The long story of herobrines...

By katralivingthelife

564 42 25

Diamond is destined to live a hunted, dark and sad because her dad is Herobrine More

The begaining
New places new danger
Character pick
Not a chapter
Im sorry
Houses, news and potions

Walls, Inns and spys

64 5 3
By katralivingthelife

Emerald's POV

I could see the the gigantic wall before I could even see the gate as we approach my new

home. Dad said we'd be there in 3 hours but I could still see the towering wall above me.

I looked at my dad on his horse in front of me, he was staring into the sky. I grabbed a

Golden apple from my pack and petted started looking at the trees around me, they

were high as a skyscraper, maybe I'll get to climb them, I thought as we neared a inn, it

was starting to get dark. Dad should we stop for the night? Hmm oh um

yah, dad said absently. We slowed to a stop so I got off my horse and led her to the

stables next to the inn. I stopped for a moment to look at the walls. Tomorrow,

tomorrow I'll be a city girl, I'll go to school for the first time because I've been home

schooled for my whole entire life so I've never even got to see inside a school, I'll finally

meet friends I won't have to leave and discover new things that can't be found in the

wilderness. My horse nudged me bringing me back from my dreams. My dad came up

to the stable to put his horse in the stables too. I sighed as I walked to the inn with dad

following behind me. Dad walked up to the receptionist while as I looked around. The

place was old fashioned. It was made of oak and dark oak, there was no one in the lobby

either and it was a little run down. Dad came up behind me. So we're in room 38, dad

said. I immediately went to my room to a tv, 2 beds and a table and mini-fridge. Not

much but it'll do. I got on my bed and watch some tv until I fell asleep.

  ??? POV

I quickly but quietly opened the door, looking into the dark room I closed the door. I

sneaked over to the one of the beds. I slowly poked though the bags by the bed, taking

out a pouch that's slightly glowing in the process sending a picture fluttering to the

ground. I left it and crawling out the window any down the vines. Master will be happy.

I smiled at the glowing bag. We can finally attack.

Steve POV

I started to sit up. Wait today's the day. I stood up and started walking to emerald then

noticed my picture on the ground. How'd it get there. I picked it up and put back in my

bag. I walked over to emerald and gently shook her awake. She smiled at me.


So who's the mystery person and who's his master. What was cube and why was it in Steve's bag. Who and what is this ''master" going to attack and why does he need this glowing thing to do it. All will be answered in the next episode of bacon and cheese. Sorry for the sort chapter anyway

Seto out

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