Secrets to be found.

By iegloy

1.8K 39 6

Diary's are supposed to hold a persons ultimate secrets. But what if the person writing the diary isn't the p... More

Secrets to be found. Chapter 2
Secrets to be found. Chapter 3
Secrets to be found. Chapter 4
Secrets to be found. Chapter 5

Secrets to be found. Chapter 1

595 10 2
By iegloy


I hope you all enjoy this and tell me what you think :)



Hunter’s POV

“WAIT!” I screamed as i smashed face first into the closed bus door. “Please let me on.” I begged the driver who look at me with an irritated scowl, but opened the door anyway.

I normally wouldn’t take the bus to get around, but my car is currently under repair.

“Thanks man.” I paid and took a seat next to a girl from the looks of it.

As I sat down she didn’t look up at me once, which was irritating since girls normally couldn’t take their eyes off of me. She was dressed in a large coat with the collar pulled up, a beanie, and sunglasses which didn’t make sense seeing as it was snowing outside. What a weird girl … if she is a girl.

I cleared my throat trying to get her attention, I saw her looking at me through her sunglasses from the corner of her eyes, however immediately looked down and continued writing something.

I scowled; she’s not getting off that easy.

“Hello.” I greeted her.

“Hi.” She mumbled back in response without looking at me.

Her voice sounded oddly familiar, where have I heard it before … I must be loosing it. I snuck a peak at her book and it looked like some sort of journal or diary.

“Do I know you?” I asked she froze but ignored my question. “You look familiar.” I continued I was NOT giving up. “Maybe we go to the same school?” She still ignored me. “What are you writing there?”

“Nothing.” She snapped shutting the book and putting it in the pouch on the seat in front of her.

“I’m Hunter.” I smirked at her and held out my hand.

She hesitated but never the less she shook my hand. She reached for her bag and began messing around with things inside it.

“What? You’re not going to tell me your name?”

“No.” She scoffed.

“Oh come on I’m no creeper if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“And how do I know that?”

“Well if you let me I can show you.” I smirked at her when I noticed her eyes were widened slightly under her sun glasses.

“No thanks.”

“Alright but it’s your loss Miss no name.”

I looked away from her and heard her sigh. “Candice.”

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Candice.” I took hold of her hand and kissed it.

“Stop it.” She snatched her hand back and wiped it on the back of her coat.

“Oh come on lighten up a bit.” I chuckled and slung an arm around her shoulders.

I felt her go stiff and I could practically feel her glare on me.

“I have a boyfriend.” She snapped pushing me off.

“And I have a girlfriend but last time I checked neither of them are here.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those guys who’s jerks to girls, I’m actually quite the ladies man.

“I don’t care.”

Man what’s up with this chick, so she has a boyfriend big deal it’s not like we’re making out or anything. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.



“I am sorry.” I repeated.

“You should be.”

“So how old are you?”

Once again she hesitated but answered me. “Eighteen.”

“Oh same isn’t that awesome.”

“Yeah so awesome.” The sarcasm was evident in her voice.

“Why are you such a grouch?”

“Excuse me.”

“You heard me what’s gotten you so riled up?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“None of your business.”

“Oh come on grouchy.” I poked her arm which she returned with a slap in the face.

I ignored the sting now spreading.

“Feisty are we.” 

We came to a stop and she stood up and marched out of the bus, I don’t even think this is her stop but oh well like I care about her. Why was she in such a rush anyway, she forgot her book.

I reached over and pulled it out of the pouch, I was about to call out for her when I realized the bus was moving and she was standing outside frozen staring at me with her mouth hanging wide open when she saw I had her book.

A smirk was slipping onto my face as I opened the book, ‘This book is property of Sydney Branch.’Sydney? Didn’t she say her name was Candice, was she lying? She did hesitate when she told me her name, clever Candice or Sydney or whatever your name is.

Remembering how her face looked when she saw me with her book made me feel a little guilty, but oh well. The bus stopped and I noticed this was my stop; I shut the book and walked out taking it with me.

The walk from the bus stop to me house was short so I got there in no time; I quickly unlocked the big door and ran through the large hallways up the stairs to my room. My parents were out tonight so I had the house to myself.

After taking my coat, and scarf off I pulled out my chair and sat at my desk starring at the closed book on my lap. For some reason I had a feeling I shouldn’t look at it, not just because it doesn’t belong to me and to some random grouchy girl. Something felt odd.

I sighed and opened the book shrugging. The first page was just a bunch of detail, nothing too personal though just her age, ‘real’ name, and hometown.

Something clicked in my mind, maybe she wrote about me, I quickly flipped the book and the last page that had writing on it and began reading it.

‘Dear Diary,

Today has literally gone from good to bad. I finally got an interview on ‘Late Night Humor.’ Odd name but it’s the biggest interview show out there, it’ll help me a lot, even though I don’t really need it. But stupid Sarah won’t let me get out of it, apparently it’ll help my career blah blah blah, she just wants a raise.

The paparazzi wouldn’t leave my house so I didn’t get to go out and get to my photo shoot in time, so Mr. Toloka was pissed off and refused to let me inside so he kept me waiting outside in the cold like the stupid jerk he is!

He said if I’m late again he’ll fire me, like I care!

Lawson that idiot refused to come pick me up because apparently Jersey fucking shore is more important than me. Stupid agent and her care for publicity the day she lets me dump Lawson will be the best day ever!

Wow I sound like a moaning bitch; I’m sorry diary I just need to vent out a little bit. I’ve hardly even eaten today, and now I’m stuck on the bus wearing sunglasses which probably makes me look like a freak. Oh look some dork just bashed into the door, ugh great someone sat next to me one second diary they’re talking to me.

Oh wow hello, he’s very cute.’

Heh so looks like I’m cute eh I knew she couldn’t resist me.

Generally I’m a really good looking guy, and I know it too. However this girl wasn’t all over me like girls normally are. Having a boyfriend is clearly just an excuse since she doesn’t really talk about him all that nicely. Then again she talks like she’s living a stars life.

I wonder ….

Switching my laptop on I went onto google and typed in Sydney Branch, all I got were facebook and twitter results nothing interesting. It does say she has an interview on ‘late night humor’ maybe I should check their listings. Switching to the shows website I look through their whole schedule for the next six months, there’s no sign so Sydney Branch. I’m starting to think this girl’s a little wacko.

I dumped the book into my desk drawer and locked it before going to bed. I can’t help but wonder where I’ve heard her voice before.


I woke up slowly and got ready for school. Thankfully my dad got me another car yesterday so I don’t have to wait for my other one to get out of repair, how would I manage without a car for three days yeeeesh!

A group of girls swarmed around me as soon as I exited my car, see what I mean.

“ALRIGHT LOSERS BACK OFF MY MAN!” Yelled Jasmine my current ‘girlfriend’.

All the girls looked at her with daggers and marched away, she really knows how to empty an area.

“Hey babe.” I whispered in her ear making her giggle.

She jumped onto me wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

“Well someone’s feisty today.” I purred before pushing her against my car and smashing my lips to hers.

“Woah guys just woah get a room.” My friend Damian joked.

After a few seconds I broke away from Jasmine and smirked at Damian who had his arm slung over a girl I didn’t really recognize, a smirk was on his face.

“Nice.” I mouthed to him.

Jasmine must have noticed because she scoffed and hit my chest.

“Cut it out Hunter!”

“Sorry babe.” I let go of her and she fell to the ground.

When she stood up she glared at me and walked away.

“Way to go dude.” Laughed Damian, making the girl under his arm look very uncomfortable.

“Whatever she’ll be back anyway.”

“You guys are idiots.” Mumbled Adrian, as he walked towards us.

“Oh come on Aid lighten up a bit and have some fun. Here.” He smirked pushing the girl with him towards Adrian.

The girl look like she was about to cry, oh Damian you asshole.

“You’re disgusting Damian.”

“And you’re a kill joy. Come on Courtney lets go.”

“My names Samantha.” She said glaring at him.

“And what a wonderful name that is.” She blushed for some stupid reason.

I swear I will never understand girls, Damian basically treated her like a toy he wanted to give to Adrian and yet she still stands unbelievable.

“He’s a jerk.” Scoffed Adrian when Damian left.

Hmm I have an idea. “Would you by any chance know a girl called Sydney Branch?”

“No why?”

“No reason.” I smirked before heading off to class.

Sydney Branch or Candice what’s your face I will find out what really is going on.

Classes passed by quickly enough, and soon it was lunch. As I walked down to the cafeteria, high fiveing a bunch of guys and winking at some girls I felt confident. I am Hunter Wolfe after all.

“Hey Hunty baby.” Moaned some girl.

I don’t think I know her name, oh well she’s hot. “What’s up babe?” Ahh ‘babe’ you save me sometimes.

“Walk with me to lunch.” She said with a flirty smile on her face.

“Sure thing.” I put my arm around her shoulders and lead her to the cafeteria.

When we got to my usual table Adrian was already seat, he looked at me with a look of disapproval, I let my arm go and sat down, and she sat on my lap and was practically grinding on me. But hey who’s complaining.

Damian sat down with a scowl on his face, Adrian looked pleased at that.

“I swear girls suck.” He mumbled.

“I would ask what happened but I couldn’t care less.” Chuckled Adrian.

“Oooo Adrian you have a sexy laugh.” Said the girl on my lap.

Adrian glared at her which made her flinch and leave.

“You sure are a ladies man Aid.” I chuckled.

“Do you even know her name?” Glared Adrian.

“No.” I smirked and Damian laughed and high fived me.

He shook his head in disgust. “Dude you need to lighten up a little, honestly what’s a little fun.”

“Shut up Damian you don’t have to be such a jack ass. Girls do have feelings you idiot.”

“I don’t care.”

The had a stare off and I sighed, they had the same argument countless time everyday, I didn’t interfere because unlike Damian I didn’t hurt girl’s feelings, but at the same time I do enjoy a little fun here and there.

“Dude you HAVE to check this out!” Said Damian getting excited as he threw one of his dirty magazines at me.

I looked at the magazine and smirked, it was a picture of Candice Brooks, international model and actress, and dang it is she hot.

“Look at the next page.” He said excitedly. I heard Adrian tsk but ignored it.

When I turned the page there was an article about her being in town.

“She’s actually here.”

“Yeah but she’s in disguise so it’ll be hard to find her.”

“HAH what idiot wouldn’t recognize …” I trailed off when I noticed a picture of her on a bus.

She had a large coat on with the collar up, sunglasses on, and a beanie, you could see the driver and he was the same one from my bus ride. As I focused more on the picture I realized something!

“DUDE THAT’S ME!” I yelled.

Adrian and Damian shot out of their chairs and came to me starring at the picture of me sitting on the bus with my arm around her smirking.

“DUDE YOU FUCKING MET CANDICE BROOKS!” He screamed like a fan girl.

“Why didn’t you tell us!?” Asked Adrian.

“I didn’t know it was her.” How pathetic.

“You are a moron!” They both yelled.

“I know.” I groaned hitting my head on the table.

No wonder she sounded familiar, and kept acting weird. I guess that explains her diary ….. HER DIARY OH MY GOD I HAVE CANDICE BROOKS’S DIARY! HEEEEEEHEEEEHEEEHEHEHEHJWEFJSKENFKJRNGKLRNWKNR

Damian smacked me across my head snapping me out of my thoughts.

“I – I have to go! Anyone asks say I felt sick.” I ran outside ignoring their calls and got inside my car.

When I got him I parked my car and ran out without locking it. I barged into my room and pulled my drawer breaking it in the process since I forgot I locked it. I pulled out her diary and look at the name on it once more ‘This book is property of Sydney Bark.’ WHO IS SYDNEY BARK!

The only logical explanation would be that ‘Candice Brooks’ is an alias, but why would she need an alias. I need to get in contact with her … but how I doubt I’ll run into her on the bus again.

If only I can remember what stop she got of at I’m certain it was two before mine, and I got off at 136th street two stops behind that would be the Lotus In. Figures she’d be staying there, then again her diary said she couldn’t get out of her ‘house’.

Time for me to do a little stalking.

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