The Emo Home (Louis Tomlinson...

By constrained

2.4K 44 11

Hi! My name's Lemon Elizabeth Crusader. My favorite color is black but I'm also a fan of light pink. I'm an o... More

Chapter Two: Moving in
Chapter Three: Shopping
Chapter Four: Dreams
Chapter Five: A No-Show Christmas
Chapter Six: Holmes Chapel
Chapter Seven: Problems

The Emo Home (Louis Tomlinson FF)

1.2K 8 1
By constrained

~*~*~*~* Lemon *~*~*~*~

The first week of school is always the worst; you can't find your classroom, sometimes you have no friends in that period, the prolonged awkward silences. But your first week at a new school is even worse; people already have their cliques, no one can remember your name, your home sick. Not to mention the loads of school work that is required at the new school.

It's been a very hard transition from Cheshire to London. This place more of a party city, whereas Cheshire was quiet, more on the country side. (A/N: I don't really know that, but bare with me) I knew everyone back at home, and everyone accepted the fact that I was different. That I had a different style, that I had the worst perspective of things. I didn't have the best family so I had a hard childhood. But here, I felt like people were so judgey, they just couldn't grasp onto the fact that I was depressed, that I didn't have a phone. That I didn't have social networking things, that I didn't have a jock jacket draped over my shoulders. That's not who I was, that's not who I am now, that's not who I will ever be. And as if it wasn't already hard enough, I was named Lemon. Yes, Lemon. Like the fruit. When my mother was pregnant with me, she always craved lemons, so that's the orgin of that.......

"Hey! Watch where your going Emo!" A jock called to me over his shoulder.

"Sorry." I mumbled, tugging my jumper tighter across my chest. They always left the air conditioner on after school hours, so it was always a tad bit chilly.

Stepping up to my beaten up locker, I twisted the lock dial and it clicked. Opening it up, I grabbed the books I needed, shoving the ones in that I didn't, then closed it. Readjusting my back pack straps, I clutched my books to my chest, then made my way to European History.

*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*

Quietly sliding into a seat towards the back of the room, attempting to go unnoticed, I looked up at the chalk board and tears collected in my eyes. A few cheerleaders stood at the front of the room, the chalk sticks in their hands, and written on the board was my name. LEMON. They wrote it in all caps, the letters slightly spaced out. But what made it horrid, was the fact they circled the three letters in the middle. EMO.

Wiping at the forming tears, I took my notebook out from between my other textbooks and flipped it open to the page with the creased corner. I created this page a few days ago, and titled it:

"Reasons to move back to Cheshire"

Truth is.....I've never fancied London all that much. I had ridden the London Eye when I was little, and saw all the sights there were to see. It was just such a gossipy town. couldn't walk around without someone saying something about you, whether it was about how good you look or the alternative. This just wasn't my kinda place to settle.

I had only gotten to five reasons, so I jotted down the sixth.

"They make fun of my name"

Shutting the notebook so that I could see the purple cover, I heard a commotion at the front of the room.

"Lemon Crusader the principal would like to speak with you." My teacher's voice echoed in my brain.

Was I in trouble?

"Oooooo! Emo got in trouble!" A male jock said, laughter booming throughout the room. Standing to my feet, I collected my books and made my way to the Discipline Office.

*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*

"Ms. Crusader, how long has this been going on?" The principal, Mrs. Hamilton asked, empathy practically radiating off her body.

"Ever since I got here." I muttered, my mother seated beside me. She gaped at my answer and gently squeezed my hand. Trying to comfort me.

"Are there certain students that are doing these things?" She inquired, her head perched on her hand, her elbow supported by the desk, her legs crossed over the other.

"No. Everyone does it." I shrugged, and my mother nearly burst into tears. She wasn't used to these kind of thing.

"Would you consider leaving this school because of the harassment?" The answer flew out of my mouth, but I could tell she didn't want the answer I gave her. I was an amazing student. All A's all the time.

"Yes." I ran my free hand through my pink hair. She looked sort of.....well.....sad.

"The only options I could give you are home schooling or the depression home." My mother looked completely taken aback by her words, but I knew what I wanted.

"The depression home."


Hello there! Thanks for reading chapter one of The Emo Home, I really appreciate it! And I hope you enjoyed! :D xoxo


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