Reverse Falls | DISCONTINUED

By Krisana_

1.1K 32 50

Dipper and Mabel found this weird page in the Book Volume 1,2 & 3, the title says "Reverse Falls" they didn't... More

.: 2 - Gleeful :.

.: 1- Reverse Falls :.

666 15 29
By Krisana_

Dipper's POV
Laying in my bed, wearing my "pine tree" hat and just a normal shirt and skinny pants, trying to pass off my boredom. But sigh, can't even find a way to make summer vacation interesting just like last summer. 2 years has passed and me and Mabel are already 14. I'm even taller than Wendy right now so there's hope.

"Dipper! Lunch is ready! Come down Disco Girl" Mabel giggled, and yes Mabel still calls me "Disco Girl" just like before. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shouted with an uninterested tone.

As I went down the stairs i saw Wendy sitting with Mabel at the Table. "Dipper! Oh God look how tall you are!" Wendy delightfully gasped.

"Haha, as if you don't see me every summer. You told me the same thing last summer you know?" I said with sarcasm.

I sat beside Mabel eating her "Happy Mashed Potatoeswith green celery" ick.

"Well this summer its different! Puberty actually hit you hard like a bullet train! Damn!" She actually shouted at my face. I'm happy to see her but no need for this exaggeration.

I was gonna try and eat some of Mabel's so called food until someone knocked at the door. I walked to the door and opened it and saw "PACIFICA!" I shouted "DIPPER!" She cried "happy" and embraced me so tight that I couldn't even breathe. I hugged her back. Ever since she opened Northwest Manner her parents finally understood and every year everyone could attend the party. Mabel and Pacifica also made up and well Pacifica hanged with us "ALWAYS".

As we broke our hug Mabel came rushing to us "PACIFICA!! GAL!" Mabel almost tackled Pacifica to the floor. "Where have you been?? Its been two days since we arrived here at Gravity Falls!"

"Well, it's because i'm kinda busy about the Party this coming weekend.." Pacifica explained throughly "Anyway, here are the 'special' invites for next weeks party at the Northwest Manner!"

She handed us these gold envelope with a sealed stamp on it. I took it from her hand and said "Hey Paz, wanna come with me and the gang after lunch .. Well um.. If you're free .. Maybe we could .. You know .. "

Ah dammit! I clearly messed up again ..

She blurted out a chuckle "Of course i'll go with you guys, you dummy! Haha see ya later"

"Bye Paz!" Mabel waved good bye.

Mabel closed the door shut, leaning her back And asked "Soo, what's with you and Paz?" She smirked

"Nothing, i'm just inviting her as usual." I tried to avoid eye contact while scratching the back of my neck.

Mabel pulled me close and whispered "So I see you've moved on." She laughed

"No, I still like Wendy and thats that." I shouted-whispered.

"Okay, whatever. Should I make you some Happy Mashed Potatoes ?~" She happily offered.

"Nah, if you need me i'll be upstairs reading my journal." I climbed up, took my journal from my really big bag. To think of it i should really unpack but ... Nah.

I laid on my bed and open the book, but then the pages moved on their own. The book is glowing yellow, and the only yellow weird thing in Gravity Falls is Bill Cipher.

A new page appeared out of no where.

It says "Reverse Falls?" what on earth? "An alternate universe. A complete OPPOSITE of Gravity Falls. Open this portal at your own risk." It doesn't say anything about being dangerous so ..

I gathered the gang in our usual hanging place in the woods (Where Dipper first saw the Journal)

Me, Mabel, Pacifica, Wendy, Candy, Grenda and Soos gathered up in table made out of wood, we sat in our own places.

"So why did you call us here Dippy?" Wendy asked

"We're here to discuss 'REVERSE FALLS'." I said in a serious tone.

"Reverse Falls? Is that an upside down ... Falls?" Mabel chuckled

"I don't think that it's an ordinary falls" Pacifica took the book and read something out loud  "It is the complete OPPOSITE of Gravity Falls." 

"So its an alternate universe?" Wendy joined in.

"And here's the most important part, There's a blue Bill Cipher at the top page." Pacifica pointed out.

"And here" I took book one and book 2 "Look at this a new page also appeared in these books." I paused and opened book 1"There's a page here that is full of information about Will Cipher"

"Will Cipher?" Candy joined in the conversation

I took Book 3 from Paz and pointed out the Blue Bill Cipher "This is Will. The opposite of Bill."

Suddenly a bright yellow glow appeared in the air "RIGHT! Wow Pine Tree! You actually figured this whole thing in a flash!"

"Bill, what are you doing here?!" I screamed with fury

"Chill chill, Pine Tree. I won't do anything here! Actually I'm here to help!" Bill grinned.


Bill looked like as he was shouted by his mother, he soon the took human form! He can do that? Well i must admit, for a demon, he's pretty handsome. (Attached Pic, yellow is Bill, Blue is Will.)

Mabel doesn't even look shocked at all!

Bill approached Mabel. He held her hand and looked her in the eye "Look, I'm sorry for all of that, but you gotta help me!" Bill then looked at me "Dipper, Your opposites are after me. Dipper and Mabel Gleeful."

"Gleeful?!" My jaw dropped wide open.

"Yes" Bill said "They are the complete opposites of you. They're much much much more evil and powerful than me. They are planning to take over Reverse and Gravity Falls! My opposite Will, he is captured by Stan Gleeful. Once we get there we need to free him and get help from Gideon Pines and Pacifica Southeast."

"Gideon Pines? Pacifica Southeast? What?" Pacifica said in confusion.

"You guys will understand once we get there. Please please just help me." Bill walked towards me and held out his hand.

Pacifica ran and said "Dipper, no! What if all of this is a trap?"

"No, Pacifica, I trust Bill this time." Mabel said.

"Seriously, Mabel? You know I love you but this stupidity has got to stop! He is EVIL! Do you wan't Gravity Falls to be destroyed again?" Pacifica said with fear in her eyes

"Please Dipper..." Mabel begged

I slowly reached out, pulls back in and re-think this all over again. But then what if Bill is stating the truth? I reached out and shook his hand. No yellow glow appeared its just like a normal handshake! No contracts or anything!

Bill smiled for a second and then returned to a serious face "We have to save me and Gravity Falls. We have to open that portal!"

"But, How?!" Pacifica trembled in fear. I stood beside her and tried to semi-hug her from the back.

"It's okay Llama, it's written in Book Volume 3. Bill used his powers to get the book from the table. "And here's Will Cipher's Wheel. Me and him had met before. Will is a kind creature. He will definitely help us."

Mabel puts her hand on Bill's shoulder "Let's go then?" Mabel smiled "Yeah, let's" Bill replied

Hi! We all know that Gravity Falls is ending, Mabel might die, Bill is evil. The whole fandom is breaking apart bc GRAVITY FALLS IS GOING TO BE FREAAAKING OVER. But anyway lets enjoy this really satisfying story where no one is gonna die and such (maybe) who knows *insert evil grin here* KIDDING! Anyway hope you like the first part so yasss~ Byeee

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