Sebastian Stan Imagines

By MissKatie1998

113K 2.3K 562

Short one shots about Sebastian because I don't think there's enough Bassie fanfic out there! I do not own Se... More

Typical Morning with Seb (Fluff)
Baking with Bassie (Fluff)
Hate Mail (Fluff)
Quick A/N - Bucky!
Wedding (fluff)

Christmas Decorations (Fluff)

15.5K 358 55
By MissKatie1998

Bassie rushed through the door to your shared apartment.
Glancing up from the magazine in your hands, you see him huddled in his thick, black dress jacket. His shoulders are scrunched up and his hands are firmly in the pockets, keeping him from freezing to death. Snowflakes balance on his hair and shoulders, giving him a dusting of winter.

"Brrr! It's freezing out there." He states, shaking the snow off his shoulders. He pulls his coat off and hangs it on the peg before running over to you, who was sat snuggled on the sofa in your pyjamas.
He pushes his hands below your top and onto your bare stomach, the freezing touch causing you to squeal.
"Sebastian Stan, get your hands off me right now!" You shout at him, an assertiveness to your voice he always feared. He removes his hands and plops down next to you.
You can feel the cold radiating off him so you grip his hands in your own and lean in to his shoulder in an attempt to give him some of your body heat. He pulls you into his lap and snuggles further in to you, happily accepting your warmth.

After a short while he seems to have warmed up, but you're too comfortable and content to move.
You glance around your living room at all the Christmas decorations. The tall tree standing in the corner, proudly protecting all the presents beneath, illuminated the room with a multicoloured glow.
Tinsel is draped over all the pictures of you and Bassie that hung on the wall and other small ornaments and lights were dotted around the apartment.
You suddenly remember what you wanted to ask Seb and decided now was a good a time as ever.
"Babe?" You ask and he hums into your neck in response.
"My grandmother wants me to help put her decorations up, but all my cousins are going to be there and I wouldn't mind some moral support." You chuckle. "Would you mind coming along?"
You knew he had no more filming responsibilities until after New Year so he didn't have that as an excuse.
"Of course I will, darling. I'd love to meet your cousins."
"You're going to regret that." You smirk and he begins to tickle you in response. The perfect start to a cute, cosy night watching Christmas movies with hot chocolate and gingerbread men. After all, you loved stereotypical Christmas treats!


You and Bassie clung onto each other as to not slip into the snow as you were walking up your Grandmother's front garden. You could already hear the screams and shrieks of the kids playing and you took a deep breath as you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come.
You walked about half way up the path before the ice finally betrayed you. Your foot slid sideways and you grasped out to stop yourself, only clinging tighter to Seb and knocking him off balance too. He makes an attempt to catch you but it's all in vain and you both tumble into the thick white snow. Sebastian lands on top of you, pushing you further into the frosty ground.

When you work out what had just happened you realise you are now lying in the snow on your back, with Sebastian fully lying on top of you. His hands are still resting on your waist from where he attempted to save you and his face shows a worried expression. You lie there, staring up at him before beginning to laugh.
He also cracks a smile, then turns serious once again. The ice begins to seep into your coat, layering your back with freezing water.
"You look so beautiful right now, (y/n)." Seb states absentmindedly as his eyes prowl over your face. The way his eyes scan from left to right over your face resembles how he would read, and in that moment it felt as though he was reading deeply into you.
The cold ice was long forgotten and all you could focus on was the burning body heat between the two of you.

His eyes eventually stop their hunt at your lips. He shoots his gaze up to your eyes, the bright icy blue colour resembling that of the ice beneath you. Despite their colour, there is so much warmth behind them and when you find he's looking back down at your lips you find yourself willing him to kiss you.

"Will you kids stop playing around in the snow! (Y/n), dear, you'll catch your death of cold! Get her up out of there, Sebastian!" Your Grandmother's concerned voice calls out over the arctic wind.
This pulls Bassie out of whatever trance he had gotten himself into and his brow furrows in worry once more.
He swiftly gets to his feet, grabbing your hands and pulling you up. When you're standing, he brushes the remaining snow off your back and shoulders.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine." You smile fondly, knocking some snow out of his hair.
He smiles down at you and you take your hand in his, ready to face the terrors that are your cousins.

Once you had gotten your wet coat off and you had dried off, you sat down to a hot beverage. The kids were all playing out in the garden but soon they would have to come in, and that's when the real trouble would begin.


You had all started to put the decorations up, your Grandmother happily bossing both you and Seb around as she stormed through the house tidying and decorating simultaneously.
You were wrapping tinsel around a doorframe when all 5 of your younger cousins stormed into the house in their thick jackets and snow-covered wellies.

Before long they had taken off their outdoor gear and were running riot around the house, wrapping themselves in tinsel, throwing baubles at each other and singing Christmas songs at the top of their lungs. After 30minutes of their antics you began to feel like tearing your hair out. Anything you would finish decorating, they would pull apart 10 minutes later and you were quickly finding that they were getting on your last nerve. Bassie noticed you getting stressed out and tried to calm you with a 'it's okay, babe' or a kiss whenever he passed by, which helped a little but not much.

You were up a ladder hanging mistletoe above the doorframe when one of the boys ran into the room, knocking the ladders on his way past. You scream but manage to balance yourself.

Sebastian comes dashing in to check you're okay, but is greeted by your 9 year old cousin, Alice. He stops abruptly so he doesn't bump in to her, and he manages to peek into the room to see you're okay.
Knowing you were safe, he averts his attention to the small girl in front of him.
"Hey, Alice. What are you doing?" He asks.
She simply looks up and points to the mistletoe that hung above them - the mistletoe you had previously placed there.
"You have to kiss me, it's the rules." She states.
Seb doesn't quite know what to do, so he kneels down in front of her.
"But my girlfriend won't be very happy if I go around kissing other girls now, would she?" He smiles.
You watch the pair and can't help but smile at his way with your young cousins, they all seemed to love him. You watch as Alice quickly kisses Seb on the cheek, cutting him off from whatever he was saying, and runs away giggling.

He looks shell shocked and stands up. He looks over at you, still quite dazed, and begins to chuckle when he sees you laughing at him.
"I think my cousins like you a little too much." You joke to him.


Roughly 2 hours later, you're just about to put the last bauble on the tree when you stop short. Realisation had just hit you that for the last 20 minutes you had not seen nor heard from any of your cousins. As this is very suspicious, you decide to go and look for them.

You wander around the large house, eventually coming to one of their bedrooms. You can hear talking and as you grow closer you realise it's Sebastian's voice. Reaching the doorway, you are greeted by one of the most adorable scenes you had ever witnessed.
Your boyfriend sat on a tiny yellow stool designed for 5 year olds with a book on his lap. 3 of your cousins were sitting crossed-legged on the floor in front of him, listening with anticipation. The other 2 cousins sat on the bed, equally as intrigued.
You couldn't blame them, as you yourself had also become intrigued by the way he read. He changed voices and accents for different characters, and the way he accentuated his voice for certain parts left you enthralled in the story(even if it was for children!).

He noticed you and smiled a genuinely happy smile, to which you couldn't help but return. You listened patiently as he finished the story. As it finished, Sebastian began to get up to leave when the children gripped onto his clothing.
"One more! One more!" They all chimed.
"You said that 3 stories ago." He chuckled.
Luckily, Grandmother shouted up to the children to announce it was time to eat lunch so this gave Seb an escape from reading.

As the children all raced downstairs, you stayed stood in the doorway.
"You're really good with them, they really like you."
"You think so?" Seb blushes. "I was just trying to keep them out from under your feet."
You feel the familiar warming of your heart that occurs whenever Sebastian does something thoughtful.
"Thank you." You state, leaning in to kiss him.
However, he stops you.
"Wait, I want to do it properly!" He grins, grabbing your hand and dragging you downstairs.

He eventually stops you in the doorway of the living room.
"Seb, what are y-"
He cuts you off by simply pointing to the sky. Following the direction of his finger, you spot the small bundle of mistletoe hanging down above you.
You laugh at the cheesy grin on his face and pull him down into a much needed kiss.
Your hands still rest on his cheeks from where you pulled him into you, whilst his move to your waist.

You hear a small voice from behind you and turn to see the youngest of your cousins, 5 year old Sam.
When he's caught your attention he quickly runs away and you turn back to Bassie.
"Way to ruin the moment, Sam." You laugh, and Bassie pulls you into his chest, chuckling along with you.

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