Thrown Through Time

By fangirlsarecray

87.6K 3.3K 864

Three trios, from three generations, get swept up and all seem to end up lost in time! Harry Potter time tra... More

Ginny, Ron, and Harry
James, Lily, and Sirius
Albus Dumbledore
Grimmauld Place
The Inhabitants of Grimmauld
Back to Godric's Hollow
Number 4 Privet Drive
All Over the Place
Burned Alive
Malfoy Manor
A Short Time Captured
Leaving Shell Cottage
Life Changing
The Battle of Hogwarts
Dead or Alive
Frozen People
A Happy Ending
A Quick Promotion

Lily, James, and Albus

13.1K 295 92
By fangirlsarecray

Chapter 1

Midnight, November 1st 1981.

Godric's Hollow

Sirius Black had just escaped from his Order of the Phoenix duties in the early morning. He had promised his best friend, James, that he would swing by if he could. He knew that James and Lily were getting a bit stir crazy.

He apparated to the small village of Godric's Hollow. He immediately knew something was wrong. Lily and James Potter's house was in ruins. Sirius felt his breath quicken. 'He can't have gotten them.' he kept repeating to himself. 'Prongs is okay. Don't jump to conclusions.'

Sirius stepped one foot through the unhinged door. He tested the floor with his foot before stepping further into the house. He darted past the kitchen and up the stairs without looking around the room. He took the stairs two at a time. He was relieved and overjoyed to hear Lily's yelling coming from the master bedroom. Usually he wouldn't be very happy to see an angry Lily Evans-Potter, but after the scare of thinking she was dead, he would take anything right now.

"James Potter! You bloody idiot! What the bloody hell do you think you've done? I am going to kill you then make hermione or Al revive you so I can kill you again!" Lily's voice yelled. This was unlike her. Lily was never one to joke about death, especially during these dark times.

"You sound like mum." James' voice retorted. This again seemed out of character for the pair. James' mum was a sweet lady who would never hurt a soul. Sirius slowed his pace up the stairs and hugged the wall to stay hidden from the pair.

"Where's Al." Lily demanded. Who was this 'Al' person. Sirius had never heard his name before and the couple hadn't really had the chance to go out and meet new people.

"He went to the loo." James sighed "Really Lils, you could learn to ease up."

"I'm sorry I'm mad at you for ruining the house." Lily retorted sarcastically

"I'm sure we can fix it up fine." James pleaded

"Not without dad noticing." Lily growled

"It's not dad I'm worried about. Mum'll be a whole lot worse."

"Is that really the only thing you're worried about? You don't even know if the house is stable enough to leave this room." Lily snapped

Sirius had enough. He jumped up the last few steps and crouched by the door.

"If the house wasn't unstable right now, I would tell you to get the hell out." This was the last straw. Sirius burst into the room.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you two! You're fighting like you're not in the middle of a bloody war!" he exclaimed

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Lily demanded.Sirius felt his heart drop.

"Wha- what do you mean Lils?" he stuttered "You know me."

"No I don't." she glared at the man "How do you know my name?"

"Prongs, tell her. You know me." Sirius pleaded

"I admit you look familiar..." James scrunched his face in thought "I can't place it though."

"Who are you." Lily demanded again

"S-Sirius Black." he whispered

James' jaw dropped. He tried to say something but nothing came out. His eyes flicked between Sirius and Lily. Lily bit her lip. She tried not to start yelling at James again. She failed.


"Oh, shut it Lily." James growled "We have to find Al."

"Who's Al?" Sirius asked

Lily and James didn't answer. Instead they rushed past the man and down the hall. They were calling the man's name through the house as they checked the bathroom and the second bedroom. Lily stopped when she saw a woman who looked quite similar to herself. On the other side of the room, a man was sitting in a rocking chair with a crying baby with black hair and a small lighting shaped scar on her head.

"Al?" Lily whispered "Is this Lily?" The man in the chair, Al, nodded without looking up from the boy.

"James!" she called out "I found him."

James rushed up behind Lily who had kneeled beside the dead woman. Sirius was right behind him.

"Prongs would you tell me what's going on?" Sirius pleaded

"No. Not yet. I barely know what's going on." James said exasperatedly "Al, is that..." James trailed off. Al nodded again.

"Who are you?" Sirius asked Al.

"Albus Potter." he mumbled. He still would not let his eyes off the baby.

Sirius didn't know what to say. He knew the Potter family tree. James had no relatives named Albus, much less any living ones. His eyes flicked between the three people in the room. They landed on the woman, lying dead on the floor. He still couldn't say anything. He had realised by now that these two weren't the Lily and James that he knew.

"James must be downstairs." the Lily impostor mumbled.

"I'm right here!" James reminded her.

"Your grandfather, you twit." Lily rolled her eyes.

"Would you two quit bickering." Albus hissed "I just got Harry to go to sleep."

"I think we need to leave." Lily said. She got up from beside the dead body. "We don't want to change anything. Al, you had better put dad back in his cot."

"That's something I never thought I would hear you say." James snorted

Lily just rolled her eyes again.

Albus placed the small baby back into his crib. He ushered Lily, James, and the still dumbfounded Sirius, out of the house and onto the street.

"WHat the bloody hell is going on?!" Sirius had finally come to his senses and was now holding his wand at Lily's throat "You aren't Lily and James Potter, are you?"

"No, not in the way you're thinking." Lily said calmly

"What do you mean?" Sirius snarled

"Would you shut up and get your wand away from my sister's throat." James snapped

"Sister?" Sirius froze

"Yes. My sister Lily Luna Potter. My name is James Sirius Potter and this is my brother Albus Severus Potter." James calmed a bit.

Sirius was rooted to the spot. "Who's your family?" Sirius managed to stutter

"Harry Potter and Ginny Potter nee Weasley." James deadpanned

"So that's why you aren't wearing your glasses." Sirius came to the realization.

He noticed the difference between Prongs and the man in front of him. This James had brown hair and blue eyes with no glasses, unlike Prongs' black hair and hazel eyes. Albus, however, had the messy black hair and wire rimmed glasses but with green eyes similar to the first Lily.

"He can't remember this." Albus mumbled. Lily and James nodded sadly. Before Sirius realised what had happened, Albus had cast a memory charm on him, relieving him of all memories he had of the three of them. Sirius stood there for a moment, not remembering what he was doing. His mind kicked back in at the last point he remembered, going to check on Lily and James.

Lily and James the second as well as Al, slinked back into the shadows and out of view. Once Sirius had disappeared into the house, Lily glared at her oldest brother.

"You just had to." she snarled "You just had to go and sneak into dad's study."

"This wasn't me, but look what I got." James held up a cloak made of a soft silvery material and an old piece of parchment.

"Dad's invisibility cloak and the marauders map." Al realised

"You do realise that nothing matters anymore because our father is one and we are in the freaking past." Lily pointed out

"We should go to Dumbledore." Al said "Dad trusted him and he's still alive in this time."

"We just have to find him first." Lily sighed.

(A/N: Hello! It is me! Jul! Just a quick hello and an explanation as to why I have been a little MIA. I have been writing like a beast for you all, but I just don't like my only ongoing story at the moment (Cowardice). I'm not going to delete it, but I won't update it anymore. It's really badly written because it's my first story and I had little to no practice writing before. It wasn't exactly popular or anything so I don't feel too bad. I have made up for you by already having 3.5 parts of this story already written for you. I will post them all today (If I remember). I also have another story for you called The Order's Spy. I don't know when I'm going to publish that one but I already have 4 finished parts and the first paragraph of the fifth. I even have a cover for it and everything. For this story I have to come up with a name and a cover... Oh well! I'll figure something out.)

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