Love story IPKKND2

By chafikakefif

246K 5.8K 271

My first book I wrote is dedicated to sarun... this is the story of Arnav and Khushi after their wedding khus... More

first. part
part 2
part 4
part 5
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 14 &15
part 16 &17
part 18&19
part 20&21
part 22&23
part 24&25
part 26&27
part 28&29
parts 30&31
parts 32&33
parts 34&35
parts 36&37
parts 38&39
parts 40&41
parts 42&43
part 44&45
parts 46&47
Parts 48&49
part 50
Parts 51&52
parts 53&54
part 55&56
Parts 57 &58
parts 59&60
Parts 61&62
Parts 63&64
Parts 65&66
Parts 67 &68
Parts 69 &70
Parts 71 &72
Parts 73 &74
Parts 75 &76
Parts 77 & 78
Parts 79 & 80 and last

part 13

4.7K 131 4
By chafikakefif

  Natasha don't want let khushi go alone, and as night was falling, she decided take her to her aunt, and she did not leave her until she sees her come home khushi arrives at her aunt's home exhausted.
-: Khushi? (said her mother) where were you? your husband was very concerned ( khushi falls into the arms of her mother, and sobbed)
-: Hey khushi what do you have? someone has done anything wrong? (She looks at her mother crying but said nothing.)
-: I'll call Arnav to tell him that you're here. he was so worried about you.
-: No mom ! don't call him. I don't want to see him !
-: why Khushi? What happened ? (Buaji asked with an anxious air) khushi does not want to answer, which adds to the anxiety of her aunt so she decise to call arnav. Khushi enters her room and be locked . The phone rings in the Raizada House. Buaji had to inform Arnav that his wife returned .Anjali answers the phone
-: Hello my daughter?"(said buaji).
-: it's Buaji (Anjali said to Arnav ) he takes the phone and says with anticipation
-: Bouaji ! khushi has come?
-: Yes my son. (responds Buaji. Arnav is relieved and buaji continued)
-: But what has happened Nand kishore? When she returned upset she don't want to tell us anything
-: I'll come to you buaji. don't worry everything will be well (said Arnav ) He rushes to the exit and Anjali called him
-: Chote !! -"yes di" ( he answers)
-: Bring back your wife with you ! and you have to explain everything to her family
He looks at his sister said nothing and runs recover his wife. At home to Buaji Gerima knocks on the door of khushi calling her and asking her to get out but she remains silent
-: Nande Kishor!! (buaji said putting her hand on her head) what happened to this girl? she does not even want to open and we don't even know if she's okay or not? ( Just at that time Arnav arrived impatient to meet his wife.
-: Here you are! What happened to your wife? Can you explain?
-: hereafter Buaji please. Where is Khushi?
-: In her room. she locked herself inside. she is not answering and I'm afraid that something happened to her.( Arnav knocked the door of the room and said )
-: Khushi ! khushi ! Open the door ! ( Khushi was crying inside. She will neither open nor answer but was sitting on her chair in front her (devi maiya's idol).
-: Khushi opens please! (said Arnav striking the door in order to break it) but no answer from khushi.
-: And if something happened to her? (said Garima) Do something! break the door! he looks at his aunt and strikes again
-: Khushi says something? Answer me ! are you okay? responds khushi please I'll break the door or to come to you if you do not open! (He said that by worrying and hitting hard on the door fearing that something had happened to his wife)
behind the door the voice of khushi trembling responds
-: Go !! I don't want to see you! ( Arnav delivered from his anxiety to hear the voice of his wife he calm and said
-: Khushi...! khushi open the door please. we will discuss about it together
-: I have nothing to say to you leave me alone. I don't want to see you! go home! (she replied with tears filling in her eyes).
-: My home is with you and I'll take you with me!( then with a furious voice he says) open the door damn it !
khushi was more silent than ever. The door was not opening. Arnav tried again but in vain he remains stick at the door for a moment then went to the exit
-: you did not tell us what has happened, and why your wife is like this (buaji said that and these words stopped Arnav). He remains motionless turned his head slightly and said
-: An injustice I committed Buaji,.. I don't know how to repair it!
-: Stay here tonight. (said guerima) may be she will eventually open the door! (Arnav accepted and turned back. he calls his sister)
-: di- Aren't you sleeping yet?
-: No Chote I'm awaiting for you. tell me you found khushi? You are coming back home with her?
-: No di- she refused to talk to me. The mistake that I did is unrepeatable! Di, I can't live without her. What should I do? I begged her but she didn't listen! (Arnav said that leaving a tear).
-: You are very tired. you have not eaten anything ! Come back home and I'll get you some food
-: No di- I want nothing. I want khushi so I'll remain here until she accept to come back with me...(Arnav does not sleep and waits for khushi to decide to open the door. He was annihilated and requested)
-: Khushi please open the door. Talk to me please you can't do this to me.....(She couldn't bear her husband in this way. khushi opens to him , fell backwards and sits on the bed her legs together between her arms and her tears don't dry up. She turns her head not to look at Arnav and said
-: Go home ! we have nothing more to say ! (for Arnav, it is like the door of happiness that opens he approaches her, sits down next to her on the bed and he answers her
-: No khushi not before you listen to me. (He took her hands and said) I regret what I did and said khushi I did not mean all that. forgive me please and come back home ( then wipes her tears.)
Arnav thinks it's easy to forget everything but for khushi, it wasn't as he had extremely hurt her and broken her heart by not trusting her. She removes her hand from his and said
-: You've always spoken without thinking and I had always forgiven you but the words coming out do not come back again. you hurt my heart Arnav. I don't want to see you
-: No khushi don't say that! don't punish me like that! Don't go away like this you know I can't bear it I can't live without you and what do you make of our love?
-: it is better like this for both of us Arnav! for the moment I'm not ready to forgive you, you must go home now ( Arnav puts his hands gently on the cheek of khushi saying
-: You know I can't let you khushi, I can't go home you and you know it. come with me we will solve this problem at our home.(khushi can't be insensitive to the affected Arnav. Her heart beats and her breathes have picked up speed she raised her hand to put it on the cheek from her husband, but she did not because the injury is above here and prevents her from doing so. she looks At Arnav and said
-: I have brought you much love despite all the wounds of the past .I was able to overcome them. I even decided to make a fa......." (she meant a family) but khushi did not finish her sentence looking at Arnav a long time and tears wet her cheeks.  

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