Confessions (Demi Lovato Lesb...

By AlwaysLoveDelena

6.4K 232 45

Second book to Temptations. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

2.8K 90 23
By AlwaysLoveDelena


I lay in the hospital bed wondering when the hell Demi is going to show up. Shes been so busy with the tour lately but Dems has always found a way to make it to every scheduled appointment. The door opens in a rush and i smile when i see Demis beautiful face barge into the room. She gives me an apologetic look before standing next to me and taking my hand in hers. I smile up at her before returning my attention to the doctor.

"As I was saying," the doctor smiles at Demi as she continues, "it feels like the baby has dropped even lower. But we can do the sonogram and see just how progressed you are.

I glance up at Demi, her smile beaming down onto me. I've never felt so in love before. She's literally everything I've ever wanted and more. Everyday I thank my lucky stars for putting her in my path.

The cold cream for the ultrasound smears around my belly causing me to cringe slightly. Demi holds my hand tighter before bringing it up to her lips and kissing my knuckles gently.

I watch the screen and even though I can hardly make out the image, I know that's our baby in there. That little bundle of joy has taken over our hearts and we haven't even met them yet. At night, demi likes to have what she calls "tummy time". She'll sit in front of my belly and talk to the baby hoping to get a response. Sometimes the baby will move or kick in response and every time they do Demi gushes and cries almost instantly.

Dr. Torres points something out on the screen, "There's the head, can you make out the nose?"

I glance up at Demi who has a steady stream of hot tears cascading down her face. "They're beautiful." I hear her whisper.

"Would you like to know the sex?" Dr. Torres looks over at us just before stopping the screen on a certain area of the baby.

"No we want it to be a surprise." I say before Demi can utter the "yes" that was about to fall from her lips. A look of disappointment appears but vanishes in almost the same instant after I squeeze her hand.

"Well the baby looks healthy and seeing as they have lowered, you are due any time now." She flashes a cheeky smile before gathering her clipboard and heading out of the room to give Demi and I a bit of privacy.

The look of elation smeared on Demis face is not easily mistakable. I haven't seen her this happy sine our wedding day. I'm not saying don't make her happy because i know damn well I do, but there's only certain things that can make her over the moon like she is now.

"Babe, any day now!" I can practically feel the excitement in her voice and i find it so endearing. She helps me off of the bed and onto my feet.

"I know I'm getting a bit nervous." I let out a scared laugh. Honestly, I've always been so scared to become a parent. What if they don't like me or they grow up to hate me? I mean yeah I would take care of my sister when she were younger but that doesn't mean I was a lone with her every single waking moment. I would have never agreed to the artificial insemination if I had married someone other than Demi. I know she'll be by my side through thick and thin and not only face these challenges with me but conquer them with me as well.

"I am too, but I'll be there with you every step of the way." Easy for you to say. You aren't pushing a human being through your vagina.

I exhale sharply before turning the corner in the hallway as I begin my descent towards the front doors. My back is hurting and my ankles are swollen. I want nothing more than to lie down and wait for this child to pop out.

We make it out to the parking lot and Demi opens my door for me. She helps me into the vehicle before getting into the drivers seat and pulling away.

I see her gaze over at me, I know she wants to say something but shes refraining from doing so. "What baby?" I lay my hands in my lap.

She stares at the road intently, not uttering a word. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion when she says nothing. We sit in silence for a moment with demi looking in front of her and me staring intently at Demi. She finally cracks and lets out a frustrated sigh. "My manager booked a tour for me. It mean I would be making a lot of money but I told him we would have to think about it before making a decision."

I can feel anger welling up in my entire body mainly do to my raging pregnancy hormones. I need to calm down before I say something I'll regret, which I've been doing a lot of lately. The rest of the ride is silent. Demi knows not to push the conversation further until I bring it up again. I snapped at her during the first trimester of my pregnancy and it's something I've regretted ever since. She had gone out with friends and he came home from the bar wasted. Of course I was pissed, she is a recovering alcoholic. Let's just say that night ended with her sleeping on the couch followed by her packing her bags and going to her moms house for a few days. That fight was almost the end of our marriage. But, I figured I overreacted and she finally came to realize my perspective. She hasn't touched a lick of alcohol since, not that she's forbidden to, but i think she just doesn't want the past to come back and make her fall again. We both have done a lot of growing up once we found out I am pregnant.

I take a seat on the couch in the living room and rest my feet on a pillow allowing them to elevate. Demi takes a seat at the base of my feet and begins to massage them. I love when she voluntarily massages me; I feel so needy and selfish when I ask her to so I only ask her when I absolutely need one. Plus, she gives amazing foot massages.

I close my eyes and allow her to work her magic on my feet for a few minutes before saying anything. I know she's dying to talk about it already. I let out a breathy groan and speak, "How long would the tour be?" I open my eyes and meet hers.

"Six months." Demi looks down at her hands which are rubbing circles into the pad of my foot.

"And is this what you want to do? I'm not going to stop you from doing what you love but you also need to think about the fact that we are bringing another life into the world. Not just me." My words are calm and subtle.

"I do realize that and I don't want to miss out on watching our baby grow and develop, I just want to be able to provide for our family and give the little nugget an amazing life. I don't want them to miss out on anything because we wouldn't be able to afford it. I want to be able to put our baby boy or girl through an amazing college and give them everything they could possibly need." Demi says, I could hear the worry littered in her voice.

I sit up slowly and carefully and take Demis face in my hands. "Honey, you don't need to worry about that. When the time comes we will have more than enough to provide for our little sea monkey. Even if we only had five dollars to our names, I know we would figure something out. We would make it through the rough patch like we always do. But, we aren't bad off, honey we have more money than we could possibly spend and it's kind of selfish of us to keep it all to ourselves." i giggle before continuing. "so whatever you choose to do I will fully support, but \i really don't think we need any more money. I mean we already get paid for doing nothing." i lay back down.

"You're right." Demi says as she comes up and plants a soft kiss on my lips. I smile bashfully and try to rid of the butterflies fluttering my my stomach.

"Of course I'm right babe, I always am." I give her a wink before closing my eyes again. I can just imagine the hardcore eye roll she probably gave me.


I must have dozed off cause by the time I open my eyes, my favorite blanket is wrapped around me snuggly and the sun has stopped shining through the curtains. I let out a humongous yawn causing Demi to jump a bit from the corner of the couch.

"Must you always scare the shit out of me?" She chuckles and stands up to kiss my forehead gently before making her way into the kitchen.

"Babe?" I yell from the living room.

I hear a groan come from in the kitchen causing me to chuckle. Demi knows what coming.

"Will you make the baby and me food? We're just hungry babies." I plead.

"Okay, fine, what do my two hungry babies want?" Demi says as she makes her way out of the kitchen and behind the couch. Her arms lazily thrown over my shoulders and a soft kiss is planted below my left ear.

"Um, we really want a Spicy Chicken from McDonalds, um, and a double cheese burger, fries, and a Dr. Pepper. Please?" I bat my eyes and give her the bet pouty face I can muster up.

"Nicki, I don't really want to leave the house right now. I'm exhausted."

"I guess we will just starve then. Not a big deal. I'm just going to sit here with our beloved baby in my tummy while you watch us wither away." I sigh adding to the effect, knowing she's about to give in and give me what I want.


About twenty minutes later, Demi comes through the front door with a McDonalds bag and tries to glare at me.

"What took you so long? We almost died of hunger here babe!" I try to hide my grin as her glare hardens. I giggle and she hands me the bag.

"Anything else princess?" Demi plops down next to me and rests her feet on the coffee table.

"What no milkshake?" I bust out laughing knowing I just mad her mad.

"You may be cute but don't push it Faye." She crosses her arms in front of her.

"You mean Lovato." I correct her. Demi blushes and hides her face.

"I mean Lovato." She kisses my cheek.

I'm still not used to having her last name. It's been almost two years now and I still can't shake the butterflies or the overwhelming feelings she gives me. Our love has grown immensely and so has our relationship. She literally means everything and more to me. The worst thing in the world is when shes away from me. But she should be here more because the baby is due any time now and the both of us have cleared our schedules but for a few odds and end concerts here and there. Even pregnant I can still belt out a massive note. I just pray to God I won't go into labor at those moments.

I finish off my chicken sandwich and immediately regret it. "Babe the heartburn is real right now." I groan.

Demis lips curl up into a smirk, "Karmmmmmaaaa"

"For who?", I counter back. "You're the one thats going to have to deal with a pregnant and emotional wife." Demis smirk quickly fades and its my turn to return the maniacal smile.

"I suddenly have things to do." Demi hops over the couch and sprints down the hallway.

"The hell you do!" I stand up slowly and waddle/Run as best as I can down the hallway after her. "you're going to make me go into labor!"

Demi turns around with a serious and apologetic face. She's like putty in my hands.

So tell me what you guys think. I'm really excited about this book and I'm going to be making the chapters in this book a lot longer than the ones in the first book. Any suggtions? What do you think the sex of the baby should be? Comment or message me for ideas! I love you all and thank you for the support. XOXOXOXO

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