Love poems

By Lampshade37

232 9 2


Feeling is a Tempting Beast
Dead Man's chest
Your Word

I can only feel

24 4 2
By Lampshade37

I can only Feel

By Dillon Collins

My heart, slowly beating, rising and falling within the solitary confinement of my chest, realizes its entrapment. These jail cell bars made of ribs are blocking the view.

Finally, growing weary of confinement, and losing all semblences of sanity, it throws off its shakles and explodes so quickly the jail ribs are shattered from within.

Leaping free with all the surety of a raving madman it breaths in the beauty of freedom and flight, falls to the floor, and begins to die.

Have I been picked up? I don't know, I can't tell, I'm only a heart. I can't hear. I can't speak. I can't see. I am deaf, dumb, and blind.

I can only feel.

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