Hidden Identity

By Kboo93

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Bella Swan has been keeping a secret. She is actually Isabella Potter. the twin sister of Harry Potter. It's... More

Chapter 1: leaving
Chapter 2 : the letters
Chapter 3 :family reunion
Chapter 4: The flight
Chapter 5: Wedding at the Weasley's
Chapter 6 : Death Eaters and RAB
Chapter 7 : The locket's where abouts
Chapter 8: Break In
Chapter 9: Thinking of you
Chapter 10: Failed attemps
Chapter 11: The night 4 became 3
Chapter 12: Thoughts on the Mountain
Chapter 13: This is strange
Chapter 14: Bathilda Bagshot
Chapter 15: The golden quartet
Chapter 16: An unexpected day out
Chapter 17: Malfoy Manor
Chapter 18: Dobby's grave
Chapter 19: The other side of the story
Chapter 20: The cottage on the beach
Chapter 21: Gringotts break in
Chapter 22: Going back to Hogwarts
Chapter 23 : School Reunion
Chapter 24: Fire in the Room of Requirement
Chapter 25: Memories
Chapter 26 : Walking to our deaths
Chapter 27: Re-awakening
Chapter 28: Now or never
Chapter 29: Returning to the family
Chapter 30: The begining of the story
Chapter 31: Quiditch, Trolls, Dogs and Detention
Chapter 32: The end of the first chapter
Chapter 33 : Into the mind
Chapter 33: Into the mind
Chapter 34: The snake attack
Chapter 35: Quiditch falls and Face changing
Chapter 36: Big spiders and finding the chamber
Chapter 38: coming back to reality
Chapter 39: In the eyes of a pixie
Chapter 40: Classes
Chapter 41: Sneaking through Hogwarts
Chapter 42: Quiditch games
Chapter 43: Finding Family
Chapter 44 : Going back in time
Chapter 45: The teddy bears veiw
Chapter 46: Tri-Wizard Champions
Chapter 47: Loosing your temper
Chapter 48: The girl in the black cape
Chapter 49: Task 1
Chapter 50: The kitchen
Chapter 51: Cinderellas ball and a mermaids splash
Chapter 52: The maze
Chapter 53: The end of a chapter
Chapter 54: Arizona
Chapter 55: Returning
Chapter 56: Returning to England
Chapter 57: Anger issues
Chapter 58: Pink Troll
Chapter 59: Snake like
Chapter 60: Winter holidays
Chapter 61: New Headmisstress of Hogwarts
Chapter 62: The Ministry (Part 1)
Chapter 63: Department of Mysteries (part 2)
Chapter 64: Witch in Forks
Chapter 65: Run in with the Nomands
Chapter 66: The siblings reunite
Chapter 67: Lucky potion
Chapter 68: Posession
Chapter 69: Treasure in the cove
Chapter 70: Dumbledores end
Chapter 71: The worst year of all
Chapter 72: Ministry and strange visions
Chapter 73: Rons' return
Chapter 74: Captured by Snatchers
Chapter 75: Escaping on a Dragon
Chapter 76: Finding the ghost
Chapter 77: Downfall
Chapter 78: The jump off the building
Chapter 79: Meeting the Family
Chapter 80: Trip to Italy
Chapter 81: I'm Bella Freakin Potter
Chapter 82: Funerals and friendships
Chapter 83: Mr and Mrs Cullen
Chapter 84: Potters, Cullens and a former Weasley
Chapter 85: The final battle
Chapter 86: King Cross Station
Chapter 87: St Mungo's Hospital
Chapter 88: Loss
Chapter 89: One final time

Chapter 37: Basilisk attacks

1.1K 20 0
By Kboo93


The green light shot out of the wand and shot backwards heading towards Lockhart himself. He threw himself up into the air and slammed into the hard, stone wall. The room shook violently, so violently that rocks from the top broke off and fell to the floor making a huge pile of them. The pile of rocks was so high up it almost reached the top. Harry and Bella were separated from Ron and Lockhart.

"Oh no we're trapped" Emmett cried.

"Emmett we can just walk through the pile of rocks" I told him. What a big doof.

"Oh yeah, right" Emmett said walking through the pile of rocks.

"Harry, Bella!"

"Ron are you okay?" Bella yelled.

"I'm fine but I don't know about Lockhart he seems unconscious"

At that moment Lockhart opened his eyes wide and sat up.

"Um... hello who are you?" Lockhart asked.

"I'm Ron Weasley" Ron answered.

"And who am I?" He asked.

"Lockhart's memory charm backfired, he has forgotten who he is" Ron yelled over the pile of rocks.

"This is a weird looking place. Do you live here?" Lockhart asked

"What do I do now?" Ron yelled.

"You stay here. Look after Lockhart and start moving the rocks and try to clear a path" Bella said.

"We'll go find Ginny" Harry said and the two of them ran off.

They ran down until they reached a large room. At the back was a large brick door with a strange face surrounded by a pool of water. There was a pathway leading to the door and surrounding the door was lots of snake statues made from brick. The whole room was well detailed and decorated.

In the middle of the floor Ginny lay still. Almost looking dead

"Ginny, Ginny!" Harry yelled and they both ran over to her.

"Please don't be dead Ginny" Bella said putting her palm on Ginny's forehead, "She's freezing cold. Is there a pulse?" She asked.

Harry put his hand to her wrist.

"It's there but very faint" Harry whispered.

"Hey Alice I have an idea why don't you just look into the future" Emmett said.

"Emmett you dummy I cant look into the future of something that has happened in the past" Alice said back.

"Oh well I just thought"

"No Emmett you didn't think you never do and you always say the stupidest of things"

"No I don't!" Emmett shouted at the same time that Alice yelled "You stupid doof ball!"

"Children stop it" Carlisle said firmly.

"STOP IT!" Esme yelled, "I am trying to watch this very important moment of Bella's life and I cant hear over your constant bickering!"

Emmett and Alice shut up.

"She wont wake" Tom Riddle said strolling into the room from no where.

"Tom Riddle! What do you mean she wont wake?" Harry asked

"Are you a ghost?" Bella asked

"I'm a ghost preserved in a diary for 50 years"

"Tom help us. There's a Basilisk." Bella said.

"Oh don't worry he won't come until he's called" Tom said.

Harry stood up slowly, his eyes never leaving Toms. "Tom give me my wand" He said looking at his hand where he was tightly gripping onto the wand that Harry had dropped when running over to Ginny.

Bella was still kneeling on the floor beside Ginny with her hand on her forehead.

"You wont be needing it"

"Tom... we have to save her, you have tot help us" Harry said.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. You see as poor Ginny grows weaker I grow stronger. Yes it was Ginny who opened the chamber of secrets. It was Ginny who set the Basilisk on Justin Fletcher and Mr Flinches cat. It was Ginny who who wrote the threatening messages on the wall. Not that she new what she was doing you see as she was under a trance."

"But why?" Asked Harry.

"Because I told her to. And then she got scared so she tried to dispose of the diary in the girls bathroom and who should come across it. Only the two people that I wanted to meet most of all." Tom smirked.

"But why did you want to meet us?" Bell asked her voice shaking a tiny bit.

"Because I knew I had to talk to you so I decided to show you my capture of that brainless oaf Hagrid to gain your trust"

"Hagrid's are friend" Harry yelled, "And you framed him didn't you. I bet Dumbledore saw right threw you"

"He did. He seemed to think that Hagrid was innocent so he kept a close eye on me after that. And I knew that I couldn't open the chamber of secrets while still in school so I left a memory of myself in this diary so at one point I could return and finish the chamber like Salazar Slytherin like intended.

"Well you haven't finished it in time in a few hours the mandrakes will be ready and all who have been petrified will be saved." Bella said.

"Oh didn't I tell you, killing mud-bloods doesn't matter to me any more. No no! My new target for many months had been you... How did 2 innocent, powerless children manage to destroy the greatest wizard of all time. How is it that you could escape with only a scar while the dark lord got destroyed."

"Why do you care how Voldemort was destroyed? He was after your time" Said Harry

"Oh you still don't understand do you" Tom said.

Using his wand he spelt his full name in mid-air. Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Bella moved away from Ginny and stood next to Harry.

With a flick of his wand the letters rearranged them selves until they spelt out I am lord Voldemort.

"Your Voldemort" Bella gasped.

"Well you didn't think that I would keep my filthy muggle fathers name. I wanted a new name that the whole world would know. That people would fear to say when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world" he laughed

"No Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer." Harry barked back.

"Albus Dumbledore has been driven out of the castle by the memory of me"

"He'll be back" said Harry

"As long as those who are loyal will stay loyal to him" Bell finished.

Then a red and golden bird flew into the room carrying the sorting hat in with him.

"Fawkes" Harry and Bella said together.

Fawkes dropped the hat on the floor before flying out again.

"So that's what Dumbledore leaves his great defenders. A old sorting hat and a song bird" Tom laughed, "Now lets match the powers of Voldemort, the heir of Slytherin, Vs Harry and Bella Potter. Hss Terie shara." He started mumbling and the wall opened at the far end of the room. Out came a snake about 60 ft long, slimy and hissing.

Wow! That is one huge snake.

"HOLY SHIT!" Emmett yelled.

"Snake" Alice, Esme and Rose mumbled.

"Parsoltounge wont help you now he only responds to me" He said and started hissings sounds.

The Basilisks came forwards towards Harry and Bella.

"Harry r-run"Bella stuttered grabbing Harry by the hand and pulling him. They both ran along the long path running away from the Basilisk. Their footsteps echoed around the room.

"Come on" I said to my family. Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper pulled their wives down to follow them when they refused to move.

As they were running they both slipped on the puddle of water on the pavement and the Basilisk began closing in on them.

Then Fawks flew over and stabbed the Basilisk in both eyes with his claws. The snake cried out in pain and shook back and forth.

"You may of blinded him but he can still hear you" Said Tom.

The pair of them stood back up and continued running. They ran until out of the room and so they were on the entrance doors to the room. The place looked like a sewer.

"I don't like this" Rose complained.

They ran left and kept running until they reached a dead end. The basilisk followed behind them and stopped abruptly at he the turning where Harry and Bella were. Bella clutched her eyes shut and stopped breathing along with Harry. For seconds the snake just sat there looking at where they were but didn't move. Harry slowly picked up a near by stone and threw it into the water.

The snake lingered for a while before turning round and slithering way. Once he was gone Harry and Bella left and went into the main room where Tom was waiting by Ginny.

"I really hate that guy" Emmett sneered, "What a bastered!"

"This is horrible" Esme muttered, he hand over her mouth.

Harry and Bella ran towards Ginny.

"Yes the process is almost complete, in a few minutes Ginny Weasley will be dead and Voldemort will be back. Very much alive" He sniggered.

At that moment the Basilisk broke through the stone wall.

"Crap" Rose screamed.

"Harry the hat" Bella whispered.

"The sorting hat that Fawks had dropped lay on the floor. The pair of them reached into the hat and pulled out a sword.

"Bella you stay here" Harry said and Bella sat by Ginnys side stroking through her hair.

Harry put the sword in front of him and held it out at the snake as he walked backwards. Harry broke eye contact with the snake and climbed up at the doorway where the snake had come from. Harry viciously wafted the sword around at its face and when the snake pulled back Harry began climbing higher up. Once Harry was safely up on the next platform the Basilisk pushed Harry and he tumbled over and dropped.

From beside me I saw Esme with her eyes wide and her mouth in a 'o' shape.

"Harry!" Bella cried and ran up and grabbed the sword which had fallen into a pool of water. She began climbing up but the snake was lingering right behind her. She got onto the platform and started climbing again. The snake pulled its head back and hit the wall making Bella's hand slip. She scraped her leg and began bleeding. She managed to regain her balance and started climbing up again.

"Harry she whispered running over to him and passing over the sword but she was still holding on. They looked at each other.

"1" Harry said.

"2" Said Bella

"3!" The both yelled and as the Basilisk brought its head forwards they stabbed him through the mouth.

The snake wallowed in pain and fell down into the pool of water. The pair of them groggily jumped down holding their arms in pain.

In their arms was a tooth of the Basilisk.

"Its funny what a little tooth can do isn't it. My guess is that you have about a minute to live. You will be with your mudblood mother soon"

My anger rose, I wanted to beat he living crap out of that guy. I would if I could.

Kneeling beside Ginny they pulled the Basilisk tooth out of their arms and threw on the floor.

"All of this because of a silly book. Just teaches you what can happen when you have a book in the wrong arms. Especially a silly. Little. Girl" He spat.

Harry pulled the diary from Ginn'ys arms

"What- what are you doing?" Tom asked.

With the tooth in hand, he stabbed the front of the diary with it and Tom .

fell backwards, a large hole forming in his stomach. Bella joined in too. The book was splattering out ink, the hole in Toms chest finally got bigger and bigger until he disappeared.

Ginny opened her eyes and sat up looking around her.

"Harry, Bella it was me. I opened the chamber but I dint mean to I swear."

"It okay Ginny. Now follow the chamber and you will find Ron. You have to get out of here" Bella told her,

"Your hurt" She stuttered.

Then Fawks came flying in.

"You were brilliant Fawks. We just weren't quick enough" Harry said.

Fawks bent over to Harry wounded arm an began to cry. The tears which fell onto his arm began to heal the wound.

"Of course, Phoenix's have healing powers." Harry said. Fawks leaned over to Bella and did the same thing.

"We need to Find Ron. I'll go and get him" Said Bella and began running through the sewers to Find Ron.

"Ron! RON!" Bella screamed.

"Over here" Ron yelled back. Bella followed the voice and found Ron and Lockhart. The pile of rocks had near enough been cleared.

"Did-did you find her? Is she okay? Where is a Harry?" Ron asked.

"Yes yes we found her and she's fine. Well physically I'm not sure about emotionally. Harry is with her okay. We gotta go. This way" She aid and began running the way which she had came. Once they got back Ron Ran over to Ginny.

"Ginny" He said hugging her, "I thought that you were going to die" He mumbled.

"I'm okay" She whispered, "How do we get out of here.

In the ceiling was a hole in the wall.

"Fawkes?" Harry said.

"Fawkes grabbed onto Harry who grabbed onto Ron who grabbed onto Lockhart then Ginny and Bella. Fawkes started flying out of the room and started flying out until they were outside again.

The picture changed and Harry, Ron and Bella were standing in Dumbledores office.

"Are you aware that you have broken bout a dozen school rules" Said Dumbledore.

The 3 of them looked down at their feet.

"I have reasons to expel you therefore I feel that I must reward you special awards for services for the school" Dumbledore smiled.

"Thanks sir" Ron smiled.

"And know Mr Weasley if you would find an owl to send these release papers off to Azkaban. We want are games keeper back.

Ron ran off smiling.

"Harry Bella, first I want to thank you. You must of shown real bravery down in the chamber of secrets for Fawkes to come. And secondly I notice that something is troubling you. Am I right?"

"It's just that I couldn't help but notice certain similarities between me"

"And me and Voldemort" Bella finished off.

"Well you see Harry, Bella you can speak parsoltounge can't you, because Tom Riddle himself can speak Parsontounge. You see the night he tried to kill you he transferred some of his powers to you"

"He did what?" Bella asked

"He transferred some of his powers to you not intentionally of course, but he did"

"So the sorting hat was right then we should be in Slytherin" Harry said.

"Why yes the pair of you do have the talents to be in Slytherin. So tell me, why did the sorting hat put you in Gryffindor?"

"Because we asked it too" Harry said.

"Exactly, that is what makes you different to Voldemort". He would of never of done that. And if you want more proof why you should be in Gryffindor look t this. He said picking up and giving them the sword.

"Godrick Gryffindor" Bella red.

"Only a true Gryffindor could pull this out of the sorting hat."

At that moment the door swang open and Mr Malfoy (Draco's father)

came in with Dobby trailing behind him.

"Dobby. This is who you work for. The Malfoys are your masters." Bella said. Mr Malfoy turned and looked at Dobby.

"Go outside i'll deal with you later" He sneered and Dobby ran off.

"So it is true you have returned then"

"Yes. Author Weasley's daughter was taken hostage and the board thought that it was fitting that I was to return." Dumbledore answered.

"Ridiculous" He sneered.

"And funnily enough Lucius serial of the board said that you would curse their family's if they did not agree to letting me go."

"How dare you! The students well fare at this school, especially my sons has been and always will be my priority."

"Was the culprit identified." Malfoy said and Dumbledore nodded, who was it then?" he asked.

Dumbledore looked over at Harry ad Bella.

"Voldemort. Except this time he was working through this," he said picking up the old diary, "And was making someone else in the school do his work for him. I can only hope that none of things can find there way back to the school"

Well lets hope that the Potters will always be around to save the day".

"Don't worry. We will be" Bella said coldly.

"Well then. Lets Dobby we are going" He sneered and kick Dobby down the stair and hit him on the back of the head.

"How can he do that to such a sweet creature?" Alice said, "That's so mean"

"Calm down honey" Jasper whispered to her.

"Because Alice that man is a monster" Esme said coldly.

"Poor Dobby" Ali said

Sir I was wondering if we could borrow this" Harry said to him looking at the diary. Dumbledore nodded.

They grabbed the diary and ran out if the room.

Once out of his office harry pulled off his sock and put it in the diary.

"Mr Malfoy, Mr Malfoy!" Harry and Bella yelled chasing after him.

"I think that you forgot this" Harry said handing the diary over.

"How dare you" he sneered, "What makes you think that this is mine?"

"Well I think that you put it In Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day in Diagon Alley." Harry said to him.

"Well then why don't you prove it"

He threw the diary at Dobby.

"Open it" Bella whispered at him.

Dobby flicked through the pages until he found the one with the sock

"Master had given Dobby a sock, Master has Given Dobby clothing. Dobby is free!" He yelled excitedly.

"What" Malfoy asked dturing around and looking at the sock, "But- but"

H turned to look at Harry and Bellaand they smirked mischievously. Harry pulled up his pants leg to reveal there was no sock.

"No! No you lost me my servant!" He yelled and pulled out his wand pointing it at them. Dobby went to stand in front of them

Avada Ka-" He yelled and but before he could finish dobby clicked his fingers and he Malfoy went flying backwards.

"You cant hurt Harry and Bella Potter" Dobby said.

Once Malfoy got up he sneered

"Your parents were murdered and one day you are going to meet the same ending" He yelled before walking off.

"You freed me. What can I do to repay you?" Dobby asked.

"Just promise us one thing" Said Bella.

"Never try and save our live our lives again" They said at he said at the same time.

The picture changed and Ron and Bella were walking into the hospital wing where Ginny and her family were.

"Oh Harry, Bella Mrs Weasley said hugging them, "Thank you for saving Ginny.

"Oh it was no problem Mr Weasley" Harry said.

"How are you?" Bella asked Ginny.

"I'm fine, a little shaken up I suppose."

"Well you should be dear, being taken off to the chamber of secrets like that. You should of told some one about the diary. When the school told me I though that I had lost you" Mrs Weasley cried hugging her daughter.

Harry and Bella smiled at Ginny who smiled back.

"Well Mrs Weasley we better get going" Bella told her.

"Oh do you have to? She asked.

"Oh yes. Goodbye Mrs Weasley.

"Oh goodbye" She said hugging the pair of them again, You take car of yourselves now" Mrs Weasley smiled an Harry and Bella walked off

The picture changed again and they were now in the great hall eating their feast.

"Look There''s Hermione" said Neville.

Hermione was standing at the top of the Gryffindor table. Once she saw the three of them she ran down into Harry's arms"

"Welcome back Hermione" he said

Then she went over to Bella and hugged her,

"Oh Hermione I missed you" She cried

"She moved over to Ron and began to hug him but awkwardly pulled back and grabbed his hand.

"Welcome back Hermione" He said awkwardly.

"Its good to be back.

"They totally have crushed on each other" said Alice.

"Well I cant' believe you did it, you figured it out" she smiled happily.

"Well we had lots of help from you .We couldn't of done it with out you" Bella said.

A ring of tapping glass rang through the air.

"Attention please" McGonagall said.

"Attention I would just like to say before we begin that congratulations to Professor sprout and madam pomohrey's mandrake juice was very successful and managed to save all those who had been petrified. And as a school treat, all the school exams are cancelled." Dumbledore.

"The whole school erupted in cheers.

"Oh no" Whispered Hermione upset,

Then the door slammed open and Hagrid came walking in.

"Sorry I'm late" Said Hagrid, "the owl who sent my release papers got lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Erol."

Ron blushed deep red.

Hagrid walked over until he was beside the 4 of them.

"Thank you all of you. If it wasn't for you then I would still be you-know-where" he muttered.

Harry and Bella stood up.

"It wouldn't be Hogwarts without you" Harry smiled.

Bella and Harry hugged him and a few seconds later pulled away and started clapping. The whole school erupted into claps and they ran over to stand by Hagrid. Every one but the Slytherins.

And with that the memory was finished and we were being pulled out the memory.

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