The Crave for Mistakes

By Isabelle88

2.7M 32.4K 1.1K

Selene lives with her brother and his best friend, who she can't get along with. But a drunken mistake shows... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's thoughts and Appreciation

Chapter 5

105K 1.2K 29
By Isabelle88

Chapter 5

Selene worked at a boutique store downtown, the only of its kind. Where woman went to waste their endless money and where other woman went to waste their paycheck. Either way you were spending a lot of money in her opinion. She would never buy anything in the store but it paid great money to sit around and wait on customers and the boss wasn't a total bitch. Her only downfall was her favorite boss also gave birth to Jane Harris, Selene's enemy since high school and now at college.

She sat behind the glass counter and waited for customers, the store was never busy. As boredom began to gnaw on her mind she decided to use the workless hours to catch up on her reading for class.


"Hey." Gillian beamed as she walked inside Scott's living room. "I have a huge favor to ask you."

Scott placed his notepad down and looked at her. "What?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday and I know you don't have classes until Tuesday, neither do I so how about we go out of town?" she asked with hopeful eyes.

"I don't know, I don't want to leave Selene alone that long."

"Scott she's twenty and she's not stupid plus Ben will be here, she'll be fine. Come on let's go; you and me, all alone it'll be fun." Gillian pushed as she sat beside him on the sofa.

Scott thought it over, he could use some time away with just Gillian. "Ok." He agreed. "Where are we going?"

"I've got it all planned out, I knew you'd say yes."


Selene finished wrapping a cocktail dress for the older woman as her cell phone vibrated against her hip; she ignored it as she finished with the customer. The woman smiled happily as she left.

Selene sat back down and pulled out her phone, it was Scott. "What's up?" she asked when she called him back.

"We need to talk when you get home."

"You sound serious, what's up?"

"Oh it's nothing like that. I'll see you when you get home."

Selene closed her phone and wondered what her brother was up to; she got a strange feeling she wasn't going to like it.

When she got home and met Scott in the kitchen she was right; she didn't like it. "Three days stuck with Ben here alone, why would you put me through that hell?"

"It's nothing against you Selene." He was used to her bitching about Ben and simply offered a weak smile as she fumed.

She sighed and sunk into her chair. She was glad Scott was doing something for himself instead of watching over her all the time but she hated where it left her. "Have you talked to mom and dad?"

"Yeah but I didn't tell them my plans, you know they'd give me this big speech about leaving you alone since they still think you’re a kid and all the predators in the world are watching, that same speech. So for this to work I need your help." Scott said.

"You're going to owe me big time for this. But go and have fun."

"Thanks." Scott hugged his sister then headed upstairs to pack. He and Gillian made arrangements to leave the next morning.

Selene decided to stay where she was and pulled her backpack from the floor and pulled out her notepad and books. She still had catching up to do what she put aside last night. She wanted to put it aside now, she was stuck and she hated to admit it to herself. She groaned and sat back, she just needed to think and figure it out.

The backdoor in the kitchen opened and Ben waked inside, she wondered why he didn't just use the outside staircase and go straight to his room. He was just always around like a buzzing in her mind, endless and pissing her off.

"I just walked in and you're already giving me your bitch look. What I do now?" Ben asked as he pulled a soda out from the fridge and leaned against the counter.

"Nothing but you'll do something, you always do. But right now I'm pissed about what I'm about to do." Selene crossed her arms and knew she didn't have a choice.

"What?" her pout interested him.

"I need your help." Asking for his help left a bad taste in her mouth but it was either that or fail the assignment. "With this." She pushed the book laid out in front of her.

Ben left his soda can on the counter and walked behind her to look down at the book. "Chemistry. It doesn't surprise me your not good at this."

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"Nah every time I help you it doesn't end well."

Selene looked up at his blue eyes as he stood behind her. "It's not the same. This is the crap I'm talking about, you just always find a way to be a complete and utter ass."

"Babe sweet talking me won't help." Ben went and sat on the chair beside her. "Add this to the list, you owe me and big time and I happen to like to collect." He said as he took the book from her.

Selene sighed, she knew he was going to get her back for this; she hated to think how he would. "Have you talked with Scott yet?"

"About what?" Ben flatly asked as he read through what she was working on.

"He's leaving town with Gillian tomorrow until Tuesday morning."

Ben looked at her now. "Seriously?"


He stood from the table. "I'll be back."

Selene wasn't worried much about her homework now, Ben would help, even if it was making a deal with the devil, her school worries were over. She noticed he left his keys on the table, she grabbed them. Ben would be talking with Scott, he wouldn't notice.

She wanted a beer and there was never any in the house because as soon as any came in Scott and Ben inhaled them before she got a chance.

She was gone and back within ten minutes. She tossed his keys back down and put the case of beer in the fridge after she took some out.

"You took my car?" Ben asked as he pushed her pony tail. Selene handed him a beer. "Ok you’re forgiven." He said as he sat back down.

"Yeah whatever now figure this crap out for me." Selene said as she pushed the book toward him.

Ben walked her through all the problems she was having trouble with. She had mixed up two formulas and it made it impossible for her to understand the rest. Once it all made sense Selene gathered her things. "Thanks." She muttered as she left him in the kitchen.

Ben smiled as he watched her walk away, he knew it wasn’t easy for her to say that simple little word. He was surprised she didn’t choke on it.

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