Unofficially Yours(On-Hold)

By kizuna11

499 17 10

Kara's past relationship didn't worked out. Or did it? She doesn't know. After suffering from this painful he... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter One

301 6 7
By kizuna11

First story. Sorry for the grammar mistakes. Feel free to critique. 



(dedicated to my bestfriend, YesImIanTGuman ) 



Unofficially Yours


Chapter One

"What do you think? Will Luke love it If I wear this criss-cross or this tube?", asked Myra. She's my bestfriend since gradeschool and she's asking me what kind of swimsuit would fit her- or what would her newest boyfriend like for her.

"You can wear anything, Mai. Everything suits you." I told her. Myra have the sexiest body ever. No wonder all of the hottest boys in school want to make up with her.

"Okay. I'll buy both." She finally decided.

"Are you still a virgin, Mai?" I asked all of a sudden while walking to the cashier. Honestly, I really wanted to know. I mean, Mai had had a lot of relationships with boys. Major were all flings.She's all pretty unlike me. She faced me and poked my forehead.

"Ow!", I exclaimed.

"You crazy, woman. Ofcourse, I still am. I maybe a bitch but hey, that's the least gift I can offer with my future husband." She said dreamily.

Wow. What a relief. Virginity is kind of a touchy subject for her. It was a her dream to find her love of her life. So much drama. I wonder how we end up being bestfriends. Oh, well.

"Good to know. By the way, are you serious with. . .what's his name?Jude?". I asked while she pay for the swimsuits. 

I barely knew his new boyfriend but I knew that guy was a jerk. Talk about flirting with five girls at a time. Don't ask me how I knew. I saw it with my own eyes.

She stopped for a moment and said, 

"Ofcourse, not. I just. . .humm"

I grabbed her arms tight.

"Jesus, Myra. Don't tell me-", she did not let me finish my sentence and answered quickly.

"No! I'm not serious with him. He's just. . ." She shifted her feet uncomfortably.

"Mai, look at me. Straight in the eyes."

She did what I said. I lifted her chin since I'm an inch taller than her.

"He is a jerk." I said casually.

"Yes, he is." she said.

Whenever I caught her falling for someone bad, i tried bringing up the bad attitudes of the unlucky someone. More like, warn her. It's not like I dont want her to be happy. I'm just protecting my bestfriend here, people!

"Good. Now, let's go back to school. I forgot my notebook in my chair."

Did I mention us ditching school just to buy her swimsuits? Yap, you read it right.

She sighed and got back to her senses.


I entered my classroom alone since Mai has her own class to attend to. There's no teacher, thank God. Some of my classmates are talking like crazy and some couples are making out. DAmn! They should be getting a room. The scene is so rated 18 so I don't think I can describe this to you. Sorry!

I saw someone unfamiliar sitting on my chair. I'm pretty sure he's not one of my clasmates. I went near him. My feet already wanted to rest so when I'm near, I cleared my throat to get his attention.HE lifted his face and I saw a handsome face of a man. His eyes are dazzling and his hair was all over his face but he still looked hot.

wait, what?!

Breathe, Kara. He's sitting in your chair. That's a crime.

"Would you mind?", i said with my eyebrows cocked. Hid lips are so defined with a perfect curve and his pointed nose are all sweaty which  made him look more masculine.

Gosh, Kara! Stop checking him out.

"What? Oh. . .are you the teacher?", talk about being arrogant! 

He called me a teacher? Such a jerk! Look, I don't have anything against teachers but when someone told you that you looked like a teacher, it is not a compliment. It just meant, you 'looked' like a teacher. With all those eyeglasses, circled eyes, and old-fashioned clothes.

"Excuse me?", I asked annoyed putting my hands on my waist.

"You heard me.", he said while crossing his legs.

"I'm not in the mood to start a war between us both, mister. My feet stung and I need my chair."

"So?". He turned his back at me. How disrespectful! This guy is getting to my nerves. I got angry and kicked his legs. Note: hard.

"Ow!F*ck! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He shouted while jumping with one feet. Ha! HE deserved that kick. Behind those gorgeous looks, were the spirit of a devil. I should've known. My classmates turned their gazes to us, finally noticing the commotion.

"Is that how you treat a teacher? Aww. You hurt my feelings." I said dramatically trying to tear up. Hell, I'm good with acting.

"You demon! You aweful" 

"Good adjectives, mister. I'll give you an A plus", I said clapping my hands dramatically. Oh, I'm so loving this.

"You. . .you. . ." he said, still thinking of the right insults he can throw at me.

"What? Now, you run out of insults?" 

"Your breathe stinks!", he finally said.

"Your legs are too soft for a guy." Another point for me. 

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", he asked holding his chin as if thinking really hard.

"It's a bad thing, you idiot!"

"Well, then, you hit like a girl." Man, this guy is not that smart.

"Ofcourse! I am a girl!", I shouted back. We are screaming here like crazy but no one dares to stop us. Weird.

I noticed his gaze went from my head to my chest.

"You are?" He said giving me his teasing looks. Ouch. That one hurt my ego. 

I embraced myself and knitted my eyebrows at him.

"Pervert!" Then it happened. I kicked his other leg and run away. 

"Oww!. . Come back here, you saddist!. . Ow. .Hey!. .Come back here! You'll pay for this!" He kept on shouting insults at me but I just ran frowning.

"That jerk! How dare he." I said to myself. His little phrases are the worst. I mean, I'm not that all pretty but I think he can never deny that still, I have something attractive.

When I'm already a few blocks away, I scratched my head in anger and called Myra.

The phone rang three times before she picked up.

"Hey-" I removed my phone away from my ear.

"Mai, stop screaming. My eardrums are going to burst!", I told her.

"Kara, bessy! Are you okay? I heard you went off a fight with Jesse." she said.

I swear I can imagine her holding her chest worrying like a mother. She's cute that way. That's what I loved about her. She cared a lot for me. Unlike. . .uhm. . someone I knew before.

"Mai, slow down. I'm fine. And who the hell is Jesse?" I don't remember anyone named Jesse.

"You dont know him?!", she said, panick in her voice. What's wrong with her?

"Obviously. I wouldn't ask if i knew, right? Use your brain." I said mockingly. For us, throwing insults are just pure jokes. Its our hobby. So if you want to be friends with us, you need a lot of patience. Apparently, no one wants to hang with us.

"I don't have brains but I have boobs." she said.

"You don't need those to pass math."

"Oh, trust me, I do. Mr. Gleeson loved the view.", she said while laughing.

"You little whore! haha. Anyways, who is Jesse again?", i asked remembering what she said.

I entered the comfort room and looked at the mirror. Holy Cow! I looked ugly.

You've always been ugly, stupid. My inner voice snapped at me.

My inner voice is such a bitch. 

"Yeah, right. He's the campus bad boy. The son of the school's major stockholder. Next year, he will be the next owner of our school. He plays with girls like hell.If there's one person who can control everything in his hands, its him. And when anyone mess up with him, that person would definitely to die than to live with torture. Total ganster. Pure evil."

"Why are you telling me this?"I asked bored.

 I opened one of the rest room areas.

"Goodness! You just ki-"

"Oh, gotta go. I'll call you later."

"But, Kar-"

"I think I need to pee." I admitted. What happened a while ago gave me such a rush so I need to get it out. 

"Eww. Gross." She said.

I rolled my eyes and started my session.

"How sweet. I love you, too." Note sarcasm! She was saying something on the phone but I already hang up.

When I was finished with my comfort room session(it's my term!), I heard some girls talking.

"Did you saw what happened?", girl number one said.

"Yeah. It was a great show. Kara do have the guts eh?" girl number two said.

They were talking about me? Bitches. Why do they even exist?! 

I'm not eavesdropping or something like that. But, they are talking about me! I need to know more.

G1: yeah, right. That skinny girl looked like an addict.

G2: so desperate to get Jesse's attention.

G1: As if jesse would care about her.

G2: ah-ha. She's nothing compared to us.

G1: Kara's really ugly so she thought making a scene would make her uninvisible anymore. Weirdo. 

G2: You said it right. I wonder how the school accepted her as an student here. This is a prestigious school, she does not belong.

I closed my eyes hard to control my temper. I swear I can see them swimming in blood in my mind. But, I wonder what scene are they talking about. I don't remember  anyone named Jesse.


And when anyone mess up with him, that person would definitely to die than to live with torture. I remembered what Mai said.


Oh my God!

Pure Evil!


I am in so much trouble.

I went outside the cuicle area. The two girls noticed me and suddenly I saw guilt in their eyes. I walked towards them lifting my face up. Just to show them, they messed with the wrong person. Ooohh, good job looking like a fighter, Kar. I told myself.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Eliza. The one who said I looked like an addict. Somehow, I remembered her during my Algebra class.

"You! I know your little secret, miss gold digger." I said while pointing my finger at her. 

"How dare you call me that?!" she was about to slap me but I'm just faster. I slapped her. The other girl grabbed my hair. Sh*t! No one ever touches my hair! She pulled it hard but I held her arms. Wow, nice reflexes. I twisted her arms and pushed her against the mirror. It's not that hard, guys. Believe me. I just want to show them what I learned during taekwando class. 

"You ugly pest!", she shouted. 

"And how about you huh? Yoe keep on hanging out with bitches like this?", I pointed at Eliza.

"And who do you want me to hang out with? You?", she said disgusted.

"I never wanted to hang out with you, too. I'm just saying, choose your friends! That girl is just using you. I heard her talking with God knows who and she said you are such a lame-o. She's using you to ask for money. She's a gold digger, for God's sake!" I told her. That was the truth. I really her talking in her phone. I'm not really sure if she meant her but I have a big instinct its her coz Eliza is only hanging out with this poor girl.

"Is that true?", she asked facing Eliza. I suddnely felt guilty. Somehow, this girl really treated Eliza like a real friend. Poor her. I feel for her.

"So what if it is?", Eliza said while holding her cheek. Ooh, I slapped her really hard. Justice for me, yay! "Do you really think I would like you? You have a lot of money and I have a lot of boyfriends." she admitted. 

"Why you. . .argh!" And then it happened. The two girls quarelled like crazy naive children. 

I decided to get out. It's their problem not mine.

Speaking of problem, shoot! I am so dead. After years of trying not to get in trouble, that Jesse broke everything! What should I do now? Man, this sucks!

I'm on my way to the parking lot to get my car. 

You don't have a car, stupid! My inner voice again.

Fine. To get my bike. I'm checking my email in my phone when my head hit a hard thing.

"Ow!", I whinnied rubbing my head.

"Watch were you going, d-" I did not finish what I'm going to say as I look up. I'm looking at the face of a matured man having  perfect pouty lips and defined nose. His hair was all over his face but he still looked hot with his race car suit.

He bumped his right fist to his left palm.


"It's payback time, Roosevelt.



Short chapters. Feel free to judge :) 

I sucked at first meetings. But glad to finish it. Cliffhanger. hehe

with love,


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