Daisuke Uchiha (Naruto's Fanf...

By linasyafiqah

67.8K 1.1K 325

Sasuke Uchiha is happily married to Sakura Haruno. She gave him an elder daughter and a son; Sarada Uchiha an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Eight

3K 53 22
By linasyafiqah

Chapter Eight

(Hidan's Theme begins)

"Your training is falling behind." Marisu, the leader of the Rinha clan, raised an eyebrow at Daisuke.

The young Uchiha frowned at the leader.

"It's you and your people that can't keep up with the advanced techniques I've broken down for you guys. So it's you guys that's falling behind not me." he protested as he grabbed his water bottle which was provided by Suigetsu.

"Don't be such a cocky brat!" Karin placed a hand on her hip as Daisuke smirked at her.

"Says the girl who is infatuated with my papa." he stuck his tongue out at her and Karin blushed a deep red as she shook her fist at him.

"Why you little..." Suigetsu held her back as he stood in front of the boy.

"Karin, you seriously need to get over Sasuke and control your temper." the white haired ninja scolded her and Karin huffed angrily as she went to sulk in a corner.

Suigetsu sighed and turned to Daisuke.

"So how was your jutsu prelim exam today?" he asked and Daisuke looked away as he answered Suigetsu...

"Written test was fine."

Suigetsu blinked as he waited for another answer. When he got none he neared his face to the boy.

"Okay. How about your practical exam? Did you pass?" he pressed and Daisuke bit his lips.

"I used a cloning jutsu to copy my sensei as instructed and got an A-. I demanded for an A+ and he said he will only give it to me if the clone I made can overpower him. So I kinda used what I've learnt from the face copying technique, only I improvise it by using what I've been teaching the Rinha clan..."

Marisu crossed her arms as she's been listening silently all along and then she spoke.

"You used a jutsu that's not even perfected yet? Are you out of your mind boy?! What if your principal finds out the flaws and realised it's from our clan?!?" Marisu demanded, her light yellow-orange eyes flared as Daisuke looked at both Suigetsu and her and shook his head.

"Don't worry about that. Principal Kakashi will never find out cause the jutsu went well!" he grinned a bit and Marisu raised a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"Oh really? How so?"

Daisuke scratched his head as he explained.

"First I cloned but I must remember to embed my chakra into the clone's mind as I'm looking at the person. Then I used purely chakra to control the clone's sensory so that it will move according to my command mentally. And from there I will have information of the person I cloned and can do whatever jutsu the person knows. It takes around 5 minutes for my clone to so called download all the jutsus from Konohamaru sensei. The more experienced the shinobi, then the clone will take a longer time to transmit the jutsus to me. But fyi, I can't copy bloodline limits or sage mode."

Marisu sighed as she closed her eyes.

"That's the thing. You can copy our jutsu with your sharingan so it's easy to copy the enemies' ninjutsu as well. We Rinha clan can only copy face, chakra and fighting styles but we can't copy ninjutsus. That's why we can only rely on you to break down the hand seals for us..."

Suigetsu thought hard before speaking.

"Well I did propose that Karin can do research and blood tests on Daisuke to mix his genetics with your clan's one. Then she can concoct a special kind of soldier pill for your clan."

Marisu's face lit up as she smacked Suigetsu's back, making the guy coughed in surprised.

"Yes that will be a brilliant idea Hozuki!!!" Marisu laughed heartily as Daisuke shook his head and went back to training the members of the Rinha clan...


"Daisuke, we need to talk." Sasuke said the moment his son reached home.

It was close to 10 p.m. and the young Uchiha finally decided to go home from his training.

"About?" Daisuke asked as he took off his ninja slippers, never looking up at his dad.

"About what you did to Konohamaru sensei, about what you called your sister, and about you coming home late today." Sasuke spoke in a firm voice as he stood up from the couch he sat on.

"Well, I did what you taught me before. You know those cloning techniques, those fireball jutsu..." Daisuke began as Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"You know damn well that ash spark you did wasn't a fireball jutsu! It was a jutsu passed down only in the Sarutobi clan! And that cloning technique... I have a feeling you know it's an advanced one so don't pretend to me that it's a basic cloning jutsu!" Sasuke snapped as Daisuke's eyes hardened.

"Well maybe I improved it a bit! What's wrong papa? You're not proud of me?!" Daisuke raised his voice as Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"I AM proud of you Daisuke! But I want to know how you do it! It seems to me from the way you're hiding that you're practicing these jutsus in the wrong way!"

Daisuke crossed his arms.

"What are you suggesting papa?"

"What I'm asking is, are you practicing and developing new jutsus without consulting me first? Are you doing it with someone else or some other people?" Sasuke asked and Daisuke cocked his head sideways.

"And what if I am?"

"Daisuke! Don't be rude to me! I don't want you developing new jutsus that can be considered forbidden techniques..." Sasuke began as Daisuke raised an eyebrow.

"Why? You developed new forbidden jutsus and ran off with Karin and Suigetsu, leaving mama despite mama confessing her love to you, why tell me not to follow you?"

Sasuke's jaw dropped as his mouth opened and closed like a goldfish.

After a minute of awkward silence, Sasuke clenched his fists.

"How did you know about that?!?" Sasuke growled as he inched nearer to his son. "Did mama tell you that?!?"

Daisuke didn't flinch as he stared hard at his father.


It then dawned on Sasuke.

"Have you been meeting Karin and Suigetsu behind my back?!?"


"Daisuke! Don't lie to me then how on earth..." Sasuke yelled but Sakura and Sarada came running down the stairs, Sarada rubbing her eyes sleepily as Sakura's eyes softened when she saw her son.

"Daisuke! I was so worried about you! You didn't come home for dinner!" Sakura approached her son and held out her hand to him.

It took him awhile but finally Daisuke accepted his mother's hand and held it...

"Daisuke!" Sarada called out as she stood beside Sasuke. "Where did you go? Did you know I went out to look for you? But you weren't at the usual place where I first found you in the forest..." Sarada began but Daisuke buried his hands in his pocket.

"You didn't had to trouble yourself looking for me." he said in a bored voice, causing Sarada to glare at him.

"How dare you Daisuke! We all care for you here! You made mama cry, made me searched like a mad girl around the village for you and even made papa wait up for you!" Sarada raised her voice as Daisuke gripped his mother's hand in his.

"Papa and you didn't had to bother!" Daisuke yelled. "Because you're not my sister!"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes before raising his hand and wanting to give Daisuke a tight slap but Sakura was fast to intervene and held his arm with her sannin superhuman strength.

"Sasuke. NO." Sakura said firmly as Sasuke glared at his wife.

"I will not have any family member of mine speak so rudely to one another!" Sasuke started raising his voice.

"Why not?!? You already cheated on mama! Sarada is not my elder sister! She's Karin's daughter! I know about mama's accident falling off a cliff and she was out for 9 months! When mama had that accident, Karin happened to be pregnant with Sarada so when she nicely gave birth and mama gained consciousness, you happily asked Karin for a break up and wanted custody of Sarada! You then conveniently squeezed Sarada into our lives!! That's why Sarada can't activate her sharingans and that's why Sarada looked so much like Karin!!" Daisuke voiced out in a harsh voice and Sasuke's eyes widened as Sarada gasped.

Sakura never reduced her strength from holding Sasuke's raised arm nor did she remove her eyes from her husband.

"So, Sasuke... That time... When I was out for 9 months because I fell down a cliff and went into a coma, you told me I was all the way pregnant with Sarada and that Tsunade sama was keeping me alive with the life support machine... Was that true?" Sakura asked quietly as Sasuke glared at her.

"Yes! That was true Sakura! I..." Sakura cut him off.

"Did you lie to me so that when I woke up, you presented me with Sarada, claiming I was pregnant throughout my coma of 9 months, when it's actually Karin's baby..." Sakura asked him in a dangerous tone and Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"Sakura! I will never ever cheat on you!!" Sasuke growled.

Sakura finally released her husband's arm and quickly swooped Daisuke up in her arms.

"Sakura?!?" Sasuke demanded.

"I need to be alone with Daisuke..." Sakura whispered as she bit her lips, backing away from Sasuke and Sarada.

"Mama..." Sarada sobbed, staring at her mother through blurry eyes filled with tears.

Sakura's eyes softened but she mentally reminded herself that... Sarada might not be her child after all...

"Sakura! This is absurd Sakura!! Where are you and Daisuke going to stay huh?!?" Sasuke growled as Sakura stared at him with cold eyes.

"I'll go back to my parents for awhile with Daisuke. Don't you dare ask my parents for me or my son..." she warned and Sarada stepped forward.

"Mama! Please!" she begged but Sakura shook her head.

"I'm sorry Sarada... I need to sort things out..." she whispered as Daisuke bit his lips..

It's because of him that his family is breaking apart in just one night...

(Hidan's Theme ends)

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