A Painful Goodbye..

By brooke_xx

102K 1.8K 80

Madelyn and Daniel were a couple until Madelyn found out that Daniel had cheated on her with one of the girls... More

A Painful Goodbye..
Chapter Two.
Chapter 3.
chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.

chapter 7.

7.2K 140 2
By brooke_xx

Madelyn’s POV~

We’ve approximately been here three weeks. My face is sore from all the slaps I’ve copped and I just want to go home. The only good thing about this is he isn’t torturing us at least he’s taking care of us; feeding us, letting us do anything we want.  I got up from the couch and the chain and ball made it hard for me to walk. I go into the room where the television was on and we saw the news.

Two girls Madelyn Warner and Valarie Simpson have both gone missing from there house about two weeks ago, there is not much evidence of who has done this. Here we are with Madelyn Warners mother, Rachel.

Rachel how do you feel about this whole incident?

I miss her so much. I can’t picture life without her, she’s my everything and if you’re watching this Maddy, I love you. Baby girl we are doing EVERYTHING in our power to find you.

I bursted out in tears. I miss my mother so much; I miss her smile, her voice, her hugs and everything about her! Seeing my mother upset made me fall to the ground.

Daniel walked into the room. What is going on in here, Maddy are you okay? He looked up at the television.

~Daniel’s POV~

It was Madelyn’s mother. A shiver ran through me, I grabbed the remote and turned the television off. Stop crying Madelyn, you’re family here now. She looked up and me and gave me the grease... You will NEVER replace my family. I walked up to her and slapped her. She is stupid for even talking back at me. She needs to think more.

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