quick thank you and was heading for the elevators.

I tapped my foot impatiently as the elevator took its own sweet time going up to level 5. Since it was only 6 in the morning no one was around or any of the patients awake as I tried to find Liam's room. As I passed room by room I noticed they were full sized rooms with a couch, chairs, and a big table. Liam definitely got one of the better rooms.

Keeping straight I made it to the end of a hallway and saw the room number 243. The door was closed giving me a moment to gather myself. I didn't know if his parents were still here but I doubt they left. I knew what I had to do but it wasn't going to make this any easier. My hands were shaking but I forced them to stop and swallowed. I can do this. I have to do this.

Taking one last deep breath I grabbed the door handle and opened the door. Stepping in I noticed Liam's room was huge. I was already a couple of steps into it and had yet to see Liam or his parents, but I could hear the tv going softly. Trying to bring up some courage I stepped fully into the room. Liam laid in a bed on my right and beside him on a chair was Lilly who was looking at the tv and beside her down on the couch of Adam reading a book.

They must have heard the click of my heels as they both looked up. There were a few lamps on but I couldn't really make out their faces. Straight ahead of me was huge window and through the blinds I could start to see the sun was starting to wake up.

"What are you doing here?" Lilly broke the silence standing up. Her hand gripping Liam's.

"I uh..." I lost the words I wanted to say.

"I told you to stay away from us. Leave now." She bit out.

"Honey." Adam's voice said as he stood up and went to his wife, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"No Adam this is her fault. She doesn't belong here." The look she sent me was enough to cut stone.

"Lilly-" Adam started but I cut him off. I needed to do this or I won't. It had to be done even if I didn't want it to or not.

"No she is right." I steeled myself. With a firm nod to myself I straightened up as much as I could. "I...I don't deserve your forgiveness and I am not asking for it. I know both of you are mad right now but I hope you aren't mad at Liam for offering me a deal to marry him. He was only doing it to make you proud." I spared a glance at Adam. "I was the stupid one to take it because I needed the money.

"I understand that you don't want me near Liam anymore and I will respect that. I just-" I swallowed the big lump forming in my throat. "I need to say goodbye to him before I leave. Just one final goodbye before I leave your lives forever. Can I...can I please say goodbye?" My green eyes were rapidly filling up with tears and I knew they would fall any minute.

Lilly stared at me before looking at her husband. He gave her a small nod to which she slumped her shoulders. She let go of Liam's hand and moved away from him.

"You only get a minute then you will leave or I will call security myself." She stated firmly. Grabbing Adam's hand she lead him pass me and to the door. As Adam passed he sent me a small nod before they disappeared from my sight. I waited until I heard the door close behind me before slowly going over to Liam.

He looked so small in that bed. His huge frame didn't seem to take up all the space like it usually did. His brown hair was laying sloppily across his forehead with a bandage on the left side of his temple. With shaky hands I grabbed his right hand with my own.

Seeing him like this I didn't want to do what I was about to but I knew it had to be done. I couldn't make him keep lying to his family who he really cared about. I couldn't make him lie to everyone in New York. We both knew this wasn't going to last, even though we said we loved one another it wouldn't work.

"Liam I know you can hear me right now and I am actually glad you can't respond because it makes this easier for me. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me; I didn't know it when we first met at the club but you are. When I first met you I thought I could never fall for someone like you. You were, no, are better than me in every way but slowly I started to fall for your smirks and the way you cared about your friends and family. I swore to myself I wouldn't fall for you and now here I am so deeply madly in love with you. When I thought no one could love me you proved me wrong and those 4 days we spent in Barbados will always be my favorite memory. You have literally made me the happiest women on this planet for the short period of time we were together.

"I know right now you are wanting to interrupt me but we both know what I am about to say is true. We were never meant to work out. From the start we were built to fall apart. Someone like you can never end up with someone like me. I'm broken Liam and we both know that. You need someone that is equal to you, someone who you don't have to lie about, and someone you can give your full heart to. I'm not...I'm not good enough for you, hell I'm not good enough for anyone and I have finally realized that.

"It is killing me right now knowing that I am the one who cause this, who cause you to be here in this position. If you had never met me none of this would have happened. If I hadn't made you sing in the car maybe this won't have happened. Everything I touch I ruin and I can't stay here and ruin you even more. I can't just.. I can't do it." I hunched over letting a sob free. Tears were flowing freely down my face at this point.

"Liam I love you and I will always love you. I want you to know that okay? I want you to know I have never been happier than I have when I was with you. The hole I had in my chest was replaced by you and you were there for me through everything and I can't thank you enough for that. But now...now we have to go our separate ways. You don't need me anymore, you don't need me wrecking more of your life then I already have.

"I don't want any of the money you promised me. It never was truly about the money. I'm going to do what your mother said and leave your life for good. Once you wake up you will realize it is for the best. It's for the best that I leave everyone's life and let you start over. Because I want you to. I want you to find someone worthy of you and I want you to hold onto her and never let her go. I want you to forget about me and move on. It is for the best Liam and we both know it. You need to forget these past few months, you need to forget me but I won't forget you. I can't and I won't." I was chocking on my words. I needed to get everything out before I leave. I gently ran a hand through his dark locks and down his cheek.

"I am so sorry I put you through this, I am so sorry." I laid my forehead against his crying. "I hope one day you can forgive me. I have to go." I forced myself to pull away from him. Wiping my cheeks I leaned down and kissed his lips one final time. A small part was wishing he wake up and kiss me back but he didn't.

"I love you Liam. You will always be my first love and my last. Goodbye Liam." Clenching his hand one last time I made myself let him go and step back. Not being able to be around him anymore I sent him one last look before turning and leaving the room.

As I stepped out I glanced up at Lilly and Adam. With a small but painful nod I quickly walked away, sobs raking my body. I made it out of their sight as I turned a corner. My legs wouldn't hold me anymore as I slumped against the wall and slide onto the floor. My head dropped between my legs, wrapping my arms around my middle sobbing silently.

Silently sobbing is the worst crying. Where sound wants to escape your lips but nothing does. Your lungs burn and your body shakes as tears flow freely down your face. I embraced the pain the flared up on my side, letting it consume me as well as the pain in my heart.

I don't know how long I sat there crying until I finally ran out of tears. I sat there hiccuping my cheeks drying. I knew my eyes were probably blood-shot and my cheeks puffy. Hearing footsteps and the sound of wheels coming my way I stood up. Quickly wiping my cheeks with the back of my hands I looked for the elevator. I needed to leave. The further I was away from Liam the better it would be, for both of us.

With shaky legs I headed to the elevator to go and get discharged. I ducked my head down as I entered along with a few other nurses. They were probably use to people crying. I was the last one to leave the elevator and immediately went over to the desk. Thankfully Peggy was still there.

"There you are." She commented standing up and grabbing a clip board as well as a familiar item, my bag. "The firefighters that got you found this bag and I believe it is yours?"

"Yes thank you!" I grabbed it and quickly went through it. My wallet, lipstick, and a few pieces of gum were in it but my cellphone was no where to be found.

"There are just a few forms you need to sign then you will be on your way back to your fiancé." I didn't have it in me to argue with her and just nodded. I quickly signed the forms.

"How do I pay for this? I can pay with my credit card..."I trailed off.

"Don't worry sweetie it has all been taken care of." She waved me off setting the board down.

"What? But I haven't paid yet." I was surprised.

"You don't need to. Someone else already paid it in full so don't worry." Shocked I wondered who would pay for me but before I could think to much about it Peggy was talking again. "While you were gone I took the liberty to get you some medicine. You will have to go to your local pharmacy to re-fill this in a couple of days. Since I don't know your pharmacy you need to take this slip" She handed me a white note that had handwriting on it. "to the counter and they will fill it for you. Take one every 3 hours and then take this one right before you go to bed. It will make you sleepy so don't take it during the day time. Also here are some wraps you will need to wrap your side in everyday. Make sure it is tight and that you don't move too much. In 3 week you will need to come back so we can look at them again and see if anything else has changed. If at all you feel a increase of pain immediately come in. Just remember that it takes a long time for ribs to heal so you will be in pain for a while but just it slow and take your meds and you should be fine." Peggy put the pill bottles and wraps in a bag before handing it over to me.

"Thank you." I murmured.

"You are free to go and be with your fiancé. We will be calling you in a few weeks to set up an appointment to check your ribs out." A few minutes later I was saying another thank you before I made my way out of the building. I stared back at the building my heart aching and yearning to be back in that room with Liam. I had to do what was good for the both of us. Liam doesn't know it right now but he will, it is all for the best.

I hailed a taxi and gave him Liam's address. I needed to get my things before leaving. I was silent the entire ride there and when I entered the house my body became numb. Heading to the bedroom I saw everything that has happened in the house, almost as if I was in a movie and reliving it all. My body was beyond tired as I trudged into the bedroom.

Blindly I moved around the room grabbing the clothes I came here with as well as my belongings. I went down to the bedroom I was in before and grabbed what else I needed as well as my duffle bag. I did not want to take any of the things Liam got me or paid for. It wasn't right and they would just remind me of how I just used him for his money. I fit as much as I could in my bag and what I really needed. The rest would probably be thrown away or hopefully donated. At the last minute I grabbed one of his black t-shirts that smelled like him and packed it. Just something to remember him by.

With my purse on my shoulder and my bag I looked around the room. My lip quivered slightly but I made it stop. I couldn't cry anymore, not today. I glanced down and saw my engagement ring still on my finger. The blue diamond flashed up at me. I knew I should leave it here but I couldn't bring myself to do it. This was the only thing I had left that Liam gave me. It was Liam's since he bought it but I could not see myself not wearing it.

Being beyond selfish I decided to keep it. I just hoped Liam wouldn't try to get it back. Grabbing a small piece of paper that was in one of the bedside tables I grabbed a pen from my purse. I quickly wrote out a small note to Liam for when he got home.


I am so very sorry. I'm sorry for all the trouble I put you through. I hope one day you will find everything you will ever need and want. I hope one day you can forgive me. Just know I love you so much and always will. Please try to move on without me okay?

Goodbye Liam.


Letting one tear leak out I set it the note on the bed. With one last longing look I left the room and the house. The same taxi I just had waited for me in the driveway. With only one place I can go I gave him the address then sunk into the seat. I watched the house I have come to call my home disappear as well as everything I have come to know these last few months.

20 minutes later we pulled up to the apartment complex. Handing the man whatever money I had left in my purse, I grabbed my things and headed to the door. Taking a deep breath I knocked. I only had to wait a few seconds before the door opened revealing a sleepy Candy. Her blonde hair was everywhere and her pjs were twisted around her body.

"Jenna?" She asked. Her eyes found my bag in my hand and she instantly was awake.

"Can I stay with you?" She nodded moving out of the way for me to enter. As soon as the door shut she enveloped me in a tight hug. Once again everything I was holding in burst free. I sobbed against Candy letting my heart finally shatter. 


I literally cried while writing this chapter. I have grown so attached to Liam and Jenna that it even hurts for me seeing them like this. I hope you guys don't hate me to much! And I will be passing out tissues if you need them. 

Don't worry there are still a few more chapters to come so don't think it is over just yet. Also I got a lot of messages and comments telling me to not let Liam have amnesia. If it isn't clear above he DOES NOT have amnesia! I think that is too cliche and typical. Liam will be perfectly fine when he wakes up don't worry. 

I will be updating again Saturday or Sunday so look forward to that. My parents are leaving to stay the night somewhere leaving me all alone to write. I can't wait to write the upcoming chapters! I know a lot of you aren't happy I am ending this story very soon and feel like I am rushing, I am sorry. This story needs to end and not be dragged out. I hope you all understand that. And I promise all the loose ends will be tied :) 

Anyways I hope you liked it! It's a long chapter as well so i hope you guys enjoyed that (: 




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