my guardian angel |ANGEL|

By Jackisnotokay

134K 3.3K 217

Elizabeth Summers always knew she was different, but she thought it always had to do with her sister, Buffy... More

my guardian angel


8.2K 206 6
By Jackisnotokay

ONE WEEK LATER, there was a witch/cheerleader incident. After the events, the Scooby gang decided to go to the Bronze. Elizabeth was dancing with Buffy and Willow when she spotted Angel standing by the door, watching them. "Well, look who's here." Lizzy smiled as she walked up to him.


"It's nice to see you again."

"I won't be long." Angel replied.

Elizabeth wrapped her arms around herself, "You never are."

"You're cold." He stated before taking off his leather jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders.

"It's a little big on me." Lizzy commented before she saw long cuts on his arm, "What happened?" She asked, reaching out to run her fingers gently over the cuts,

"I didn't pay attention." His response was and Lizzy rolled her eyes,

"To somebody with a big fork?"

"He's coming." Angel said, ignoring the blonde's comment.

Lizzy raised her eyebrows, "The fork guy?"

"Don't let him corner you or your sister. Don't give him a moment's mercy. He'll rip your throat out." He replied, "Make sure to tell your sister that."

"Why can't you tell her yourself?" Lizzy asked him,

"You're the nicer sister." He smirked before leaving.

THE NEXT DAY, Lizzy told Buffy what Angel had told her the night before and Buffy went to tell Giles while Elizabeth went to Biology.

That morning, Dr. Gregory was gone, so they had this substitute teacher that all the boys drooled over. She wanted to make some model eggs sacs from a praying mantis and all the boys in the class offered to help.

At lunch, Willow, Buffy, Xander, and Elizabeth were getting lunch and when Lizzy went to go grab a fork, she bumped into Cordelia. "Excuse you." She snapped before going into the kitchen and opening the freezer door and screamed.

"His head! His head! Oh my god, where's his head!" Cordelia screamed.

The four teenagers ran over and looked inside, and there was Dr. Gregory... without his head. After the incident, they got to leave school early, but instead of going home, they went to see Giles.

While in the library, Lizzy had her arms around Willow, giving comfort to one another, "I.. I've never seen... that was new." Xander said.

"Who'd want to hurt Dr. Gregory?" Willow asked.

"Well, he didn't have any enemies within the staff that I'm aware of." Giles answered, "He was a civilized man. I liked him."

"So did I." Buffy said.

"We're gonna find out who did this," Lizzy stated with confidence. "We'll find them... and we'll stop them."

"What do we know?" Giles questioned.

"Not a lot." Buffy replied, "Um, he was killed on campus. I'm guessing the last day we saw him."

"How did you work that out?" 

"He didn't change his clothing."

"This is a question that no one particularly doesn't want to hear, but, where did they put his head?" Xander asked.

"Good point. I didn't want to hear that." Willow said.

"Angel." Elizabeth whispered and her sister heard,

"What?" Buffy asked.

"Angel warned me, warned you, that something was coming." Elizabeth explained,

"Yes. He did, didn't he? I wish I knew what he meant. I've been trying to gather more information about the Master are, uh, local vampire king. There was a reference to a vampire who, uh, displeased the Master and cut his hand off in penance."

"Cut his hand off and replaced it with a fork?" Lizzy questioned, remembering the cuts Angel had on his arm after an occurrence with the 'fork' vampire.

"I don't know what he replaced it with."

"So why would he come after a teacher?" Xander asked.

"I'm not certain he did." Giles replied, grabbing a newspaper, "There was an incident two nights ago, regarding a homeless person in Weatherly Park. He was practically shredded, but nothing like Dr. Gregory."

"Fork guy doesn't do heads." Lizzy stated, looking at the pictures.

"Not historically."

"And Dr. Gregory's blood wasn't drained." Buffy stated.

"So there's something else out there? Besides Silverware man? Oh, this is fun. We're on Monster Island." Xander said.

"We're in Hellmouth. It's the center of mystical convergence. I guess that's the same thing."

"Well, unpleasant things do gravitate to here, it's true, but we don't know if there's anything besides this chap. He could still be a likely suspect." Giles said.

"Where was that guy killed?" Buffy asked, "Weatherly Park?"

"Buffy, I know you're upset, but this is no time to go hunting. Not until we know more. Please promise me you won't do anything rash."

"Cross my heart." Buffy replied.

AFTER FIGURING out that Ms. French was a giant bug, they Scooby gang also found out that Xander went to her house for the science project. Giles and Lizzy made a tape recording of bat sonar and Willow printed out Ms. French's address. When they got there, it was an old lady. They had the wrong address. She could be anywhere... with Xander.

Buffy found the vampire with the claw and used him to find the bug lady. When they found the house, Buffy killed the vampire and the others broke in. As Willow and Giles helped Xander and Blaine, Lizzy grabbed the tape recorder and played the bat sonar and Buffy sliced into the she-mantis, killing her. "I'd say it's deceased."

"And dissected." Lizzy commented with a smile,

"You okay?" Xander asked Buffy.


"Just for the record, you were right, I'm an idiot and God bless you." Xander said before turning to them, "And thank you guys, too."

"Yeah, thanks." Blaine said.


"I'm really glad you're okay." Willow said to Xander, "It's so unfair that she only went after virgins."

Xander giggles, "Wha?"

"I mean, here you guys are, doing the right thing, the smart thing, and a lot of other boys your age-"

After Blaine threatening a lawsuit, Xander grabbed the machete used to kill the mantis and chopped down all of the eggs.

To celebrate, the Scooby gang went to the Bronze. Elizabeth sat at the counter, drinking some coke, "There's a rumor going around that there's one less vampire roaming the streets."

"You have Buffy to thank for that." The blonde turned to face Angel, "Thanks for the tip."

"My pleasure."

"You can have your jacket back." She stated, beginning to take it off,

He pulled it back onto her shoulders, "It looks better on you." Angel watched her as he backed away and disappeared into the crowd.

Elizabeth sighed, "Oh, boy."

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