The woods

By wolves1116

40 0 4


The woods

chapther one : meeting him

14 0 0
By wolves1116

It was a cold night ever one in camp was a sleep but Misty ."what are you doing out here Misty " said her sister sleepily ." just looking at the stars " she said glancing to her sister ."well then come two bed sun rise well be up soon " she growled ."i am coming "she growled before prancing into the den. "where did you go " said Mike , "why do you what to know Mike " Misty growled . " well some ones tiered " he said pointing to Misty . " that is not what i meant Mike i am sorry " she said with a glace to get his eyes to look in hers ."that's not what i meant " he mocked

Misty smiled and curled up too go to sleep ........ "Misty wake up Misty wake up " Mike growled "what do you want " she said tiered  "we got to go hunting for the feast " he said putting his nose on hers   " i so forgot we got to go now " she said "okay see you at sunset " he said firmly " bye lo-- never mind bye " she said ................... when she was walking to the river she though to her self " does mike like me NO HE HAS A MATE or dose he i don't know never mind my dad well never let him be my mate " she though she Sal a bunny a tail away bye she Sal a shodow over the river "H-HOW are you "        a male wolf came out from the shodows  he had dark green eyes and a dark brown pelt  " that we do not have time for but it i where you look behind you " he said looking up  ........................................she sal a baer right about to kill her she looked back and he was gone then mike came and saved the day

-what one well she chouse mike or the unknow name

                         - love Misty

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