Sensation (h.s)

By harrysgirl1212

246K 7.8K 5.9K

Harry and Kate are completely different people. Harry is 29, a professor at the University of Chicago, a bit... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three

Chapter Eleven

7K 176 84
By harrysgirl1212

K A T E ' S P O V

I feel almost weightless as I flutter my eyes open to greet the morning light. My brain can't recall the last time I slept so soundly, and I have a feeling I know exactly why.

Accompanied by the peaceful sounds of late morning are a pair of strong arms holding my waist. Half of me expected him to have ran for the hills before morning light even shed across the city. The last thing that I expected was to wake up in his arms.

I stay silent and try not to move around too much in order not to wake him up. I stare out the window and hold him close to me with my arms linked around his neck and my fingers sifting through his soft hair.

It feels like hours that I lay awake, staring between him and the city. The small imperfections of his face such as little bits of acne on his forehead and uneven stubble on his chin and upper lip seem to grab my attention for a good amount of time. My hand moves from his hair to skim my thumb over his plump lips. I'm surprised he's still asleep through me touching every inch of his face trying to come to terms with how I managed to get such a beautiful man in my bed.

When he finally does wake up, it's pushing eleven in the morning. He stirs in his spot for a minute, groaning tiredly and stretching his limbs while attempting to bring himself back from his deep sleep.

"Morning." He greets in a low and husky voice. He lets out a soft yawn and I continue to admire him, silently grinning at the sight of his doughy eyes and pouted lips.

"Good morning." I eventually whisper back. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept very well. I could probably sleep for the rest of the day, honestly." He nuzzles his face into my neck and I laugh softly while holding him close.

"Can you just lay there and keep me warm for, like, a few days? You're so warm." He sounds like a little boy as he talks, warming my heart completely.

"You just want to cuddle and sleep until classes start again? I think that sounds better than any cheesy family Thanksgiving dinner."

"Hell yeah. Who needs turkey dinner when I've got good pussy and a drinking buddy to hang out with." He nudges my arm with his and we both laugh quietly.

"Is that all I am to you? Good pussy and someone to drown your sorrows with?" I sit up in the bed and finally allow my body to stretch. I feel strangely refreshed after such a heavy evening of talking and screwing around.

"No, of course not." I feel his hand graze my back and jokingly roll my eyes in response. Without another word, I pull the blankets from my body and stand up. I'm still completely bare but find it freeing as I pace across the room towards the bathroom.

Once I'm finished relieving my bladder for the morning, I run a comb through my hair and quickly brush my teeth. Deodorant follows my routine of refreshing myself, then I'm back pacing into the main portion of the dorm to find Harry leaned over the side of the bed with his head still on my pillow.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" He asks in a sleepy voice, catching me off guard completely.

"Really? You're not worried about someone seeing us?" I ask in return. The thought of this turning into more than him using me for my body and leaving afterwards excites me. The last thing I expected was for us to go out and get breakfast-- at least to make it making it a true hookup.

"No, I think if we're careful then we shouldn't have to worry about it. I know a diner across town we could go to. Plus, I haven't seen one person on campus all week besides some cafeteria people and janitors. I think pretty much everyone is with their families for the holiday." He speaks in a slow voice while I rummage through my closet for clothes. A pair of soft pink panties are pulled up my legs to allow me some dignity as I find the matching bra in a drawer of the dresser.

"Okay. Breakfast sounds wonderful, then." I giggle a bit at the thought and he stays silent afterwards.

Once I'm dressed in at least panties and a bra, I move towards the vanity across the room to apply some makeup. I'm not trying to look my best, but I'm also not trying to make Harry never want to come over again. Most of yesterday's makeup came off in my sleep and I had to wipe away the streaks left from it on my cheeks when I was in the bathroom earlier.

"I'm thinking that since this holiday break only last for a week that maybe we should properly utilize the time and you should come over to my place tonight." He speaks up as I'm brushing some concealer onto my cheeks. I look back at him through the mirror and nearly drop my makeup bag in surprise.

"Really? You're not sick of me yet?" I ask in return. He's sitting up in the bed with an amused smirk on his lips as he watches me. My brain can't help but be completely entranced by the sight of him naked in my bed, wrapped up in my sheets, smelling of sweat and sex because of me. I must be dreaming.

"Nope, not yet. What do you think? You could meet me there around eight."

"Oh, uh... Okay. That sounds fine." I try to play it cool as I continue finishing up my makeup even though my mind is twirling with happy thoughts.

As I move on from my makeup to straightening the uneven pieces of my hair, Harry takes it upon himself to lay back in the bed. I don't pay much attention to what he's doing until I hear him stifling his laughter over something.

"What are you-" I turn in my stool to face him and my eyes nearly pop out of my head in surprise. Held in his large hand is my tiny blue vibrator that he removed from the shoebox under my bed that contains a few other toys.

"Oh my god, put that away!" I can't help but laugh as I race towards him. My foot kicks the shoebox closed and replaces it back under the bed, but he's still caught up in a fit of laughter while holding the vibrator like some immature teen boy.

"Are you seriously snooping through my stuff?" I reach for his hand to remove the embarrassing item, but he's quicker than I am. He holds it behind his back childishly, leaving me to stand with my arms crossed and my brows furrowed.

"I want snooping. I accidentally touched the box with my hand and simply had to see what was in it." He opens his arms to me as if knowing exactly how the scene will play out as soon as I'm swatting at him once again in attempt to grab the vibrator. I end up toppling over his body with laughter spilling from my lips as I land at his side with my back pressed up against the wall.

"Very graceful." His tone is teasing and his voice is low as he watches me give into him. I feel his hand creep down my hip and my mind swarms as soon as I feel his fingers dipping into my panties.

"I'm hungry for breakfast. Can't we mess around afterwards?" I groan, amused by the fact that I'm turning down him touching me for my craving of pancakes.

"I just want a little sneak peek of what's to come later. We're bringing this over to my place, by the way." He pulls my panties to the side and my eyes nearly roll back into my head when he presses the vibrator against my sensitive bundle of nerves. My legs shake the slightest bit and my back arches immediately.

"If we take it over there then I won't have anything to use next time I'm in bed and thinking of you." I taunt back, managing to speak despite the pleasure coursing through my body.

"I saw some other toys in that box. Don't play innocent with me."

"I'm not playing innocent. This one is just my favorite." I lean in towards him and we both groan when I press my lips to his neck.

"It feels almost as good as having you inside of me." I add, still whispering. His fingers tighten on my hip while his other hand moves quicker to move the toy around and bring me even more pleasure. My mind is spinning and my legs are beginning to shake even more, indicating that this won't last long.

"Harry," my head lolls back against the pillow and just as I'm about to be overtaken by euphoria, there's a sudden loss of contact. I'm left breathless as I snap my eyes open to look at him.

"Why'd you stop?" I breathe out, prepared to jump on him to continue the sensation.

"Did you really think I'd let you finish? This was just a teaser of what's to come later tonight. Put this in your purse and finish getting ready-- I'm famished." He pats my backside playfully and I continue to watch with wide eyes as he removes himself from the tangled sheets to stand to his full height. His long legs carry him across the room to find his clothes that are in a sloppy pile beside my dresser.

I find it almost humorous to be so worked up while he's so calmly dressing himself in yesterday's clothes. This man certainly knows exactly what to do to leave me speechless, wether it's from touching me intimately or just casually dressing himself. How am I already so entranced by someone I barely know? It's obvious something bad will come from something this good.

On our way to breakfast, Harry and I sit side by side on the city bus to some area that he claims he knows well. I trust that wherever he's taking us he knows we won't be seen by anyone else-- especially since he'd be the one in trouble if we got caught.

"Do you want to, like, eat dinner at my place tonight? Or is that a bit much?" He asks randomly at some point. We're sharing a pair of headphones and listening to music on my phone without bothering to talk much- until now. One of my legs is tucked up to my chest and sunglasses cover my tired eyes and dark circles from lack of sleep over the past few weeks.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Are you going to cook for me?" I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles, shrugging his shoulders in response.

"If you want me to." He seems to blush a bit at our mindless flirting consisting of nudging each other, accompanied by teasing grins.

"I know it probably doesn't make much sense for me to invite you over for dinner after I told you we couldn't cuddle last night because of the no strings attached thing. I'll learn my way around this eventually, though. Just be patient with me for now." He seems genuinely concerned that I'm confused by his actions, but little does he know, I'm feeling the same amount of mental confusion.

"Take all the time you need. I'm struggling a bit with it too. I dated that guy for so many years and I guess I haven't really gotten over the whole being spoiled to having a boyfriend thing. I guess I need to re-learn the difference between being with someone I've been in love with for years versus... You." I crack a smile and he chuckles along with me.

"Are you saying I'm not boyfriend material?" He scoffs back. We both have to quiet our laughter to spare the other people surrounding us on the bus.

"No, you're my sexy professor that can make me come in under five minutes. Let's leave it at that for now." I place my hand on his thigh to deliver a playful squeeze while he continues to grin proudly.

"Alright. I can't really complain about that title." He answers in return. We both share another grin before tuning back into the music in our headphone and the busy city zooming past us.

Breakfast comes and goes all to quickly and it seems like within minutes we go from starving to not even able to button our pants. We decide to walk a ways down the busy streets back towards campus instead of riding the bus. We resort back to listening to music on our shared headphones and find its much more entertaining than trying to carry on a conversation. Both of us have proved to be better in bed than we are at chatting.

We eventually do stop at the bus station and ride for only a few miles back towards campus. I end up leaning against him with my head on his shoulder. I feel silly cuddling against him like some clingy girlfriend, but he doesn't say much about it. Instead, he has his own arm draped over my lap while we both silently pray that anyone who could recognize us won't pop up and ruin the peaceful moment.

"Your stop is coming up, Kate." He eventually speaks up. I've had my eyes closed for most of the ride and find myself painfully unappeased to getting up and walking into the cold outdoors.

"Let's just stay on until we end up somewhere weird. Then we can get on another bus and do it again." I sit up with a deep inhale and rub my eyes tiredly. Harry chuckles and rubs my leg while I continue to attempt to wake my mind up.

"Apparently you need to go home and get some rest. I don't want you falling asleep tonight before I've even got you in my bed." He pats my knee jokingly and I roll my eyes in return.

"I thought I was your dinner date tonight too. Not just there to make you come." I pout playfully in return. He continues to laugh in amusement while I gather my purse and pull my headphones away from his ear to slip back into my bag.

"I invited you over for both." He surprises me by leaning in to kiss my cheek, making both of us grin.

"Should I bring anything over?" I sling my purse over my shoulder just as the bus stops in front of my block.

"Nope, just bring yourself."

"Okay." I stand from my seat and move to walk past him, but I stop myself. We look at each other for a split second and he gives me a slight nod as if thinking the same thing that I am. With a quick and gentle peck to his lips, I'm walking off the bus and attempting to hide my smile as move into the crowd of people walking in the street. I'll try my hardest not to get too comfortable with this whole thing, but I have a feeling it will be very difficult.

It doesn't seem like any time at all passes before I'm back in his presence. We sit in his warm apartment with me on a barstool sipping a beer while he stands in front of the stove and stirs some pasta sauce. We chat mindlessly about random things every couple of minutes, but mostly stick to humming along with the music and staying in our own little worlds of thoughts.

Surprisingly enough, I enjoy the silence. Things are so simple with Harry and so different from him. Everything was always so chaotic-- from endless parties to always being wrapped up in each other somehow between dates or being in bed, I felt like I never got to rest. Chicago has been like a breath of fresh air compared to my life in Florida, even though I'd go back home in a heartbeat if I could. I miss my family more than anything.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something after this? We don't necessarily have to jump into bed right after dinner if you don't want to." Harry eventually asks once we're sat at the table eating dinner. I feel his fingers graze over my hand resting on the table top and smile at the simple gesture.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Is there anything fun to do around here?"

"What are you thinking would be fun?" He chews his food slowly and dabs the corners of his mouth with his napkin while staring at me. I move my pasta on my plate around with my fork, not sure what to say.

"I don't know. We could go get drunk and make the sex really interesting." I nudge his leg with mine under the table and we both laugh quietly.

"That does sound fun." He takes another bite of his pasta and stares at me inquisitively. As if a lightbulb flicks on in his head, a smirk grows onto his lips and makes my stomach churn.

"There's a hot tub in the common area of the apartment building. Why don't we take some alcohol downstairs and get drunk here instead?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I grin along with him, suddenly excited.

"That sounds perfect. I don't have a bathing suit, though."

"You've got your panties on, don't you? You can wear one of my shirts. I doubt anyone will be down there so you'll be fine just wearing that." He shrugs his shoulders and I find myself smiling happily.

It doesn't take long for us both to finish eating. It seems as though we're both anxious to get on with the rest of the evening and don't talk much until we're in his bedroom trying to pick out hot-tub-appropriate clothing.

"This is going to be completely see-through the second it gets wet." I joke as I slip on one of his white t-shirts on over my body. We spent five minutes standing in front of his closet with me only wearing my panties while I flipped through shirts in the closet.

"Oh no, such a terrible thing. As soon as we start drinking I doubt you'll even be wearing the shirt anymore." He chuckles in response. I move to sit back against his mattress while I removes his own clothing from his body. My eyes wander his slim figure and I shamelessly check him out as soon as he's slipping his boxers down his legs and standing completely nude in front of his closet in search of his own swim clothes.

"What do you have to drink?" I ask with a sigh after a few minutes of silence. He's wearing a pair of black shorts snug around his hips that are much too short on his legs. He looks funny, but cute.

"I have a full bottle of Jack in the cupboard. Think that'll do the job?" He asks in return, smirking as he looks at me.

"I think that will be more than sufficient." A giggle escapes my lips just at the thought of how the evening could potentially play out.

"I love drunk sex." I add mindlessly. Harry laughs from across the room before disappearing into the bathroom. He returns a second later with two fluffy towels in his hands for us to dry off with.

"I like being drunk and I like having sex with you, so I'm sure we can mutually agree on that one." He holds his arm out to me and I continue to smile while taking my place at his side with my hands holding onto his forearm. It's a simple gesture that I find strangely endearing.

"You like having sex with me?" I ask in return. He nods his head as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

"I like having sex with you too. It's the highlight of my rather boring life." I playfully nudge his side with my arm. We walk out the front door of his apartment and start making our way towards the elevator at the end of the hall to take us down to the main floor of the building.

"My life is pretty boring too. Now that my wife is gone I have a hard time finding things to occupy myself. I certainly could be doing worse things than one of my students." He answers in the same teasing tone. We both giggle a bit more before continuing our walk in silence.

When we reach the ground floor, Harry leads us to a room at the back of the hall that's completely vacant. Low blue lights surround be dark room and illuminate the patterns of the water from the jacuzzi and the pool against the cold cement walls. The room is small, but quaint.

"Hop on in. I'll turn on the jets." I feel Harry's hand graze my back to urge me towards the water and I nod, silently agreeing with him. I set my towel down against the cement a few feet away from the water. Harry joins me only a moment later and sets his own things down before holding my hand to keep me balanced while I step into the water. We sit at least a foot apart while we get acquainted with the temperature of the water.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before? This place is great." I comment after a moment. The silence surrounds us, but in a peaceful way.

"It is, huh? I always forget it's here." He reaches behind for the bottle of Jack and expertly screws the top off.

"Did you and your wife ever use the hot tub while you were together?" I ask in return. He takes a long drink of the strong alcohol and screws his eyes shut as he swallows it. I watch in fascination and graciously accept the offer when he holds the bottle out to me. Repeating his actions from a moment ago, I take my own large swig of the strong drink and cringe as it settles heavily in my stomach.

"No, I didn't live here while she was still alive. We had our own house a little ways outside of the city. I moved here when she passed away because I couldn't stand to sleep in our bedroom and see her clothes in the closet and everything. There were too many memories there and it was just too overwhelming." He grabs the bottle back from me, seeming to need it again after sharing the bit of information with me.

"Oh, that makes sense." I tap my fingers against the surface of the water, then look up at him again. My cheeks are already starting to feel warm from the alcohol.

"Can I ask you a question now?" He surprises me by saying. We switch off on the whiskey once again and I nod while tipping my head back to take a drink.

"Do you feel safe knowing that your ex-boyfriend is looking for you?"

The words topple over me like a ton of bricks. I feel as though I can't think straight just from a simple question.

"Um..." I consider how to answer him-- not knowing necessarily if I want to be truthful or spare him the gory details.

"I guess I do. I'm here in Chicago because this is a big city and I'm pretty sure the last place that he would look for me is Illinois. I can't really predict the future though so I try not to think about it too much so that I don't stress myself out." I shrug my shoulders and wait as he looks over my face, clearly trying to read more into it than is necessary.

"You don't have to be worried about being, like, unsafe around me or anything. No one really even knows his intentions if he finds me. He's probably mad because he thinks I almost killed him, but I don't think he's a violent person." I take another large swig of the whiskey, inviting the burn in my throat with open arms this time.

"Can we do something else besides talk about this? It's going to kill my buzz." I set the heavy bottle down and grin mischievously as I move in the warm water to climb over his lap. It's more difficult than usual to straddle him with the pull of the jets against my balance, but I manage to hold onto his shoulders and keep myself in place.

"What do you think you'd like to do?" He chuckles back. A handsome smirk spreads across his lips while my fingers tangle into the silky strands of his hair.

"Maybe something that requires a little less talking..." I duck my head down to kiss his jaw and he immediately relaxes into my touch.

"God, Kate, you're so damn sexy without even trying." He mutters in a low voice as I kiss down his neck.

"Yeah? Does it turn you on?" My hand creeps down my side to take his own hand away from my hip. I slide both of our hands up my chest instead and we both sigh when he large palm cups my breast. His other hand is on the small of my back, slipped under the t-shirt and rubbing soothing circles into the skin. Having his fingers against my skin is one of the best things I've ever felt.

"It turns me on more than you could imagine." He admits back. I laugh softly as I move from kissing his neck to pressing random pecks along his chest until I reach his broad shoulders. My head leans against him as I get comfortable to continue my attack of flirty kissing, but I don't make it far. The second I'm cozy against his body with my head on his shoulder and his arms around my waist, I feel as though I can't move. Harry doesn't say anything and allows me my moment of peace while cuddled up against him.

I expect for it to only last for a moment. My fingers skim across his skin and my face is warm nuzzled in his neck-- leaving me pleasantly surprised when his own arms move to lock around my body. We hug for a long moment and neither of us seem to be anywhere near ready to let go.

Instead of ignoring it completely, we both seen to acknowledge the embrace a few minutes later. He's still holding me like his life depends on it and I'm doing the same as we turn our heads to face each other. Neither of us say anything as we slowly lean in towards each other to press our lips together in a delicate kiss. His lips are soft and taste like whiskey, as well as make my head spin with just a simple movement.

"Don't think too much into this, but..." He paused and leans back a few inches to look at me. The distance doesn't last and our foreheads are pressed together seconds later.

"Doing all of this with you feels oddly natural. I expected to feel like I'm being unfaithful to my wife even though she's not here anymore. It doesn't really seem like that, though." His lips press a delicate kiss to the tip of my nose while my stomach erupts with butterflies.

"So... No regrets yet?" I whisper in return. He shakes his head and chuckles quietly against my ear.

"No regrets... Yet." Our lips press together for a few seconds before pulling away again. My lips tingle as soon as the pressure is gone and I wonder if it's from the alcohol or the adrenaline from him kissing me.

"Are you content like this, or do you want to make some memories that could potentially draw up some regret?" I shift back to my flirting mood and slowly move my body over the top of his again. Our lips are still grazing together every few seconds as I begin to slowly grind against him. I can nearly feel every inch through his thin swim shorts and through me being only clad in some skimpy panties.

"I definitely think hot tub sex would be something to mark off of my list of things to be proud of in the future." He answers jokingly. I bring my hands to my sides and grin as I slowly lift the t-shirt off over my head. The fabric is heavy from being wet, but I'm too excited to care about it dripping water on us.

Before proceeding any further with my actions, I grab the bottle of whiskey again and take another large drink of the bitter alcohol. Harry watches me curiously as I cringe and shake my head as if to rid the flavor from my mouth. He smiles in amusement while watching me and doesn't say anything as he takes the bottle to have a drink along with me.

"How much of this do you think we can finish before we pass out?" He asks with a low laugh. The bottle is lifted to my lips by him and we maintain eye contact as I take a drink.

"Is that a challenge, Professor?" I taunt back. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and nods slowly while continuing to observe my lips wrapped around the bottle as I drink more. I want to feel as lightweight as I did this morning when I woke up in someone's arms for the first time in a long time. The craving I have for that sort of comfort is unreal.

"It most certainly is." He answers in the same sort of tone. We both lean in for another kiss against each other's lips while he blindly sets the bottle down, completely contradicting our conversation from a moment ago.

It only takes us another moment to start grinding against each other again. His hips work flawlessly against my own and leave me breathless just from a few simple movements.

I kiss down his neck as his hands begin to roam my nearly naked body. He starts off by groping my chest and moves on to instead rubbing my bundle of nerves between my legs. His length is stiffening noticeably in his shorts and I wonder momentarily if it somehow got even bigger since the last time I saw him bare. Last night all feels like a blur compared to all of the new memories he's given me just today.

We somehow manage to not have one of us topple completely into the water while attempting to situate ourselves. His shorts are pulled down to his thighs and my skimpy excuse for panties are merely pulled to the side. Our bodies rut together in a delicious way that has my stomach churning repeatedly.

"We don't have a condom." He states eventually, breaking the silent barrier built up between our grunts and moans that suffice as words.

"Seriously? I am not getting out to get one." I mutter back. We both seem suddenly much less enthusiastic.

"I guess we'll just have to call it off and resort back to talking..."

"How good are you at pulling out?" I don't even bother considering his teasing offer before asking the blunt question.

"I'd say I'm not too bad. It might be kind of difficult though based off of how fucking tight you are." He answers in an even more forward tone. His fingers dig into my hips and I nearly groan just at the way he describes how I feel.

"I'm not sure I'd be able to talk myself into pulling out as soon as I get the opportunity to really feel you." He adds, now beginning to kiss my neck as he speaks. My fingers tug desperately at the strands of his hair while my free hand moves between us to position him at my entrance.

"It's not really an option, babe. Either you pull out or I'm not going to let it happen. Despite how much I want to completely wreck you right now, it's not worth any future pregnancy scares. Can you please just promise you'll do whatever it takes to get it anywhere besides inside of me?"

"Yes, I promise." His lips attach to my neck again and I allow a loud moan to escape my lips when he bucks his hips up to swiftly enter me.

"Oh my god," I nuzzle my face into his neck and inhale sharply.

"You'll have to be quiet, baby. I don't want anyone interrupting us because you're screaming my name." He laughs breathily against my ear and I feel goosebumps cover my skin just at the sound of him calling me baby.

"Do you think it's something I can just turn off? Maybe if you didn't fuck so good we wouldn't have this problem." I pull his hair, desperate to pick up the pace.

"Sorry. Do you think I can just turn that off?" I feel his arms lock around my waist and my body is lifted easily from his lap. Everything feels lightweight in the water and we never lose contact as he moves our bodies across the hot tub to the other end.

One of his arms is around my waist while the other is on the cement outside of the hot tub to hold himself up. Our lips connect momentarily as he gets good leverage and begins thrusting his hips up to move in and out of me.

"You feel so good. I kind of forgot the difference between condoms and going bare." His voice is low and husky as he speaks lowly, leaving me breathless.

"Don't get used to this. Next time this happens there will be a condom." My fingernails scratch down his back and he sighs lowly, seeming to find a good rhythm even though we're talking.

"Why are you so strict about condoms? Feels so much better like this." His lips attach to my neck once again and I can already feel the marks that are going to be left on my skin.

"Because I'm twenty-one and not ready for that kind of commitment. No strings attached doesn't necessarily entail potential pregnancies or STD's." I feel funny having the conversation while he's inside of me, but we probably couldn't carry on something serious like this any other time either. We never really seem to know what to talk about unless we're about to have sex or finished having sex.

"You're so responsible." He shakes his head playfully and I scoff in return.

"Sorry I'm not almost thirty and ready to start a family." I playfully pinch his nipple and he yelps, leaning against my head as lively laughter escapes his lips.

"Don't use that word. It's evil."

"What? Thirty?" The tips of our noses brush together as we continue to giggle together.

"Shh. My dick will go soft if you say it again."

"Thirty." I whisper the word softly and am cut off almost immediately by him kissing me.

Instead of me continuing to tease him, we both seem to fall in synch with moving against each other. He's holding me around the waist still while somehow managing to keep himself balanced enough to thrust in and out of me. His body is hovering over the top of mine and in a strange way, having him so close is comforting in a way that has me feeling safe.

When he asked me if I felt safe knowing that he is after me, I had to lie to spare him. He doesn't need to know the brutal details of the situation. All he needs to know is that having him in my life for these past few weeks has made me feel safer than I have since everything began. Even if the entire relationship is solely revolving around sex, at least I get to have my emotional craving filled of just having someone in my life to look after me. I've been on my own since this entire catastrophe began and I could never thank Harry for coming into my life when he did-- even if it started out with screaming matches and ended with me in his bed.

I can be shaken up, but I will never be broken. Not even he can ruin this for me.

✺ ✺ ✺
Authors Note: a lil smut to start out your morning right ;)))

I have to go to work so this is a short note but I hope u guys enjoyed the chapter

Have a good weekendddd

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