Runaway | August Alsina

By AkiraMiCole

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Meet Aoki Lee Alsina , unknown daughter of August Alsina and Rayuana Aleyce but child of the foster system. ~... More



8.8K 385 142
By AkiraMiCole

Plz excuse any mistakes :)


The next morning I got up for school. I usually would go late, but the seniors and sophomore classes were going on a field trip to Newyork this week. So I had to be in school to pay for everything.

After getting dressed I headed downstairs,seeing Pri standing by the door.

"I'm driving you?"


I shook my head at her antics and went to my car. Making sure she slammed the door after she got in, I smacked my teeth and turned the car on.

"You still mad?"


"Act like a child then." I said turning my radio up.

"I just don't understand how your not upset that this man killed our dad and you won't tell mom you know him."

"I don't know him." I corrected her.

"Well you know his daughter." She mumbled.

"Maybe you should get to know her. I know you have classes with her and she doesn't have many friends yet."

She scoffed, turning her face up. "You really tried it."

"Whatever. You need money for the trip?" I asked, turning into the school.

"Nope mama paid for it."

"Of course."

"Yup, the only one who actually cares."

I chuckled. "Get out my car. Enjoy your day for real man." I told her, getting agitated.

I wasn't going for it today. I wanted to chill and she was testing me. I got out the car, following the crowd into the building. I spotted Aiko walking towards the auditorium and caught up with her.

"Hey." She smiled.

"You finally back?"

"Yes, the counselor called my mom." She laughed.


She shrugged. "It's cool."

"So you going to Newyork?" I asked, taking a seat next to her.

"I don't know. I don't really know anyone here."

"You know me."

She looked at me smiling. "Your a senior. I doubt they'll mix us."

"So, I got you."

"You got me?"

"Yeah if you come. You can hang with the big dogs."

"Yeah alright. I never been to the big apple anyway." She laughed.

"So you ain't from china town?" I joked.

"Wow. Asshole." She rolled her eyes.

"Aye chill." I laughed.

The auditorium started to get full as the freshman and seniors classes came in. My friends along with my sister and her friends came to sit by us. While I made conversation with them I noticed Aiko quietly sat back on her phone.

I could tell she was one of those people who didn't speak unless you spoke to them first. Pri just stared at her on the down low, which I thought was childish. I know Aiko's father killed ours, but there is always three sides to a story and I'm sure the one my mom was telling was a bullshit lie.

I managed to get her to talk to everyone. She tried talking to Pri but she was being petty. My boys were feeling her but she brushed them off. Even though she was young I thought she was very mature for her age. She attracted me in a different way. These hoes had no morals, but she was bout her business.

After waiting ten minutes, we finally got the information we needed for the field trip. Final payments were due tomorrow. They grouped us by class but we chose our own groups. Aiko ended up with Pri and her friends since they needed a fourth person.

"I could've walked myself to class you know."

"Just making sure no one fucks with you." I smirked.

"Stop cussing its not cute."

"When you become my girl then I'll listen to you. Maybe."

"Who said I was going to be "your girl"?" She asked, placing emphasis on the end.

"Oh nah." I chuckled. "I'an mean it like that. I have a girl." She looked at me before looking straight.

"So embarrassing." She mumbled.

"I'm fucking with you." I laughed, nudging her.

She rolled her eyes and stopped in front of her class. "You really play a lot.

"Why take life so serious?" I questioned.

She gave me an unreadable look before she opened her mouth to talk only to close it. "I'll see you later." She said, looking at my sister as she went into the class.

"I don't think she likes me." She joked.

"Don't sweat it. I'll see you later ma."


Instead of going to class, I left the school to go work. Everything I had was paid for with my own money. I didn't ask anyone for anything not even my mother. I feel like a burden to ask my own mom for something. If your going to give someone something then it should be done from your heart. The only thing she did buy was my car.

I had to swallow my pride and go out and get a job. Working somewhere for minimum wage wasn't cutting it for me. I needed money everyday so if I had to hustle, then it is what it is. I couldn't wait till I graduated. I was leaving and never looking back. All my hard work paid off and I had scholarships offers from different schools. All I had to do was walk across the stage.

I stepped on my corner looking across the street. Aiko boyfriend stood on the other side watching me. Nigga was bitch made for real. Dapping some of the niggas on the corner, I leaned against the pole as customers started coming in.

Being the son of a well known dealer had its advantages. More people came to me so that was more money in my pockets. My sister didn't approve but my mom didn't care. Honestly I believe she wouldn't give two fucks if I was dead or alive.

Seeing ole boy struggling to get sells I smirked. He looked both ways before he came across the street.


I looked at him crazy and sized him up. "Wassup?"

"You seen Aiko. I know y'all go to the same school."


He smacked his teeth. "Just tell her I said call me."

"Ain't that yo girl. You tell her."

"Does it matter nigga damn." He spat.

I laughed. "Fuck outta hear my nigga. You a weak ass bitch. Take yo ass back to grade school."

He balled up his fist like he was bout to do something. I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to move, but he didn't.

Exactly what I thought.

R A Y U A N A (R A Y A )

"Wakee yo ass up."

"Five minutes."

"Raya its twelve a damn clock."

I groaned before I sat up. "Is Aiko in school?"

"Yup. Already took care of it." He said sitting on the bed.

"Good. I swear if them people called me one more time."

I threw the covers back and stretched after I stood up. Going into the bathroom August followed me. I turned on the shower before I sat on the toilet.


He smacked his teeth. "It ain't like i'an seen you befo'.

"Atleast wait till after I'm in the shower." I complained.

"Raya if you don't get yo ass in dat' shower. Ain't nobody stun you."

"I gotta go home today." I mumbled, getting off the toilet.

He looked at me. "What was dat'?"

"Nothing at all." I said, stripping my clothes off.

I got inside the shower and bathed myself while I talked to August. Everyday he reminded me why I have yet to move in with him. He snored, something I wasn't use to, being that Aviory didn't snore. He gave me no privacy. I'll be taking a bubble bath and he'll just walk in and take a piss or shit.

After I got fully dressed I grabbed my belongings and headed downstairs. "You still have her dog?" I asked looking at puffy.

"She'on want dat' dog.  I gave it to Aiko." He responded, picking it up.

"I'll see you later handsome." I grinned, pulling him towards me.

"Gimme some." We shared a kiss before I opened the door, ready to leave.

"You coming back?"

I was already out the house when he asked so I made it like I didn't hear him. "Raya I kno' yo ass heard me!"

I closed my car door and laughed. I actually wanted to get a good sleep tonight. He kept me up with his snores I went to bed late. Pulling out the house my phone vibrated, showing August name.

"What?" I said putting it on speaker.

"I kno' yo ass heard me."

"I'll come back tomorrow night."

He smacked his teeth and the phone went quiet. I know he didn't hang up on me.

"How long we gon' do this back and forth shit?"

I bit the inside of my mouth not sure of my answer. "I don't know. Maybe when I'm actually ready for that."

"Alright Raya. Pick up Aiko. I'll talk to you lata'."

"What happened to you picking her up."

"I got somethin' to do."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay August."

I hung up and drove to the store. Now that she was coming with me, I had to buy something to cook. Aiko was picky she didn't eat meat. I thought she might like ground turkey since most people who don't eat beef use that instead. I picked up the stuff to make nachos and another meal just incase.

Picking up personal things I froze seeing Aviory. He looked up and looked down at his hand. I followed his gaze and seen the condoms he held.

It was none of my business so I turned my cart ready to go check out. "Raya."

I kept walking hoping he would get the picture but he grabbed my arm. I snatched it back and looked at him. He looked bad, like he hasn't slept in years and he needed to groom himself.

"Aviory have you been taking care of your self?" I asked, worried.

"I'm good. How are you? I miss you." He smiled.

I opened my purse and pulled out his ring. He looked at it as I handed it to him. He shook his head and took it, placing it in his pockets. "I guess that's my answer huh?" He chuckled.

"I have to go." I told him feeling uncomfortable.

After August told me what happened between them two I couldn't trust him and I didn't want to be around him. "You don't leave the one who's been there for you Raya." He laughed to himself as I walked away.

I paid for everything and hurried to my car. Jumping from the knocks on my window I sighed realizing I left a bag behind. I rolled the window down and thanked him.

"Sorry I scared you." He handed me the bag and smiled.

"It's fine. Thankyou again."

"You have a nice day."

"You too." I responded.

I left the store and went home. I closed my gate and changed the pin number. I was shaken up after that run in with Aviory and to top it off that man scared the hell out of me at knocking on my window.

I still love Aviory but I couldn't trust him. He needed help. I knew something was wrong and I haven't been seeing him play at his games.

I had two hours till Aiko got home so I took the time to clean and catch up on my latest fashion pieces. 


"So where are you from." Cyd ask.

Her and Alicia were the only ones actually taking interest in getting to know me. Pri on the other hand, not so much. Not that I cared much anyway. Jaxon said don't sweat it and I was doing exactly that.


"How come we've never seen you around?" 

"Ohh. Well I didn't really grow up in the city."

"Isn't your mom Rayuana Aleyce? We saw her interviews. We didn't know she had a child."

"Quit being nosey Cyd."Alicia told her.

I really didn't care. I mean it was open to the world. "It's fine. I grew up in foster homes."

They got quiet and an akward silence grew. "I'm sorry." Cyd spoke.

"No it's fine." I laughed.

"What was that like?" She questioned intrigued by the statement.

"Ugh this girl." Alicia laughed.

I told them the little stuff. Not everything I've went through being in different homes. I noticed Pri had a look of guilt and sympathy on her face.

"April were going to the library. You're coming?"

"Um no. I'll see y'all later." She got up after the bell rung and left the class. They shrugged and turned to me.

"Your coming right?" They asked.

"I guess I don't really eat school lunch."

"The lunch is actually good. We have different caterers during the week."

"So why aren't y'all going?"

"You'll get tired of eating chick fil a eventually." Alicia stated.

Cyd looked at her crazy. "Girl speak for yourself. Not me."

I shook my head at her. She was too much. She had me laughing all day. We all had the same classes including Pri.

After school my mom picked me up. Not paying attention to the person in the back seat my eyes lit up and I hugged her. "I missed you."

"Me too." She sniffled.

I let her go and looked at her. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing I just missed you." She smiled, but I knew better.

I waited until we got to the house to ask her again. We were sitting in my room inside the closet. Growing up it was like our safe heaven. We slept in them and everything.

"It's happening again." She said quietly.

I instantly knew what she was talking about. Trying not to cry I hugged her and the tears came anyways. "We can get you outta there." I cried.

She shook her head and sobbed. "No one wants me Aiko. If I tell I'm just going to get sent upstate and you know that."

"I can get my mom to take you in or my dad. Well make it work. You won't have to go back." I paused. "I won't let them take you."

I thought of something as I rubbed her back. I know she would get sent away if she told and I didn't want her to leave me, but I didn't want her suffering either.

"I can't believe this is happening again." I whispered.

We went through a lot growing up. We were pared together on my sixth birthday and we never separated until my parents took me back. The home she's living at now is with this couple. We had been there since we were twelve. The husband was abusive. He'll hit us and the wife would just cry. She watched us get beat and she never stood up for us.

One day she pushed him down the stairs, he broke a few bones. At the hospital she told him not to come back until he got help. Three years passed and he came back. He didn't abuse us, but I guess old habits die hard.

"How long has he been hitting you?" I asked, not wanting to know.

"A little after you switched schools."

"He's only hit you right?" I looked at her. She nodded her head yes slowly then shook it.

"He hasn't." I couldn't say it.

"He's tried. Aiko I can't go back." I wiped my tears with my shirt and stood up.

"You don't have to. You can stay here."

"You know they'll call the police if I don't go back."

"Well I'll tell her your spending the night and we'll take you to school tomorrow. I need to go talk to my mom." She nodded agreeing.

"Are you going to stay in here?"

"Your closet does look like a small room." She slightly laughed.

I smiled. "I'll go get the covers and stuff."

I left her in the closet and went to Raya's room. She wasn't there so I went to the laundry room down the hall. She was separating her clothes. "Can you bring me your clothes?" She asked, starting a load.

"Can I talk to you first." She looked up and her facial expressions went to worried.

"Have you been crying?"

"It's about Brenda. I never ask you for anything so I'm hoping you will do this for me."

"What is it?"

"Can you take Brenda in?"

She sighed. "Aiko I-"

"She's been through a lot. We've been through a lot and I don't want her to move away. Please I will never ask you for anything."

"I have to think about this Aiko. I'm just now getting use to this and August and I have been thinking about having another child when-"

"I see. Sorry I wasted your time." I turned away.

I took a deep breathe and wiped my face before I went back inside my room. The thought of another child wasn't bad, but I mean I just got here. As I always stated, people wanted babies and I guess it was time for me to accept that.

I snatched the pillows and covers off the bed and brought it to the closet. Brenda stood up to help me make the pallet. After settling in I put a movie on using my phone.

"Did you talk to your mom?"

I stared at the movie before I looked at her. "Yes, she said she's going to talk to your case worker."

I hated lying to her but I didn't want her worrying tonight. I was going to talk to August. I knew he would do it with no question.

After she fell asleep I called Ms.taylor and told her she'll be staying the night. My phone buzzed and I frowned.

"Your boyfriend looking for you. He liked to got shot today."

"Who Chris? He's not my boyfriend."

"Well he looking for you ma. Call em."

"I might. How come I didn't see you at school earlier."

"You looking for me now?" I could tell he was smirking.

"Goodnight." I laughed, locking my phone.

Wondering where he saw Chris at I shrugged and went to sleep, praying for a good outcome with Brenda situation.


Hopefully nobodies confused still lol. No Jaxon and Aiko aren't related. Jaxon and A(pri)l are Red's kids. August killed their dad.

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