Doubled Soul ( Bleach )

By silver_lion17

29.9K 867 120

He died. There, I said it. Ichigo Kurosaki has died. But, as you know, that's not the only strange thing. He... More

The Ultimate Fusion
Where's the Body?
A Happy Reunion... Or Not
And So it Begins
Down Without Mercy

Entering the Seireitei

4.2K 127 28
By silver_lion17

Rukia's POV

The shock of what happened couldn't fully register in my mind. Right here in front of me is Kaien. The man that I killed in cold blood with my own zanpakuto. Just how is this possible? How could this have happened? He was dead. A dead soul. At the most he should of been sent through the reincarnation cycle, yet he's standing here right in front of me.

A dangerous gleam entered Kaien's eyes as he held the trident up in the air. Water swirled around the top of his zanpakuto and he moved his arm so that it pointed right at the spider like hollow. The water shot forward from the trident at the speed of light, slicing the side of the hollow. The hollow roared in pain and all I could do is stare in awe. I haven't seen his released form in action before, just the shape of it. He certainly has one magnificent sword.

Then, Kaien disappeared out of my line of sight. The next place I saw him was when he was right in front of the hollow, about to slice the mask of his zanpakuto when something happened.

His zanpakuto automatically sealed itself, causing him to stop dead in his tracks.

"Damn." Kaien stated and stood still in the air. He placed the sealed zanpakuto on his back and made sure his arm kept it in place. This, I noticed, seemed like something he was expecting, yet not so soon. "Guess it's all up to you now. Kill this bastard for me." Then I saw the zanpakuto completely change into a long kitchen knife with a cloth for the hilt. A new gleam caught into Kaien's eyes and a different voice escaped his lips.

"It would be my pleasure." The new voice said and sliced one of the hollows legs again. The hollow billowed in pain.

"You bastard shinigami!" He yelled and tried to get him with one of his few remaining legs, only for it to be sliced off.

"This is what I hate about all you hollows. No matter where you are, all you try to do is eat souls, shinigami, or yourselves. It makes me sick that you could do such a thing. But you, you're different. You don't eat the souls, you play with them first. You terrorize every living being you capture until they don't have the will to escape, and then you devour them. You're one sick bastard that needs to be taught a lesson." I sweatdropped, already knowing who it was fighting the hollow now. Who else gives a long speech to the enemy before finishing him off?

Ichigo then raises Zangetsu, charging his attack. "Getsuga Tensho!" He slashed his zanpakuto downwards, a black and red reishi blast flowing from its tip. The hollow roared once more before dissipating into the air. He placed Zangetsu on his back, the cloth from the hilt automatically coiling around the sharp blade. I stare in bewilderment as he lets out a breath. First I saw Kaien battle after fifty years of not seeing him. Then, Ichigo just takes his place and starts fighting; all the while he was using the same body.

"Sheesh Rukia, Renji. When you see a guy fighting and looks like he might need backup, join the fight will you?" Ichigo turns my way and my eyes widen as he stares at both Renji and I. I bear my teeth and flash step next to him, klonking him on the head. Renji does the same, only slapping the back of his shoulder instead.

"You dumb ass! We've been looking for you for over a month now and this is the kind of thing you say to us?!" I yell angrily at him.

"Yeah! You should start showing a little more respect for your friends Ichigo!" Renji shouted and noogied him.

"Ow ow ow! Will you stop?! I was just kidding!" Ichigo shouted, fixing his now messed up multicolored hair. His bi-colored eyes glaring at Renji and I before he stands up straight and stretches. "Well, I'm beat. Lets find a place to sleep tonight. I'm tired of sleeping up against the walls of other people's homes."

I sighed and shook my head. "Not now Ichigo. Head captain wanted to see you immediately after you were found. So that's where we're going." Ichigo's scowl deepened and a smirk played across my lips before we made our way to the Seireitei.

Aizen's POV

The sound of a clock ticking somewhere throughout the room filled my ears as we sat in silence. My fingers tapped against my desk as I thought about everything that happened recently. First, the Espada decide to make a move without my orders. I would love to punish every one of them, but then there was that outcome. Grimmjow killed Ichigo. Now I wouldn't be mad, but Ichigo was still a living human. Now, it's very possible that he is roaming throughout the Rukon districts with rapidly growing spiritual pressure and untapped power.

This changes everything. My plans were severely effected once the Espada revealed themselves, making it to where I'll have to reveal myself sooner. Then, since Ichigo died, my revelation was cut back once again. Then there's the fact with Kaien's spiritual pressure being at the spot where Ichigo died. Is it possible that Kaien was there? No, what if their souls merged to create one spirit body? Highly unlikely. But there's always that thought...

"Lord Aizen?" I slid my eyes up from behing my glasses ans stared at the captain in front of me. His usual snake like smirk was placed on his face and his eyes were closed. An inaudible sigh escaped my lips as I stares at him.

"What is it Gin?" I ask him. His smirk widens and his eyes open slightly to reveal an electric blue color.

"I heard they found Ichigo Kurosaki and that they're on their way to the Seireitei. Shall we greet them upon arrival or at the captains meeting that we had just received word about?" Gin asked. A frown crossed over my features. I didn't hear the announcement for a Captain's meeting. But if Ichigo Kurosaki will be there, we might as well wait.

"We'll wait Gin. I still have a bit more thinking to do." I wave him off and he stands up from his chair. He begins to walk out of the room, turning his head back at the doorway.

"Don't think too hatd or your head may explode Lord Aizen." And then he left.

I sighed and rubbed my face in exasperation. Nothing is going according to plan anymore. And it's all because of Ichigo Kurosaki.

Ichigo's POV

How about Keigo? I groan inside of my mind and mentally shake my head.

That's the name of my perverted human friend. I don't want to be called that. I think a little more and try out the different possible names we could use. Nothing seems to fit.

What about Chikein? Shiro asked us.

No! Kaien and I shouted at him at the same time.

That sounds like Chicken! And we're definately not chickens! Kaien growls at him. I mentally do the same and I can mentally feel him hide away. I sigh audibly and pinch the bridge of my nose. I'm starting to think making a new name is taking up more time than it's worth.

What about Nicho? Zangetsu asks. I begin to consider it. It does sound like a pretty good name.

What do you think Kaien? I mentally ask him. I can practically see him shrugging his shoulders.

I'm game if you're game. He responded. But, we can still call each other our real names, right?

Of course. This is just to make it easier for everyone else to call us something instead of trying to differentiate between who's in control. Make sense?

I guess. He replied and I nodded. Scanning my surroundings, I notices we're coming up to the Seireitei entrance. I winced slightly, knowing that I'm probably not going to hear the end of it one my spiritual pressure is detected. Rukia and Renji were definately reasonable, but others, mainly Kenpachi, were probably going to try everything to piss me off.

Yeah, I definately wasn't looking forward to it.


Kaien sighed to himself and turned around. The two zanpakuto and inner hollow were just standing there and doing nothing. He scratched the back of his head before an idea came to mind.

"You guys want to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons?"

Yeah, so I'm probably going to stick with using third person feom now on since I'm already used to doing that. Sound good? Yeah I know it does.

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