Cross My Heart

By gopaperbackwriter

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**Main character IS Ed Sheeran with a changed name!** "Nate..." I called to him after he stood up. I stood up... More

Introductory Warning Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 77

58 7 6
By gopaperbackwriter


Gavin took a deep breath, and took my hands with both of his, and began to speak, in a really shaky voice.

"From the first time I laid my eyes on you Gwen, I loved you. I didn't know it yet, but all the feelings were there in that first few seconds, when I looked into your bruised, battered, sad eyes. Even through all that, I could see beauty. There was no mistaking it. It shined through all the shades of purple, blue and yellow on you face, and it hit me. Hard. And your eyes.....the sadness I saw inside them. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. I was mesmerized by the haunting look inside them. I saw a battered girl, who needed love. Care. A friend. Who needed to leave that place, as soon as possible, or she wouldn't last much longer.

When you disappeared behind the door, I put my hands against it, and stood there, catching my breath, Gwen. I had to see you again. I had to help you. And I made up my mind right then to help you leave your life of pain.

I thought I was doing it for you. So I could save a soul. Save this poor, sad girl. Be a hero. To know that I had done something RIGHT in life, for once. Something GOOD.....

But after seeing you again that very night, and feeling your frail, bruised body in my arms as I rocked you gradually let yourself mold against my body and trust me, even though it went against everything you knew of your world to trust me like that...I knew....I knew that I was doing it for selfish reasons. I was saving you, for ME. I needed you. I loved you.
I still couldn't admit it to myself yet, but I knew. The feelings I felt in my mind and through my body were unlike anything I'd ever felt in my entire life, Gwen.
I was hooked.
I wanted to save you, so that there might be the slightest possible chance that you might somehow learn to love me back.

My days were a blur of boredom and mediocrity, as the hours passed by one by one, slower than I'd ever known, until it was time to finally see you again.
And then, I'd find myself holding you again, each time, seeing you open up a tiny bit more, until I could tell you trusted me with your life.

I still tried to deny my feelings for you as I visited you every single day in the hospital.
And when you woke entire world changed. I knew I could never let you go. I knew I had to be in your life, much as you'd possibly let me be. As close as I could possibly be to you.
And every single day, I fought myself. Oh, how I fought myself, Gwen. I told myself it wasn't right to love you. You weren't ready. I tried to tell myself that you were too mentally scarred to get involved too deeply with. But yet, I kept finding myself looking into your eyes, ready to take you in my arms and shout to the world that I loved you.
As you remember, I couldn't stay away from you. I started losing control. I kept letting my lips touch yours. "Just once", I'd tell myself. "It's alright....just once."
And that started turning into more....

Soon, I found myself living my life, and you were in it now. In my world. In my flat. Discovering the world that you'd missed out on for years and years. All I thought about was showing you things you missed. Things you'd love to see. I still do that even now. Only the world I was showing you got WAY WAY bigger in the past four months. Hehehehe.....

Every beautiful sunset you'd take in, from a foreign land, I watched you. Every exotic animal we'd encounter, I watched you. Every ocean we dipped our feet into...I watched you. All that beauty in all this world....I only watched YOU. There was NOTHING that was more beautiful in the entire world to me, than seeing YOU, taking in the beauty of the entire world.

Gwen, the things we have been through, just in the short time that we've been together....have only pushed us closer, even when I thought we couldn't possibly be more in love. And every single day, I STILL fall more in love with you. I've learned, that there's just no end to my love for you.

Being with you here for the past year and a half, has been the best time in my entire life.
I learned quickly, how to love for REAL. I realized how selfish I used to be in life, and I learned quickly how unselfish I was, now that I had you. You changed me, Gwen. You changed everything about me, and you made me better. You made me worthy of you.

I love you babe. I love you so much and so deeply, there are no words to describe it. But I think you know exactly what I mean.
I love you so much and so completely, that I could never stand for us to end.
So, I'm hoping we can begin. I'm hoping that you will want to spend the rest of your life with me, as I want to spend my life with you.
I promise, and cross my heart, that I will love you until my dying breath, whether I'm with you or not. I'm just hoping.....that I'll be WITH you. Heheheh.

Babe, THIS is the one more thing that I said you might want, besides me as your best gift in life. I was hoping that you'd want to marry me. You said just minutes ago that you wished you could give me great gifts. And I told you that you will when we get inside.

Will you give ME the greatest gift you could possibly give me in my entire life? Will you give me yourself? Your body? Your soul? Your never ending love? For the rest of our lives?

Gwen Morrison, will you marry me?"

Gavin reached up into my mum's hand, still outstretched with the tiny box sitting flat on it. Her entire arm was shaking now, though. Because she was crying her eyes out, I noticed when I glanced up through my own blurry teary vision.

I looked down the line of our family, all standing there watching us.
Every single person had a wet face. I just now noticed the sniffles that I'd heard throughout Gavin's entire speech.

I turned back to Gavin, who was just now facing the box towards me. He then pulled it opened slowly.
Immediately, I was blinded!
The early afternoon sunlight coming through the window, hit what was in the box just right, and I saw a bright flash. When I moved my head away, I saw tiny dots of white, with a hint of rainbow in each one. Against my shirt, my arms, and Gavin too!
Gavin realized what was happening, and smiled, pulling the box out of the beam of sunlight, and looking back up to me.

I was crying. I just noticed that. I'd been crying the entire time, listening to Gavin's deepest feelings.
I covered my mouth with my hands in a prayer shape.

"Gavin......." I breathed out weakly. "I......I love you so much, Gavin. There aren't words to describe it, you're right", I laughed a tiny bit. "This IS one more thing that I would want, besides just you. It's having you for the rest of my life." I took a few breaths, and wiped some tears.
"Gavin, I would absolutely LOVE to marry you. How could I not? Your hair is my  beautiful sunsets. Your eyes ARE my  warm, clear blue oceans. And your personality and cuddliness is like all the exotic animals in foreign lands. YOU are all the beauty in this world. I saw YOU when I experienced all those things. You being right there beside me in all those places was the best part." I said, and breathed out a sharp sob.
Gavin's face moved down towards the floor, to meet his hands, to wipe his eyes. Then he looked back up at me, his bottom lip shaking through his beautiful smile. More tears rolled down his cleaned off face now as he stared up at me.

"Yes Gavin. I will marry you. I will love you forever."
I heard gasps of breath from multiple people, along with more shaky sobs and sniffles.

Gavin took the ring out of the box, and handed the box back to my mum. He put the ring on my left hand, on my fourth finger, and pushed it up until it meet my knuckle.

It fit perfectly. And now that it wasn't shining brilliantly in the sun, I could see it for the first time.
I lifted my hand up to study it.
And it was BEAUTIFUL.

I gasped, and my eyes flew up to meet Gavin's. He had stood up by now. He was watching me, with what had to be the most beautiful smile I had ever seen on his face. It was like....his entire body felt peace in this moment, and his smile was pure. Pure and relaxed and full of all the love he had in store for me, for the rest of my life.

I did a double take. I was torn for a second, between looking at the beauty of the diamond that rested on my finger, or Gavin's face.

I chose Gavin's face.

I threw my arms around Gavin's body, and his eyes moved down to my face. He looked at me, deep into my eyes for a few seconds, before crashing his lips into mine and moving against them so perfectly, that I groaned into his mouth. I was immediately embarrassed, because everyone else was in the room, watching our every move. Listening to our every breath.
I felt him smile, but he kept going.

When our lips finally broke apart, the room was taken over the by the sound of applaud.
We stared at each other for a few more moments as we caught our breath, and then we both looked over at our families as they clapped for our engagement.

"I wanted everyone to be here with us for this moment. Is that cheesy?" he whispered to me.
"No, it's perfect. Everything you do is perfect, Gavin", I said.

We stepped back from each other, but kept holding hands, until my mum came up and grabbed me into a big hug. She was full on crying and that made me lose it the rest of the way. I had a controlled cry before, but all broke loose.

Just past my mum and I, Gavin was hugging his own mum, and his dad was awaiting his turn next to them. I saw my dad approaching, and he winked at me and waited as I finished crying with my mum.
"I'm so proud of you, and the person you are, despite everything that was against you in life, honey. Life tried to break you, but it only succeeded in making you a better person than anyone. I love you my baby. My little girl. My Gwen", she said to me, making me cry harder.
"I'm so glad I found you, mum. I'm so glad you want me and love me. Thank you for doing everything you could to keep me when I was born. The love you showed me in those first few days is what made me who I am now. Every time I look at the stars you know, I think of you and I...all those years ago. Thank you for giving me life. I love you mum", I told her.
She cried out loud for a quick burst. "Oh've just made me the happiest mum in the world." She hugged me tighter and rocked me in her arms until she forced herself to let me go.

Next up, was hugging my dad. His eyes were red and puffy just like everyone else's.
"I'm so happy for you kid. I'm so glad you're my daughter. I can't remember what my life was like before I met you. It was so empty, when I try looking back. I'm so glad someone saved me, and fixed me up, just in time to meet you and be in your life. I have a new respect for women these days, you know. Women are so kind, generous, and despite everything that tries to break them, they're still loving, trusting and forgiving. I've learned that from Jilly, from your mum and from you. You're amazing Gwen. You filled a part of my life I didn't even know was empty. I love you my girl."

"I'm so glad you changed your mind that night. I'm so glad you ended up being the best dad ever, and proved all my thoughts wrong, and ended up making all my crazy wishes come true. I love you too dad."

Next was Gavin's parents, who had the same sort of sentimental things to say to me, about them being proud enough to shout it from the rooftops, that I will be their daughter in law, and about how good I am for Gavin, and...oh, let's not forget that they said they needed grandkids straight away after we're married! I blushed, and laughed awkwardly.

Then there was Ollie. He told me straight out, that Gavin used to be sort of a selfish dick sometimes. But now...he's the best brother anyone could ask for, and that's all since he met me.
He was happy to soon be able to call me his sister in law.

And last, but not least, of Gavin was still going through the line of congratulators.....Nate was leaned against the wall beside the kitchen door, watching me as I walked to him. His face was blotchy red, his eyes were puffy as hell, and I saw a sobby hiccup rock his chest and shoulders as he tried to compose his face for me.
My heart broke to see him look so vulnerable. So full of emotions. And I know they were mostly good emotions. He just watched his best friend in the world get engaged to...his other good friend. He was happy, and I knew it, besides the obvious other feelings that were probably floating around inside of him right now.

I felt awkward, and my head aimed at the ground, but my eyes looked up at him still.
As I approached him, he started to smirk.

"Got some pics...some video of it all here for ya..." he said, holding up his phone.
"You did? Oh, thank you Nate! I'm so glad! Now I can actually HEAR Gavin's words. I was so nervous and shocked, I can barely remember what he said to me!"

"It was really beautiful. Both of you.'ll sort of be my....sister in law, ya know!" he said.

"Yikes!? I never thought of that! Now we can't kiss anymore. We're family!" I laughed.
He laughed a little bit but it was mostly a sad laugh, and his face lowered to the floor.

"If any chances arise, like they always seem to, I'm thinking incest is DEFINITELY best. Don't think I won't take full advantage of every possible second", he joked, and I gasped and laughed, and smacked his arm. "I'll be on you like a fly on shit", he added with a smirk.

"Oh my God, Nate! You're terrible!" I laughed more, and he cracked up now.

"But you love me", he said.

"I do, Nate", I said back.

"And I love you Gwen."

He looked me over quickly, then said "C'mere", and pulled me in for a hug.
It was a different sort of hug than I usually get from Nate. Usually it's a "Omg, I'm getting to touch put my arms around you....please hold me back" sort of thing. This hug a hug you'd get from a friend. A really really good, close friend, but still, just a friend. It actually felt really really good. Which was good, I thought to myself. He's showing some boundaries. I mean, I just got engaged to his best friend and all, so....

I went back to talk with the mums, and show them the huge rock on my finger. The ring I'd wear for the rest of my life. I had other jewelry. Not much, because I'm not much for jewelry, but the stuff I did have, I'd like it, wear it for a while, then get tired of it and find something else. But this piece of was really weird to think it would be on my finger forever. It would see everything that happened from now on. It would be there through my entire life. It would be on my finger through my death, even. Through the birth of kids, raising kids, maybe even grandchildren...maybe even great grandchildren? Who knows. But this one ring...would be forever for me. And later, when we actually got married, I'd have another ring with it, that would again, go through all of my life. And he'd have one too! It was pretty cool to think about, really. I stared at it, finally getting the best look at it that I'd gotten so far.

It was absolutely beautiful. It was so huge, too. The diamond was square, and the band was silver colored. I'd heard Gavin say it was actually platinum. That's like...better than silver. He was telling his dad that he'd looked at getting white gold, which is also silver colored, but he liked the look of the platinum better. And it sounded more...romantic and permanent. "Gold sounds too....common", he said. "Gwen's not common."

The mums gushed over my ring, and Gavin's mum showed me hers. It was beautiful also. Hers was fancier. I like plain stuff. Hers was more vintage looking. Tiny diamonds surrounding the main one, and designs on the band....I liked the look of pure silver shining around the one, huge diamond. It was perfect. He knew I liked simple.
I felt a little bad for my mum, not having a ring to show off and compare with her daughter. Maybe someday with James......

Gavin finally got done hugging everyone and thanking them for being here, and talking about buying the rings, and the cars, even, etc......he basically told everyone he used his "star power" for the cars. He gave the dealer a generous tip, for the bows, and to park them exactly where he told them, last night at a certain time. He told him like 1am, so all the guests would be gone from our party, and Nate or I wouldn't have any reason to go outside and risk seeing them. He custom ordered them with the color and features he wanted, which was like...all possible features, basically.

As for the ring, I was standing next to him, holding his hand as he talked about picking it out. He'd went with Nate for help. I had no idea. Sneaks! He said he could have done it alone, and was going to, but he thought it'd be nice to have his best mate there for moral support and stuff. It was cute.

I found out that everyone had stayed at a nice hotel last night that Gavin paid for. They were willing to do it. Thought it'd be fun. They'd all had dinner together last night, too...on Gavin. So they all got to know each other much more now. Since they'll all be connected as family now, after all.

Gavin didn't want them all to have to travel on Christmas day too much, and especially because they were all here within the past two days. His parents stayed two nights. They left the party here, and stayed at the hotel until this morning. And, the car I saw...the one Gavin had apparently focused on when Nate was checking out his car...was them all. They all came in guess what? Ollie's new SUV, that Gavin bought him for Christmas! He had it delivered to the hotel last night, and texted Ollie to go outside to meet him. When he got outside, Ollie said he didn't see him anywhere. So Gavin said to face time him. He did, and Gavin led him to the shiny brand new car in the lot with a huge green bow on top of it.
So he got to watch Ollie freak out and jump up and down and stuff over face time.

So THAT'S why Gavin was in the bathroom so long last night during the party. He told me he was having stomach troubles. He's a sneaky one! I never knew he had it in him!

They waited in the car all together this morning, until Gavin took me around the block to see my car, then they moved and parked closer, and rushed into the flat, and were waiting for us to get back in and do the ring thing. Gavin wanted everyone to be a part of it, so he had them pass the ring from Ollie on down the line, to give it to me. Ollie knew where it was hidden, in the back of the cabinet under the kitchen sink, in a cleaning supply box.

He had everything covered. Even Christmas dinner! I thought we were just gonna lounge around all day, but everyone was having a family dinner here with us! A caterer brought everything, right down to wine and other drinks. All hot, and fresh and ready to eat! Amazing. Being a millionaire sure had its benefits, I was finding out. I felt bad for the caterer though, having to work on Christmas. Gavin said he did too, so he made it worth his while. I should have known, knowing Gavin!

Also, Jilly and James showed up to be with their 'significant others' on Christmas here too! They showed up about an hour after the engagement. They were waiting in the hotel. Gavin said they could be here for the engagement, but they felt it should just be our actual family members. And Jilly's excuse was that she wanted to sleep in and relax in the morning. I think she felt like she wasn't an "actual" family member. Even though she was...she was married to my dad, but maybe she thought he should be there with just my mum, since James wouldn't be there. I don't know.

Emma showed up after dinner. She was done having her family dinner, and she'd been invited here, so she came and stayed the night with Nate, and they exchanged gifts near the tree, too, while everyone was still talking at the dining room table. I snuck and took some pics as they did. Then texted them all to both of them.
When they pulled their phones out and looked at the same time, they both looked up at me and smiled, then went through the pics together and smiled and kissed a lot. It was really cute. It made my heart swell in my chest, it felt like. Made me all warm and fuzzy.

Nate had told Emma everything concerning he and I just the other day. The kidnapping sex, the time Gavin gave us to be together that ended up...sexual, the kiss before leaving on tour, and even going over the truth or dare kiss again. Every little detail. Honesty to the point of pain, he said. She had cried a little, he said, and he was really scared that this was it for them. But she told him "It all happened in the past, and I'm in the present". She basically she said she was too attached to Nate to even consider leaving him, so she was gonna try this "he can love two people" thing. She said the only kissing between Nate and I from now on, would be with Gavin and her permission...during a drunken game of truth or dare. He agreed completely. "And we don't need to ever play that stupid game again, anyway", he'd told her. And she said..."Well then how am I supposed to give you a gift here and there?"
He could not believe she'd just said that. Basically telling him that she'd maybe try and get him more chances to kiss me in the future!?
He thought she was absolutely crazy, but that craziness made him fall for her even more in that instant. (He told her that too, which was a good move...she was touched, big time.)
He told me in secret later, that he will never tell her about our winking. I smiled. And then he winked. I laughed and winked back.
So I supposed they had a strange, bizarre relationship just like Gavin and I did, now.
I was so excited and relieved about it. This would last. I knew it would. I could feel it. Gavin could too.

Gavin noticed me smiling while watching Nate and Emma, and came and put his arm around me, seeing the text on my phone with some pictures.
He took out his own phone and snapped a few pics of them being kissy kissy. "You're slacking!" he said to me.
"Oh! Right! Great shots you just got I bet! I'm just so happy for them right now."
" too. I think it'll be an official square before we realize the triangle's gone. And I think you're looking at your new best mate." Gavin said.
"As long as she doesn't get infatuated with you, sure! I'd love to have her as my best mate!" I laughed, and Gavin smiled and shook his head and rolled his eyes, and gave me a kiss then barely pulled back and stopped to just look into my eyes.
"Forever, babe."
"And not a second less", I told him.

This turned out to be a way better Christmas than I'd expected! Dinner was great. We had moved the couch over a bit, and the caterer had brought tables and chairs, which all the guys helped to unload from the catering truck, and set them all up in the dining room, so we could all have a sit down meal together. It was fancy, too! Christmas music in the background again, we all sat around for what seemed like hours, even after dinner was done. Just everyone talking at the table, laughing, sharing stories......then desert was waiting in the kitchen, and that was sooo good.

When everyone left, they were going back to the hotel to stay until the next day, then they'd go back home. It worked perfectly because no one had small kids or anything, so they didn't really need to be home for Christmas. They all exchanged gifts at the hotel last night. Gavin made sure the hotel had small trees decorated in their rooms, just for that. He thought of everything. He said businesses are willing to listen and do anything for you when you have money.

Gavin and I did manage to get out of our pajamas before dinner, which I complained about in a joking way. He said I could stay in them if I wanted. We didn't need to be fancy. His family hated fancy, actually. But I said as tempting as it was, I'd get dressed in something comfy but nice. So I did that.

I couldn't keep myself away from Gavin all day. I wanted to hold his hand every single second. And after a while of my clingynesss, he started laughing at me, but yet...loving every second of it.
I was just still shocked that he wanted to marry me. Like, for real. He'd talked about it before, but I don't know...I guess I never pictured him wanting me permanently, even though I knew how much he loved me. I guess I was still living day to day in my head, just in case I'd get disappointed.

I thought about the lengths he went to and the work he had done, to pick out three cars for Christmas, and an engagement ring.

When we got changed, Gavin showed me the wedding bands that matched my engagement ring.
I hadn't even thought about that. I was shocked all over again, when he showed me that our actual wedding bands were right here in my bedroom! They were beautiful, just like the diamond ring.
Plain and simple, yet stunning at the same time.

I asked him how long engagements usually lasted, and he said there's no set time. We could get married tomorrow, or we could get married in 15 years. Whenever we decided. We'd have to talk about dates and stuff like that, and the mums would help me pick everything out and they'd guide us in making the best wedding ever. I told him I didn't want anything fancy. He said neither did he, so that was a relief. And it would only be family and a few friends. Nothing too big. But he also said he'd spare no expense, even if it wasn't fancy schmancy.

He also told me that we were going to start looking at houses after we set a date, and he'd let me pick the house of my dreams.
Holy shit.....I never thought of us living anywhere but this flat!

I sort of panicked when I thought about things changing so drastically, but he calmed me down and told me we had PLENTY of time. We had all the time in the world, actually! He said he wasn't in a great hurry to get married, so we'd just live the way we've been living and gradually plan things, and everything would settle into place. We had the rest of our lives, after all. And rings didn't really make much of a difference. All that mattered was that we were together.
He said I'd probably want to get finished my schooling first anyway, which would be about another year. It had gotten pushed back for the tour, so I was scheduled to be "back in class" (in our kitchen!) a week after New Year's Eve. I was happy about that. I missed learning. I felt like I became more of a person when I learned more stuff. It felt good to me. And sometimes, what I'd learned REALLY came in handy, if you know what I mean!
I'd actually given it some thought lately that I might want to try becoming a nurse. If I could take care of other people's loved ones, like all the nurses that had taken care of Gavin, Nate and I.....that would feel good to me. Make me feel like I was someone in this world. Gavin loved my idea when I mentioned it a few months ago while on tour one night, as I'd laid in his arms just talking and dreaming and stuff, together. I think we were traveling down a lonely highway in the state of Nebraska in the USA.
Ahhhhh, memories......anyway.....I digress...

After talking about all this wedding stuff while getting changed, Gavin took me in his arms and kissed me like he meant it. Even dipping me down a little again. He even took my left hand and kissed my finger with his future on it. We got all mushy again, and started to tear up a bit, both of us. So we stopped, and said we'd continue the mush in bed later after everyone was gone.
And.....we did. We mushed and cried happy tears, and said a million 'I love you's' and talked about my car and my ring and what sort of wedding we would want, and where.....

We thought of all the beautiful places we'd explored when we had days off during his tour. He said there were sooo many other places we hadn't been yet, but we had time to explore them on the next part of his tour coming up. One possible choice was in that neat place with the little huts on the water....that was SO cool. Another place was the beach that Gavin took me to for my first time seeing the ocean. That would be a great, sentimental spot too. I even mentioned that cliff, with the river beneath it that he'd taken me to when I still lived in the home. God, that felt like soooooo long ago. Like, another lifetime ago! Yet it really wasn't that long ago in reality.
I remember how I loved that place. And how I desperately loved Gavin. And how he'd told me his feelings that day, and I was the happiest girl in the world then.
We came up with so many other choices  while we talked in bed on Christmas night.

Then too many kisses turned into not too much talk. Which turned into the slowest love making we'd ever done. I wasn't even sure how we both came, actually, we were moving so slow. Like, for real, he was hardly even moving inside of me. And he wasn't pressing hard either, like that one time.
He was just....inside me. But the way we felt about each other in that much we loved each excited we both were now that we were more than boyfriend and girlfriend...the way we both kept trying our new titles out "fiance'"....everything was just so romantic and loving and touching, that our minds went crazy with love and that alone, turned us on so much, that we didn't need hardly any stimulation at all. Just being connected like that....drove us absolutely crazy. We were both breathless. We were frantic, as he just lay there still, on top of me, inside of me.

It was truly bizarre, yet...the most intimate possible moment. We even had our lips together, doing our "lip hug", which was making it all even more intense. We were shaking, both of us. Our stomachs would clench and shake with our emotions and our state of being turned on so much.
Us both saying "I love you so much" over and over, led to my inside walls spasming around him wildly, as I whispered his name and squeezed him tight in my pleasure. He too started twitching inside of me, repeating "Oh my God, it's amazing...I never imagined it could God, Gwen.....I'm coming just from simply loving you. Shit! We love each other so much that we came Gwen....oh my God...."
It was the most wonderful moment we'd had. Orgasms simply from being connected together and being SO in love with one another.

When we came down from our highs, he sank down on me with all of his weight, and buried his head into my neck, as I found his neck to cuddle into also.
He was still shaking. I was too, but I couldn't notice mine like I noticed his.
Then I heard him sniffle.
I swallowed hard, and realized that my face was already soaked.
Our emotions ran so deep this night, we couldn't quite handle them. We held each other tightly, as if we needed to show and feel our entire lifetime of love in that one night.
We drifted to sleep after a while of just....feeling, together. He never pulled out of me. He stayed inside of me the whole time. I'd feel him harden slightly, then go soft again, then harden totally and gradually go back to normal, the whole time we lay together, falling asleep. But we never moved apart. We just didn't want to be any less close than we could possibly be during this magical night.

"I'll love you like this for the rest of my life, Gavin. You're my everything. You're my reason to breathe, you know", I whispered, eyes closed, my thoughts on the fact that we were connected even during our last few seconds of being awake.
"Promise?" he said in a barely audible whisper, his consciousness slipping away, I could tell.

"Cross my heart".

---THE END---

I am putting up an "alternate ending" sort of story, that goes along with this story! It's basically what happens with Nate and Gwen, if Gavin actually DID die in the middle of this story, when he was shot by the kidnappers.
So if you wonder what they'd be they'd get they'd deal with their grief of losing their best friend/lover......try out "If Gavin Died", in my works, won'tcha?

***If you haven't read my other stories, try them out please, if you like! They're the same sort of thing....different situations....lovey dovey, smut included...thanks!***

****If you could PLEASE spread the word at least to a person or two if you enjoyed this story, I'd be sooo happy! Only one of my three stories don't come up in the search at all, so no one is seeing them, and I'm not getting any readers. Readers keep me going each day. First thing I check when I wake up, I check all day, and last thing I do before I close my eyes! I'm serious! Get a life, right?
Anyway, thank you if you tell even just ONE friend about my stories!****

Waaaaaaah!!! I HATE stories being over! Even my own! Maybe ESPECIALLY my own?
This is my favorite story I've written so far. I'm proud of it, and I know it's the best that I'm capable of at this point.
I did end the story in a way that I COULD write another story and continue their lives, should I ever want to.
I don't want to at this time, but I didn't do an epilogue, just in case I do decide to write more someday.

Anyway, that's that! If you liked this story, please share it!! And of course, vote!! Comment your thoughts for the end....
I hope someone else loved this story like I did.
Ps....did you catch any of the "Sheeranisms" I snuck in at some parts?
Putting in the wedding ring...fourth finger, left hand, knuckle..... And the part about "whatever happens from now on"... (It's actually "Whatever happens is from now on", I know this. I was just putting it in there however I could.)

I'm hopefully gonna start working more on my "alterNATE" version of this story, as I've mentioned before. It'll be a while, I'm sure, and I can't see it being too lengthy, but who knows...
I also have a half a story written already from last year that I have to finish yet. I got writers block, and ended up writing all of this story instead! Lol. I'm hoping to start that story up again too. So look for that sometime.

Thank you for reading!
Love, Me!!
(Gavin and Gwen and Nate and Emma are most likely partying together right now, by the way!)

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