Harry Styles One Shots/Imagin...

By LovelyMeme

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Harry Styles One Shots/Imagines
Imagine 1: Starbucks
Imagine 2: First Sight
Imagine 3: Prom
Imagine 4: Dinner Date

Imagine 5: Far Away

1.5K 8 1
By LovelyMeme

This was recently written for me and I really appreciate the person that wrote this. I love it so much :)

"Harry?” You whisper

“Meme? What's wrong?” you hear his sleepy voice. “It's 4:29, Meme.” Are you okay?” He asks and you hear his footsteps thud on the carpet as he jumped out of bed on the other line.

“Meme!” You hear your boyfriend Zach shouting. Your breathing gets faster and you start panting.

“Harry, I'm in my bathroom” You mutter.

“I don’t understand, whats going on?” He panics

“Meme! Come out, you idiot. You cant hide yourself forever!” Zach yells.

“Is that Zach? Did he do something to you? Baby, answer me!” Harry shouts in panic

“Harry, I'm scared.” You mumble.

“I'm coming over.” He says and you hear how he is opening his always-creaking front door and rushing to his car.

“Harry...” you whisper but cannot continue due to the lump in your throat.

“Honey, I'm coming.” He says. You look as the door, Zach is hitting it and you know soon he's going to get you.

“Help me.” you whisper into the phone.

“Meme?!” Harry shouts, but you hang up, just in time. Zach breaks the door down and you see him- he's drunk and his face is full of anger and rage.

“You sl*t!” He yells and grabs your hand. He pulls you up and you cry out in pain. Although you are a few inches shorter than him, you come face to his angered face. His normally brown eyes looked pure black with rage. “Did you sleep with him?!” He asks furiously.

“No I didn’t.” You sob

“Liar!” Zach shouts

“I haven’t slept with anyone. I don’t know who you’re talking about.” You whisper.

“Do not lie to me. I know you did. You have a lot of lovers, don’t you? And don’t you dare deny it.” He hisses

“Let her go.” You hear Harry's firm voice. “Now.” Harry shouts. Zach grins victoriously and lets you go, pushing you on tile bathroom floor. Harry wants runs over to you, but Zach punches him in the face.

“No!” You shout. Harry hits him in the stomach and Zach falls to the ground, but not going down without a fight. He takes a swing at Harry again.

“Harry!” You scream and crawl closer.

“Dont. Come. Closer!” he shouts. He takes Zach's hands and bends them behind his back. Zach appears to be dizzy- because of the fighting and drinking.

“I will find you Meme, and I will kill you.” He hisses.

“You would have to kill me first.” Harry says and ties his hands with a rope you found in the cupboard. Harry then rushes to you and wraps his arms around you, picking you up off the floor. He carries you in your bedroom and puts you gently on your bed.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Everything hurts” You say in a whisper.

“Let's get you dressed.” Harry whispers and runs over to your dresser. He takes out a pair of jeans, a shirt, and a sweater. “Hands up” He says. In spite of your numerous protests, he takes off your nightgown. He looks at your bruises and he shuts his eyes. His anger is visible as he whistles through clenched teeth. “I want to kill him. I nearly did. We have to go.” He says nervously and helps you to put on your shirt and jeans. Then he takes you in his arms again. “Let's go love, you're safe now.” He says and kisses the top of your head.

You're driving fast through London, and you don’t even know where. You look over at Harry in the drivers seat. His glare is fixed on the road and his nose is still bleeding, there is blood on his white shirt and eyebrow. You take your tissue and gently wipe away the blood. He looks at you and his gaze softens.

“If anything had happened to you...” He whispers.

“But it didn’t. Thank you for coming.” You say. He doesn’t reply, you just keep driving through the night.

“Baby.” Harry whispers and you open your eyes. “We're here.” He says


“At the airport.” He says

“Why?” You ask sitting up and rubbing your eyes

“I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Until that b*stard is in jail.” He whispers

“Oh..” You mutter

“Come” He says and takes your hand “Where would you like to go?” He asks closing the car door behind you.

You shrug “I don’t have any money.” You say and put your head on his shoulder- its aching.

“Dont think about money.” He says and wraps his arm around your waist. “Two one way tickets to the first plane that's going far away.” Harry says

“Brazil?” the assistant asks after typing away on her computer.

Harry nods “We'll take them.” He then looks at you and smiles “Oh baby” he whispers and pulls you into his arms. He holds you, holds you for the longest time. Occasionally he kisses your hair, but he doesn’t let go, he just rocks you gently. “I love you so much” He whispers. You smile, because for once you know it's true and pure. He nuzzles your hair and inhales deeply.

“I love you too Harry.”

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