Endless Love (Sequel to 'His...

By Anime-Books_For_Days

2K 74 20

The Titans have been mourning the loss of their dear friend Raven. That is until they suddenly hear that Jinx... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

160 5 1
By Anime-Books_For_Days

"Get her over there! Quick!" Wilma shouted at Kyd and Jonah.

"No. No! We have to worry about-"

"You're giving birth! Not fighting! Please, let your mother handle this!"

"Fine!" Raven said and screamed in pain again. "Why does this hurt so fucking much?" She yelled at Wilma.

"It's birth, not receiving a shot. It's gonna hurt a lot worse." Wilma said.

Raven screamed again.

"Princess, please, keep it down. You'll alert them of our presence." one of the soldiers told her.

Raven snapped, "You try giving birth! Oh, my Azar, it hurts!" 

"Lay her down." Wilma told Kyd. He gently laid his wife on the bed, then he held her hand. Keeping her calm and he softly told her, "Sorry, sorry. I love you. Breath."

It helped a little with Raven's pain, but she was still in pain. But listening to Kyd say all of that, it made her calm, less screaming.

"Two centimeters dilated. We still have to wait." Wilma announced to us all. Raven didn't even notice when she had taken off her underwear. Or when she had been checking down there.

"How dilated does it have to be?" Raven scowled.

"Well, ten centimeters, if you must know." Wilma said with an attitude.

"I'm not going to survive this, goddamn it!" Raven said and her head fell backwards.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Don't worry about a  thing. I'm here. I'm not going to leave you. It's going to be allure-ow!" Kyd yelled in pain as Raven's hand clutched his. "You're holding onto me like a viper. Loosen up a it, will ya?"

"You got me here! You're going to go through some pain too!" Raven yelled at him.

"I do not like what pregnancy has done to you, Rach." Jonah said.

"Oh, shut up!" Raven yelled.

Suddenly the doors opened, scaring all of them except Raven who was in too much pain to even realize that they had opened at all.

"I do not like what pregnancy has done to you, Raven." Robin chuckled as he and the others saw what situation they were in.

"Huh? What did you say, bird boy?" Raven growled. Her teeth were becoming dangerously sharp.

"Is that a demon-y thing?" Cyborg asked her calmly.

"I hate all you. Especially you, Kyd! You got me in this situation!" Raven yelled to them all.

"Kyd? Since when did you start calling me Kyd again?" Kyd asked her.

"Ever since I started hating you for this."

"Raven has become the hostile correct?" Starfire asked her teammates.

"More than usual." Beast Boy replied.

"Oh, shut up! Your frequent speaking is making me angry!" Raven said, but her voice was now laced with a demonic tone.

"Five centimeters dilated!" Wilma shouted alerting everyone. "Come on, Rachel, you're halfway there! Breath!"

"This is so weird." Jonah said uncomfortably.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Raven shouted at them. Everyone instantly shut their mouths and just the sound of Raven squirming and whimpering was heard. "Okay, I change my mind! Please, talk!"

"You're such a confusing woman!" Kyd shouted.

"And you're an idiot! It's perfect!" Raven scowled.

"Six centimeters!" Wilma shouted.

"Can't it get out now?" Raven pleaded.

"Unless you want to die, we have to wait." 

"I hate it when you're right." 

"Yes, well, just know that you and Kevin are not having another baby after this one. I will not tolerate this behavior from you."

"That's just fine! I don't wanna have another one!" 

"Family dramas! So refreshing!" Robin grinned.

"You fucking bat boy, I'm going to kill you after this!" Raven scowled at him.

"Seven centimeters!" Wilma announced.

"Please make it stop!"

"I'm so sorry, Rach. I-I didn't mean to put you in so much pain." Kyd whispered to her.

"Don't apologize now! I can't do anything now! Apologize later when I make you feel the pain I feel!" Raven shouted at him.

"Princess, please try to calm down!" the soldier pleaded.

"Do you wanna go later, too, Gutierrez? I will pummel you to the center of Azarath's core!"

"What's all the ruckus?" Slade came in and instantly saw the scene. Raven in labor, the Teen Titans, Kyd, Wilma postponed in front of Raven, Jonah is the corner hiding his face.

"Slade!" Robin said, disgust and hatred laced in his voice.

"Oh, Robin, I am not here to fight you!"

"Nine centimeters! Almost there, Rachel!" Wilma announced loudly.

"Get ready!" Jonah told everyone.

Raven's eyes were scrunched in pain, but when she opened them, they were a bloody red. And there were four, her ears seemed to become pointy, just like Beast Boy's ears, her teeth were sharp and ready to slice into flesh. "Stop talking!" Her voice was no longer mixed with her demonic one, now it was purely demonic, no sign of her humanity any more.

Everyone stayed silent.

Wilma interrupted that silence, "She ready! Rachel, push!"


Outside, Arella was fighting, along side her soldiers. They insisted on making her stay back and allow them to fight for her, but she refused. She's seen many things since she has become Queen, and one thing she learned was to fight with the people who protect you. 

"I'm not letting you all die. Not alone." Arella shouted at them.

"Queen, your husband has not returned yet."

Arella nodded towards on of the servants and then pointed back towards the castle, "Please, go and fetch him for me. I need him here."

"Yes, Ma'am." the young servant instantly left and sprinted towards the castle. 

Arella sighed, looking at the King of Gilla, oh, how he's going to regret messing with Azarath...

Meanwhile, the servant that had gotten permission from the Queen to enter the castle, decided that it was time to drop the act. She quickly turned into her original form, her pink hair turned black, her blue eyes turned red, and her dark skin became pale. Her teeth sharpened and she looked just like her mother now. 

The Queen of Gilla.

Now, now, it's time to go fetch the princess of Azarath, dear. Make mommy proud... Sonya heard her mother's voice in her head.

Sonya nodded, "Yeah, it is."

She hurried her way through the castle, not sure where exactly which room she was hidden in, but she would find her regardless. There was no way she would let the princess get away. She had to make her parents proud of her. She wanted to be the savior to her kingdom, and she wanted to her parent's prize. She wanted to be recognized as more than just the princess of Gilla. She wanted more.

And the only way to do it was to kidnap the princess of Azarath, Rachel. and take her to her mother and father. They will be pleased and they will praise her for what she has done. They will expect no more but the best for their prize and joy.

After a while, she was sure of how many times she has turned left or right or climb some of the stairs. It's been a long time now. She didn't how much time she had left. She had to hurry.

She sprinted around and then froze.

Screaming? Why is someone screaming in the castle? She thought to herself as the screaming sounded painful. What is going on?

She found the door where the screaming was coming from.

"Come on! Push!" a voice yelled.

"It hurts..." a hoarse, broken voice whimpered. They seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"Rachel, you have to push. Don't make this last longer than it has to be."

They rest of silence to her.

I've found you....


Raven was pushing with all her might as she squeezed the circulation out of Kyd's hand. He seemed to be holding back a few tears. she made a note to apologize to him later for his hand.

"Come on, I can see the head." 

"Yeah, I can too. Oh, my Azar." Jonah said and then fainted.

"Man down! Man down!" Beast Boy shouted as he and Robin quickly went to pick him up and placed him in a chair. They made sure not to face Raven so they too would not faint by the sight.

"I hate you so much. All of you." Raven sobbed, actually tearing up.

Anyone who dared entered the room, would instantly see chaos, but it seemed totally normal to them.  "You know, this reminds me of when it's Raven's time of the month." Cyborg said comparing child birth to a period.

Raven captured a vase with her magic and threw it at Cyborg. It shattered against his mechanical chest. "Damn you!"

There was a knock on the door before a girl with pink hair and blue eyes entered, "Uh, excuse me. King, the Queen would like you by her side."

"King? Slade married your mother, Raven?" Robin asked.

Raven only grunted as she pushed.

"I'll tell your mother what's going on here, Rachel. We'll be back." Slade said, he turned to see the young servant, "You, stay here and fetch some towels."

She bowed, "Yes, sir!" She instantly went towards the bathroom and grabbed a couple of towels to wrap the future prince or princess. Too bad...

"Alright, Rachel, just one more push. Put all your effort into it, understand?" Wilma told her.

Raven nodded, breathing heavily, she supported herself on her elbows and then pushed with all her might.

Crying was heard throughout the room, not Raven's whimpering, but loud wailing that interrupted all the chaos that was going through the room.

Wilma awed with glee, "Would you look at that, it's a beautiful baby girl."

"A girl? Kevin, it's a girl." Raven cooed as her breathing started to calm down.

Kyd was smiling from ear to ear, "A girl. A girl. It's a girl..."

"She's our little-"

"Emiko..." Kyd finished naming the bundle of joy.

"Well, well, what a nice name." The servant girl said as she handed Wilma the towels.

Wilma smiled appreciative as she wrapped the baby in the towel. "Emiko Wilkinson. Princess Emiko..."

"Too bad..."

"Excuse me?" Kyd asked, getting slightly defensive.

"Make mommy proud. My only goal." She said.

"W-Who are you?" Raven asked.

The girl suddenly transformed, now she looked dangerous. She grinned maniacally and glared at Raven, "Your demise!"

And then she charged.


Well, then... It feels like weeks since I last updated any of my stories. Big part of that was because it was finals week last week. I only studied, ate, took my showers, studied, and slept. It was stressing me out. Like, it was horrible. Anyways, sorry. Hopefully I will start updating like I used to before that horrid week came up.... Till next time, guys.

~~Also, I'm not an expert on child birth, so I apologize if I got some details wrong. And I didn't bother to research this deeply. I just asked my sister how it felt to give birth to her son and intensified it immensely~~


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