The Falling Rider

By Faithful_Wings

95 2 1

Adira, the princess of Drakona, has gone through many lessons on how to be a proper princess and future queen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

8 1 0
By Faithful_Wings

After about 20 minutes of flying, we make it to the cave. Skyrah and I quickly get off of our dragons and rush into the cave. We stare at the beautiful crystals as we walk deeper into the cave.
"Hey! Wait up!" Leo shouts.
"Yeah, come on guys! Wait for us!" Darius agrees. Skyrah and I giggle and turn around to face them. They slowly stop in their tracks and stare at us. I raise an eyebrow as Leo stares at me dreamily. Our dragons walk in and Storm walks over to me.
"You still wanna deny that he likes you?" Storm asks. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as I look down. Leo's dragon, Lightning, walks to Leo and nudges him, making him stumble and almost fall on the ground.
"Hey! Lightning!" He shouts at his dragon. Lightning smiles, amused as his rider glares at him. I laugh a bit before turning back around and continue walking deeper into the cave, Storm at my side. Leo rushes to catch up with me and I laugh again.
"What?" Leo asks.
"Nothing." I say as I keep myself from laughing.
"Whatever." He says as he rolls his eyes playfully. Skyrah and Darius catch up to us after a few minutes. We continue walking and making jokes until we get to the center of the cave. The top of this part of the cave is lifted enough for our dragons to be able to fly and it's big enough for at least ten dragons to fly in. In the center of this area, there's a few gigantic crystals that are almost grown to the ceiling. Our dragons immediately fly to the biggest crystal and land on it, letting their spiked tails fall to the ground. We all rush to our dragons and climb up their tails.
"Thanks Storm." I thank my dragon.
"No problem." Hey says. I walk to the center crystal and meet up with my friends.
"I love these crystals!" Skyrah exclaims.
"I know right! This place is like my second home!" I shout as I look at all of the tiny crystals growing on the ceiling.
"It's beautiful!" Skyrah exclaims.
"Yeah she is." Darius says while staring at Skyrah. I smirk at the love struck Darius and the flattered Skyrah. They would be so cute together.
"You can say that again." Leo says as he stares at me. My eyes widen a little as heat rises to my cheeks. I look over at Skyrah and it looks like she's thinking the same thing I am. Let's scare them to death. Skyrah and I smirk at each other and jump off of the edge of the crystal.
"Adira!" Leo shouts as he tries to grab my hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Storm getting ready to catch me.
"Skyrah!" I hear Darius shout. Skyrah smirk at each other again and get in position for our dragons to catch us. Storm and Ember swoop down and catch us just before we hit the bottom. Storm spirals to the top of the cave again and I slide down his tail. There, Leo pulls me into a tight hug.
"Don't ever do that again." Leo says, a serious tone in his voice. Whoa, I really scared him this time.
"Ok, I won't. I'm sorry." I say as I hug him back. I see Darius doing the same with Skyrah. Storm smirks at me and lays down on the cold crystal.
"Good." Leo says as he pulls away from me. He stares into my eyes and smiles. I smile back and look over to Skyrah and Darius. There sitting on the ledge of the crystal, Skyrah leaning on Darius. Aww. Leo takes my hand in his and leads me to the ledge as well. We sit down and I lay my head on his shoulder. We sit in silence as I watch our dragons fly around the cave. I shiver as a cold wind flows through the cave. Leo let's go of my hand and wraps his arm around me, keeping me warm.
"Thanks." I thank him.
"Anytime." He replies. I see a hole in the ceiling and look out of it. I see the sky has changed into a beautiful orange.
"It's sunset." I tell them. My friends sigh and Leo and Darius get up. Leo holds out his hand for me, I take it and get up. We walk to our dragons and get on them. They carefully fly out of the cave and we start flying back to the kingdom.

We soon arrive at the kingdom and fly to the stables. We get off of our dragons and lead them to their individual stables. I take Storm's saddle off and hang it on its peg. I get a barrel of meat and fish and place it in front of Storm. He stares at me for a minute before walking to me and resting his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and sigh. Time flies by.
"Do you have to go?" Storm asks me.
"You know I do." I respond sadly.
"But why?" He whines.
"Because my mom and dad will be furious if I don't come back." I say.
"Fine. Will you come back tomorrow?" He whimpers.
"Of course. You know I will." I reply as he pulls away from me and sits back down behind his food.
"Goodnight Storm." I say.
"Goodnight Adira." He replies before eating his food. I walk out of his stable just as my friends do. I walk out of the dragon stables with my friends behind me.
"Night guys." I say as I hug all of them.
"Night." They respond. I start walking back to the castle until Leo stops me.
"Um, I wanted to, uh, ask you something." He says nervously.
"Sure. What's up?" I ask.
"I wanted t-to know if you'd like to do something with me tomorrow since y-you don't have any lessons. Y-you know, just us." He stutters.
"I'd love to." I say smiling. A wide smile grows on his face.
"Great! I'll meet you here in the morning at eight then?" He asks.
"Yep!" I exclaim.
"Ok, awesome! I can't wait! Oh, uh, I mean I'm looking forward to tomorrow." He corrects himself. He's being proper.
"Hey, you don't have to be proper with me. I may be the princess, but it doesn't matter to me if you're proper or not. Just be yourself, like you always are." I say as I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Right, sorry." He apologizes, nodding.
"It's ok. Goodnight Leo." I say.
"Goodnight Adira." He says, then starts running back to his house. My eyes widen as I realize it's dark out. Perfect. I rush back to the castle to be greeted by my annoyed parents.

Hey guys! I might post again later today, but for now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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