Harry Styles The Stalker

By StylesHasBoots

157K 2.6K 597

Anny Wilson, a 17 years old American senior teenager, is leaving California and forced to move to a new co... More

chapter 1
chapter 2 -New house rocks !!
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 - Partaaaay time !!!
chapter 13 - Super Styles !!
chapter 14
Chapter 15 - Stalker all over again
chapter 16- Zayn is in
Chapter 17 - Styles VS Malik !
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Over again
*****Important Note *****
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Zayn's little secret
Author's note**** PLEASE READ ****
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

2.8K 68 35
By StylesHasBoots

Anny's p.o.v 

"Zayn ?" I raised an eyebrow waiting for the Bradford boy sitting next to me to answer . Obviously he wasn't paying any attention to me . I shouldn't ask him on the first place . I mean it was none of my business . I need to work on controlling my curiosity more often ! 

I picked up what's left of my dignity and shifted back to my previous position . Apparently ,he didn't want to talk about it . I won't insist ! 

Time went really slow although it was English , my favorite class . I couldn't get my head off this whole awkward situation taking place couples of minutes ago . I know we're not dating or anything but the way he ignored me made feel really bad . I just wanted to know why his behavior changed out of a sudden once the mystery girl showed up . 

I broke out of my frustration once the bell rang . Zayn turned around and looked over his shoulder , hiding his face,  straight to where the Blondie was surrounded by her gang. He grabbed his backpack , getting ready for  the next class as I bowed reaching for my own  bag on the floor . I turned back to join him but he already left .

 He just pushed me away . I wasn't going to ask him about anything anyway . Whatever was going on  between Zayn and her,   I knew he wasn't willing to open up about it at the moment  ...

I walked out of the class , checking my schedule . I had maths ! Great just great ! Sarah joined me as I reached the door . The class was empty by then .  I just keep asking myself wondering why I'm the first and only one who gets early to classes ! But just look at the bright side , I can always have the seat next to the window . 

" Sil told me you're staying at the Styles is that true ? '' Sarah was craving to know about this whole sleep over thing . 

" yeah my fa.." 

"What ?when ? Where? Who? No way ! Spill " I was trying to explain to her but her enthusiasm cut me off 

" dad is back to London for another week and Harry's mom invited me to stay with them "

"that's awesome ! You & Harry under one ceiling for seven days .. AHH " she winked as I realised I didn't tell her about last Friday after Ashley's party. I wanted though. I was really tried of telling the same story over and over again . 

" I guess it is "  was all what I said . It's not that I don't trust her .I'm just trying to move on , to forget about everything . I'm trying to get my head off everything . I never knew staying in  England would be this hard . 

" we're going to the pub this Friday '' Sarah stated

" oh really ? " I tried to sound interested as much as I could 

" you're going with us " 

" no Sarah , I need to focus on my homeworks "

" it's just for one night .Don't be a buzz kill "

"Sarahh " I groaned 

" this is out of discussion you're coming shhh ''


Before i could realize it , Today's classes were over . Sarah left with Chelsea , Silver got in Zayn's car as  I waited for Harry  in the parking lot next to his car . Students passing by stared at me . I don't know what's wrong with them . If they want to date him so bad well go ahead  ...  I don't think I can deal with that though ...

Few seconds later ,Harry appeared with Joe , Mathew and Sam . They  high-fived and did their manly goodbye move . Harry's curly hair was in a good mess . I don't know how he can manage to look hot even after an exhausting school day . He just seems to get hotter each day than the day before ... His eyes shined under the sun reflecting a beautiful yet mesmerizing green color .

i mentally face palmed myself as I realised I was fancying him again ! I should stop ... 

Harry's figure broke me out of my daydream as He stood This close in front of me . He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my cheek . I can feel my inside boiling , melting .. "Yeah i'm definitely over Mr Flirty ", I said sarcastically to myself .

He unlocked the car and opened the door for me . He started theengine right after getting in the driver seat and drove out of the parking lot . 

" Are you hungry ? " he looked at me briefly then looked back , focusing  again on the road . 

" I'm starving" i heard my stomach growling so loud .

" Mom texted me , she's not at home now "

" oh " was all what i said 

" We can order a pizza or something   " he suggested 

" I don't feel like going home though " I murmured 

" i have a better idea " his grin widened popping his irresistible dimples . 

Harry stopped by the nearest pizzeria . I jumped out of the passenger seat and followed him . He bowed his back and stretched his hand as he opened the door for me " after you my lady " . I rolled my eyes and chuckled to his" acting like a gentleman " action . The  place was small and empty . It could accommodate 8 persons or so . 

" Max ?" Harry called who I assumed to be the owner " where are you old man ?"

" Harry is that you son ? " A deep old voice coming from behind the counter asked . I was sure now that  Harry was familiar with the place once I saw the old man hugging him tightly .  He had blue eye , grey hair , beard and pal skin .He looked short as he stood next to Harry, although his height was average . 

" I see you brought someone with you " he smiled at me " who's the lovely lady son ?" he asked as he pat Harry's back .

" good afternoon sur " I moved towards him and shacked his hand " I'm Anny " 

My eyes widened as the old man pulled me into a hug. People in Cheshire are so friendly .I'm not used yet  to their  ways of greeting strangers . 

" you're not from here am I right ? " i nodded as we pulled out of this awkward hug " I'm from California " 

" She's the daughter of George Wilson " Harry added 

" George is back ? " Max exclaimed 

" do you know my father ? " I exclaimed back 

" your parents used to work here when they were your age " he grinned " this is where your parents met . I remembered everything like it was yesterday when George bumped into Karen and dropped the bears all over her body " he laughed as Harry joined him . I can't believe Mom used to work here , I can't believe either mommy met daddy here . 

" your father used to drive her insane , no one actually believed that Karen and George would fall for each other . And the fact that they got married shocked all of us . Your father was a teaser " 

I couldn't help but smile .  Dad didn't  mention all of this before . I just wondered why he never talked about mommy . I really wanna know more about her 

" Tell me about mom . How did she look like ? " I asked with a huge grin yet tears filling my eyes . I wish I had the chance to get to know her a lot better . I wish I had the chance to know her  . I wish she was the one who told me about her and dad ... Max looked at me confusingly, then moved his gaze to Harry who stared back pleading him to stop himself from asking me the question.

she's dead " I mumbled the answer he was looking for as tears were already streaming down my face . 

" I'm so sorry dear . It must have been so hard on you " Max said reaching for my forehead and planting a kiss there" i have something to show you  " .

He walked back to the back of the pizzeria as Harry guided me to one of the tables in the corner .

" Are you feeling okay ? " I noticed a look of concern on his face . i found myself moving closer to Harry and pulling him into a hug . " I miss her " I murmured as a sob escaped my mouth . He planted small circles on my back using his palms . There was something about this curly haired boy . He knew how to treat me .  His touch felt so right . 

Max walked over the corner straight to the table occupied by me and Harry. He gave me a wooden box " this is for you " and  he took our order . I let Harry to choose since he'd been here for so many times  so he surely knew what to order as a good delicious meal or should I say pizza . 

I opened the box slightly, hesitated for a moment. I don't know if i could handle this although I wanted so bad to know about mom . The box was full of old photos of mom , dad , max and everyone else who used to work here , back when they were teenagers . Mom used to have light brown  hair like mine . She had dark green orbs . She looked  so beautiful in her 80s style clothes . Dad's hands were wrapped around her waist as he was leaning down placing his jawbone on her shoulder . They looked so young , so happy . I'd do anything to see my father  that way again .  

Another photo of mom catched my gaze .She was holding a huge chopper knife , threatening my dad who looked really scared . This photo was hilarious .  She was wearing a pizza hat and an denim overall covered with red sauce  , along with  a yellow t-shirt reaching her belly bottom . I think dad dropped the sauce all over her . I assumed he was kinda clumsy ! 

Harry noticed the smile on my face so he leaned down reaching my cheek and planted one of his soft kisses . I heard his breath against my ear as he whispered " your mom was strong  . She remind me of someone '' he moved back and winked as  I giggled . I knew now where this attitude of mine came from .

The next one was outside the pizzeria . My mom was holding a white kitten feeding her .Dad as staring at her in a loving way . " they looked good . I mean they looked in love " Harry commented as I nodded in respond . He was right i could tell from the way he was looking at her . 

Harry chose the next one this time . Max was sitting across from another man , devouring hungrily a super  huge pizza . He had sauce all over his face ." you can't keep him away from food "  Harry made fun of him as I punched his elbow once I saw Max heading to our table . 

He noticed that Harry was about to burst into laughter then moved his gaze to the photo Harry was holding between his fingers .

 " It was a competition "  His cheeks turned to red.

" yeah yeah sure " Harry laughed . 

" anyway you can keep the box with you Anny " he tried to change the topic.

 " thank you " 

" The pizza is ready . Do you want to take it with you or are you going to eat it here ? ' he asked 

" take away please " Harry answered . He followed Max to the counter and payed  . I stood up and walked over there. I hugged the old man and thank him again . I didn't know Cheshire would feel like home . I've never felt so safe , so comfortable around people before coming to Holmes Chapel . It sounds awkward i know , but knowing that my parents used to live here made it feel like home . 

I checked my wrist watch as I occupied the passenger seat . It was almost 6:00 pm .Time passed so fast back there .

Harry pulled out and drove away from the pizzeria . I out of the window . The road was unfamiliar when it hit me that we weren't heading back to his house . 

" where are you taking me now ? " I raised an eyebrow 

" it's for me to know and for you to wait " he chuckled 

" It's not like you're kidnapping me or something right ? " I gasped but he didn't say anything . His face was serious , he didn't exchange look with me . He stayed focus on the road 

" OH MY GOD HARRY " I yelled as he burst into laughter " I hate you " I frowned as I readjusted myself on my seat . 

" I don't believe you " he gave me one of his flirtatious smirk as he finally turned off the engine in the parking lot of a water lake . I jumped out off the car , grabbed the pizza and followed Harry . 

 He held his hands up  wide open receiving all the fresh air in the area . We walked side by side  to the bay . Harry's arm reached my waist but I pulled away . I didn't forgive him yet . I'm not upset either . I can't comprehend my feelings towards him ...

His feet sprawled out in front of him , I joined him on the ground and sat cross legged . The view was phenomenal .The sun was going down beyond the lake. The sky was beautiful . Shades of purple and pink , orange and red , a few really dark blotches , and a bit of yellow were reflected in the water.

" I love pepperoni " I exclaimed as Harry handed me a slice of the pepperoni pizza 

" I thought so " He winked '' it's my favorite " he cooed as I giggled . I finally took the first bite . The cheese melted along with the pepperoni and other ingredients in my mouth . A moan escaped my mouth while shewing . It was the best pepperoni pizza I've ever tasted . 

" I presume you like it " Harry snickered 

" mmm " I moaned again as Harry laughed harder now " Max is really good " my cheeks flushed due to my embarrassment . I love pizza !

" he is the best " he made the okay sing . He turned back to have another slice . The box was empty after two minutes or so .You can't blame us .  It was really good and both of us were starving .

Arising from his spot , I watch Harry carefully as he stood up , swiftly taking his famous Hipsta please t-shirt along with his pants , revealing his hard chiseled abs  . Standing in Calvin Klein boxers only , he held his hand out for me . 

" What are you doing " I gasped as I held a hand to my mouth . 

" c'mon join me " he chuckled pointing at the water .

" not gonna happen you crazy " I raised an eyebrow as I shook my head in disagreement 

"  you're going to regret it . Just saying " he laughed .

'' yeah right having insect bites all over your body is  my something you can't miss " I mocked 

Harry shook his wet hair , ruffled his wet curls sweeping them to the side at the end after taking a dive in the water . He looked FLAWLESS ! I bowed my head looking at my flats for no reason once I catched his eyes staring deep into my soul . God I missed those green orbs ... I raised my head again, trying to act as cold as cold as possible . 

I looked straight to Harry's previous spot in the water but I couldn't see him . He was probably taking another dive . 

" HARRY " I panicked . Oh my god ! what should I do ? Harry was nowhere to be seen .MY heart sinking to its lowest point , unconsciously I took off my clothes and sprinted to the water , in only my bra and panties .

* Thank you for reading Harry Styles the stalker so far xx love you all xx hit me with your feedback xx please keep reading , voting , and comenting xx So what do you think will happen ? What about Zayn ? why is he acting so weird ? 

Did Karen and George remind you of someone ? ;) 

Where's Harry ?

one more hing : who's excited for THIS IS US? ^^ *

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