Daisuke Uchiha (Naruto's Fanf...

By linasyafiqah

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Sasuke Uchiha is happily married to Sakura Haruno. She gave him an elder daughter and a son; Sarada Uchiha an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twelve

2.1K 40 13
By linasyafiqah

Chapter Tweleve

(Hurricane Suite begins)

Daisuke made hand seals and summoned 5 shadow clones of himself and narrowed his eyes at Asuma.

He didn't need to activate his sharingan to see what Asuma planned to do next...

Asuma took out his chakra blades and fused it with wind chakra as he then fought off the original Daisuke and his shadow clones...

"Too slow." Daisuke said in a hushed voice as a 6th clone Daisuke appeared from behind Asuma in a blur and gave him a turning kick.

"He... Didn't even need to make hand seals to summon the 6th clone..." Kurenai whispered loudly...

"Lion combo!" Daisuke shouted as he did the famous move that his dad copied from Lee, the powerful taijutsu user...

Asuma gritted his teeth and used his chakra blades to slash through which he thought was Daisuke's clones before they got to him to do the Lion Combo.

"Asuma! Be careful! Don't hurt the real Daisuke!" Kurenai called out.

He gave a quick nod as he cursed under his breath.

Even if he doesn't want to hurt the boy, it seems that the boy wants to hurt him instead...

From the way that more clones were summoned, it seems that Daisuke is trying to tire him out...

Asuma was tempted to use the ash technique but he kept in mind what happened to Konohamaru when that happened...

He has to use a jutsu that Daisuke knows so as to avoid further trouble...

"Katon! Fire release!" Asuma somersaulted into the air and blew the fire downwards onto the Daisukes that he sees on the ground, making the clones all disappear.

A kunai knife was thrown from a tree and it stabbed Asuma in the arm.

He winced in pain as he landed on the ground with both feet while one hand held his injured arm.

At the same time, the original Daisuke jumped out from the tree and stood in front of him, hands buried in his pockets.

"Daisuke!" Asuma growled out as he pulled out the kunai. "What were you thinking?!?"

Daisuke gave him a bored look.

"What? I didn't do a deadly jutsu with that kunai did I?" he rebutted and Asuma bit back his tongue.

It was true but... The way that Daisuke carried out his attack...

It's like he's becoming cruel and distance from them...

Like how Sasuke was before he went off with Orochimaru...

"So, what'd I get?" he turned to Kurenai who blinked a few times before gripping her pen.

"A+ Daisuke. You carried out your strategy very well such that you can take on and outsmart Asuma sensei.." Kurenai began but Asuma clenched his fist.

"Kurenai! A+ grade is too high for him..." Asuma began but Kurenai snapped her eyes to her husband.

"Daisuke could have taken you out with a jutsu that he has developed instead of a kunai! Thank your lucky stars you are not his enemy and that this is an exam! Keep that in mind Asuma!" Kurenai warned.

Asuma bit back his tongue as he realised what she said was true...

"Hmph..." Daisuke grunted as he turned to walk away but suddenly, someone threw 2 kunais his way.

Daisuke turned around swiftly to catch it with two hands just before the kunais stabbed through both his eyes.


Daisuke's P.O.V.:

I narrowed my eyes as I tried to find my attacker... I know it's not my classmates or senseis as I didn't sense this malicious chakra just now... It has a killing intent...

And it's out for my blood...

More kunais were thrown my way and I used taijutsu to counter all of them until they stopped after about 10 seconds.

I was suddenly thrown off guard when a blurry figure swooped towards me, grabbing my neck and hurling me across the training compound.

My back hit one of the wall of the school buildings and I felt the concrete and cement around me broke from the impact of my body.

I tried to stand up as I coughed up a bit of blood and the figure suddenly grabbed my neck again and held me up, choking me.

I grabbed the person's hand and opened my eyes...

I saw papa staring right back at me... With a pair of Rinnegan...

"Papa..." I asked weakly and he slammed me more into the broken wall behind me while he's still holding my neck.

His Rinnegan pierced into my eyes as my environment started shifting around me...

I tried to inject my chakra into papa so I can dispel the genjutsu but my chakra was somehow blocked...

"I have blocked your chakra..." he sneered and I frantically pawed at his hands.

"Sasuke!!" I somehow heard Asuma and Kurenai sensei yelling at papa but I don't see them in this environment... "What the fuck is wrong with you?!? Let your child go!!"

"Silence, if anyone move, I will kill him!" papa yelled as my eyes brimmed with tears.

"Papa! Let Daisuke go!! What's wrong with you papa?!? Why are you doing this?!?" Sarada's voice cried and I spluttered as I tried to talk.

"W-w-w...why..." I coughed and my papa smirked at me.

"Have you ever wondered why I was the last Uchiha to survive?" he suddenly spoke and I shook my head.

"N-n-n-no..." I said weakly.

"Well let me have the pleasure to fill you in my child. Your uncle, Itachi Uchiha, was my elder brother. He was a genius just like you and the Uchiha clan felt threatened by him so, believing him to be the next Madara Uchiha, they killed him. But he was actually revived by the third Hokage to protect me since I was next to be killed, being another genius of the Uchiha clan.. Thus, your uncle Itachi killed all of the Uchiha members, leaving me to live my life..." papa said with an emotionless face as I struggled against his grip.

"I-I don't-don't get why y-y-you are-are doing t-t-t-th-this!!" I tried to yell but papa heard me anyway.

"You don't get it my child? You are a genius too. We can't have 2 geniuses now can we..." papa mocked and I activated my sharingans to gather more chakra as I then looked into papa's Rinnegan.

"There can only be one genius..." papa growled at me...

I blew out a pile of ash since I memorised that from Konohamaru sensei.

Papa started coughing and loosened his grip on me, which allowed me to kick him off and I clicked my teeth loudly to create a spark, causing an explosion.

I heard papa coughing and I quickly made 2 shadow clones and moved with lightning speed to do Lion Combo.

At the same time as I was moving, I double checked to see whether it's really papa's chakra...

My heart beat faster when I realised...

That's really my papa...


"Chidori!" Sasuke yelled out as he came out from the smoke caused by the explosion and dove straight for the young Uchiha.

"Daisuke!!" Kurenai yelled as Asuma rushed to grab the boy away from Sasuke...

But someone else beat him to it.

3 huge sized chains came out from the ground and created a cage around Daisuke.

"Daisuke! Are you alright!" Karin yelled as she dug herself out from the ground.

The chains were by her, attached to her back... When Daisuke looked at the chains, he can see that they're chakra chains from his sharingans...

"Hey, doesn't that woman look like you Sarada?" Chou Chou commented and Sarada narrowed her eyes at Karin.

Karin saw Sarada when she was glancing back at Sasuke and gave her a knowing look.

"Karin! Why'd you show yourself?!? Do you want papa to kill you too?!?" Daisuke yelled as Karin gave him a grim look.

"We need to get you out of here." Karin said simply as Sasuke laughed.

"Don't even think about escaping. Didn't I say there can only be one genius Daisuke? I wouldn't have minded if you had the sharingan and remained a normal Uchiha. But no! You just had to turn out to be a child genius didn't you?!?" Sasuke growled as Daisuke felt tears flowing down his face.

"Papa..." he whispered.

"Papa stop!!! What the hell is going on?!? Why are you doing this to Daisuke?!?" Sarada cried as she ran towards her brother.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he threw a kunai which landed in the ground right in front of Sarada.

"Stop Sarada. That was on purpose. I will not miss the next time..." Sasuke warned as Kurenai made hand seals but Sasuke saw what she was doing from side glance and snapped his fiery eyes to her red ones.

"I will not hesitate to kill you too. Mark my words. If you send anyone here to go and get back up, I will kill all of you." he said in a hushed voice as Kurenai stopped her hand seals and swallowed her saliva nervously.

Suddenly another figure somersaulted into the scene and landed beside the cage of chains that had Daisuke covered..

"You okay kid?!" Suigetsu asked in an anxious voice and Daisuke looked down...

When he raised his eyes, he was trembling with anger.

And his eyes were a mangekyou sharingan...

"You tried to kill me is it.. Papa..." he whispered...

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