To Remember: Just One Night (...

By IllusionTheProxy

194K 5.5K 5.2K

#CPAWARDSSHOUTOUT (Be prepared for stupid references in each update, especially each chapters' title. And yes... More

Sneaking Out Without Sneakers
Breaking Noose: Hanging Around is Deadly
Dancing With the Dead
She Fell Down, I Yelled "TIMBER!"
Lean Wit It Chop Wit It
The First Fears (Creepypasta Original)
Awkward Thoughts #1
A Lovely Weirdness
Stop, in the Name of Blood!
Stupid Ugly Face XD
I Need a Hero
Wolf in Husky's Clothing
Legend of Tinder Woods V1.4
Tea, Sir!
Tagged by @SpazzyPinapplez
Jars of Hearts
American Horror Story S6
Why Did I Ever Love You?
Can YOUR Pet?
Not-So-Simple Plan
Broken Clock
Two Years on Wattpad
It's the End of the Night
Just You Wait! :D
The Harry Potter series are Horcruxes?
Q & A
Book 2 Is Out!
2-Years.... THANK YOU!!!
A Break from Wattpad


9.9K 271 740
By IllusionTheProxy

You walk silently down the street, following your mind and the occasional text from Abby to find your way to the party. Within a block of the party, you can feel the bass of the music in your toes. Dubstep. Hell yeah. This party was..... what did they call it? Off the chain.

Yeah, this party was off the chain! For totes! Following your ears now, you quickly find the party. In the old lumber mill, right where Abby said. You weave through the crowd of people, searching for Abby for a while before giving up and searching for the liquor instead. Because book logic.

(((((And because the Masky x Reader books were depressing, I wanna have some fun with this new plot!!! Even IF (y/n) is gonna be a steryotypical spoiled brat!!! Oh and F.Y.I., this is an A.U. where MASKY and (y/n) never happened. Because like I said, BOOK LOGIC!))))

Yay! Beer! Who cares if I'm what, 15? Free alcohol! :D You grab a few bottles of beer, chugging on one and shoving the other into your pocket. You weave through the crowd once more, quickly finding a group of people taking hits off a joint and passing it around. Oh wow look you're being smart here, you walk away!

Yay for smartness! I guess? Yeah! You wander around the party for a while, occasionally chugging on the beer as you made your way to the bathroom. On your way, you bump into a guy in his way out of the bathroom. He had stains from fruit punch splattered all over the front of his light- orange jacket, and the hallway was too dark for you to see any facial features.

But obviously you could tell blsck gloves covered his hands.

You roll your eyes at the man, opening the bathroom door and walking in, closing the door behind you. Sitting on the toilet, you start texting Abby. (((((This is where the plot gets a bit fun!!!)))))

You: Abbs, you there hon?

No response, even after five minutes. This was unlike Abby, she was the tech savvy kind of girl, she wouldn't take more than a minute to respond! You try again.

You: Abbs?!?

Still no response.

You inhale for a deep sigh, only to pick up an excruciatingly disgusting smell from inside the bathroom. Standing up, you lift up the toiletseat to see if someone forgot to flush. You gag a bit, finding nothing in the toilet but a used condom. No way was that the source of the smell. You hoped.....

Sniffing a bit, you turn your attention to the closed shower curtain. Did someone poop in the shower?!? You inch towards the door, ignoring the sound of it creaking open and someone stepping in.

With one quick swipe, you swing the curtain open, becoming overwhelmed with the smell. In the shower, knife protruding from her stomach, laid Abby, submerged in her own blood.

(((((This is why the title is "WUT WUT, KNIFE IN THE GUT!")))))

You cough long and hard, dropping the beer bottle to the ground and running backwards into the person behind you. They growl a bit - I'm not even joking, they GROWL - covering your mouth with a rag. "Now tell me," the person growls, everything in your body seeming to shut down, "does this rag smell like chloroform?"

Uh, yay for total-body shutdown? Apparently?

(((((Oh wow. #HUReference, anyone? HU as in Hollywood Undead? Dead Bite lyrics? No one? I am forever alone.....)))))

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