Islamic Stories: For Muslims...

By Ani_Oyeks

55.8K 4.2K 314

Islamic stories to entertain and inspire you. For Muslims and non-Muslims. :) Peace be unto everyone. Initial... More

The Triple Filter Test
Be Kind To Those Who Serve
An Easy Way To Change Ourselves
A world of smiles
Beggars Of A Different Kind
Building A Home
Army of Elephants
A Kingdom For A Glass of Water
Doctor Dies, Patient Lives
Learning From The Dead
A Feast For Clothes
Better To Give
A Call To Prayer On A Cold Wintery Morning
500 Years of Worship
A Great Sacrifice
A Home For A Home In Paradise
A True Muslim Leader
How To Be The Best In Everything
Are You Ready For Your Turn
Sheikh Proves That God's Exist.
About Struggling
Importance of Saying In Shaa Allah
Files Of Life
Owners Of A Garden
Sharing Is Caring
Junaid Baghadi And The Love For Allah
Horses In Paradise
Life In the Cave: Sacrifices Of Rasulullah SAW
Leaving Empty Handed
Worthy Of Emulation
At-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dawsi (RA)
Recognizing The Bounties Of Allah
Fragrance from a grave
M.Ali's advice to his daughters
The wolves inside us
Road To Dubai
Splitting Of The Moon-An Amazing Miracle
Upon Her Return
Dowry From A Poor Man
Young Mohammad (SAW) bringing fortune to Haleemah and her tribe
Reward For Helping Others
A Very Strange Village
A Bird's Nest
Busy Or Not
Actions Are Judged On Intentions
Rebuilding The Ka'bah -The Prophet (SAW) helps
A Better Teacher
The Patient Old Man
The Emperor And The Seed
The story of Adam#1
The Story Of Adam #2
The Story Of Adam #3
The Story Of Adam #4
The Story Of Adam #5
In Rhymes, The Story Of Mo
The Boy Who Used To Delay Prayers.
The Ring
The Marriage
A Miracle At Hajj
Why Science Fails to Explain God Pt1
Why Science Fails To Explain God Part2
Three Tough Questions
The Quran Amazes A Sailor
Before And After His (SAW) birth.
Before And After His (SAW) birth.
Touching Story Of A Sahabee
Author's Note.
Story Of A Brilliant Student
The Power Of Istigfar
The lion, rats, snake and the honey comb - a beautiful story
Allah Is Most Forgiving
The Young Man Who Learnt What Cannot Be Taught
Dry Bread And Vinegar
A Lesson To Be Learnt
The Man Who Got Trapped On An Island
About Ramadan#1
About Ramadan#2
Why I Chose Islam


294 41 1
By Ani_Oyeks

Our 4 year old son has some fairly serious health problems, so we are "frequent fliers" at the local children's hospital. Two weeks ago, our son was there for several days having surgery.

As stressful as that was for us, my visits to that hospital almost always leave me feeling grateful. Why? Because of "the other doors."

As I walk the corridors of that hospital, I pass doors leading to many different departments. I pass the department where surgeons reconstruct children's faces. I pass the department where specialists treat children who have been tragically burned. I pass the department where children with cancer spend their childhoods battling a disease that terrifies most adults. Every day, people walk through those doors. I keep walking.

Occasionally, I walk through a ward, past the room of a dying child. I look in at the child, unconscious amid a mass of tubes and machines. I see the family, staring blankly into space, grieving for what is to come. I keep walking.

On the fourth floor, I pass the "catacombs" where parents with children in ICU watch their days and nights stretch into weeks and months, hoping against hope for good news. I keep walking.

It's late one evening, and I walk to the waiting room. Only one family remains, and their doctor arrives from surgery. He begins to tell them about the patient's injuries....a shotgun blast, self-inflicted ....massive facial damage.... a dozen more operations to come....a lifetime of disfigurement...a lifetime of asking "why?" I sit, half-listening, considering the doors, this family will face in the years ahead.

I stood up. I walk back to the preschool ward, to the one door I seek. Behind this door, our son is slowly recovering from surgery. And in a strange way, I am grateful for the "situation" that we live with.

Because there are a hundred other doors in this place that are far worse. And we could just as easily be in one of those rooms.

As you pray for strength to open the doors you face, be sure to thank Allah Ta'ala for the doors he has spared you.


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