The real story of a Bossitron...

By Pixeled_Kitty

1.6K 76 32


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (aka Depression chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (final)
Sequel is out!!!!

Chapter 10

57 2 1
By Pixeled_Kitty

Felix's pov!

Me and the guys stared at Me. Midnight, he was so cute! "Can I hold him?" I asked, he reminded me of Edgar the little turd muffin, she nodded and I copied the she was holding him, "Did you guys find her!" I heard Lilly yell, "yes!" We shouted back, Jen took the kitten from my hands, we walked over to the classroom, Jen quickly put her kitten in her backpack and left it open jus a bit for the kitten to breath, when she turned around we all crowded around her, we could hear mewling, "what's that?" Jenna asked, Jen sighed "my cat" she said.

Time skip brought to you by Fran Bow my favorite game, well second favorite, my first is Undertale.

After school

My Pov!

I walked home with Mark, we were neighbors, "so, um look Jen I'm sorry, I really messed up" Mark said breaking the silence, we had another like 20-30 minutes to walk, "it- it's okay Mark" I said, "Jack said you cared about me" he said, I felt my cheeks get hot, "um" is all I said, suddenly I felt him nudge me "hey I don't really care if you do like like me, I kinda like like you" he said, I felt his hand grab mine, "oh look, we're almost home!" I smiled, oh no! Oh no I thought.

Mark's Pov

"Oh loom we're almost home" she said, I let go of her hand and continued to walk, she smiled at me, "yes" she murmured, "what?" I asked, "yes I care but I also like like you, but I don't want to be in an icky relationship" she laughed "ya, we can be best friends!" I cheered, "I'd like that" she said, "I thought I was your best friend!" I heard Jack behind us, "oh, hey Jack what's up?" I asked, "the sky, but that's not the point, my mom called your mom and your mom said I could spend the night, since there's no school tomorrow" Jack said, "can we run home?" He asked, Jen shook her head, "remember I have my cat with me" she said, "oh ya" Jack said, we walked home, "so, am I still your best friend?" Jack asked, "of course Jack, I can always have more than one best friend" I said, "oh okay" Jack said, "hey can I have a sleepover too?" Jrn asked, "sure why not! But you'll have to ask your mom first and I'll ask my mom!" I said, ya, their my best friends, the three amigos! I thought.

When me and Jack got to my place I dashed to my mom, "mom! Can Jen have a sleepover? Please?" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes, "fine, but only if it's okay with her mother" My mom sighed, me and Jack ran out the door and knocked on Jen's door, y mom said it was okay! Let me get my stuff!" She said excitedly, "you boys can come in if you want" Jen's mom said, we stepped into the nice cool house, "the sun is way to hot out there!" Jack complained with a smile, "okay, I'm ready! Bye mom! Bye dad!" She yelled, she kissed her mom and dad goodbye.

We upstairs, we paused in my room, "do you guys wanna play a video game?" I asked, does Jen like video games? I asked myself, "yes! Yes! And yes!" She yelled, "woh, Jen you like video games?" Jack asked, "are you kidding me? I love video games! I have a Wii, a X-box, a PS4, a computer, a Wii U, and tons more!" She said, me and Jack's dropped to the floor, "cool!" Me and Jack said in unison.

Jack's Pov (woh! 4 pov's in one chapter?! Lucky you!)

Me, Mark and Jenna all took turns on Mark's computer, the order was, Jenna, Me then Mark, he's so nice to his guests, we were like the three musketeers! I couldn't believe my eye's, Jen was beating Mark's high score on a gun game, "woh, Jen your really good!" I said, Mark's mom walked into the room and laughed, "Mark, Thomas wants to know is he can hang out with you guys" she said.

Mark turned his head around, "sure, why not" Mark said, "that's the boy I raised, Thomas, Mark said you could play with him and his friends" she said, a tall boy appeared from behind her, he was definitely older than Mark, "hey Thomas" Mark said, "look I just beat Thomas' high score!" Jen yelled, Thomas looked shocked, "a girl beat my score?" He asked, Mark looked at the screen and nodded, "ya, but hey we have a system going on here, it goes Jen, Jack then me, but you can go before me if you want" Mark said, "no, I'll go after you" Thomas said.

"Wow, its getting late, hey you guys wanna watch two movies?" Mark asked, me and Jen shook our heads up and down fast, "okay you guys can pick" Mark said, he was being to kind, "okay do you have Lilo and Stitch?" Jrn asked, Mark nodded, "do ya have finding Nemo?" I asked and Mark nodded.

While watching Finding Nemo!

"He touch the butt" I whispered to Jen pointing at Mark, we started laughing like crazy, "what?" Mark said, "You touched the butt! You touched the butt!" I teased, Mark blushed and shook his head, "No, she did!" He said pointing at Jen, she froze and stomped to Mark's room, "what?" Mark said and paused the movie, Jen came back down with something in her hand, it was a stuffed squirrel, "wha-" Mark was tackled by Jen and she shoved the squirrels butt in Mark's face, "touch the butt!" She screamed, I was laughing my arse off, "never!" Mark yelled back, Jen continued to repeat herself, "say it, I'm Mark king of the squirrels and touch the squirrels butt!" She said, I laughed even harder, but got up behind Jen and pushed her off Mark, I held her down as Mark tickled her, "your queen of the squirrels!" Mark said, Jen fought hard and broke free if my grip, she ran to Mark's room and locked the door, "get past this squirrel king" she said.

After a few minutes Mark said "fine! I'm the squirrel king" and touched the squirrels butt, me and Jen laughed and laughed, "come on let's go finish the movie than watch Lilo and Stitch" Mark said running down the stairs.

After finding Nemo, at the part of Lilo and Stitch were Stitch is saying 'she's touching me!'

"Ahh!!! She's touching me!" Mark teased, "I'm not touching you" Jen replied, "ahh! She's touching me!" Mark teased poking her, Jen playfully hit Mark's arm, we froze and Mark winked at me, I nodded and held her down, Mark started tickling her, "stop it!" Jen squealed, we stopped,l and laughed.

Bed time!!!!!!

"Good night Mark, good night Jack" Jen said, "night" I said, "good night" Mark said, Mark said that Jen could use his bed so me and Mark shared the air mattress.

Long chapter, oh ma gowsh, what? So long! Probably the longest, so ya, I think Jen and Mark would make a cute couple, right? Any who bye warriors!!!! Like a boss!!!!!!!!

~Moon <3

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