The Labyrinth

By Claire_201

2.5K 92 22

Violet is a simple teenage girl with her heads stuck in the clouds, and soon her head gets struck down by the... More

Chapter One: Fairies
Chapter Two: Hoggle
Chapter Three: Sparkle Sparkle
Chapter Four: The Wall

The Labyrinth

1.5K 21 8
By Claire_201

This will be a kind of 'Sequeal' after the first movie, The Labyrinth with David Bowie and... yeah. 

I loved this movie since I was a kid and kind of always wanted to do this - so enjoy! ^.^

~ Caitlin 

I sat on the park bench, staring at the the pages of the little red book of mine as my mouth mutely read out loud as my heart thumped in my chest as I read the mesmerizing words on the old, tattered page.

The wind picked up and my brown hair, causing strands to loosen from the hair tie and start dancing to the invisible force, but it didn't distract me as much as it would if someone was poking me - everything and anything could never distract me as I read the words that have intoxicated me since the first time I read them when I was eleven.

It was the original book called Labyrinth, the red one that was used in the movie - well, I think it is, but I know for a fact that the one used in the movie was fake and was blank paged, but this one... I don't know how it came to be, but it was the real story, the one before Sarah - the one she 'read' from in the movie.

I love the movie, and the book that was based on the movie, but this one, the one that was bounded loosely at the bindings and was a faded and little dirty red cover was the one I loved. 

Where I had got it though - well, it's more like where did it fall onto my head and caused me to have an concussion. I was searching through a wardrobe my dad had in his room, we were about to move in with his new wife - Alison who was pregnant with my little brother - well, half brother I suppose, Mathew.

Dad had been called into work and I volunteered to pack some of things, and since I had never been in the wardrobe - let alone be allowed in it, I let my curiousness take over and I searched through the wardrobe of old toys, pictures and jewelry.

The thought of it being my mother's had gone flashed through my mind, and it was answered when I saw pictures of her and dad together when they were younger. I had started to climb the shelves, still looking and going through the belongings when the top shelf that I was holding onto gave way.

I had falling - the shelf had landed on the shelf below it (luckily) but the only thing on the shelf fell onto my head, the book.

And that's how i'm here now, with the red, tattered book as clouds started to pull together and become dark and the smell of rain in the air.

I heard something move and I looked up to see a Snowy White Owl perched on a tree branch, staring down at me. My eyes met it for a moment before I smiled and put the old red book down next to me and picked some of my Subway up from the seat next to me and slowly walked closer to the tree where it watched from.

"Hello little fella... i'm Violet, would you like some of my Subway?" I asked the Owl, pulling some of the bread with the innings off and held it up for the Owl to eat it - which was rather stupid, Owls mostly eat mice out here and things.

The Owl looked at the food in my hands and then at me and puffs his chest out, "Oh, it my food not good enough for you, my Majesty?" I pulled my hand back and stared up at the Owl, "Yes, I know your true identity" I laughed mockingly as I jumped onto an base of a tree that was cut down long ago.

"Goblin King, shall I ask why you are here? Or should I just leave before you decide to in prison us all in your little games?" 

"Violet, are you seriously talking to an Owl? What's next, you find pixies in the swimming pool?" I turned around to see Max staring at me with an amused look.

"For your information you chicken, I was just-" "Just what? Making yourself look crazy again for talking to an Owl? Don't you remember last time something like this happened?" Max groans.

"Blah, Blah, Blah, well, if you don't want to be the one that is known as 'The one that hangs around with the crazy girl' - you should skedaddle away from me"

"I didn't mean it like that Vi, I just meant... why are you talking to a barn owl?"

"I was trying to see if it eats Subway... and it was kind of creeping my out" I jumped off of the tree stump and then walked over to the park bench and wrapped my Subway up before throwing it away, I went to grab my book when Max did.

"I don't see what is so interesting about this old thing!" Max flickers through the pages, "Give it back!" I yelled, jumping up as I tried to get it as he holds it well above me - yeah, i'm short, sue me.

"Give it back peasant!" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and scowled at him, "Aww, little baby is upset with m-" I stomped on his foot and his eyes widened as I snatched my book from his hands and put it in my back pack before putting that on my back too.

"See, play with fire and you will get burnt" I smiled at Max innocently as he huffs and glares at me.

"Bitch" he mutters under his breath as I walked past, "Jerk" I sang while smacking him in the head with my palm and quickly broke into a run, laughing as I cut across the park for my home.

"Get back here Vi!" Max yells and starts running after me, "No way!" I laughed and ran across the road and past the shops before I came to my street, Max was still on my heels and I jumped onto my veranda, "Thank you, thank you, I accept all rounds of applause for beating the fastest running in our school" I say in a posh British accent and bowed left to right.

"What ever, see you on Monday Vi" Max sulkily walks three houses down before dissappearing into his own home and I went to the front door of my own and walked in, dumping my backpack on the ground, "Mama, papa, i'm home!"

"Oh good, just before the storm hits too!" my step mother hurries over to me and quickly looks me up and down - for any injuries no doubt.

"Your mother and I are going to a work party" my dad walks over, struggling with his bow-tie while rolling his eyes. I giggled and stood on my tippy toes and helped him, "Ah, thanks Vi" he smiles at me.

"Have fun, and don't be out too late!" I warned them.

"I'll have her back by three ma'am" my father salutes me before my parents walked out of the house, yep, I guess we're close and all - and no, my step mother isn't a wicked witch, she's probably the most beautiful maiden in this land.

I closed and locked the front door before I rushed upstairs and burst through the door to the nursery, "Mathew, Mather... where is thy Mathew?" I sang, looking around to find my little brother in a white and red onesie in the middle of some soft toys.

"Ah, there's my little Waldo" I laughed and he see's me before raising his arms to pick me up, "Come on then" I smiled and picked him up before walking down the stairs, "I'll feed you before you got to bed, yeah? Maybe even a story" Mathew doesn't answer - in fact, he's probably the most quiet infant in the history of this world, he barely cries, just the occasional gurgle and babyish giggle.

I fed him then walked up the stairs again and into his nursery, flicking the switch to the main light and let the space lamp and rocket ship night light light the room up, "Hmm, what story?" I wondered outloud as I laid him gently down in his crib.

"Maybe.. Peter Pan? No? Okay then, how about Cinderella?" I asked him, of course he didn't reply, i'm just talking to myself really - maybe I am bonkers?

"No? Okay then  how about the story of the Labyrinth?" I asked, pulling my hair out of it's hair tie before I shook my head and sat on the rocking chair next to the crib.

"There once was a girl named Sarah, who wished her little brother away to Goblin King, the king of a far away world that is joined to this one by magic. The Goblin King loved Sarah with all of his heart, and waited to wed her-" thunder clapped ahead and I quickly stood up and closed the white curtains.

"Now, he made a deal with Sarah, if she could get through his Labyrinth in thirteen hours her little brother wouldn't be turned into a Goblin and they both will be returned home, so she-" I was cut off by another clap of thunder and sighed.

"Well, i'll continue another night, okay Mathew? But you know, this kind of reminds me of when Sarah sent her brother away" Mathew sat up, staring at me with his bright blue eyes, "I'll show you, it went like this" I say and picked him up.

"Toby cried and cried, Sarah begged him to stop" I hummed, Mathew silently let me carry him around his Nursery and I started to get wrapped up in my little imagination or re-enacting the scene.

"But she had gotten the words wrong the first time, and the Goblins sighed and shook their heads" I whispered, Mathew's eyes slowly began to drop as my voice went softer and I slowed my pace around the nursery so I wouldn't wake him.

"I wish... I wish..." I whisper, putting my baby brother carefully into his soft crib before I slowly left the room, "I wish the Goblins would come and take you away, right now" I shut the door quietly before giggling to myself - maybe I am weird.

I just reenacted a eighties movies for crying out loud!

Smiling I turned to leave but something in my gut told me to stop, so I did and I slowly turned to the door with the word 'Mathew' written in different wooden squares and frowned before my hand grips the door knob and slowly twisted it.

Peering in I stared at the crib, my heart pounding against my chest, "Mathew?" I whispered, something wasn't right.

I flicked the light switch on but it didn't work, ignoring that I walked towards the crib and stared down at the lump under the baby blue blanket, I swear I didn't put him under a blanket...

I quickly yanked it off to find nothing there, "Math-?!" loud thumps happened all around the room and I gasped, turning around and trying to find the cause of what was making the thumps.

"Mathew?!" I quickly went around the room, pulling toys from the piles as I searched for my baby brother, the thumps turning into loud bangs as I heard weird noises that sounded like snickers and animal noises.

"Mathew, where are you?!" I yelled. I heard a 'Woohoo' behind me and whipped around, eyes wide as I stared a clown puppet that hung from the ceiling - swinging back and forth.

Something bangs against the window and I turned to see what it was - but the I turned instantly as I heard glass shattering to see a picture of a meadow broken on the floor. The thumping, snickers and weird noises continued as I turned around and around, trying to see what was making the nosies.

Then I saw brown hair and went to investigate when the windows burst open, my eyes widened as I put my arms over my head - not making a sound as I dropped to the floor as an white Owl flew into the room.

I instantly rolled and found myself at the door - but only to find it shut - how did I not hear it shut?!

I stood before I noticed a shadow slowly rising behind me, my eyes widened before I slowly turned and saw a figure standing at the window, the curtains blowing the wind as my back pressed against the door, my heart hammering in fear and in confusion.

And then I was attacked by glitter.

God damn it - i'm going to be finding glitter everywhere for the next two year's! Wait - i'm off topic here... hang on... IS THAT DAVID BOWIE?!

"What the..." 

David Bowie smirks in his Goblin King outfit and puts a hand on his hip, "Uh... why's David Bowie standing in my little brother's nursery?" I questioned myself out loud.

"David who-"

"I must've hit my head pretty hard before - even though I don't remember hitting my head at all and-"

"Wait... David Bowie... Mathew gone... weird noises..." I stared at the man that had big poofy hair, you have git to be kidding me.

"This is real?" he smirks and nods his head once.

Okay, I could either be being pranked her or...

"I didn't mean it, I SWEAR!" I hurried over to him and looked up at the 'Goblin King' with wide eyes.

"What's said is said" 

Okay, we're in a two story building - there's no way David Bowie could climb through my window - that was locked. It's always locked and...  uh-oh.

"I didn't mean it, please just give-" "Oh, you didn't?" he stares down at me with cruel, amused eyes.

"Yeah, I thought the Goblin King - you, was just a made up story!" I yelled, flailing my arms about as I tried to send him the message of me not realizing he's an actual real being.

"Do I looked made up to you?" I stared at the 'Goblin King' before I poked his chest, "No..."

"Now, you know how this works?" he pulls out a crystal ball.

"I don't want the crystal ball, I want my brother" I gave him one of my famous deadly stares.

"Well, you know where he is" David steps away from the window and I saw - to my horror and shock was a castle far away with a stone maze in front of it... oh god... it's real.

"No way, just bring him back now or so help me-" I turned, only for him to throw a snake at me. I caught it, staring at the little guy before giving The Goblin King a look.

"Takes a lot more to scare me that a little snake" I spat before throwing it back at him, midair it changed into a purple scarf and he stares at me with an angered look.

I hear 'Oohs' around my - probably the Goblins. Why did I even say the little speech?!

"You're not match for me Violet, turn away now and forget about your little brother"

"No way, thirteen hours in your Labyrinth, right? I'm up for it" I stared at the man with determination.

"Very well, but all has changed from what you have seen and read about, Violet. And just to make things clear that this won't be easy, you have eleven hours to begin, I might be more cruel and give you four, but I would like for you to see what the Labyrinth has turned to since Sarah decided to leave me"

"Oh-kay..." I stared at him cautiously before he waved his hand and in a blink of an eye everything vanished and turned into the set of when Sarah starts her journey.

"And it doesn't look that far" I scoffed, i'm lying, it look's as far as the other side of the world does. Not even that.

"Eleven hours or your brother because one of us-" "Such a pity" I quoted the end of the line for him as I stood on my toes and stared at the Labyrinth in curiousness and excitement - this is a dream, this has to be a dream... no way this can be real... right?

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